The Cardinal Letter - Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District

The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2015
Volume 18, Issue 4
Greetings Parents, Guardians and Students,
I hope everyone has had the opportunity to get out and to enjoy some of the early spring weather we have
been experiencing!!!! It is always such a good feeling to be able to get outside and feel some sunshine
after a Wisconsin winter!
Unfortunately, the change in weather can also make it more difficult for students to finish the year
strong. I have some interesting data to share with you from first semester at the High School: 8,971 1st
semester grades were given, of those grades, 431 were F grades (95.2% were passing, 4.8% were failing). 208 students out of the 1,350 students currently at the High School had one or more F grades, and
of those 208, 106 had more than one failing grade. For the students who had all passing grades, their
average number of missed hours of school (excused and unexcused) was 35 hours (out of approximately
630 school hours). For students who had at least one F grade, their average number of missed hours of
school (excused and unexcused) was 90 hours (out of the 630). The correlation between class attendance and passing grades is very strong.
We will be focusing on improving our attendance and are asking for your help and support. In a recent
meeting with the student advisory group that I meet with monthly, I asked them to share, from their perspectives, what factors have the biggest positive impact on their school attendance. All of the students
said that having parents who made it clear that they could not miss school unless they were sick was critically important. Working together, I believe we can minimize time that our students miss class. As a result, we should see increased academic success.
On a completely different note, the year has gone by so quickly. It is hard to believe that we have already
begun 4th quarter. Our school is a very busy place, all days of the week, all hours of the day, and no
matter the activity, or the time, there are parents here working, supporting and caring. We can’t thank you
enough for your tireless dedication. As always, if you have suggestions, comments, or concerns, please
feel free to contact me at the High School. Happy Spring...Go Cardinals...Finish Strong!!!
Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Davis with any questions or concerns.
You can reach her at 715-726-2406, extension 1182, or e-mail
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
With the addition of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal mobile app, parents have more accessibility to their child's attendance than ever before. We greatly appreciate your efforts to monitor and communicate with us regarding your child’s attendance. Due to our high call volume at
the High School in the mornings, we are not always able to update your child’s attendance
before the first few class periods of the day. However, if you have left a message regarding
your child’s attendance, and it has not been attended to before 3:00pm, we may not have
been able to clearly hear or understand the message. In the event that your child’s attendance has not been updated by this time, please call us back, stating your child’s name with
the last name spelled out. Any messages that are left before 3:30pm will be updated that same day.
It is very important that you are leaving messages on the appropriate phone line when calling your student in. If your
student needs to leave school, return to school, or is going to be late getting to school for any reason, please select
option #1 from the attendance menu. If your student will be gone all day for any reason, please select option #2 from
the attendance menu. Choosing the correct phone line to leave your message ensures that we (and your student)
receive your message in a timely manner.
Additionally, we would like to remind parents that any absences should be called in within 3 business days of the absence. After the 3 day window has passed, absences will need to be cleared by the grade level principal. The attendance line can be accessed 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday at (715)726-2406, option #2. If you have any
concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please call the Attendance Office directly at (715)726-2406, extension
Chippewa Falls High School recently began offering the Weekend Kids’ Meals program for our
students. This program is offered through Feed My People Food Bank. You can sign up at any
time throughout the school year by completing the permission form attached to this newsletter
and turning it into the Health Services Office at the High School.
 The purpose of the program is to provide food for your child during the weekend when
school breakfasts and lunches are not available.
There are no income guidelines or requirements. Anyone is welcome to participate in this program. The
food is at NO COST to you or your child.
If you choose to enroll your child, he/she will receive a plastic bag each Friday with enough food for breakfast and lunch for him/her for Saturday and Sunday, plus snacks and fresh fruit.
