E-tender no: GMRDS/Exp/2014-15/01 E- TENDER FOR EXPLORATION OF LIMESTONE, BAUXITE, CLAYS & OTHER ASSOCIATED MINERALS WITH HYDRAULIC CORE DRILLING RIGS IN GUJARAT (TECHNICAL BID – PART-I) GUJARAT MINERAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (Industries & Mines Department, Govt. of Gujarat: U.T.) Block 1/7 Udyogbhavan, Gandhinagar -380 017 Ph. No. 079 2325777, 78 Email: infogmrds@gmail.com Page No| 1 GUJARAT MINERAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY E-tender no: GMRDS/Exp/2014-15/01 Work Description : Drilling for Limestone ,Bauxite, clays & other minerals in Gujarat Period of contract : Three year from date of LOI Tender Fee : Rs. 5,000/- by DD/ pay order in favor of GMRDS Payable at Gandhinagar. EMD : Rs. 36,00,000/.- (Rs Thirty six lakhs only) Meterage : 1,50,000 M (Approximately) Availability of offer : On website https://geomining.gujarat.gov.in & https://www.nprocure.com Last date & time of : online submission 06/04/2015 15:00 hrs of tender Last date & time of : DIRECTOR (Tech) submission of EMD GUJARAT MINERAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY & all necessary 06/04/2015 15:00 hrs documents to (Industries & Mines Department, Govt. of Gujarat: U.T.) GMRDS office. Block 1/7 Udyogbhavan, Gandhinagar -380 017 Ph. No. 079 2325777,78 Fax: 07923257873 Email: infogmrds@gmail.com Date & time for on- : GUJARAT MINERAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT line opening of SOCIETY technical bid 06/04/2015 17:00 hrs (Industries & Mines Department, Govt. of Gujarat: U.T.) Block 1/7 Udyogbhavan, Gandhinagar -380 017 Ph. No. 079 2325777,78 Note: GMRDS reserves the right to reject any or all the Tender or split the work between more than one bidders without assigning any reason thereof. Page No| 2 Brief Introduction GMRDS was constituted by State Government's G.R.No.PaRaCh-1005-4327-Ch dated 21/11/2005 &GoG, IMD, Resolution No.MSC-1005-4327-CHH dated 12/05/2005 . The Society was constituted under Societies Registration Act 1860 and Charitable Trust Act 1950 was registered at the District Registrar’s Office, Gandhinagar respectively. and Assistant Charity Commissioner Office, Gandhinagar Along with other object the main task of GMRDS are to undertake research and development in the field of mineral analysis & testing of ores, rocks & mineral samples submitted by the Commissinerate of Geology & Mining, public sector undertakings, private sector mineral industries, research institutions, laboratories etc., so as to assess quality of ores, minerals by chemical, physical testing and instrumental analysis. The Costal belt Kutch and Saurastra region are having huge resources of Limestone , Bauxite, Clay and other associated minerals, to develop this deposite systematically and scientifically proper exploration to the G2 grade of UNFC classification is essential. GMRDS has planned to complete exploration of G2 category by this exploration tender. Page No| 3 Instruction to Bidders for Online Tendering 1. Tender documents are available only in electronic format which Bidders can download free of cost from the website https://geomining.gujarat.gov.in & https://www.nprocure.com 2. All bids (technical and price bid) should be submitted online through the website https:nprocure.com only. No physical submission of price and technical bid will be entertained as it should be furnished on-line only. Also no fax, e-mail, letters will be entertained for the same. 3. Following should be submitted ‘off-line’ in sealed covers separately at our Head Office, GMRDS, Gandhinagar. [1] Tender Fee, [2] E.M.D. [3] Supporting Documents for Technical Bid. 4. Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to produce/should have legally valid Digital Certificate (Class III) as per information Technology Act, using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contact (n) code solutions- a division of GNFC Limited, who are licensed Certifying Authority by Government of India at address mentioned below at clauses 5. 5. All bids should be digitally signed. For details regarding digital signature certificate and related training involved at the below mentioned address should be contacted: (N) Procure Cell (N) Code solutions A division of GNFC 403, GNFC, Info-Tower, Bodakdev Ahmedabad-380 054 (India) Tel: +91 26857316/17/18 Fax: +91 79 26857321 Toll Free: 1800 -233-1010 E-mail: nprocure@gnvfc.net Page No| 4 6. Kindly take note that, valid Digital Signature Certificates is must for all the interested bidders. Online tendering process is not possible without valid digital signature certificate. 7. Interested bidders are also requested to complete their procedure for taking digital signature certificate in respect to filling of application form, supporting documents with necessary fees at least 3 days before last date of tender submission. 