Fashion and Interior Strategies - FACS with Ms. Mennen

F.A.C.S. of Life
8th Grade Exploratory
Instructor: Ms. Mennen
Room #: 454
Phone Number: (920) 485-4441 ext. 454
Web Page:
FACS Blog:
Welcome! In this class you will be given the opportunity to learn skills, examine issues, and become familiar with all
topics related to Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), as well as human growth and development. Class will most likely
entail short lectures, discussions, small/large group projects, hands-on activities, quizzes and exams.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
 Child Development
 Healthy Relationships and Family
 Human Growth and Development
 Pregnancy, STIs, Contraceptives, and Abstinence
 Food and Nutrition
 Basic Sewing
 Understanding Differences
Grading will be based on a point system for the following:
 Labs and Projects
 Homework and Class Participation
 Quizzes and Tests
*Put in 100% of the effort, get 100% of the grade you deserve!*
Please utilize my website for all presentations, assignments, review topics, lab/project
guidelines, etc. Almost all assignments and notes given in class can also be accessed from the site if additional copies
are needed.
Materials Needed:
 Notebook
 Folder OR Binder
 Pen/Pencil
Class Expectations:
1. Be respectful
2. Be organized
3. Be energized
4. Be on time
Excused Absences:
If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to check my website and/or see me for your missing
assignments. Students with excused absences will receive 2 days per absent day to complete missed assignments.
Assignments turned in following this procedure will not have the late work policy applied.
Unexcused Absences:
Unexcused absences will result in receiving ZERO points for the day’s activities/participation.
If you are absent on a lab day, you are REQUIRED to make up those points through an alternative assignment. When
returning to class, you must pick up a Lab Makeup sheet and a recipe to make at home. The Lab Makeup sheet will be
filled out by you and your parent(s)/guardian(s). If you are unable to complete a lab at home, there are alternative
assignments we can discuss.
Late Work:
For assignments turned in one day late, there will be a 10% penalty off the total grade. Any assignments turned in after
one day late can be turned in for 75% credit until the end of the quarter’s grading period.
Honor Code:
Any student caught cheating will receive a ZERO for the given assignment/quiz/exam.
FACS of Life! 
I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with you throughout the semester. By signing below, you are stating
you understand the requirements of the course and the expectations of yourselves. Please have your parent/guardian
sign below so they are aware of the requirements/expectations of the course as well.
Note: You do not need to cut this portion off. Once in the gradebook, this syllabus will be returned to you for your reference.
Please read and sign:
I have read and understood the expectations and requirements of FACS of Life – 8th Grade FACS.
Student Name (please print): ___________________________________________ Hr. ___________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________Date: _________
Parents/Guardians: If you have any special skill/experience in relation to the class or would just like to come observe
the class itself, please feel free to call or e-mail me to set up a time. Also, please feel free to contact me if you have any
concerns/suggestions about the class or your child. I look forward to working with you and your child(ren) this