APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Dear Stillson Families, Our 3rd trimester started March 16th and we are in the final trimester of school. Our spring weather is fast approaching! This week we are supporting the Irvine Park renovations with donations, a studentsigned animal cutout, and hat day. The animals are circling around our hallway as the week goes by! Whether we are saving pop tabs, donating clothing, or doing a food drive, our students recognize the value in helping out in our community. Everyone is able to contribute in some way for these projects to be successful and it is appreciated! We are all so proud of the students and we appreciate all of the support that you give to them. During the month of April, we have Kindergarten registration and several field trips that different classrooms will be attending. We also will start the state test, the Badger Exam, with 3rd-5th graders at the end of this month. We will start practice tests with our students soon to familiarize them with the new format on the computers. With the various activities and work to accomplish, April will be a very busy month! Yours in Stillson Success, Mrs. Carol Wilczek April 1 LATE START DAY 8:35 AM April 2 All 5th grade field trip to Sunrise Clinic April 3 NO SCHOOL –Holiday April 8 PTO Meeting –6:30 PM Dr. Saron will be attending April 15 -LATE START DAY 8:35 AM -KG Registration Day for 2015-16 school year NO School for current Stillson kindergarteners Special points of interest: April 23 Mrs. Martinson’s class to the Outdoor Classroom at Lake Wissota 2015-16 School Calendar Music Notes from Mrs. Kuehl Friday, May 1 Stillson Talent Show Time TBA (afternoon) - Stillson Gymnasium Performers from Stillson All Stillson students - audience Wednesday, May 13 2nd Grade Field Trip - Chippewa Manor 2nd Grade Sing program songs Friday, May 15 2nd Grade Music/Art Program 8:10-8:45 - Stillson Gymnasium Modified MAPE Schedule in AM 2nd Grade Friday, May 22 4th Grade Music/Art Program 8:10-8:45 - Stillson Gymnasium 4th Grade Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16 The public elementary schools in Chippewa Falls are beginning to register children for kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year. All children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2015, and who will be entering kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year should be registered. Registration will be held at Stillson on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Please call to register for a session time if you have not done so already. REMEMBER: NO SCHOOL FOR CURRENT KINDERGARTENERS Lake Wissota Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt Hop to the Lake Wissota Lions Club 14th Annual Easter Egg Hunt WHO: Children Ages 2-11 WHEN: Saturday April 4, 2015 TIME: 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Lake Wissota Lions Pavilion Next to the LaFayette Town Hall Come meet the Easter bunny, hunt for eggs and win prizes! Counselor’s Corner Hello Stillson families and friends, Hopefully, you’re enjoying some springtime activities! Here are a few updates and reminders: 4th Grade Counselor Planning Conferences: Conferences will be scheduled on a weekly-basis for parents/caregivers and their child during the remainder of the school year. Many thanks to the parents who returned their scheduling form. You can expect to be notified of your conference date/time with a form/ pamphlet and also a phone call or e-mail if helpful. Please contact me if you need to re-schedule your conference @ 715-726-2412 Ext. 5504 or e-mail at gunderjm@chipfalls.org. I make every effort to accommodate requests as this is such an important conference for you and your child. Thank you for your support and presence! Once again, we are expecting 100% participation. Parents/Caregivers of Third Graders: Please send your “Top Secret Love Letter” for your child by Wed., April 15 or before. We will have our “Grand Opening” when every child returns a letter. This is a very special keepsake for your child. On behalf of your wonderful child, thank you! Bus Line Buddies: Our 4th & 5th Grade Bus Line Buddies are doing an awesome job giving blue tickets to students following bus line expectations and encouraging all students to make safe, respectful and responsible choices in their bus line. We are so proud of them! Our April Guidance Class theme focuses on Diversity: Kindergarten & First Grades- Respecting differences, 2nd Grades – Gender Equity, Third Grades – Family, 4th Grades-Gender Equity and Harassment, and Fifth Grades: Cultural Heritage. Welcome to our new mentor Elaine Deeg! We’re glad you’re part of our Stillson family! Happy Spring! Judi Gunderman - Stillson Counselor Remedial Summer School Summer School dates, location, and times for students who have completed grades K-4 are: PARKVIEW ELEMENTARY 501 Jefferson Avenue Monday, June 15-Thursday, July 2 & Monday, July 13-Friday, July 31 Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 11:30 am Summer School students who have completed 5th GRADE will be held at MIDDLE SCHOOL 750 Tropicana Boulevard Monday, June 15 -Thursday, July 2 & Monday, July 13-Friday, July 24 Monday – Friday from 7:50 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Resources of the Month by Shannon Larson Resources of the Month Shannon Larson Family Support and Resource Coordinator Phone: (715) 720-3750 Email larsonsr@chipfalls.org Chippewa County Community Resource Guide The updated resource guide is available online on the Chippewa County Human Services website. Chippewa County developed a list of local resources and compiled them into this resource guide, which is available to the public. Examples of resources include: Early Education & Child Care, Mental Health & Counseling, Parenting Services & Support, and Transportation Services. Information about many other free or low cost programs/services is also available in this resource guide. Please feel free to utilize this guide on your own or call Shannon Larson at any time, and I can provide you with assistance with the resource guide. http://www.co.chippewa.wi.us/home/showdocument?id=2646 Cartridges for Cash We are collecting empty inkjet and toner cartridges to turn in for cash! We have partnered with a company that will pay us for our empty cartridges and issue a check for their value on a monthly basis. Most empty inkjet cartridges are worth $1 to $2.50 each, and some laser cartridges are worth up to $8.00! Our “paycheck” could add up fast, so please help by bringing all the cartridges you use! Here’s how you can help: Don’t put empty cartridges in the trash! Please bring all empty cartridges to the LMC. Bring empty cartridges from home and add to the collection (and our check!) They will also take our recycled and refurbished cartridges to dispose in a safe and environmentally friendly way. OUR 3 BS: BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL AND BE RESPONSIBLE Students are acknowledged for following our Stillson expectations by receiving a blue ticket from any staff member in our building. These tickets are collected in the classroom and turned into the office every Friday for a drawing. The tickets are entered in the drawing. The names are announced on Channel 7 News on Monday morning. Then the students come to the office to pick a prize. This year 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders also have the opportunity to save their tickets and work toward a bigger prize. This new way of collecting blue tickets is an extra incentive for our older students. These are the names that were drawn for March: Kindergarten: Slate B Logan Connor Oliver S Olivia H Gavin S Jacob T Aliyah Caleb Jillian R Zachary Everett Sophia M Aubray W Maddie Aaili Bode C Alyana Mason M Jake W Malia Austin L Izak H Torre T Camdyn H Aidan P Grace First: Renner S Suzy K Ryan W Aron D Alex V Mitchell S Jaxon R Taylor C Caidan W Reese C Rhylee B Aidric G Gracie L Lucien J Ali G Zoey N Brooke S Kaiden B Aidin S Aubree T Ali G Amber Z Kaiden B Ellie C Aria S MaKenna H Mariah J Aidin S MacKenzie K Vanessa Zoey N K We also had students redeem blue ticket prizes off the award menu. Congratulations: Lexi M Mrs. Dorney’s Hannah P Mrs. Pischer’s class Samantha Sophia K P Ben K Devin W Brayden P Isabella B Parker C Sarah C Andy O Ben W Tyler L Isabella H Phoenix S Ayden S Allie D Dean H Aaliyah G Madisyn B Kendall H Connor B Charlie B Noah H Ben K Caylee O Megan L Wynell B Isabella S Jacob W Isabella B Makenna B Carly K Bret C Emma S Ayden S Ezra L Addy S Gavin G Ava M Adisyn G Respect, Responsibility and Safety are Prized Behaviors at Stillson Every day we work together at Stillson to encourage and reward 3B behaviors. 3B behavior includes “being respectful….being responsible….and being safe.” These behaviors highlight life-long values that will help our students wherever they go their efforts in following 3B behaviors are worthwhile. Chippewa Area Mentor Program THERE IS STILL TIME TO BECOME A MENTOR! There are 19 students on our waiting list that would greatly benefit from having a mentor. Mentoring is all about showing the student you care and you are trustworthy by offering support, encouragement, and friendship! Plus, mentoring is fun! Mentors and students can spend their time together playing a board game, building with Legos, putting together a puzzle, doing crafts, or playing sports. Could you find 30 minutes in your week to have fun with a child who will cherish your time and friendship? www.facebook.com/ChippewaMentorProgram Call Ashley at 715-726-2400 ext. 2516 Wisconsin’s Smarter Balanced Assessment The Badger Exam in grades 3-8 is Wisconsin's Smarter Balanced Assessment. It will be administered during the last 8 weeks of the school year. Smarter summative assessments are administered in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8.The summative assessment will consist of two parts: a computer adaptive test, and