The meals have not been screened for different allergies; therefore, parents are responsible for determining
if this program meets your child’s dietary and health needs.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Julie Mitchell - School Nurse at 715-215-1598 or You must have your completed form submitted to the Health Services office and allow one
week for processing to be eligible for the next delivery. Families are able to sign up or discontinue this program anytime throughout the school year by contacting Julie Mitchell in the Health Services Office at the High
School. Additional copies of this form are available on the High School website.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Attention ALL Parents! We Need You!
Plans for the 2015 All Night Grad Party are well under way! The party is on Friday, June 5, 2015 11:00pm to 5:30am
here at the High School. Parents of all high school grades are needed in order to keep this wonderful party going for
this year’s graduates and the next ones to come! Please join us for the next planning meeting on Monday, April 13th at
7 pm in the High School Library. Leaders are in place for this year to guide you, and MANY volunteers are needed for
the following areas: Security, Games & Bankers in Front Gym or Back Gym, Basket Room, and Food. Parents only
need to commit to the one evening, and those who have helped in the past have found this to be a very fun and rewarding experience. There are also a few areas in need of volunteers that can be worked on prior to graduation day. If
you are unable to attend but still wish to volunteer, contact us at the information below with your volunteer and contact
information. Please consider contributing your time to this 30+ year tradition!
Thank You Cardinal Parents!
Peggy Mattison 715-828-8507
Erica Lyberg 715-456-8112
Second semester ends Friday, June 5, 2015. Finals will take place Wednesday, June 3 for periods 1-3; Thursday,
June 4 for periods 4-6; and Friday, June 5 for periods 7 and early bird/make up. It is important for parents/
guardians and students to be aware of the following information prior to final testing. Your cooperation with our policies is appreciated.
 No passes are issued during finals. This includes “Tardy Passes” and “Passes to Leave the Building” for
 No work release privileges will be honored. Students need to inform their employer that they are not
available for work during finals.
 No study halls during finals. Students may use the library or resource rooms during study halls. Students
need not be in the building during study hall class periods.
 No visiting the Middle School (or grade schools). Please do not visit other schools during finals without
prior approval.
 Lunch will be served on Wednesday (6/3) and Thursday (6/4) only. School lunch will not be served on
Friday (6/5).
On Wednesday, May 20th, 2015, students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 at Chippewa Falls Senior High School will be
participating in an adapted version of the Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Students will participate in
this survey during their 3rd hour class. The survey is about health behaviors. It has been developed so youth can tell
us what they do that may be impacting their health. The information they provide will be used to develop better
health education and programming for students in the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District and community.
The survey will be available to view at the District Board of Education office at 1130 Miles Street from Monday, April
20th through Friday, May 15th during the hours of 7:00am and 4:30pm. If you have any questions or concerns, or
would like to set up a time to view the survey during evening hours, please feel free to contact Jennifer GriggsAndress at 715-726-2588 or More specific information will be sent to parents via e-mail closer to the test date.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Cap, Gown, Tassel & Grad Announcement Orders
Available for Pick-up on Tuesday, May 5th
The representative from Josten’s will be here on Tuesday, May 5 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to
distribute cap/gown/tassel and graduation announcement orders. Their table will be set-up in the
Cray Commons. If you have a balance due, you must bring your payment with you to pick-up
your order. Orders that carry a balance will go back to their Eau Claire office and you must pick
up your order there.
Senior Letter to be Mailed in Early May
In early May, detailed information regarding graduation will be mailed to all senior students, including:
Commencement Ceremony Tickets
 How many tickets do you get? What if you need more tickets than the allotted amount?
 When and where do you sign up for additional tickets?
 When do you get the tickets?
Cap, Gown & Tassel
 Do you have your cap, gown and tassel? If not, what do you do? (CALL JOSTEN’S ASAP: 715-832-0762)
All-Night Graduation Party
 When and where do you buy tickets for the All-Night Graduation Party?
 How much does a ticket cost?
Senior Awards Night
 When is Senior Awards Night?
 How will you know if you are supposed to attend the program?