8. (N) code solutions reserve the rights to issue digital signature certificate after verification of applications forms/supporting documents submitted by bidder. (N) Code solutions is fully authorized to issue digital signature certificate to bidders. 9. All the bidders who have no facility to participate in on-line tenders are requested to contact (n) code solutions for the same. 10. Free vendor training camp will be organized every Saturday between 4.00 to 5.00 P.M. at (n) code solutions-A Division of GNFC Ltd., Bidders are requested to take benefit of the same( Advance Confirmation to (n) code is requested). 11. All the correspondence in respect to training, support or digital signature certificate should be addressed to (n) code solutions directly on the above mentioned address. Page No| 5 Other instruction to bidders 1. Rate quotation of work a. The Bidder has to quote single rate for exploration in Rs. per running meters for all depth & formation in given price bids. The bidder shall quote rates inclusive of all applicable taxes except service tax as per format of price bid. Possible nature of rock type in the proposed exploration areas is lignite, different types of Clay , Shale , bauxite, friable Sand Stone, Conglomerate, limestone etc. Service Tax, if applicable and payable by the successful bidder, shall be reimbursed by GMRDS at actual subject to submission of documentary proof of having remitted / adjusted the Service Tax and to the extent directly related to the services rendered by the successful bidder under the contract. This shall be subject to submission of documentary proof clearly mentioning the name of work and respective RA Bill No. Any other fresh imposition or variation in existing taxes or levies during the currency of the contract by the Govt. if applicable and payable by the contractor shall be reimbursement by GMRDS at actual subject submission of documentary proof having remitted/adjusted the same and to the extend directly related to services render by the contractor under this contract. b) The evaluation of offers will be made on the basis of technical capability and the lowest offer received for the entire exploration work. c) The management reserves the right to accept or overlook or reject any lower offer and / or split the work between more than one bidders without assigning any reason thereof. d) The bidder is required to quote the rate strictly as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender documents. The conditional tender will not be entertained Page No| 6 2) ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF INTENT: If the successful bidder does not accept the Letter of Intent issued by GMRDS within two week of its receipt, the amount of the EMD paid by him will be forfeited. 3) COMMENCEMENT OF WORK & DEVELOPMENT OF CAPACITY: The successful bidder will have to start the work within 30 (thirty) days of the date of receipt of the Letter of Intent, by deploying adequate nos. of Rigs and other machinery required to carry out the job and will have to develop full capacity within 60 days thereafter. In case of failure to commence the work within 45 days of the date of receipt of the LOI or in failure to achieve the capacity as scheduled above, the contract may be terminated, at the discretion of GMRDS forfeiting EMD 4) CONTRACT AGREEMENT: The successful bidder will have to enter into an agreement within 7 (Fifteen) days of the receipt of LOI, with GMRDS on appropriate Stamp Paper (to be provided by the Contractor) in token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contract. In case of failure, the contract is liable to be terminated and the Security deposit may be forfeited. The successful bidder shall also indemnify GMRDS against any claim, compensation, damage, loss, penalty etc. for breach and / or non-fulfilment of the prevailing Rules and Regulations and other statutory provisions in force from time to time and applicable to the work during the currency of contract. 5) GENERAL: a) GMRDS will not be responsible for any postal delay whatsoever. b) If the tender documents and forms referred to in the offer are not submitted or are submitted but not found duly filled in and unsigned, will result in rejection. c) In the event of space being insufficient for furnishing required information, additional sheets may be used and signed. d) Canvassing in any form may lead to rejection of the offer. GMRDS reserves the right to reject any or all the offer or split the work between more than one bidder without assigning any reason thereof. Page No| 7 Chapter II Criteria for Evaluation of Technical Bids 1. EXPERIENCE The bidder should have following minimum experience of having successfully completed similar work during last 7 years. • Three similar completed each work having total 30000 mtrs core drilling annually or • Two similar completed each work having total 37500 mtrs. of core drilling annually or • One similar completed work having quantity of 60000 mtr. of core drilling annually. (Similar work means core drilling experience in any type of formation) 2. Possession of drilling machine Minimum 7 nos having capacity to drilled up to 200 mtr. along with required accessories. Bidder has to submit documentary evidence clarifying ownership of the drilling machine along with technical bid . 