performance tasks that will be taken on a computer but will not be computer-adaptive. For more information, please go to this website: oea.dpi.wi.gov/assessment/Smarter/resources Follow Stillson on Twitter Stillson Elementary now has a Twitter account. Follow us @ststingers to stay up to date on the most current school news! (http://twitter.com/ststingers) BB4C Registration Register your 4-year-old for BB4C (Chippewa Falls School District’s Pre-K Program) Building Bridges 4 Children (BB4C), the district’s 4-year-old early learning program is accepting registrations for the 2015-16 school year beginning February 1st, 2015. BB4C is open to all children who will be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2015. Please bring your child’s birth certificate with you when you register your child. The district has partnered with the following sites to ensure a quality early-learning program designed for children this age. CESA 11 Head Start 2820 E Park Avenue Chippewa Falls 715-723-1211 MACS–St. Charles Borromeo 429 W Spruce Street Chippewa Falls 715-723-2161 YMCA Early Learning Community 630 Miller Street Chippewa Falls 715-723-5135 Circle of Friends Early Learning Center 1750 Hallie Road Chippewa Falls 715-552-9696 Kids USA Learning Center Inc. 656 Lakeland Drive Chippewa Falls 715-726-1507 Monkey Business Early Rhymes-N-Rainbows 5051 171st Street Educational Chippewa Falls Community 715-723-8000 1300 Lowater Road Chippewa Falls 715-723-7444 123 Look @ Me Early Learning Center 2964 County Rd F Eau Claire 715-874-4779 For additional information or to pick up registration materials, contact a BB4C partner site, download forms from the BB4C website (http://cfsd.chipfalls.k12.wi.us/bb4c/), or contact the BB4C Coordinator: Dana Sommerfeld, BB4C Coordinator 1345 Ridgewood Drive Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 715-726-2414 ext. 3004 bb4c@chipfalls.org Nurse’s Corner Lyme Disease As the weather warms and the snow disappears we’re all headed outdoors to enjoy the weather. So are the ticks! Deer Tick bites can spread Lyme Disease—an infection that causes many symptoms including rash, flu-like symptoms and muscle aches. Ticks frequently live in shady, moist ground cover and also cling to tall grass, brush, shrubs, and low tree branches. Lawns and gardens may harbor ticks, especially at the edges of woods and forests. When you do venture into the great outdoors, follow these tips: Wear a tick repellent Wear light colored clothing (ticks are easier to see) Wear enclosed shoes and boots, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants. Tuck pants into boots or shoes to prevent ticks from crawling up legs. When outside, don't sit on the ground. Check kids for ticks at least once per day—especially the head, armpits, belly button, groin, ears and behind the knees Wash all clothes after leaving tick-infested areas If you find a tick on the body, use tweezers to grasp the tick firmly at its head or mouth, next to the skin. Pull firmly and steadily on the tick until it lets go, then swab the bite site with alcohol. If you notice a bull's-eye rash or other symptoms that can occur in Lyme disease — such as swollen lymph glands near a tick bite, general achiness, headache, or fever — call your doctor right away. Save the DateStillson PTO Meeting Save the Date! The April Meeting of Stillson’s PTO will be Wednesday, April 8th at 6:30pm. At this meeting, Dr. Brad Saron, Superintendent of Schools will join us to give an update on what is happening in the district and answer any questions we may have. We hope you will be able to join us! Wisconsin’s Smarter Balanced Assessment The Badger Exam in grades 3-8 is Wisconsin's Smarter Balanced Assessment. It will be administered during the last 8 weeks of the school year. Smarter summative assessments are administered in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8.The summative assessment will consist of two parts: a computer adaptive test, and performance tasks that will be taken on a computer but will not be computer-adaptive. For more information, please go to this website: oea.dpi.wi.gov/assessment/Smarter/ resources 5th Grade Families-Save the Date In August, the middle school will host two Registration Days. Every middle school student and a parent or guardian will be required to attend a Registration Day to get their picture taken, complete needed paperwork, walk their schedules, and try their lockers. Registration Days will be: Tuesday, August 11th, from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm or Wednesday, August 12th, from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm The first day of school will be WEB Day! WEB Day will take place on Tuesday, September 1st. This is a specially designed day just for incoming 6th graders and their 8th grade mentors. This is a high-energy day that includes an assembly, team-building activities, a building tour, and a schedule run. We are SO EXCITED about our new crew of 6thgraders