Commencement Rehearsal
 When, what time, and where is rehearsal?
 Is rehearsal attendance mandatory?
Commencement Ceremony
 What time do you need to arrive?
 Where do you need to line-up?
 What time does the ceremony start?
Handicap Seating • Sign Language Interpreter
 How do you reserve handicap seating?
 Is there a sign language interpreter present at the ceremony?
Graduation Photograph • DVD Purchase
 How do you purchase a graduation photograph?
 How do you purchase a DVD copy of the Commencement Ceremony?
Graduation Ceremony
Friday, June 5, 2015
7:30 p.m.
Attention All Seniors and Their Parents: Please notify Counselor Mrs. Stone in Student Services
when you are informed about receiving a scholarship for next year. It is helpful to bring in a copy
of your actual scholarship award letter. Seniors will be recognized for this at our Senior Awards
Program on May 20, 2015 and in the local newspaper.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Seniors and Parents/Guardians - In years past we received feedback that the length of time of the Senior Awards
presentation was problematic to students and families. Due to this fact, we have changed the format for recognizing
this year’s scholarships, honor cords, departmental, athletic and military student award recipients.
Wednesday, May 20 Senior Awards Night will be the venue to recognize all seniors who are receiving any kind of
scholarship. This will take place at 7pm in the Auditorium.
Thursday, May 28 Senior Recognition Program will recognize all seniors who have earned honor cords, who are
named as class valedictorians, or who are receiving departmental, athletic or military awards. This will be during an all
-school assembly program, and will take place in the morning. Families of seniors will receive notification of the exact
time, closer to the date.
If your student will be receiving one of these awards, you will be mailed an invitation to attend one or both of these programs. If you have any questions, please contact Counselor Debbie Stone in Student Services at 715-726-2406, extension 1172 or email
There are 19 students on our waiting list that would greatly benefit from having a mentor. Mentoring is all about
showing the student you care and you are trustworthy by offering support, encouragement, and friendship! Plus,
mentoring is fun! Mentors and students can spend their time together playing a board
game, building with Legos, putting together a puzzle, doing crafts, or playing sports.
Could you find 30 minutes in your week to have fun with a child who will cherish your time
and friendship?
Call Ashley at 715-726-2400 ext. 2516
Get started before the end of the year!
ATTENTION all incoming high school freshmen and current high school students!
Chippewa Valley Orthopedics &
Sports Medicine is again offering sports
physicals on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at
the Chippewa Falls office or Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at
the Altoona office, each night 5:30pm to 7:30pm. The
cost is $25 with all proceeds going to the Chi-Hi Booster
Club. No appointment necessary, first come - first
served. All students must be accompanied by a parent or
guardian. Please wear shorts and a t-shirt, and bring your
WIAA green physical form.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Please be sure to get a yearbook for your son or daughter so that their high school memories can be with them as
they move into the future.
How do I order? There are 2 ways!
1. Go on to the internet to the following link:
2. Pick up an order form from the main office.
Yearbook distribution will take place on Thursday, May 28th and Friday, May 29th in Gym
C (wrestling room) during the lunch period. Please be sure to bring your student ID or
another form of identification when picking up the yearbook. Yearbooks will also be sold
during this time at a price of $75 on a first come, first serve basis.
If there are any questions please contact:
Scott Sikkink
Yearbook Advisor
715-726-2406 ext. 1327
Prepare for college or build your resume by volunteering
If you have a high school or college student who would like to pursue a career in health care, business or customer
service, volunteering can make a difference. Volunteer opportunities at Mayo Clinic Health System – Chippewa Valley in Bloomer and Chippewa can help students age 14 and older gain skills, confidence, meet college and job application requirements, and build their resume.
