Candidate Brief Recruitment of a GBSLEP Sector Champion for Food and Drink 1. Summary of opportunity The Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) is seeking to appoint a Sector Champion for the Food and Drink Sector, one of the growth sectors identified within the LEP’s Strategy for Growth. This opportunity comes at an exciting time for Greater Birmingham and GBSLEP. Key indicators such as job creation, economic output, foreign direct investment and business start-ups are showing that the economy here is growing. This is being supported by significant investment in: transport infrastructure (Birmingham Airport, New Street, Metro); key sectors such as advanced manufacturing, life sciences and energy; and office and retail space such as Resorts World, Paradise and Grand Central. The advent of HS2 is already bringing investment to the region through the HS2 College and the HQ, and this will only increase in the years ahead. UK Central, the Enterprise Belt and Birmingham Smithfield present further opportunities to be exploited. GBSLEP is supporting this renaissance through its Strategy for Growth and is demonstrating real success on the ground across its Business, People and Place agendas. It now has the tools in place to make a real difference including a £379m Growth Deal from the Government, a £275m Enterprise Zone(EZ) Investment Plan and influence over the €255.8m European Structural and Investment Fund. There are also significant potential Deals to be had with the future Government. We are looking for a passionate individual to champion the Food and Drink sector who will work alongside the other sector champions to further drive forward the LEP’s ambitious agenda and ensure we build on our sector strengths and opportunities. 2. Role Description The role of the Sector Champion for Food and Drink will be to bring in-depth sector knowledge and networks, leadership skills and business acumen so that opportunities to grow the Food and Drink sector across Greater Birmingham can be maximised. In particular the role of the Sector Champion will be to: a. Support the LEP Board – particularly the Board Director with lead responsibility for Sector Development – to develop and deliver the LEP’s strategy for growing the sector; b. Develop priorities for LEP intervention to grow the sector by identifying key opportunities and what needs to be done to unlock them; c. Use their sector contacts and networks to engage key sector players and stakeholders in LEP activity to grow the sector, including securing inputs and resources to support the agenda and convening and chairing meetings as appropriate; d. Play a leading role to ensure that LEP interventions to grow the sector are delivered, including reporting progress and any issues to the LEP Board as required; e. Support the LEP’s Business Planning process with regards to growing the sector, working with the LEP Executive Officer supporting the Sector Development strand of the LEP’s strategy; and f. Represent the LEP externally in key meetings as required with regards to the sector. 1 Candidate Brief 3. Person Specification GBSLEP Board is seeking an individual who can bring: • In-depth sector knowledge and strong sector networks and contacts; • The personal authority and gravitas required to engage with and advise senior individuals; • Strong leadership and delivery skills; and • Sound business acumen and Business Planning skills. 4. Time commitment The positions are voluntary non-executive posts with a commitment up to the equivalent of 2 days per month. A Sector Champion is sought for an initial period of 12 months. 5. Support for the role The LEP Executive Team is a small team which provides executive support to the LEP Board Directors. This includes an Executive Officer who supports the Sector Development strand of the LEP’s work and the LEP Board Director with lead responsibility for Sector Development. The LEP Executive will support the Sector Champion – particularly as regards: • Engagement with the LEP Board – particularly the Board Director with lead responsibility for Sector Development – and wider structures (particularly the Sub-Boards for Business, People and Place); • Engagement with the LEP’s Business Planning process; and • Engagement with the Growth Deal and European Structural Funding processes. 6. How to apply Applications are invited from suitable candidates in line with the Role Description and Person Specification. Applicants are invited to submit: • A detailed CV (no more than 3 pages) • A covering letter (no more than 2 pages) The closing date for applications is 1st May 2015. Interviews are planned to take place week commencing 25th May 2015. Applications should be submitted electronically to and marked ‘Sector Champion Application’ in the subject line. Alternatively, please post your application to: GBSLEP, Ground Floor, Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2ND. If you would like more information on the role please contact: Katie Trout, LEP Executive Manager, at or on 0121 303 9867. 2
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