who will join us next year. We are already planning great activities for the 2015-2016 school year. It will be here before we know it! Annual Notice of Special Education Referral & Evaluation Posting Pictures on Social Media Outlets Our students are given the opportunity to expand their learning outside of the school walls on field trips throughout the school year. We appreciate the support we get from families to act as chaperones so that the events can take place. We also realize there are many exciting things happening at school that are captured by digital cameras and etc. These things are wonderful and contribute to the education your child is receiving. We ask that out of courtesy and respect, and for the safety of our students, that if you choose to post pictures on social media outlets, you do not tag the pictures with names of students other than your own. Thank you for your cooperation and your consideration of others. How to Communicate With the District PARENT REQUEST FOR CLASS ASSIGNMENT FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR We discourage parents from requesting class assignments for their children. We work hard to achieve a balance between the classes at each level. This balance takes into account academic achievements, boy/girl count, and behavior concerns. Any requests make this far more difficult to have balanced classrooms. If a request is made, it must be in writing on the form obtained from the office and with very specific reasons for the request. Educational reasons must be the primary focus of the request. It must be turned in no later than Tuesday, April 15th. There is no guarantee that requests will be honored, balance is the most important. Public Attendance at School Events The Board of Education welcomes the attendance of members of the community at athletic and other public events held by the schools in the District, but the Board also acknowledges its duty to maintain order and preserve the facilities of the District during the conduct of such events. “Upon request to the Building Administrator, submitted 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodations including the provision of informational material in an alternative format as necessary for a disabled person to be able to participate in this activity.” GIRLS on the RUN Nutrition from the Kitchen by Diane Rasmussen From the Lunch Desk Breakfast and Lunch menus for all schools are posted monthly at http://cfsd.chipfalls.k12.wi.us// foodServices.cfm Breakfast is available at all schools. Elementary cost is $0.35, Middle School cost is $0.85 and High School cost is $1.00. Additional items can be purchased at the Middle School and High School and each item will be charged individually. Lunch - Elementary $2.00 MS and HS $2.25 - Milk is available for purchase at any school for $0.35. If you send a lunch from home, you may want to consider sending a beverage if you do not want to incur a milk charge on your account. - Additional items can be purchased at the MS and HS and each item will be charged individually. Students on free or reduced price meals will also be charged for items purchased in addition to the meal. - HS has a la carte available for purchase. There must be money in the account to purchase these items. Payments can be made online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, by clicking Payments from the left menu. It’s secure, free of charge, shows up on the account immediately (make sure you receive a payment receipt) and you have more control over who gets the money and how much you want each child to receive. If you do not have a portal account set up, please contact Peggy at (715) 726-2481 or mckillpa@chipfalls.org. Check or cash payments are accepted at all schools or payments can be mailed or dropped off at the Administration Building; there is a secure drop off box for after hours. Checks can be made payable to CFAUSD. Specify in the memo section of your check or include a note with your payment instructing how you would like the payment applied. Be sure to include student’s name. If not noted, payments will be split equally between all members in the household with an active meal account. Viewing lunch balances and meal activity: Parents can view lunch transactions, balances and payment history through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. When you click on Food Service on the left, all accounts are displayed with their respective balance. Just below the balance section is the transaction detail. You can toggle between students and view the transactions relating to that student. Mobile app: You can also make lunch account payments and access account information through the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal. Our District ID is: LXNWQL All meal account inquiries/questions can be directed to (715)726-2581 or mckillpa@chipfalls.org USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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