Opportunities in Bloomer include:
 Greeter at the therapy desk
 Service ambassador (inpatient)
 Maplewood Nursing Home; activities or visiting with residents
Opportunities in Chippewa Falls include:
 Clinic greeter
 Organizing/stocking patient rooms
Other opportunities may be available depending on the student’s interest, skills and schedule. Individuals may volunteer during the day, evening or weekends, depending on the volunteer role. Volunteers typically serve as little as
twice per month but can serve multiple times per week as desired. Orientation and training in the specific volunteer
role chosen also is provided.
For more information or to request an application, call Karen White at 715-568-6812, e-mail
or visit
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Breakfast and Lunch menus for all schools are posted monthly at
Breakfast is available at all schools. Elementary cost is $0.35, Middle School cost is $0.85 and High School cost is
$1.00. Additional items can be purchased at the Middle School and High School and each item will be charged individually.
Lunch Elementary $2.00, MS and HS $2.25
 Milk is available for purchase at any school for $0.35. If you send a lunch
from home, you may want to consider sending a beverage if you do not want to
incur a milk charge on your account.
 Additional items can be purchased at the MS and HS and each item will be
charged individually. Students on free or reduced price meals will also be charged
for items purchased in addition to the meal.
 HS has a la carte available for purchase. There must be money in the account
to purchase these items.
Payments can be made online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, by clicking Payments from the left
menu. It’s secure, free of charge, shows up on the account immediately (make sure you receive a payment receipt)
and you have more control over who gets the money and how much you want each child to receive. If you do not
have a portal account set up, please contact Peggy at (715)726-2481 or Check or cash payments are accepted at all schools or payments can be mailed or dropped off at the Administration Building; there is a
secure drop off box for after hours. Checks can be made payable to CFAUSD. Specify in the memo section of your
check or include a note with your payment instructing how you would like the payment applied. Be sure to include
student’s name. If not noted, payments will be split equally between all members in the household with an active
meal account.
Viewing lunch balances and meal activity: Parents can view lunch transactions, balances and payment history
through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. When you click on Food Service on the left, all accounts are displayed
with their respective balance. Just below the balance section is the transaction detail. You can toggle between students and view the transactions relating to that student.
Mobile app: You can also make lunch account payments and access account information through the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal. Our District ID is: LXNWQL
All meal account inquiries/questions can be directed to (715)726-2581 or
Is your child interested in technology? New next year, students will have the opportunity to
help repair and troubleshoot student chromebooks by working at the student technology help
desk. Students will also work with teachers on technology integration ideas for the classroom
and create tutorials on how to use common Google tools. This is a year-long credit course
titled Student Technology Integration and Innovation. This class is geared toward juniors and
seniors, but independent, motivated freshmen and sophomores will be considered. If you
have any questions, you can email Ms. Ambelang (, Mrs. Schueller
( or Mrs. Radcliffe (
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
The National Merit Scholarship Program has notified the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School
District and Chippewa Falls Senior High School that Josh Merrell has advanced from being a
National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist to a Finalist. Based on PSAT test scores, 1.5 million
students entered the National Merit Scholarship Competition this past fall, and Josh is one of the
15,000 National Finalists competing for a statewide scholarship of $2,500. This designation
places Josh into an elite level of academic performance when compared to high school scholars
from across the United States. Congratulations Josh!
The Chippewa Falls High School Forensics Team will be sending thirteen students to the State Forensics meet on
Friday, April 17th. Students attending the meet are Emily Allen, Olivia Bliek, Camryn Schaller, Jade Ciulla, Erhard
Zurawka, Shannon Gunderson, Elise Eystad, Abby Fisk, Elli Lucas, Whitney Mottishaw, Allison Prill, Collin Prill, and
McKayla Streit.
The Chippewa Our Science Olympiad team competed at Regionals on Saturday, March 7. We finished 8th place
overall and had many individuals bring home medals!
