Document 101109

Our Guild meeting will be held on August 23, 2014 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Blue
Triangle Multicultural Center located at 3005 McGowan (713) 650-3878.
Maria – daughter receiving her PhD
Natashia – made it through a successful sales quarter
Auian - quilt will be showcased at the International Quilt Festival and then go on
tour through August 2015. It is a part of the Ruby Jubilee show
Ida - son approved to receive disability
Alease - daughter returned from Scotland on a trip with her church and is now back in
Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to:
Terry S. - another relative diagnosed with Alzheimer. Continue to pray for her family –
recent loss of family member (July)
Ramona - continue to pray for her family - recent loss of family members (June & July)
Donna Hart – loss of mother (July)
Maggie Henry – loss of mother (June)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: After you have paid for your committee expenses, please remember
to complete the Reimbursement form and attach receipts and bring to Guild meeting so that you
may be reimbursed. If you have questions regarding the form completion, our Treasurer,
Natashia, can assist you at Guild meeting.
Community Service – Do you need a quilt kit? See a member of the committee. Reminder –
please sew labels on quilts before turning them in.
Baby quilts are needed for Wheeler. For Wheeler baby quilt labels contact Jerona:, (713) 896-9010 home and (832) 746-8060 cell.
Library – REMINDER: Library checkout is for 2 months afterwards a fine of .25 per month for
overdue books. Copies are .25 per page. Remember we are on the honor system.
This month snacks will be provided by Jerona, Sharon, Natashia & Thomazine.
November snacks – Margie Walker & Jean Ledet need 2 more ladies to help. Have you signed
up for snacks?
Happy Birthday to: Gwen – 8/21; Beverly – 8/22. If your name was omitted, please contact me
so we can celebrate your birthday too!
From Auian Ward—VP Programs
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: For those of you who have been reading the “Calendar of
Events”, you have noticed that by November we will be prepared to start our setting/and
finishing of our quilt top. The top will have 24 blocks. I’d like to encourage you at this
point to look at the ones you have and decide which ones you’d like to make again—
either using the same color, switching the color placement, or leaving it the same.
You will receive a different pattern of the month through December—making a
total of 12 different patterns to choose from. So,--from the 12—the goal is to have
24 blocks of your choice and fabric way. If you are keeping up with your block
construction—you will easily be able to have your top completed to show in January
I am encouraging you to bring your “Block of the Month” materials to work on during
the meeting. I will be available to help you with questions, suggestions, and get started
on your sashing. Maria has plans to make a king size quilt and Edith is thinking of
making a larger quilt. It is your choice. So, bring yardage for sashing and we can start
making it along with your blocks…REMEMBER—you will make 24 blocks for the
version of the quilt I showed you at the meeting. Block #8 will be posted on the web—
there are 4 more different designs left. Start making duplicates of what you like so far….
Let’s extend Christmas in July. If you forgot to bring your “Show and Share” items in
July - bring them to the August meeting.
Thanks to all of you who donated “Coupons for the Troops”—I will be mailing those
Happy quilting,
Did you take the Machine Applique Chair Quilt Class that was taught by Jerona? If so,
bring your completed project to the August meeting for Show & Share.
Don’t forget about the Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild Quilt Show which will be held on
September 12th (10AM- 6PM) & 13th (10AM-5PM) at the Stafford Centre – 10505 Cash
Road. The following Guild members will have quilts in the show: Auian, Brenda, Jerona
& Theola. I will send out a link to the Coastal Prairie website so that you can print the $1
off coupon. Hope to see you at the show.
23rd – Guild Meeting
o Center raffle quilt ready for viewing- Marion
o Preliminary Report for Center raffle quilt tickets sold/moneyMarion/Terry S.
o BOM /”Show and Share”(see website)- Auian
You missed a real treat!!! Auian gave an excellent presentation for Christmas in July.
She shared so many neat ideas. Here are just a few of the things she shared with us:
o Home Décor – pillowcases, draft stopper, microwave bowl potholder, blue jean
o Quilt patterns galore – watermelon shuffle, twister, 1600 Christmas top, turning
twenty panel, row by row quilt shop hop, pin cushions
o Quilters’ Travel Companion – info on quilt shops across the country
o Other - Amish Country Quilt Gardens-June 7-13, 2015—trip info; For Sale—
Janome Memory Craft 6600 Professional--$800—retail $3,000-Barbara
o …….and much, much more
Special thank yous were given for “ a job well done” to the Charity Day & Retreat
Committees & to the Retreat Angels.
Mid-Year Finance/Treasurer’s report was given by Natashia. If you did not receive
copies of the report, we should have some available at the August meeting.
Welcome to our visitor, Lakita Ross. She came in working so hard as we were setting up
the room, I thought she was a member. Hopefully, she will consider joining us.
Do you have a praise report, accomplishments or other special events in your life etc. that you
would like to share with the Guild? Let me know and I will get it in the newsletter.
During the last few months we have had members to lose loved ones. Let’s continue to lift up
our sisters in prayer. Please notify me regarding your loss and I will get an email out to
members. If for some reason you are not able to get in touch with me, please contact one of our
Vice Presidents – Terry Rollins (c-713-416-7491 or email – or Auian
Ward (c-281-682-9177 or email – You may also contact our Hospitality
Chair, Ida Richardson (c-713-702-9495 or email – and she will make sure that
we are notified.
◊ CONTACT: For additional information please contact: Brenda Kinner-Sandles,
( - (713) 412-1646 - cell and (281) 820-1223 – home.