3. CONSORTIUM / JOINT VENTURE: a) A Joint Venture may be formed for the purpose of tender work. However, the JVC partners should jointly own, possess and be able to deploy required machinery worth required capacity. b) The offer shall be submitted in the name of any of the partners of the Joint Venture Company. c) The JVC/Consortium should have proper and legally enforceable working arrangements as a part of the agreement. d) The bid may be rejected in case the documents in support of the status of bidder are not clear or if the supporting documents are not enclosed with the technical bid. Page No| 8 3. POSSESSION OF MACHINERY The bidder should directly own and readily available required (As per Sr No 1) Diamond/TC Core Drilling Rigs with necessary accessories and pump. The bidder should clearly state its status and submit duly attested supporting documents for ownership of the drilling rigs. Bidder should deploy the diamond /TC core drilling rigs in good condition with duly fitted hydraulic system. The bidder must have sound financial position so as to buy and deploy additional machinery so as to meet the targets It will mean that the latest audited balance sheet of the bidder must show its net-worth equal to 30% of the cost of additional machinery which the bidder proposes to buy on award of the contract. A certified copy of the balance sheet and copies of the documentary proof for the cost of such machinery must be attached with the technical bid. 4. Technical Manpower Minimum five Geologist having MSc/M.Tech degree. Bidder has to submit documentary evidence clarifying employment details of the Geologist with contractor/consultant along with technical bid 5. Average Annual turnover of the company in last three years 3.60 crore, Bidder has to submit copy of the audited balance sheet along with technical bid 6. SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE The bidder should submit latest Solvency Certificate for a value of Rs. 15 (fifteen) Lacs issued from any Nationalized Bank with in last 12 months along with the technical bid. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The bidder should unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions of the contract by signing on each page of the technical bid document of the tender including annexures. Page No| 9 8. EMD The bidder should enclose separate crossed demand draft in favour of Gujarat Mineral Research & Development Society of any nationalized bank or scheduled bank worth Rs. 36 Lacs (Rupees thirty six Lacs) towards Earnest Money Deposit along with the documents of technical bid in the cover so super-scribed. In absence of the DD for EMD or inadequate amount of EMD, the offer will be rejected. DD issued by co-operative bank shall not be accepted 9. DECLARATION The bidder should give a declaration along with the technical bid that it has not enclosed any conditional offer. 10. BLACK-LISTING OF THE BIDDER: The Bidder or its directors or partners of JVC should have been not black listed by any Government Organisation, nor should any litigation should be pending against any of them. The bidder will submit declaration to this effect along with the technical bid. If at any time such declaration is found false, the bid will be rejected or if the contract work is already awarded, it will be terminated forthwith without payment of any compensation and the EMD/SD will be forfeited. Page No| 10 CHAPTER - III OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER Gujarat Mineral Research & Development Society (herein after referred to as GMRDS) proposes to carry out drilling work by hiring of Hydraulic core drilling rigs to explore Limestone, Bauxite, Clays & other minerals in various parts of Saurashtra& Kachchh district of Gujarat. 1) SCOPE OF WORK 1.1) Exploratory Drilling: (a) The successful bidder will provide 07 numbers of Diamond/TC Core drilling rigs with necessary accessories and Manpower and other ancillary equipment for Exploratory core drilling with NX / BX /NQ/ size & AX size if required. In case of clays contractor has to undertake dry drilling. The proposed drilling locations for minerals other than lignite such as Limestone , Bauxite and clays (white clay &china clay etc.)&silica sand etc of Gujarat (b) The drill holes will be Vertical. (c) The drill hole depth will be maximum 150 meters. (d) The core recovery in all the formation should be at least 85 %. 