Pohakea’s Outstanding Positive Students (P.O.P.S.): 91-750 Fort Weaver Road Ewa Beach, HI 96706 Telephone: 689 -1290 Web: www.pohakea.k12.hi.us Every month our school focuses on a trait to embrace our school’s vision: A Pohakea student will become a caring and contributing member of society empowered to meet the challenges of a changing world. January: Complex Thinker The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving. January !"#$ !"#$%&'#$%()%&*%+,",)-. 1/22: SBA Overview Grades: 3 - 6 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm 1/23: Grade 5 & 6 Stan Tamashiro Complex Basketball Tournament Campbell Gym 2/3: Learning Trip - Grade 6 Challenger Center B6 & B7 2/4: Learning Trip - Grade 6 Challenger Center B10 2/4: Domino’s Fundraiser 2/12: Spring Picture Day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marter Balanced Updates for Students in Grades 3-6 January – February •We encourage you to continue to work with your child on the Smarter Balanced practice test at home. http://www.smarterbalanced.org/practice-test/ • Jan. 23 – Feb. 13, 2015 Smarter Balanced Interim Comprehensive Assessment will be administered to students in grades 3-6. This assessment will provide students with exposure to similar test items and tools found on the actual Smarter Balanced Assessment. •January 29, 2015 Campbell-Kapolei Complex’s Smarter Balanced Informational Meeting Kapolei High School Cafeteria 6:30-7:30 p.m. Parents are invited to learn more about the upcoming state-wide Smarter Balanced Assessment that will be given to all students in grades 3-8 and grade 11. No RSVP necessary. April-May 2015 •Smarter Balanced Assessments will be administered to all Pohakea students in grades 3-6. For more information about Smarter Balanced Assessments, please visit http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org (Click on “Teaching and Learning”!”Testing”) DON’T FORGET!! Domino’s Ewa Beach Fundraiser! When you purchase Domino’s pizza for dinner or lunch on February 4, 2015, Domino’s will give 25% of their sales to our school! All you have to do is hand them our Pohakea flyer when you pick up your pizzas! Flyers & menus will be sent home the week of the “Dough Raiser”. Mark your calendars for our Dough Raiser Fundraisers: February 4, 2015 April 15, 2015 May 20, 2015 Parents & Students grades 3 - 6 Smarter Balanced Assessment Student & Parent Overview Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Learning Center Help Protect Our Water to Keep It Clean As storm water flows over driveways, lawns, and sidewalks, it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants. Storm water can flow into a storm sewer system or directly into a stream, river, or ocean. Anything that enters a storm sewer system is discharged, untreated, into our streams and oceans that we use for swimming, fishing, and providing drinking water. Polluted runoff is the nation’s greatest threat to clean water. Read over the attached fact sheets to learn what you and your family can do to help protect our water and prevent future pollution so we can continue to have clean water. Correction to the 2014-15 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference Letter: !"#$%&'()#*+$,*+#-.(/.0'#-.(!#*1"#+$23-4#+#-1#5$."*.$6#+#$51"#'07#'$43+$*-$ *''&.&3-*7$8$'*)5$*.$."#$#-'$34$9*-0*+)$6&77$-3.$:#$"#7'$*5$3+&;&-*77)$<7*--#'= Keep Clipping BOXTOPS! Goal is to raise $1,000.00 Collection box located in Learning Center
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