Allison Prill & Izabel Steinmetz earned a 2nd place medal in Green Generation, 3rd place medal in Cell Biology,
and 4th place medal in Disease Detectives,
Eli Geitz & James Evans earned a 1st place medal in Chemistry Lab
Carter Billen & David Blank earned a 4th place medal in GeoLogic Mapping
Eric Anderlik earned a 3rd place medal in Air
Simon Arneberg, Isaac Hein, and Nadine
Porzondek earned a 2nd place medal in
Code Busters
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
The Chi-Hi Talent Show took place on Friday, March 27, with all proceeds benefiting the Chippewa Falls Family Resource Center. With a packed house, we raised $2,500 for this wonderful cause. There were nineteen incredible acts
in the program with a variety of performances from interpretive dance to juggling to original performances of many
kinds. The many talented performers were Erich Kauffman, Michael Stokes, Paige Brooks, Megan Moucha, Allison
Prill, Collin Prill, Chelsea Vue, Desi Jones, Hannah Sedlacek, Zach Gaede, Joe Krause, Shannon Gunderson, Danielle Burns, Kendall Keegan, Jarrett Litscher, Tyler Bourget, Clayton Biddle, McKayla Streit, Ella Borgenheimer, Emily
Meinen, Christian Buckles, Julia Nunes, Claire Parker, Clara Johnson, Darian Bluedorn, Tian Jackson, Bailey Harder,
Pheng Vang, Isaac Solberg, Andy Stoll, Simon Arneberg. The evening was hosted by the entertaining group of Hadyn
Hebert, Nolan Johnson, Max McCanna and Dawn Paukner.
First Place went to Joe Krause with his original composition “Beyond the Horizon”; Second Place went to a juggling act
entitled “An Arneberg and the Other Two” by the group of Isaac Solberg, Andy Stoll, and Simon Arneberg; and Third
Place went to an original clapping/singing performance to “I’ll Think of You” which included the group of Ella Borgenheimer, Emily Meinen, Kendall Keegan, Christian Buckles, Julia Nunes, Claire Parker, Clara Johnson, and Darian
Clayton Biddle performing
“Georgia on My Mind”
Host Max McCanna with members of the Clapping Group
Juggling Act - Simon Arneberg, Andy
Stoll and Isaac Solberg
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
The French and Spanish departments held their annual language camps for elementary students on Saturday,
March 28. A day full of learning activities was planned for these 53 campers, and it could not have run as successfully without the help of our 52 high school volunteers who were the camp counselors, lesson instructors, and chefs
for the day, 5 World Languages teachers (and two of their family members!), and the Chi Hi custodial staff. A huge
thank you to all of those who volunteered their time on a Saturday to help inspire our young students to learn French
or Spanish, and to the campers for incredible energy and enthusiasm throughout the day.
Spanish Campers and High
School Spanish Volunteers
Campers enjoying lunch at French Camp
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Ryan Dick and Wyatt Hubin qualified to compete at the Ford/AAA State Competition in Milwaukee on May 6th.
It's a huge accomplishment to even qualify for the competition. Here are some stats from this year’s contest: 866
instructors across the nation gave the exam, and 13,753 students took the exam nationwide. Only the top ten
schools in each state qualify, and out of that only the top 2 students from each of the qualifying schools advance on
to the state competition.
Ford/AAA pays for almost everything for the students, which also includes a hat, coat, and shirt. The entire competition including state and nationals gives away a total of $12 million in scholarships and prizes.
French Club donates to small businesses in the Francophone World
Every year, the French Club chooses a charitable cause involving French-speaking people and holds fundraisers for
money or goods/supplies to support this cause. This year, the French Club raised money to donate to small business owners in need of loans through the website As a club, the students voted on who they found deserving of a loan. The club chose two groups and donated money to each of them to help these small business owners to reach their goals! Pictures of the small businesses are below, in addition to a description of what their loan will
help them accomplish.
Dienabou's Group- Sénégal- This
loan helps members to buy coffee,
sugar, rice and oil for resale and for
their restaurant business.