1.2) Survey Work: GMRDS will provide the proposed bore hole location plan of all the areas to be covered under exploration and location (on plan & Field) of minimum two bench marks with RL and co-ordinates within close proximity of area of Exploration. The contractor has to make its own arrangements to fix – up the proposed bore hole location on the site. They will also determine the Reduce Level and Co – ordinates of all the bore holes. In case of the bore hole location shown on plan is not feasible on ground, the alternative location should be decided in consultation with CGM/GMRDS Geologist. Page No| 11 1.3) Core Logging: The contractor shall adopt Standard procedures of Geological core logging which include details of Lithology, Thickness, Grain size, Colour and Megascopic Characters and other related details. The Water table observation of each completed bore hole and loss of Water if any during the drilling work should be part of the core – logging. Contractor has to submit all the original logging registers to GMRDS after completion of the work. 1.4) Sampling: The Contractor has to collect samples of all the economical minerals encountered during drilling operations There will be one limestone ,Bauxite /clay sample for every 1 meter run .Each sample should be cut by core splitter. Each sample should be crushed in upto 200 mesh and after conning & quartering final sample should be prepared. At least sludge pits should be made in a scientific manner to collect sludge. The selected recovered core and sludge shall be arranged properly in wooden core boxes of 1 m long with 6 riffles covered with wooden lid. Each run shall be marked properly by Plastic tag and the core boxes shall be numbered properly. The contractor will have to make arrangements for core boxes at his cost. The contractor has to make his own arrangements to submit the samples immediately after completion of each B.H at Chemical & Petrography lab, GMRDS, Gandhinagar or as per instruction of Director (Tech), GMRDS at his own cost. The sampling should be carried out in presence of site Geologist of CGM/GMRDS. 1.5) Bore hole depth: The bore holes will be drilled up to older formation or 150 mts depth but it will be closed as per the instructions of CGM/GMRDS site Geologist. Page No| 12 1.6) Exploration Report: Chapter No Abstract 1 Introduction 1.1 Location and Accessibility 1.2 Physiography & Drainage. 1.3 Climate & Rainfall 1.4 Vegetation 1.5 Scope of the present work 2 Previous Work 3 Geological Setting 3.1 Stratigraphic Classification 3.2 Geological Description of the rock unit 3.3 Structural details 4 Mode of Sampling 5 Chemical and Petrography results of the samples 6 Details of Drilling 7 Reserve Calculation as per UNFC (Analysis Results will be supplied by Petrography Lab, GMRDS ) classification G2 grade 8 Mineral economics of the area 9 Conclusion and Recommendations 10 Acknowledgement 11 Locality Index 12 Reference 13 List of annexures Page No| 13 Details of Map and plan: a) b) c) d) e) Key plan Location Plan on Cadastral plan Location plan on Toposheet. (1: 50,000) Lithologs of the drilled boreholes. Reserve Calculation map The contractor has to submit final exploration report within six months period after submission of full analysis data from GMRDS GMRDS responsibility : To provide bore hole location plan To provide analysis data for all collected samples during exploration work for exploration report writing work Contractor responsibility : In addition to above scope of work following are additional responsibilities In case the proposed borehole location are in private land, the contractor has to make his own arrangement for drilling of borehole in private land. Contractor has to make his own arrangement for approach road, availability of land, clear entry, exit and transit at the place of work/borehole location Contractor has to provide weekly/monthly progress report and respect of drilling and sampling. After completion of drilling contractor have to seal (plug) each borehole and shall construct and erect pillars of standard sizes with borehole number. Site preparation supply of diesel, lubricant, tools tackles drilling machineries, transportation of manpower to the drilling site, lodging and boarding 2) General scope of Services: The Contractor shall mobilize all the equipment’s for the drilling within the time schedule. The contractor shall deploy his own manpower for the satisfactory completion of the entire scope of work. Page No| 14 The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for shifting the drilling rigs to new location / site at his own cost. The contractor shall arrange the wooden core boxes for preserving the core at his own cost. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for diesel, Lubricants, all other consumables, power, Camping, Transportation Etc. 3) Duration and quantity of work: (a) The period of the contract and quarterly target will be as Under Offer for 1,50,000 meters Time Period of the Monthly Target in work meters Three 5000 meters years(Maximum) (b) Total drilling should not be more than 150000 meters However GMRDS reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantum of the work with advance intimation to the contractor. GMRDS reserves the right to split the work between more than one bidders without assigning any reason thereof. 