Youssef Diouane Postdoctoral Researcher at CERFACS 42 Av. Gaspard Coriolis 31057 Toulouse Cedex 01, France H +33 671 342 676 T +33 561 193 092 B Date of birth: January 25, 1988 Nationality: French-Moroccan Education 2011- 2014 PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Institut National Polythechnique, Toulouse, France. Subject: globally convergent evolution strategies with application to an Earth imaging problem in geophysics (PhD funded by TOTAL E&P – defense date 17 Oct. 2014). Jury Henri Calandra TOTAL E&P USA President of the jury Serge Gratton INP Toulouse France PhD advisor Luis Nunes Vicente Coimbra University Portugal PhD co-advisor Thomas Baeck Leiden University Netherlands Referee Stefano Lucidi Roma University Italy Referee Xavier Vasseur CERFACS France Member of the jury Doctoral thesis nominated for the “Léopold Escande” prize at INP Toulouse. 2010-2011 M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France. Subject: solving a two-dimensional full-waveform inversion using global optimization methods. Passed with distinction. 2008-2011 Engineering degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. Passed with distinction. 2009-2010 Licence - a degree in Fundamental Mathematics, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. 2006-2008 Two-year intensive undergraduate course in preparation for competitive entry into french national engineering schools, Lycée Reda Slaoui, Agadir, Morocco. Option Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Science. 2005-2006 Baccalaureate SM (Science Mathematics), Lycée Hassan II, Dakhla, Morocco. Passed with distinction. Skills & Expertise Skills International collaborations; M.S. thesis co-advisor; small team lead; project- and milestone-oriented team work; publishing research and development results. 1 Expertise Inverse problems; non-linear optimization; global optimization; derivative-free optimization; linear algebra; full-waveform inversion; high-performance computing; supercomputing; cluster computing; parallel and distributed computing; programming in MPI/OpenMP; Fortran; C; MatLab-Simulink; Java; XML; shell; LATEX. Tools Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Emacs, Vi, Eclipse, Netbeans, Git, SVN, Office Suite, Photoshop, Inkscape, Gimp. Experience Professional 10/2014 - to Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CERFACS, Toulouse, France. date Subject: Solution of inverse problems in geophysics using global optimization methods in a massively parallel computing environment. 09/2011 - PhD Research Fellow, CERFACS, Toulouse, France. 09/2014 Subject: globally convergent evolution strategies with application to an Earth imaging problem in geophysics. 04/2014 - Co-advisor of a M.S. thesis with Prof. Dr. Serge Gratton. 09/2014 Subject: simulation and inversion of petrophysical logs in the well border. 03/2013 - Co-advisor of a M.S. thesis with Dr. Henri Calandra. 09/2013 Subject: derivative-free optimization to solve inverse problems in seismic imaging. 03/2011 - M.S. Thesis, CERFACS, Toulouse, France. 09/2011 Subject: solving a two-dimensional full-waveform inversion problem using a global optimization method. 06/2010 - Internship of 13 weeks, CNRS, Paris, France. 09/2011 Subject: coding a web interface for network troubleshooting. Academic (Teaching Assistant) 2011-2014 Matrix Analysis and Optimization, ISAE-ENSICA, Toulouse, France. 2012-2014 Functional Analysis and Measure Theory, ISAE-ENSICA, Toulouse, France. 2011-2014 Matrix Analysis and Optimization, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. Training Supervisor { Solution methods for optimization problems, 9th − 11th May, 2012 (21 hours). { Solution methods for optimization problems, 17th − 19th June, 2013 (10.5 hours). Langues { Arabic - French: bilingual. { English: advanced. { German: basic. Interests & Hobbies I love any sport but I prefer football and swimming. I enjoy photography and chess. I like fishing and hiking even if I do not practice often that activities unfortunately. Extra Supporting foreign students of Toulouse universities and collecting books for disadvantaged students. 2 List of Publications Papers Submitted for Publication A Parallel Evolution Strategy for an Earth Imaging Problem in Geophysics, Y. Diouane, S. Gratton, X. Vasseur, L. N. Vicente and H. Calandra, TR-PA-14-94, CERFACS Toulouse, 2015. submitted to Optimization and Engineering Journal, Articles in Refereed Journals Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies for Constrained Optimization, Y. Diouane, S. Gratton and L. N. Vicente, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2015. Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies, Y. Diouane, S. Gratton and L. N. Vicente, Mathematical Programming Series A, 2014. Conference Talks with Proceedings A Parallel Evolution Strategy for Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion, Y. Diouane, H. Calandra, S. Gratton and X. Vasseur, EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream. Crete, Greece, 2014. Conference Talks Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies for Constrained Optimization, Y. Diouane, Guimaraes Optimization Conference 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2014. Parallel Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies with Application to an Earth Imaging Problem in Geophysics, Y. Diouane, MATHIAS, TOTAL Workshop, Paris, France, 2014. Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies and CMA-ES, Y. Diouane, International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013. Conference Posters Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies and CMA-ES, Y. Diouane, S. Gratton and L. N. Vicente, Recent Advances in Optimization, Toulouse, France, 2013. Theses Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies with Application to an Earth Imaging Problem in Geophysics, Y. Diouane, PhD Thesis, Institut National Polythechnique, Toulouse, France. 2014 Solving a Two-Dimensional Full-Waveform Inversion Problem Using a Global Optimization Method., Y. Diouane, M.S. Thesis, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. 2014 Reviewing “Optimization and Engineering”, an international journal publishing research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization. “Euro-Par”, an international conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing. 3 References Prof. Dr. Serge Gratton Team Leader of the Parallel Algorithms Group at CERFACS and Professor at ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. Email: Phone: (33) 561 193 092 Prof. Dr. Luis Nunes Vicente Professor at University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Email: Phone: (35) 123 979 1171 Dr. Henri Calandra Vice president of Advanced Computing Dept in TOTAL E&P and Expert in Numerical Methods and High Performance Computing, TOTAL E&P, Houston,, TX, USA. Email: Phone: (1) 713 818 3277 Dr. Xavier Vasseur Senior Researcher at CERFACS and Expert in Numerical Methods and High Performance Computing, Toulouse, France. Email: Phone: (33) 561 193 023 Last updated: March 19, 2015 4
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