Introduction (I) The table below shows transit’s mode share in the urban US (all trip purposes) and the 10 urban areas where it is most popular (2008 data): Modern Mode Choice Analysis Area Share (%) Urban US Philip A. Viton New York San Francisco Washington DC Chicago Honolulu Boston Seattle Philadelphia Portland April 24, 2015 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 1 / 52 Introduction (II) CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice 11.0 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.8 3.3 2.8 2.7 2.3 April 24, 2015 2 / 52 Introduction (III) Clearly, one major problem facing transit (and transportation planners) is that not many people use it. Can anything be done about this? Is there a way to make transit more attractive to potential users? To answer this question we need to look at what determines people’s choices of transportation modes, for a speci…c trip purpose. This is the mode choice analysis problem. We want to look at the determinants of choice as a function of things that we as planners can potentially change: it’s not helpful to say that people choose their cars because of deep psychological structures, because, if that’s so, it’s not likely that the transport planner can do very much to change it. Philip A. Viton Philip A. Viton 1.6 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 3 / 52 Until relatively recently, mode choice studies were dominated by aggregate approaches: researchers would try to explain the fraction (share) of people in a city who chose a given mode (for example, the share using transit) based on average observed modal characteristics in the city, average disposable personal income, etc. But two developments have changed this: we now have: 1. Extensive surveys of individuals. 2. The computing power needed to analyze this individual data. So nowadays it is usual to focus on modeling and understanding behavior at the individual level. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 4 / 52 The Setting Discrete Choice Consider one individual making a single trip between an origin and a destination for a given purpose (say, work). She has available a variety of modes on which she could make her trip: drive alone, carpool, bus, walk, etc. These are her Choice Set. Though our interest here is in mode choice, the discrete choice setting is applicable in a wide variety of decision-making contexts. Examples: Choice of a principal place (location) to live, or for a vacation home. Choice of a vacation destination. From her list of available modes (her choice set) she must select exactly one to use for her trip. (Technically, this may involve rede…nitions of the modes, in order to have the trip made on a single mode). Choice of a car/major appliance model to purchase. Choice of a university (from among those where you’ve been accepted) to attend. This setting — select exactly one from a list of options — de…nes the discrete choice setting. Appellate judge: vote to a¢ rm or reverse the lower court decision. Discrete choice is contrasted with the more usual setting (called continuous choice) in which individuals can make multiple selections, and in fractional quantities, from the alternatives facing them. Government agency: decide where to build a new freeway, or locate a waste dump or a library branch, from among a list of alternative possibilities. Philip A. Viton Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 5 / 52 Individual Behavior City council member: vote for or against a project/plan. CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 6 / 52 Structure of Utility We study the behavior of a utility-maximizing, price-taking individual i. An individual’s utility depends on: The individual faces J discrete alternatives j = 1, 2, . . . , J. Factors observable to the analyst (eg, prices of alternatives). Conditional utility: if individual i selects alternative j he/she gets utility uij . Factors unobservable to the analyst, but known to the decision-maker (eg, whether the individual’s last experience with a particular alternative was good/bad). Alternative interpretation: uij represents i’s overall summary of the attractiveness of mode j (to him or her) for this trip purpose. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 7 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 8 / 52 The Unobservable Part of Utility Detailed Structure of Utility To do this, we now assume: for individual i, alternative j’s total utility: Consider an individual making repeated choices in a setting where: Has an observable (systematic) component vij . the choice set does not change the observable factors do not change Are we surprised if the individual makes di¤erent choices each time? So (total) utility uij is represented as: Clearly not: the reason is the in‡uence of the unobservables, which may be changing even though we can’t observe them. But conditional on the observables, the individual’s decisions vary for no observable reason: they appear to an observer/analyst to have an element of randomness to them. We would like our models to re‡ect this seeming randomness. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 9 / 52 Implications for the Study of Choice The random variable (η ij ) represents the analyst’s ignorance of some of the factors in‡uencing individual i: it does not imply that the individual behaves randomly (from his/her own perspective). Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 10 / 52 We therefore de…ne: Pij = Pr[individual i chooses alternative j] Next, because of the random component η ij , we note that the total utility uij is also a random variable. This means that we can analyze only the probability that total utility takes on a given value. Hence, we as analysts can study only an individual’s choice probability: the probability that the individual makes a given choice. CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice uij = vij + η ij Choice Probabilities It is the random component in utility that allows the analyst to account for the apparent randomness exhibited by individuals in situations where the observables do not change. Philip A. Viton Has an unobservable (idiosyncratic) component that we represent by a random variable η ij distributed independently of vij . April 24, 2015 11 / 52 By utility maximization, i will select alternative j if it yields the highest utility. So we have, equivalently: Pij = Pr[ alternative j has highest utility, for individual i] Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 12 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The Binary Case (I) Choice Probabilities — The Binary Case (II) It may be easier to see what is going on if we begin with the binary case, where the individual has only two modes, say auto (mode 1) and transit (mode 2). In this case the mode-1 choice probability is: Pi 1 = Pr[individual i chooses alternative 1] Now expand the utilities into their systematic and random components: Pi 1 = Pr[vi 1 + η i 1 vi 2 + η i 2 ] Reverse the direction of the inequality: = Pr[alternative 1 has highest utility, for individual i ] (and of course we know that Pi 2 = 1 Pi 1 = Pr[vi 2 + η i 2 < vi 1 + η i 1 ] Pi 1 ) . and collect the random terms on the left, and the systematic terms on the right: Pi 1 = Pr[η i 2 η i 1 vi 1 vi 2 ] Write Pi 1 in terms of the utilities: Pi 1 = Pr[ui 1 ui 2 ] (where ties in the utilities are assumed to be settled in favor of mode 1). Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 13 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The Binary Case (III) Philip A. Viton ηi 1 vi 1 Pi1 vi 2 ] G(ηi2−ηi1) We recognize this as the cumulative distribution function of the compound random variable η i 2 η i 1 evaluated at the “point” vi 1 vi 2 . Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 14 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The Binary Case (IV) We see that in binary choice, individual i’s choice probability for mode 1 can be written as: Pi 1 = Pr[η i 2 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 vi1-vi2 15 / 52 Philip A. Viton Geometrically, individual i’s mode-1 choice probability Pij is the cumulative distribution function G (η i 2 η i 1 ) of the compound random variable η i 2 η i 1 evaluated at the “point” vi 1 vi 2 . CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 16 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The General Case (I) Choice Probabilities — The General Case (II) The general case is done in the same way, though the expressions are more complicated, since there are now J modes/alternatives. Alternative j is better than alternative k if uij So uik . alternative j is better than alternative 1 AND alternative j is better than alternative 2 AND . . . AND . . . alternative j is better than the last alternative J (this is J = Pr[individual i chooses alternative j] = Pr[alternative j has the highest utility for individual i] = Pr[uij ui 1 & uij ui 2 & . . . & uij uiJ ] Pij Alternative j is best if: (J 1 conditions). 