4) RATES: (a) The Bidder has to quote single rate for exploration in Rs. per running meters for all depth & formation in given price bids. (b) Rate quoted shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the technical bid, which shall have to be extended unconditionally for further maximum of period 60 days, as deem fit by GMRDS (c) The firm rate quoted by the successful tenderer shall be valid for the entire currency of the contract. No escalation in the rates will be allowed on any account. (d) The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be free from corrections and over writings. Tenders containing over writing, erased rate(s), corrections or illegible rates shall be liable for rejection. Page No| 15 5) Service Tax, if applicable and payable by the successful bidder, shall be reimbursed by GMRDS at actual subject to submission of documentary proof of having remitted / adjusted the Service Tax and to the extent directly related to the services rendered by the successful bidder under the contract. This shall be subject to submission of documentary proof clearly mentioning the name of work and respective RA Bill No. Any other fresh imposition or variation in existing taxes or levies during the currency of the contract by the Govt. if applicable and payable by the contractor shall be reimbursement by GMRDS at actual subject submission of documentary proof having remitted/adjusted the same and to the extend directly related to services render by the contractor under this contract. 6) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: a) A non-interest bearing Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 36, 00,000 /- (Rupees Thirty six lac ) shall be paid along with the tender, and enclosed with Technical Bid documents in seal cover super scribed “TECHNICAL BID”, in form of Crossed Demand Draft in favour of GMRDS, Payable at Gandhinagar from Nationalised or Scheduled bank (not being Co-operative). Any tender submitted without Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected and no claim shall be entertained on such rejected tenders. b) The unsuccessful bidders will be refunded the EMD amount by way of crossed cheque within 15 days of finalisation of the contracts. c) The EMD of the successful bidders (the Contractor) shall either be adjusted as a part of security deposit, if desired by the contractor or shall be refunded by way of crossed cheque on receipt of security deposit amount 7) SECURITY DEPOSIT a) The successful Contractor shall pay security deposit @ 5% of the total contract value in the following manner. i. 2.5% of the total contract value (including EMD) before the commencement of the contract work in form of a Crossed Demand Draft in favour of GMRDS. Payable at Gandhinagar or a Bank Guarantee, from any Nationalised Banks in the form and manner acceptable to the GMRDS. Page No| 16 ii. The balance 2.5 % amount of the Security Deposit will be recovered from Contractor’s Running Account Bills by deducting it at a rate of 5% of RA bill amount and built up till the full amount of SD is realized. iii. Security deposit shall not bear any interest. b) It shall be refunded to the Contractor, within a period of three months after satisfactory completion of the work and removal of equipment, tools tackles, camp site etc., and the due fulfilment of all the terms and conditions of the contract including submission of final exploration report. The Contractor shall obtain a certificate to this effect from the site Incharge and shall submit the same to GMRDS-Gandhinagar who after verification of the fact will arrange for refund of SD. c) GMRDS will reserve the right to recover the charges or the penalty from the Security Deposit in the following circumstancesi. ii. 8) 9) If the contractor or its employees causes any damage or destroy any property belonging to CGM/GMRDS. The shortfall amount of all compensations, penalties and other sums of money payable by the contractor or recoveries to be made under the terms of this contract which is due but not paid by the contractor in full, etc. RUNNING ACCOUNT BILLS. i. The Contractor shall submit the monthly Running account bills for completed Bore holes to Head office GMRDS with following documents .In no case bill for uncompleted bore hole will be made. ii. Detailed Joint measurement & computation sheets, duly signed by Geologist of Contractor and Site Geologist Scheme Officer of GMRDS/CGM MODE OF PAYMENT: 90% payment will be made from GMRDS Head office after submission of Monthly Running bill. The final 10% payment will be released from Head Office after submission of Exploration Report. Page No| 17 The Running Account bills, submitted at Head Office will be processed, after considering following deductions. i. Income tax as per provision of Income Tax Act, and other Taxes (and surcharges) applicable in force from time to time ii. Security Deposit @ 5% of the gross amount of the RA bill as per clause No.2 iii. If any amount becomes payable by as a result of any claim or application in terms of the provisions or non-compliance of provision of the any Acts and the Rules and Regulations, By-laws or the orders made there under, applicable from time to time, such amounts shall be recoverable from the tenderer for which GMRDS will not be responsible for any compensation. iv. Liquidated damages or penalty if any. v. Any other applicable deduction. 