Gnessouma Group- Sikasso, Mali- This loan helps members to buy colorful West-African fabric to make clothing. This clothing will be sold at the market for a profit.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Chippewa Falls Senior High School is proud to announce that one of our Science instructors,
Nick Gagnon, has received a 2015 Herb Kohl Foundation Fellowship Award!
The Kohl Foundation Scholarship and Fellowship program was established by Herb Kohl, U.S.
Senator (Retired) in 1990 and in recognition of the foundation’s 25th anniversary, Herb Kohl has
increased awards to each scholar and fellow to $3000, and $3000 to each fellow’s school. Previously each award recipient received $1000. To date the foundation has awarded $9 million to
Wisconsin educators, students and schools. “Education is the key to the future of Wisconsin and
our nation. I am very proud of the accomplishments of these students and teachers, and look
forward to the great contributions they will make in the future”, Kohl said.
From Ms. Davis, Principal - “I am so proud, honestly thrilled that Nick Gagnon has been named a Kohl Scholar winner!!! Congratulations to Nick, the Science Department, and to all Cardinals!! Nick is a truly outstanding teacher and
an even better person! It is such a good thing when someone who is so deserving is recognized in such a distinguished way.”
From Nick Gagnon - “I’m honored to be selected as a Herb Kohl Fellow! In any profession it’s nice to be recognized.
The truth is, everything that I do with my students, from STEAM to Ballooning, is a team effort. I’m surrounded by
hardworking, dedicated colleagues who I can trust. I have an administration who is supportive. Most importantly, I’m
privileged to work with the best and brightest students in our high school!”
With members of the Chi-Hi Ballooning
Club, on a retrieval earlier this year.
Mr. Gagnon with some of the AP Physics
students, in the classroom.
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Five CFMS and Chi-Hi French & Spanish Teachers presented at the state Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers (WAFLT) conference in Appleton this November. Rachel Arendt, Brianna Hemauer and Katy Wolner (CFMS) along with Michele Nuttelman and Angie Oplinger (Chi-Hi) presented a session called “Maximizing Target Language at Levels 1 & 2 French and Spanish”. It was definitely a team effort, and the room was full of participants wanting to know more about how to engage their students in the language and promote using comprehensible
French and Spanish at the conclusion of the session.
Angie Oplinger, Rachel Arendt, Katy
Wolner, Brianna Hemauer, and
Michele Nuttelman, 2014 WAFLT
presentation team
Virginia Welle holds an elected position on the Executive Committee of Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools.
Recently, at the spring consolidated meetings of the American Psychological Association (APA), the committee was
awarded a Presidential Citation from the President of the APA, Dr. Barry Anton. This is a prestigious honor, usually
reserved for lifelong achievements in psychology. It was a complete surprise, and the committee was thrilled to be recognized.
The award was presented as follows: The APA Committee of Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS)
is recognized for their steadfast commitment to promoting high quality teaching of introductory psychology and for advancing the APA's strategic goal of promoting psychology as a science. Their work is crucial to the association, the
discipline of psychology, and the general public as high school psychology is often students' first exposure to the discipline. TOPSS has raised APA's reputation as the organizational
home for high school psychology teachers. The committee also
brings to the Association's attention the most salient issues in
the teaching of psychology and K-12 education. In 2016,
TOPSS will play an integral role in APA hosting the first ever
national summit on high school psychology. APA recognizes
their unwavering commitment to the teaching of high school
2015 APA TOPSS Committee with 2015 APA President Barry
Anton, PhD. Ms. Welle is pictured 5th from left. On Friday, March
27, 2015, Dr. Anton presented TOPSS with a Presidential citation
recognizing "their steadfast commitment to promoting high quality
teaching of introductory psychology."