1 conditions). Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 17 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The General Case (III) Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 18 / 52 Choice Probabilities — The General Case (IV) Now expand each utility into its systematic and random components: Pij = Pr[vij + η ij vi 1 + η i 1 , . . . , , vij + η ij viJ + η iJ ] So we have: Reverse the direction of each of the inequalities: Pij = Pr[vi 1 + η i 1 vij + η ij , . . . , viJ + η iJ Pij = Pr[η i 1 vij + η ij ] (J η ij vij vi 1 , . . . , η iJ η ij vij vij vi 1 , . . . , η iJ η ij vij viJ ] We recognize this as saying that the choice probabilities are the joint cumulative distribution function of the J 1 random variables η ik η ij (k 6= j ) evaluated at the “points” vij vik . and collect up terms (random on the left) in each inequality: Pij = Pr[η i 1 η ij viJ ] 1 terms in each expression; decide ties in favor of alternative j). Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 19 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 20 / 52 The Logit Model (I) The Logit Model (II) Any assumption about the joint distribution of the random variables (the η ij ) will in principle give rise to a parametric choice model. For our binary choice case (2 alternatives/modes) the logit model is: Pi 1 = But one model has dominated the literature. Suppose the η ij are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d) random variables with Type-1-Extreme-Value distributions (see Appendix). Then the choice probabilities are given by: Pij = e vij ∑Jk =1 In the numerator we have exp[vi 1 ] for the mode (here, mode 1) whose choice probability we’re focussing on. In the denominator we have the sum of the exp[vim ] for all the modes (here, 2 of them) in the choice set. The general case (J modes) is exactly the same, so we have a sum of J terms in the denominator. e vik The important point here is that once you know the vij is is very easy to calculate the choice probabilities Pij . So we turn now to the vij . known as the Logit model of discrete choice. Philip A. Viton e vi 1 e vi 1 + e vi 2 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 21 / 52 Structure of Systematic Utility Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 22 / 52 Data (I) Suppose alternative j has K observable characteristics (as perceived by individual i): (xij 1 , xij 2 , . . . , xijK ) = xij We want to estimate β from data on a sample of individuals. It is conventional to assume that systematic utility vij is a linear-in-parameters function of the xij : vij = xij 1 β1 + xij 2 β2 + = xij β The simplest assumption is that we have a random sample. For each individual we observe the complete set of characteristics (the xij ) of the alternatives, whether chosen or not. + xijK βK We also observe a choice indicator, de…ned as: So the logit choice probabilities become: Pij = yij = e xij β 1 if individual i chooses alternative j 0 otherwise ∑Jk =1 e xik β in which the only unknown is the weighting vector β. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 23 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 24 / 52 Data (II) Estimation Indiv 1 2 .. . Philip A. Viton Choice y y11 y12 x1 x111 x121 J 1 2 .. . y1J y21 y22 x1J 1 x211 x221 x1J 2 x212 x222 ... ... ... x1JK x21K x22K J .. . y2J .. . x2J 1 .. . x2J 2 .. . ... x2JK .. . Mode 1 2 .. . The model is usually estimated by maximum likelihood: choose β to maximize: Characteristics x2 . . . xK x112 . . . x11K x122 . . . x12K CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice ... April 24, 2015 I y i =1 j =1 where I is the sample size. (Or, to avoid numerical issues: maximize log likelihood, which is equivalent). Properties: in large samples, the MLE of β is consistent (ie converges to true — but unknown — parameter value). asymptotically normal (so we can use standard tests, like t-test). asymptotically e¢ cient (ie has minimum variance among all consistent estimators). Software: any stand-alone statistics package almost certainly includes estimation of the discrete-choice logit model. Examples include SYSTAT, LIMDEP, R, Stata, SAS, SPSS. 25 / 52 Example (I) Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 26 / 52 Example (II) Individuals face a discrete choice between 4-modes: auto-alone ; bus + walk access ; bus + auto access ; carpool. Choice model: model 12 from McFadden + Talvitie (1978), estimated for San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) work trips. Structure of utility: naive model in which decisions are explained by only a few factors: Cost (and the individual’s post-tax wage). In-vehicle time. Excess time: this is the time to access the mode, plus wait time for transit modes. Dummys: these take the value 1 for the mode in question, 0 otherwise. Also known as alternative-speci…c constants. They act like the constants in an ordinary regression equation. Philip A. Viton J L = ∏ ∏ Pij ij CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 27 / 52 Results of estimating the logit model: Indep var. Cost post-tax-wage (c/ In-vehicle time (mins) Excess time (mins) Auto dummy Bus+Auto dummy Carpool dummy Estd. Coe¤ t-stat. 0.0412 0.0201 0.0531 0.892 1.78 2.15 7.63 2.78 7.54 3.38 7.52 8.56 c//min) This model correctly predicted 58.5% of the choices actually made by the sample, which is considered good for these disaggregate models. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 28 / 52 Example — Assumed Data Example — Systematic Utilities (I) We assume that for a certain individual, the modal characteristics are: Cost post-tax wage In vehicle time (mins) Excess time (mins) Auto dummy Bus+Auto dummy Carpool dummy Auto Bus+Walk Bus+Auto Carpool 2.448 20 0 1 0 0 3.06 30 10 0 0 0 3.06 30 5 0 1 0 1.224 20 10 0 0 1 100 125 125 50 Raw costs, fares (c/) Mode 1 (auto-drive-alone). Cost = 100c/ ; post-tax wage = 40.8479c/, so [cost post-tax wage] is 100 40.8479 = 2. 448 . Then: vi 1 = xi 1 β = (2.448 = +(0 +(0 1.39486 ( 0.0412)) + (20 ( 0.0201)) ( 0.0531)) + (1 ( 0.892)) ( 1.78)) + (0 ( 2.15)) (Assume that car-pooling involves 2 people and they split the auto costs). Post-tax income: $50,000 per year = 40.8479 c//min Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 29 / 52 Example — Systematic Utilities (II) Value Estd.Coe¤ Cost wage IVTT Excess time Auto dummy Bus+Auto dummy Carpool dummy 2.448 20 0 1 0 0 0.0412 0.0201 0.0531 0.892 1.78 2.15 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 30 / 52 Example — Predicted Probabilities It may be easier to see what is going on in this calculation if we arrange the data in a di¤erent array, where Product = Value Estd Coe¤ : Characteristic Philip A. Viton Product 0.100 86 0.402 0 0.892 0 0 Sum of products Here are the details for computing the four mode choice probabilities based on the example data, where the …rst row follows the same logic as in the previous slides: Mode: Auto Bus+Walk Bus+Auto Carpool xij β e xij β ∑j e xij β Pij 1.39486 0.24787 0.637 44 0.38885 1.26007 0.283 63 0.637 44 0.44495 2.77457 0.06237 0.637 44 0.09785 3.13343 0.04357 0.637 44 0.06835 1.39486 Calculations for the other modes follow the same logic. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 31 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 32 / 52 Marginal Own-E¤ects Marginal Cross-E¤ects How do the choice probabilities change as we change one of the observable characteristic? The answer depends on whether we change an own-characteristic or a cross-characteristic. For an own-characteristic we ask: how does Pij (i’s choice probability for mode j) change if we change the k-th characteristic xijk of mode j itself? For a cross-characteristic we ask: how does Pij change if we change the k-th characteristic xirk of some other mode r ? Example: how does the probability of choosing COTA change if we change the cost of using the automobile? In this case we have: ∂Pij = ∂xirk For example: how does the probability of choosing COTA change if we change COTA’s fare? Note that in both cases the impact depends on the starting (pre-change) choice probabilities. In this case we have: ∂Pij = βk Pij (1 ∂xijk Philip A. Viton βk Pij Pir Pij ) CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 33 / 52 Example — Marginal E¤ects Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 34 / 52 The Remainder of These Notes The impact on individual i of a 1-unit (here, a 1-cent) increase in the bus+walk-mode’s (mode 2) bus fare (characteristic 1, which is an own-characteristic for this mode) is (remembering that in the speci…cation of utility we divide by the post-tax wage): ∂Pi 2 ∂xi 21 = = = β1 Pi 2 ( 1 Pi 2 ) wi 0.0412 0.46935 (1 40.8479 0.0025 The remainder of these notes discuss several additional topics in mode choice analysis which will not be needed for our discussion. These topics are covered in more detail in CRP 5700. 