April 2015 Newsletter - Cape Fear Center For Inquiry

April 2015
2525 Wonder Way
Wilmington, NC 28401
Dates to Remember:
Counting down! Four weeks until
silent auction, and we’ll end the
this is all about out kids, and
Great Artspectations V! We will
evening with the live auction of
providing them with reliable
have a huge crowd of CFCI famiour featured artists’ works. Loaccess to technology and the
lies and friends at
cal artist Cambest art program in the state!
the Coastline Conmeron Batanides
(That’s our feeling..Ms. Ritchie is
vention Center on
with be creating
awesome!) Amazing fact...We
May 2nd. We’re
a painting
already have 40 family sponsors!!
live auctioning
throughout the
For $100 you can become a famwork by our feaevening, which
ily/business sponsor and receive
tured artists:
will be auctioned
2 tickets to the Artists’ & SponMaya Simonson,
to the highest
sors’ reception and to the dinJonathan Summit,
bidder during
ner/drinks and silent/live aucDon Bashore, Kim
tions. Or you can purchase adArtist Don Bashore painting bottles with the live auction.
Ms. LaFleurs class
Beller, Bradley
Our goal is to
vanced tickets for $25 per perCarter, and Megan
son ($30 at the door)
Deitz. These artists have generraise
for the dinner & the
ously given their time and exper$20,000
two auctions. If you
tise in working with our students
($2K for
want to be a family
this year. We will be silent aucour art
sponsor, we need to
tioning the students’ pieces &
hear from you by
works by many local artists. It
and $18K+
April 20th! If you
all begins with an Artists’ and
to purchase
want to be a sponsor/
Sponsors’ Reception @ 6PM,
purchase tickets,
followed by dinner and drinks @
tablets to
contact Sam DePrisco
Artist Bradley Carter creating “paint
7PM. From 7-8:30, everyone will
create tab- skins” to cover journals with Ms. K’s class. sdeprisco@cfci.net or
be looking at the great array of
let stations
Beth Carter
artwork and placing bids in the
in each classroom). Remember:
3/30-4/3: SPRINGBREAK!
4/6: Teacher workday
4/6: Fundraising meeting 3:30
4/9: Tech committee
meeting 3:30
4/10: 4th grade field
trip 8:45
4/10: Rising 5th grade
band info session 10:30
4/13: Finance meeting
4:13: Great Arts meeting 3:30
4/14: L3 meeting 3:30
4/16: Spring photo day!
4/16: Student led conferences
4/16: DC Chaperone
meeting 5:45
4/16: Chili’s Night!(date
changed-originally 4/2)
4/20: Social committee
4/21-4/23: 8th graders
in DC!
4/21: Board of Directors meeting 6:00
April is Autism Awareness
Month and CFCI is helping
to raise awareness in a big
way! For the second year,
CFCI will be taking part in
the NC Autism Society
Coastal Run/Walk for Autism! CFCI is a partnered
sponsor of the event and
our Riptide Runners are
the top team participating! Be sure to come out
on Saturday, April 25th @
Mayfaire Town Center to
help support CFCI and
Autism Awareness!
Go to the NC Autism Society website for more information on the event and to
4/25: Autism Run!
4/27: Green team meeting 3:30
5/2: Great Arts!
Testing Calendar/Call for proctors
CFCI End of Year Testing Days
May 20th-5th grade Science
May 21st– 8th grade Science
May 27th-3-8 grade Reading
May 28th-3-8 grade Math
June 2nd-8th grade Math 1 & 3rd
grade Read to Achieve (retest; if
We need proctors for testing on ALL of
these days! The days we need the most
proctors are May 27/28. We provide
proctor training and breakfast snacks
on each of these days. Proctor training
occurs at 8:15/-8:30 & then proctors
are sent to their testing classrooms.
Proctors are usually in school until
approx. 12/12:30. This time could be
shorter/longer so a little flexibility
with time is a big help. Please pass this
call for proctors along to family and
friends please. Our need for proctors is
great and we have been fortunate in the
past to have grandparents, aunts/
uncles, friends of the family, etc. come
to CFCI to proctor. If you are interested please email Jennifer Paetzold at
jpaetzold@cfci.net . In your email,
please note the grade level(s) that you
have children. This is asked because you
cannot proctor in a grade level in which
you have a child.
Green Team Needs Parent Volunteers!
Spring is Here!! The Green
Team has several projects to
tackle and we need YOU!!
On the afternoon of Friday,
April 10th, at 3:30, and the
morning of Saturday, April 11th,
at 8:00, we will be working on
the following projects:
Call for Safety Patrol
We are in need of more Safety
Patrol students! Our Safety Patrol is an important part of
morning drop–off. If you have a
Middle School student who is
interested in being on the safety
patrol, please contact Jennifer
Paetzold at jpaetzold@cfci.net
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K-3 playground maintenance and mulch
Suzy Boyko perennial garden planting
Front flower bed weeding
and soil prep
What to bring: Gloves, shovels, pitchforks, wheelbarrows
Welcome, Delaney Jean Roy!
It’s A GIrl!
March 12, 2015 @ 11:36AM
8 lbs 02 oz.—21 in.
The Roy family is doing well and really appreciate the
thoughts, prayers, gifts, food, and well wishes!
April 2015
CFCI 8th Graders Featured at UNCW Film Forum!