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Attitude and Effort Awards for 3rd Quarter 2014/2015
Ryan Ponick
G. Adams
Natalie Abbott
S. Hauser
Kyle Hinke
A. Ambelang
Coleton Weese
D. Hetke
Joseph Brunstad
S. Anderson
Chance Johnson
A. Hill
Cole Kuster
J. Barnard
Mitchell Stelter
K. Hodorowski
Jenna Plechacek
M. Barnes
Nathan Lemay
A. Hoepner
Kourtney Jordan
D. Bembnister
Abbi Davis-Nitz
M. Isaacson
Darius White
R. Bentley
Aaliyah Kilgore
S. Iverson
Justin Renaud
J. Bobb
Taylor Grinnell
N. Jakusz
Faith Young
K. Borman
Brianna Maher
N. Jarosz
McKenna Moran
P. Bowe
Marissa Gibbs
C. Jenke
Jessa Dressel
W. Bowe
Inzina Vang
E. Jensen
Emily Meinen
H. Brandner
Ricki Peterson II
M. LaPoint
Adam Bronstad
R. Buchner
Erich Kauffman
M. Malone
Mya Strader
L. Bushendorf
Noah Mutter-Schulz
S. McIlquham
Shane Schauss
V. Cable
Nastaja DuBois
J. Kinville
Madison Clark
M. Cloutier
Samantha Gardow
K. Kolinski
Jake Buss
A. Coolidge
Max Gibson
T. Kornack
Emily Sommerfeld
J. Couey
Casey Lawler
M. Krause
Couper Fosvik
L. Crocker
Tate Pabst
M. Meadows
Logan Kaduce
B. Davis
Dalton Hinke
J. Mitchell
Hadyn Hebert
K. Drydyk
Nichelle Baier
M. Nuttelman
Trenton Gaffket
J. Etmund
Noah Peterson
B. Olson
Andrew Stoll
J. Faherty
Elias Klein
A. Oplinger
Tyler Anderson
J. Frizzell
Alethea Fasbender
J. Patterson
Tyler Mason
N. Gagnon
Alec Chapman
B. Peck
Paja Lor
J. Geiger
Hunter Kuepfer
P. Peterson
Tiffany Samens
M. Gilbertson
Wyatt Hubin
Tim Pomietlo
Paige Hamm
E. Gilles
Savanna Normand
Tom Pomietlo
Haley Schick
J. Handrick
Haley Kragness
M. Renneke
Camryn Schaller
N. Hanson
Britney Wooley
E. Ripienski
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406
The Cardinal Letter
April/May 2014-2015
Attitude and Effort Awards for 3rd Quarter 2014/2015
Hunter Yudes
J. Rupslauskas
Emma Dunn
C. Thompson
Courtney Michaud
B. Salonen
Elizabeth Buck
M. Thompson
Ashton Ott
S. Schug
Michaela Johnson
A. Turner
Abby Schesel
S. Sikkink
Zac Wallerius
S. Van Amber
Jacob Larscheid
K. Skaar
Elizabeth Gerber
J. VanProosdy
Samuel Petefish
A. Skelton
Abigail Smits
V. Welle
Camryn Billen
R. Skifstad
Isaac Wisti
J. Wysocky
Caleb Bruyette
T. Slowiak
Hunter Custer
J. Yeakey
Tayler Johnson
K. Stanford
Julia White
L. Zondlo
Nate Kuepfer
K. Swanson
Below is the enrollment form for the Weekend Kids’ Meals program, offered through Feed My People Food
Bank. You can sign up at any time throughout the school year by completing the permission form below and turning
it into the Health Services Office at the High School. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact
Julie Mitchell - School Nurse at 715-215-1598 or Additional copies of this form are available
on the Chippewa Falls High School website.
------------PLEASE CUT AND RETURN TO THE HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE----------_________________________________________
Child’s Name and Grade
Your Name
◽ I want my child to receive food each week through Weekend Kids’ Meals. I understand that the food received has
not been screened for allergies, and I am therefore responsible for determining what my child can/cannot eat.
________________________________________________ ______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Chippewa Falls Senior High School  735 Terrill Street  Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729  715-726-2406