World History/Global Studies II Mrs. Brewer Hartsville High School 2011-2012 Textbook: World History: Patterns of Interaction Weighted Credit: Yearlong college prep level course Course Requirements: 100% completion of all in-class and homework assignments Notebook to keep notes and hand-outs in – I will do notebook checks on test days Students will need a folder to put their bell work in each day. Students are expected to have a positive approach to learning and display a positive attitude daily Materials are to be brought to class everyday It is required that students participate in EACH ACTIVITY…class work, videos, project. This is non-negotiable! Pacing Guide/List of South Carolina State Standards: See attached Grading Procedures Major Grades - Test- 50% Minor Grades – In-class Assignments/Projects/Group Assignments/Announced Quizzes – 30% Daily Grades – Homework/Bellwork/Worksheets/Pop Quizzes – 20% Types of Assessment: A variety of assessment tools are used to monitor student progress 1. Multiple Choice tests 2. Reading and Writing assignments 3. Interpretation of Primary Sources 4. Completion of projects (group and individual) An assessment will be given at the end of each unit (refer to the pacing guide) Classroom Management Guidelines All students must be seated when the bell rings The class will not be dismissed unless all students are seated and quiet No unauthorized food or drink may be brought into class The HHS Tardy, ID, and Dress Code Policies will be strictly enforced All other HHS guidelines and policies will be enforced Other Policies that Impact Student Achievement in the Course: It is the responsibility of the student to schedule all make-up work either before school or after school. It is the responsibility of the student to get missed work from the teacher. Students have 5 days to complete any work they missed while absent. After 5 days the student will receive a 0 if they have not completed the assignment. If a student should fail a test, they will have one chance to retake that test within 5 days of the original test date. They will receive no higher than a 70 on the retake. Teacher Contact: Parents will be contacted through phone calls, emails, and notes home. School Telephone: 843-857-3734 Email: Planning Period: 3rd - 9:57-10:49 Please sign below indicating that both you and your student understand and adhere to these classroom policies. Student Signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________ Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date_______________
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