CRP EVALUATIONS: Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM); WHEAT, MAIZE; and Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) - Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations Pre-FC13 workshop 28 April 2015, 8:00 – 12:00 Novotel Hotel, Pangrango Room Background IEA is scheduled to complete 10 CRP evaluations, and provide quality assurance advice to five CRPs set to commission their respective evaluations – resulting in evaluations for the entire CRP portfolio by 2016. The evaluations aim to serve multiple purposes: (1) evaluative input for CRP Management to enhance the work of the CRP, (2) input and information for system wide strategic development and the 2nd call for CRP funding; and (3) establishing a comprehensive set of CRP evaluations in preparation for the system-wide evaluation. In 2015, IEA completed four CRP evaluations: Policies Institutions and Markets (PIM), WHEAT, MAIZE, and Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS); set to be discussed during a preFC13 workshop. Rachel Sauvinet-Bedouin, IEA Head, will introduce the discussion by providing an overview of CRP evaluations, including team profiles, scope, and methodology. This will be followed by one-hour discussions on each of the four evaluations, led by the respective team leaders, on the evaluation main findings and recommendations. Time 8 – 8:15 8:15 - 9:00 9 – 10:00 Topic Introduction Presenter Eric Witte, Chair, (Fund Council Evaluation & Impact Assessment Committee - EIAC) CRP evaluations: team Rachel Sauvinet-Bedouin, Head, profiles, scope, and Independent Evaluation Arrangement methodology CRP PIM evaluation Team leader: Chris Gerrard (via Skype) 10 – 11:00 CRP Wheat evaluation Team leader: Wallace Beversdorf (via Skype) CRP Maize evaluation Team leader: Guido Gryseels (via Skype) 11 – 12:00 CRP AAS evaluation Team leaders: Jim Sumberg and Regina Birner (via Skype) Links Report Response Report Report Report BACKGROUND READING Evaluation reports and background materials have been shared with FC members, and are accessible online through the FC13 meeting website:
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