10) LOCAL FACILITIES / LOCAL CONDITIONS a) GMRDS do not undertake and agree to provide any facilities to the Contractor at the work site. However, the Contractor has to make its own independent arrangements. b) The tools, tackles, machinery, equipment, pumps etc. and the manpower required to execute the contract shall be arranged by the Contractor only. 11) STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS: a) b) c) The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging requisite manpower, and shall also fulfil the provisions of Labour laws, Contract Labour Laws etc. if applicable If any amount becomes payable by GMRDS as a result of any claim or application in terms of the provisions or noncompliance of provision of the any Acts and the Rules and Regulations, By-laws or the Orders made there under, applicable from time to time, such amounts shall be recoverable from the tenderer for which GMRDS will not be responsible for any compensation. The selected Contractor shall also indemnify the GMRDS against any claims, compensations, damages, loss, penalty etc. for breach and / or non-fulfilment of the prevailing Rules and Regulations and other statutory provisions in force from time to time and applicable to the work during the currency of contract. Page No| 18 12) MEASUREMENTS Measurements of quantum of work (i...e in meter) drilled by drill machine will be carried out in presence of an authorized representative of the contractor and Geologist at site in charge deputed from GMRDS for look after the entire work and will also certify the same. This measurement shall be final and binding to the contractor. 13) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (L.D.) 1. If the Bidder fails to mobilize the machinery and manpower to commence the work within (15) days of receipt of LOI, liquidated damage @ Rs. 10,000/- per day shall be leviable, for a maximum period of 15 days. If the bidder fails to start work even after 15 days, GMRDS will be free to take any action including forfeit of EMD and termination of LOI at your cost and risk. 2. The Liquidated damages shall be leviable after end of every month on the shortfall in the quantity of meter age, to be drilled specified in respect of that month target, counted from the date of commencement of work till the relevant RA Bill period, at the following rates Cumulative Shortfall till the Running Account Bill Period Up to 5% of the prescribed cumulative quantity More than 5% up to15% of the prescribed cumulative quantity More than 15% of the prescribed cumulative quantity Rate for Liquidated damages for shortfall quantity 2 % of the quoted rate of 0 - 100 met. 5 % of the quoted rate of 0 - 100 met. 7 % of the quoted rate of 0 - 100 met. The obligation to strictly comply with the specified monthly quantity i.e. the quantity specified in respect of the particular month in the monthly schedule is fundamental requirement and obligation of the bidder. Page No| 19 14) 3) Shortfall in the targeted quantity shall be reviewed on cumulative target basis at the end of each running account bill period so that the bidder can recoup and recover the shortfall, if any, during the month of the respective RA bill period. 4) GMRDS reserves the right to terminate the contract and get the balance work completed at the cost and risk of the bidder if cumulative short fall is found more than 20% for five consecutive months/ RA bill period NON FULFILMENTS OF TERMS & CONDITION, TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT a) If the Contractor fails to carry out the work as per terms and conditions of the contract to the satisfaction of the GMRDS, GMRDS shall be entitled to terminate the contract and forfeit the security deposit paid by the Contractor. This however, shall not absolve the Contractor from his obligation to fulfil the contract. In such event, the GMRDS shall have a right to complete and / or to get the work completed at the cost & risk of the Contractor and the Contractor shall be responsible to pay such cost incurred by the GMRDS to complete the work and / or to get the work completed. b) Likewise, if the Contractor does not fulfil the terms and conditions of the contract and does not carry out the work up to the entire satisfaction of GMRDS, GMRDS has the right to forthwith terminate the contract at its sole discretion, without assigning any