Central Wa f Council (Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India) F.I,{o.|1(1)/2005-CWC Dated: 08.06.2015 Sub: Notice Inviting Tenders/Quotations for hiring services of Two Security Guards on 12 hours duty basis for seven days a week (Round the Clock) Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited from the registered reputed Security Agencies having at least 3 to 5 years' experience of working in the field, for providing Security Services round the clock to the office of the Central Waqf Council located P-13& P-14. Pushp Vihar" Sector VI. Opposite Familv Court. Saket. New Delhi, for a period of one vear bv deputing two Securitv Guards on 12 hours dutv basis for seven davs a week (round the clock) . Interested agencies are required to submit their clear & detailed proposal alongwith copies of relevant documents like registration certificate, TAN/PAN, Service Tax & experience certificates etc. in a sealed envelope to the Secretary, Central Waqf Council, at Central Waqf Bhawan, P-13 & 14, Pushp Vihar, Sector-6, Opposite Family Court, Saket, Delhi-17, latest by 3.00PM on 20.03.2014. Proposal received after the due date & time shall be summarily rejected. Secretary, CWC has a right to reject anylall proposal(s) without assigning any reason thereof. (Ali Ahmed Khan) Secretary, CWC
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