Our 8th graders used their entire
third quarter this year to fold together both their hydrology and ecology units and produce a documentary
that was featured at the annual Environmental Film Forum on March 21st
at UNCW. In the final editing hours,
the L3 Committee supported the last
big push by giving the super-swag editing team an entire day in the conference room where creativity (and
snack food!) could flow freely. It was
an amazing opportunity and showcased
the incredible talent and depth of our
students. Way to go team!
The Azalea Festival Art Contest Comes to CFCI!
This year, CFCI was chosen
as the location to host The
Azalea Festival’s Middle
School Art Contest! Some
members of The Azalea Festival’s Board were here to
acknowledge the winners and
present them with their
awards-many winners right
here at CFCI!
1st Place: Max
Brinker(8th grade)
*Max will get to be in
the Azalea Festival parade & meet the Governor!
Honorable mentions:
-Brianna Hayes (7th
-Mollie Brinker (5th
grade-Elementary division)
Middle School Celebrates Pi Day
All middle grades math classes were
invited to join us to run/walk 3.14
miles beginning at exactly 9:26 (and
53 seconds). Afterwards, 8th
grader, Max Brinker, recited 200
digits of pi (from memory!) before
we all enjoyed some pie.
Page 3
ired t-shir
ose Pi insp
April 2015
CFCI is MOOsical In the Woods & At Sea!
Mr. Rose & our students have been
hard at work putting together three
different musical performances here
at CFCI:
6th grade’s play, A Pirate's Tale:
The Story of Captain Goodfellow
and the Sugar Island Pirates., was
a lighthearted and entertaining
show about pirates who aren't
very good at being pirates.
Our K-3 students put on a MOOsical performance that will be
hard to forget-as they were all
dressed as farm animals!
7th & 8th graders performed
Into The Woods, Jr, a young performers' version of the beloved
Broadway classic, both at school
and in the community .
Middle School Academies
Kelsey helps Noah tie his tie
during fashion academy
Building academy!
Last week, our middle
schoolers had the opportunity to take part in our
Spring Academies which
included learning more
about building, dance,
downtown Wilmington,
fashion, reading, and
rocketry. Check out
some of the fun
things they did!
In the dance studio!
Rocketry academy had a blast
launching rockets they made!
Exploring downtown Wilmington!
Reading academy students help our
2nd graders with their puppet show
Page 4
The fashion academy had $20 to buy clothing
from goodwill to then make their own and
model it off in a fashion show!
April 2015
Kindergarteners celebrate
Bunny Day!
2nd Grade Puppet Show!
1st Graders at Cape Fear Museum
They drew/graphed bunnies,& wrote bunny stories!
Our 1st graders visited The Cape Fear Museum
to learn about dinosaurs! They did hands on activities and learned a lot about the prehistoric
Our 2nd graders did an amazing job
on their puppet shows! It was a
packed house!
Riptide Runners Volunteer at Quintiles Marathon
Our Riptide Runners volunteered
March 22nd at the
Quintiles Marathon
by handing out
medals at the finish line. They’re
getting pumped for
the Autism Run!
Partnership Updates
We had a very successful book fair! Thanks for all the help and support. We were able Please note: April Chili’s night
to purchase all leftover books for teacher requests at the end of
has changed to April 16th!
the book fair!
We are doing a Box Tops drive as many Box Tops expire in June
and we are trying to get them all in before they expire.
The Partnership has been able to supply additional teacher requests because the Fund
the Wonder success. We have purchased 9 projector mounts and blue tooth adapters,
chair pockets, a new rug, interactive whiteboard pen, aquaponics fish tanks, document
(It was originally April 2nd
camera, timers, and more! Thank you CFCI community!!
We have had teacher luncheons, and snacks! We have been quite busy! None of this
could be done without our wonderful parents!
during spring break)
Come out and be sure to tell
On a very serious note: The Parternship is losing all of its officers. We are looking for your waitress you are with
CFCI :) All proceeds this
a Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. Please please consider stepping in and
filling these spots. If you are interested please email Partnership@cfci.net . Current
month will go towards our 4th
members will work closely with you to make sure you know what to do. Our school regraders Williamslies heavily on the partnership and we really need parents to step up.
burg/Jamestown field trip!
Thanks, Lisa Peck-Treasurer
Page 5
April 2015
CFCI’s Got Talent!
Mr. Rheel and Laura Wadsworth
kicked off the
talent show with a
dance they have
been working on
together for a
few months! Laura
and Mr. Rheel
moved their bodies with the music and it was a huge
hit with the crowd (everyone gave two
thumbs up!) A huge thank you to Mr.
Rheel for including Laura. After their
dance, you could find her bobbing her
head & singing to the rest of the
performances-she loved the music!
All of the 5th grade performers.
Laura & Mr. Rheel get two thumbs
Hunter, Tyler, & Lucas do a comedy scetch
Monroe shows off his yo-yo
Maggie, Mollie, & Abby show off
their gymnastics moves!
Sidney sings, “Love Story”
The croud giving Laura & Mr. Rheel their two thumbs up!
Hannah playing the tin whistle
Nikyla, Liam, Kellon, and Callaghan perform a rap & dance
Our middle school MC’s, Kaleb & Carlos,
were full of jokes!
Phebe & Nikki play the ukulele & sing
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April 2015