www.finnoff.com | info@finnoff.com | 303-404-0119 PC-12 /45 Aircraft For Sale Act now to reserve your paint scheme! Aircraft goes to the paint booth mid- Feb, ‘15 Serial #307 bearing US registra-on mark N307WL is for sale. The aircra= has recently completed the factory LEP phase 1 overhaul. New paint, new 9-‐place interior, new zero -me upgraded engine (PT6A-‐67P), new zero -me 5-‐blade MT composite propeller, new WAAS-‐approved Garmin 650 and 750 touch-‐ screen GPS Nav/Comms with Satellite Weather and XM “infotainment” package installed! Call soon to pick your paint scheme! New Power N307WL has the Finnoff Avia-on Products PT6A-‐67P engine upgrade (1,200SHP con-nuous) w/ dual direct-‐drive 300-‐amp generators and the 5-‐blade MT Natural Composite Propeller. Zero-‐-me, factory new power! Pilatus Factory LEP The aircra= is currently comple-ng the Pilatus Life Extension Program Phase I (SB04-‐009) inspec-on, in which the aircra= is disassembled, all wear items are replaced with new components, cri-cal components receive tes-ng for suitability for return to service, and many other components of the airframe are replaced. The 2-‐part LEP program u-lizes factory engineers and results in a significant increase to the aircra=’s useful life, up to 50,000 hours total -me when LEP1 and LEP2 are completed. Other Upgrades and Refurbishments All de-‐ice boots replaced and brand new, new paint, new 9-‐place interior inc. carpet & headliner, feather inhibit upgrade, and repainted side panels in cabin and cockpit. Best of all, this aircra= is ready to be put to work immediately! LISTED PRICE: $2,595,000 N307WL has new Garmin GPS Nav/Comm Stack, including WAAS-approved GTN 650 and 750 combo, dual remote GTX33ES transponders (ADS-B Out Compliant), GDL 69A Satellite Weather (XM Audio “Infotainment”) and Dual geardriven 300amp generators, better high & hot performance, faster cruise speeds with the new PT6A-67P engine! Call Finnoff AviaGon +1 (303) 404-‐0119 Factory new “Big Engine” and 5-blade prop! 1,200 HP Cont. for improved takeoff, climb and cruise performance! Shorter takeoff roll, faster climbs and quieter ops with 5blade propeller! www.finnoff.com | info@finnoff.com | 303-404-0119
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