0.46935) The impact of the same change on the auto (mode 1, now a crpss-e¤ect) probability is: ∂Pi 1 ∂xi 21 = = Philip A. Viton β1 Pi 1 Pi 2 wi 0.0412 0.36354 0.46935 = 0.0017 40.8479 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 35 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 36 / 52 Value of Time (I) Value of Time (II) What does this story tell us? Consider the following story: An individual has bus transit available at a price of $1.75/trip; and her trips take 20 minutes. We conclude that (because her behavior is unchanged) the change ∆C = $2.10 $175 = $0.35 in cost exactly balances the change ∆T = 20 15 = 5 mins in travel time. So for her, a 5 minute reduction in travel time is worth $0.35. Suppose that the transit provider reduces the travel time to 15 mins/trip; but at the same time, raises the fare to $2.10. We say that her (unit) value of time is: And suppose that we see that our individual makes exactly the same number of transit trips in the two situations. wT = ∆C 0.35 = = $0.07 / minute ∆T 5 60 = $4. 20 per hour. ie 7c/ per minute or 0.07 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 37 / 52 Value of Time (III) Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 38 / 52 Value of Time (IV) Let’s translate this story into symbols. The change in utility is: Assume that we can write the systematic utility as: ∆vij vij = βC Cij + βT Tij + βE xijE where: Cij is the cost to i of alternative j Tij is the time taken, if alternative j is chosen by i (or more generally, any observed characteristic of alternative j) xijE is everything else In order for behavior to be unchanged, we must have ∆vij = 0. Now solve for the value of time: we …nd: wT At the original cost Cij0 and time Tij0 , her utility is: Now let cost change by ∆C and travel time by ∆T . Then her new utility is: April 24, 2015 ∆C ∆T βT βC and note that this can be read o¤ directly from the results of our logit model, where we estimate the β coe¢ cients. vij1 = βC (Cij0 + ∆C ) + βT (Tij0 + ∆C ) + βE xijE CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice = = vij0 = βC Cij0 + βT Tij0 + βE xijE Philip A. Viton = vij1 vij0 = βC ∆C + βT ∆T 39 / 52 Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 40 / 52 Value of Time (V) Value of Time — Example (I) In general, for any formulation of the systematic utility function vij (including linear-in-parameters), i’s value of time is given by: Our example empirical speci…cation was: vij = βC wT = ∂vij /∂Cij ∂vij /∂Tij where mi is i’s post-tax wage. This is slightly di¤erent from the model in slide 39. So the …rst thing to do is to re-write it to match slide 39. This represents i’s willingness to trade time savings for cost savings, while keeping utility (ie behavior) constant. We have: vij Values of time represent one easy way to assess the impact on individuals of changes in travel time associated with usage of transit modes. CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 41 / 52 Value of Time — Example (II) This expresses the value of time wT as a proportion of the wage (mi ). For the empirical model, we compute the value of in-vehicle time as: = = = βT mi βC 0.0201 mi 0.0412 0.487 86 mi CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 42 / 52 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice For the logit model, a simple calculation shows: Pij e vij = v Pik e ik We say: the odds of i’s choosing alternative j over alternative k (Pij /Pik ) depends only on the observed characteristics of alternatives j and k (ie only on vij and vik ), and not on the characteristics of any other ‘irrelevant’alternatives. Another interpretation: Pij /Pik is the same, no matter what other alternatives are present in individual i’s choice set. In the mode-choice context it is conventional to ignore the minus sign and say that the value of in-vehicle time is (about) 49% of the post-tax wage. Philip A. Viton Philip A. Viton IIA Property Then, applying our earlier result, we immediately see that the value of time in this model is: βT βT wT = mi 0 = βC βC wT βC Cij + βT Tij + βE xijE mi = βC0 Cij + βT Tij + βE xijE = where βC0 = βC /mi (that is we have a coe¢ cient βC0 multiplying Cij ). In this form, it matches slide 39. Of course, exactly the same idea can be applied to any other characteristic in a utility function. Philip A. Viton Cij + βT Tij + βE xijE mi April 24, 2015 43 / 52 This is the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) property. