RD90 - College Success and Reading Strategies - CRN 42830 - Spring 2015 MTWR 9:00-9:50am in T-217 and Fridays 9:00-9:50am in WH-225 Instructor: Kathy Hake 5 Credits; Grading: A-F or P/NP Voice Mail: 541-917-4598 Passing course is conditional on a score of 80% E-mail: hakek@linnbenton.edu on the reading proficiency test. Office: WH-214 Office Hours: Fridays, 8-8:50am Moodle: http://elearning.linnbenton.edu/ Instructor Website: http://cf.linnbenton.edu/wed/dev/hakek/web.cfm?pgID=4978 Welcome! Together we will explore the strategies and skills needed to make a successful transition into and through college. Strategies include reading and studying textbooks, using critical thinking skills, taking notes, and preparing for and taking tests. Personal success skills include taking personal responsibility and strengthening motivation, self-management, and self-advocacy. This is a chance for you to strengthen your lifelong learning skills. I encourage you to make the most of this opportunity. Required Text and Materials: On Course Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life: Study Skills Plus Edition, 2nd edition, by Skip Downing Vocabulary Skills Book: You will buy a vocabulary book after you complete the placement test. Course Materials Packet: RD90 College Success and Reading Strategies Tools you will need: Three-ring binder (2-inch) Loose leaf notebook paper A pack of index cards, your choice 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 Highlighter (required) / colored pens or pencils (optional) Learning Outcomes: As a result of your work in this class, you will be able to Read and think critically with purpose to achieve learning goals, Take personal responsibility to set priorities, attend class, manage time, and get things done, Apply appropriate learning and test-taking strategies to meet specific requirements of the course, Navigate the college system and access resources important for success, Apply success strategies to your life, other classes, and your community. Learning Activities Include: Reading to support assignments and gain college-level skills Participating in skill-building workshops, in-class activities, small and large group discussions Using word-processing for written assignments Evaluating and debating various student scenarios Monitoring and reflecting on personal success Doing silent, sustained readings Taking notes from texts and lectures Practicing taking tests Assessment Tasks: You will show your learning by doing assignments taking quizzes writing learning journals taking two tests and a final exam taking two vocabulary unit tests submitting a portfolio of your work Course Guidelines for Success: This course has five important rules to support your success. You may choose to copy these and post them where you can review them frequently. 1. Show up! I will attend every scheduled class session in its entirety. 2. Do the work! I will do my very best work and come to class prepared. 3. Participate actively! I will stay mentally alert in class, offering my best comments, questions, and answers where appropriate. 4. Be responsible! I will be responsible for assigned work even when I cannot attend class. 5. Ask questions! I will ask questions if there is something I don’t understand or need clarified. Course Rules: 1. Assignments must be handed in at the beginning of class or when requested by your instructor. Late assignments will not be accepted without a coupon. 2. You may receive partial credit (up to 80%) for late assignments by completing them within one week of the original due date and submitting them with a coupon. Work more than one week past due will not be accepted for credit unless arrangements have been made. 3. You may submit work in class, through e-mail, or at the information counter in the Learning Center. 4. You are responsible for information covered in class even if you are absent. Partner with two other students to share notes and get handouts for one another. Check instructor website for homework. Missed in-class work cannot be made up; however, your two lowest in-class grades will be dropped for those days when you cannot avoid being absent. 5. Weekly workshop assignments will be done in class on Fridays. You will work with your instructor, instructional assistants, and peer mentors. Attendance is required in order to receive credit for workshops. You may miss one workshop and still receive full credit by making up the workshop in the College Skills Zone by Thursday of the following week. The Zone is also available to provide oneon-one study skills support for any of your classes. 6. The Reading Test must be passed with an 80% in order to pass the course. 7. Unless you arrange with me in advance or can verify an emergency or crisis, missed tests and exams will receive a maximum grade of 70%. Tests will not be issued beyond one week after the original test date unless there are mitigating circumstances. Grading Policy: Passing this class is conditional on an 80% score for the reading proficiency test. In addition, your final grade will be determined by combining your scores from the following: Percentage Summary 10% Quizzes/Reflections/In-class Activities 15% Homework 10% End of term Portfolio 15% Workshops 15% Test: On Course 15% Tests: Vocabulary 20% Final (Reading proficiency test must be passed with 80% in order to pass the course.) Explanations QUIZZES/REFLECTIONS/IN CLASS ACTIVITIES – This is a course for students who wish to be a success in college and in life. One of the most important factors of success is consistent preparation and participation. To reward your preparation for class, quizzes/reflections/in class activities on the reading and vocabulary will be given. Your three lowest quiz scores will be dropped. No make-ups. PORTFOLIO – You will explore your thoughts and results as you experiment with strategies from the course. This will help you discover which strategies create a fulfilling, successful learning experience. Your portfolio will reflect your work and development in this class. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS – You will have homework assignments that will allow you to practice and apply success strategies and reading strategies WORKSHOPS – You will attend a weekly Friday workshop session where you will practice the skills you learned during the week. You may make up one missed workshop. TESTS – You will have one test that covers On Course material and two fifty-word vocabulary unit tests. FINAL EXAM – The final will have a take-home section and in-class section. The in-class section will be taken in the classroom on Monday, June 8, from 10-11:50am. If you have a time conflict for the final, you must pre-arrange a time with me to take it. Grading Scale 100%-90%= A 89%-80%=B 79%-70%=C 69%-60%=D 59%-0=F Note: you must pass the Reading Proficiency Test with at least an 80% to pass this class. INC – Incomplete: if a personal crisis/illness occurs very late in the quarter. Student must have completed 75% of course work with passing average. Student must contact instructor. P/NP – Students who choose a pass/no pass (P/NP) option instead of a letter grade will need to notify the registration office by the end of the seventh week. A pass will be awarded for A, B, or C work. W – A student officially withdraws from class by the end of week seven. LBCC Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination LBCC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, use of native language, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state, or local laws. (for further information http://po.linnbenton.edu/BP1015-NondiscriminationandNonharassmentPolicy.pdf) Academic Integrity All students are expected to take tests and do their assignments with honesty. Do not jeopardize your own honesty nor that of other students. First violation: 0 for the assignment or test and a written report to the Dean of Students. Second violation: an F for the course. Cell Phone Policy Cell phones should not be used in class. If you have an emergency that would require you to have your phone on, let me know before class so arrangements can be made. Cell phone use in class will result in loss of participation points. Support Services at LBCC: Center for Accessibility Resources Students who may need accommodations due to documented disabilities, or who have medical information which the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in an emergency, should speak with the instructor during the first week of class. If you believe you may need accommodation services, please contact Center for Accessibility Resources, 917-4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must make your request for accommodations through the Center for Accessibility Resources Online Services web page every term, in order to receive accommodations. Learning Center - Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am – 9:00pm; Fri. 7:30am – 5:00pm The Learning Center provides academic support. College Skills Zone: Monday-Friday, 8am – 4pm Open Computer Lab ELL Support Tutoring Center Math Help Desk/Open Study Space Writing Center Math and Developmental Studies Testing Center Physical Science Help Desk
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