reason, Under such events, the GMRDS shall be entitled to forfeit the security deposit paid by the Contractor and the GMRDS shall have a right to complete the work and / or to get the work completed at the risk and cost of the Contractor. c) For any reasons, if it is required, the GMRDS reserves right to cancel, terminate. Amend and / or alter the contract and / or bifurcate and / or reduce the contract work at any time without giving any notice to the Contractor and without incurring any responsibility. For such cases, Contractor shall have to take away his labour, tools, tackles, machinery, equipment etc. and shall leave the site at once or shall have to carry out the instructions of the GMRDS. Page No| 20 15) SUB-CONTRACTS The Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract any portion of this work without the prior written consent of GMRDS. 16 LEGAL JURISDICTIONS AND ARBITRATION The matter relating to any differences arising out of this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Gujarat only. All questions, disputes , differences whatsoever which may at any time arises between the parties to this contract in connection with the contract or any matter arising out of or in relation thereto, shall be refereed to arbitration as per the provision of Arbitrations and Conciliation Act. 1996 and the venue of the arbitration proceedings shall be at Gandhinagar only. 17 FORCE MAJEURE (a) (b) Force majeure is herein defined as any cause which is beyond the control of the contractor or the Corporation as the case may be which they could not foresee or with a reasonable amount of diligence could not have foreseen and which substantially affect the performance of the contract, such as: i. natural phenomena such as flood, draughts Cyclone, earthquake and epidemics, declaration of war ii. Acts of any government, including but not limited to war, declared or undeclared priorities, quantities, embargoes, providing either party shall within fifteen (15) days from the occurrence of such a cause notify the other in writing of such cases. The contractor will advise, in the event of his having resort to this clause by a registered letter duly certified by the statutory authorities, the beginning and end of the cause of delay, within fifteen days of the occurrence and cessation of such Force Majeure condition. In the event of delay lasting over two months, if arising out of Force Majeure, the contract may be terminated at the discretion of the Corporation. Page No| 21 18) (c) For delay arising out of Force Majeure, the contractor will not claim extension in completion date for a period exceeding the period of delay attributable to the causes of force Majeure and neither company nor he Contractor shall be liable to pay extra costs (like increase in rates, remobilization, advance, idle charges for labour and machinery etc.) provided it is mutually established that the Force Majeure conditions did actually exist. (d) If any of the Force Majeure conditions exists in the place of operation of the contractor even at the time of submission of bid he will categorically specify them in his bid and state whether they have been taken into consideration in their quotations (e) The contractor or the GMRDS shall not be liable for delays in performing his obligations resulting from any force majeure cause as referred to and/ or defined above. The date of completion will, subject to hereinafter provided, be extended by a reasonable time given though such cause may occur after contractor’s performance of his obligations has been delayed for other causes. COMPLETION OF WORK a. When the Contractor fulfils all its obligations under the contract to the satisfaction of General Manager (P)/Head of the department (as applicable) and subject to terms and conditions of the Contractors, it shall be eligible to apply for completion certificate. The General Manager (P)/Head of the department (as applicable) shall formally issue completion certificate after verifying from the completion documents and satisfying himself that the work has been completed in accordance with all the provisions of this contract and instructions issued to the contractor by the GMRDS and (concerned authorities) from time to time. The contractor after obtaining the completion certificate is eligible to b. Within completion of the work in all respects as defined in the tender document, the contractor shall be required to obtain from the General Manager (P)/Head of the department (as applicable) such completion certificates as to the (clearing of the areas on the downhill side of site of all rubbish dirt, rock overburden materials, structures etc..)