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 44 / 52 Red Bus / Blue Bus (I) Red Bus / Blue Bus (II) Consider a situation where a population faces 2 travel alternatives, say auto (A) and a transit bus system whose vehicles are painted red: call it the Red-Bus (RB) system. We will interpret the choice probabilities as aggregate modal shares: suppose that PA = 0.70 while PRB = 0.30. Now suppose we add a new mode: a second transit system identical to the …rst in every respect except that its buses are painted blue (alternatively: paint half the red buses blue). Call this the Blue Bus (BB) system. What do we expect for the modal shares? Obviously, the two bus systems will split the transit-using population, so: PA0 0 PRB 0 PBB Philip A. Viton 00 00 = PBB PRB 00 00 PA 0.7 = = 2.333 PRB 0.3 = 00 PA + PRB + PBB = 1 (by IIA) (identical bus systems) (probabilities must sum to 1) Hence we predict: 00 PRB 00 PBB 00 1 = 0.230 79 4.333 = 0.230 79 = = 0.538 42 which we know to be incorrect. Conclusion: We should not rely on the logit model in cases where the alternatives are very similar (here, identical). = 0.15 = 0.15 April 24, 2015 45 / 52 Testing for IIA Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 46 / 52 Models Without IIA Before using the logit model it is important to know: are the choices made by the individuals consistent with the IIA property? If so, then it is safe to estimate a logit model and use it for prediction. If not, then the logit model may give wrong predictions. CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 In advanced treatments we can formulate models that do not involve the IIA property, and hence will not mis-predict in the Red-Bus / Blue-Bus (or similar) cases. Some of these are: Nested logit. Heteroskedastic logit. There are several tests in the literature to decide whether observed choices satisfy IIA. Examples include the Hausmann-McFadden and the Small-Hsiao tests. (See advanced texts for references). Philip A. Viton 00 PA 00 PRB PA = 0.70 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice The logit model does not agree. It says: 47 / 52 Mixed logit : this is the most recent development, in which the coe¢ cients (the β’s) of systematic utility themselves become random variables, that is, vary over the population. Modern computational techniques also allow estimation of models in which the idiosyncratic elements of utility (the η’s) are (non-independently) Normally distributed: this is the Probit family of models. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 48 / 52 Elasticity Interpretation (I) Elasticity Interpretation (II) Consider the elasticity of i’s choice probability for mode j with respect to the k-th characteristic of some other mode r : The elasticity is de…ned as % change in Pij Eijrk = % change in xirk Eijrk To see why this could be a problem for the logit model, suppose mode 1 is COTA, mode 2 is a cheap Yugo subcompact, and mode 3 a high-end Lexus. Suppose COTA raises its fare by 10%. And for the logit model we have: ∂Pij xirk = = ∂xirk Pij What is interesting about the elasticity expression is that it is independent of mode j, or putting it di¤erently, will take the same value for any mode j other than r . xirk βk Pij Pir = Pij Then the equation implies that this will have an equal impact on the choice probability for the Yugo and for the Lexus. βk Pir xirk (using the expression for the marginal cross-e¤ect previously derived). This is surely implausible: one would expect the impact of a COTA fare change to be major for the Yugo and relatively minor for the Lexus. But the logit model predicts di¤erently. This is another way of stating the IIA problem with logit. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 49 / 52 Appendix — T1EV Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 50 / 52 CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 52 / 52 References A random variable η has a Type-1-Extreme-Value distribution (sometimes known as Weibull or Gnedenko distribution) if its probability density (frequency) function is η g (η ) = e η e e and its cumulative distribution function is G (a) = Pr(η a) = e e a This (plus independence) is the distribution of the random elements (η ij ) underlying the logit model. Philip A. Viton CRP 4110 —()Mode Choice April 24, 2015 51 / 52 Philip A. Viton
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