Prof. Winnie CHENG, Department of English Why are we concerned about university student writing?: Writing in English across the curriculum. ESP in the context of the Internationalisation of Higher Education and Economic Globalisation. The 2nd International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & the 5th International Conference on ESP in Asia. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 27-29 September 2013. Abstract: The talk describes an inter-faculty learning and teaching project at The address the question: Why are we concerned about university student writing? This Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) project was designed to provide PolyU students with ongoing exposure to sequences of writing assignments to enhance their subject learning through effective writing activities. The project has succeeded in establishing strong partnerships with different disciplines across the faculties and schools in the university, and collaborating with many teachers to design content subject-specific scaffolding activities to support them in teaching their students how to do a range of written assignments effectively. These tailored activities are primarily in the areas of reading and writing, plagiarism and ways to avoid it, brainstorming and organising ideas for assessment tasks, and refining the written assignments. The talk describes major pedagogies and teachers’ and students’ views about the success of the activities.
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