(may be modified as per the scope/requirement) Page No| 22 i. If the contractor fail to comply with the requirement of this clause on or before the date fixed for the completion of the work the General Manager (P)/Head of the department (as applicable) may at the expenses of the contractor carry out such work and the contractor shall forth with pay the amount of all such expenses so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of any such work. ii. For purpose of this clause the following documents are required by the GMRDS subject to the conditions that General Manager (P)/Head of the department (as applicable) for his satisfaction. c) Certificate of the satisfactory completion of the work as per the terms and conditions of the tender/agreement. (d) A Certificate to the effect that no outstanding claim / payments are due to the persons employed by the contractor or his subcontractor if permitted by GMRDS including the Statutory payments, which have fallen due. (e) “No claim/demand” and “No dues” certificates. Immediately on completion of the work, the contractor shall submit his final bill indicating the gross and net amount payable. On receipt of this, the GMRDS shall verify the same, determining the total value of the work done of the contract and after adjusting all the sums already paid to him/ it and / due to the company on any account and such further sums as the GMRDS is already authorized or required to reserve or retain as per the terms of the contract or otherwise make over to the contract as his / its final payment. 18 CONSTITUTIONS OF THE COMPANY / FIRM / PROPERIOTARY CONCERN (AS APPLICABLE) The Contractor shall not change the constitution of the company // firm / proprietary concern (as applicable) during the currency of the contract except same is necessary due to statutory provisions or permitted by GMRDS.. Other clauses like scope of work, SD, advance payment, payment of RA bills etc. may be incorporated as per the actual requirement with respect to the nature of contract/work. However the special attentions required with respect to SD, the same should be issued by the Nationalised banks and banks approved by Govt. of Gujarat from time to time only (except co-operative banks). Page No| 23 In case of statutory variation in taxes, duties etc... The following clause may be incorporated: “Any statutory increase / decrease in duties, taxes, cess etc. and / or introduction of any new duties, taxes, cess, other levies etc., after the last date of submission of tender till scheduled date of completion of work shall be to GMRDS’s account subject to submission of documentary proof of having remitted / adjusted the same and to the extent directly related to the services rendered by the contractor. i. In case of delay beyond scheduled date of completion of work, any statutory increase in duties, cess etc. and / or introduction / levy of any duty, tax, cess after scheduled date of completion of work shall be in the contractor’s account and reduction in such duties, taxes, cess and levy shall be passed on to GMRDS’s Accounts and the order value shall be reduced accordingly. 14 GENERAL CONDITONS a) The appointment/ authorization of all officials and competent shall be issued with intimation to and through the concerned site in-charge deputed from GMRDS. b) The Contractor has to ensure supervision of the work through duly qualified and competent persons and also has to make sure that a responsible qualified and competent person is full time available on work site to whom GMRDS can issue the instruction and who can fulfil such instructions. Contractor shall have to work during daylight only with at least half-an hour rest interval. There will be no work on weekly days of rest and on paid/public holidays. All the equipment to be deployed by the Contractor must be maintained in proper working order and be fitted with all the required safety devices. For any dispute arising out of this Work Order or interpretation of any terms thereof, the decision of the Committee consisting of concerned Project Head (currently G.M.[Geo] at H.O., concerned Head of the Exploration Circle (CGM/GMRDS), & Chairman GMRDS, shall be final and binding upon the tenderer. i. In case of any Central/State Government directives regarding execution of work related thereto, the same shall have to be strictly adhered to and binding upon the tenderer for implementation, for which GMRDS will not be responsible for any. Page No| 24 Technical Bid: FORM – A Status of the Tenderer Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particular Name of the Company/individual /society /firm Address Phone No. Fax no. Email-id Name and mobile no of authorized contact person 6 7 8 9 Financial evolution Tender fee (Amount / ch/DD no) EMD(Amount / ch/DD no) Turn over of the company (In case of JV turnover of Principal company) 2010 - 11 2011-12 2012-13 Total Core drilling experience in meters 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009 – 10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 No of drilling Machines Man power details Geologist (Nos) Surveyor (Nos) Other (Specify) 10 11 12 Detail Bidders has to attached hard copy of the balance – sheet, work order & work completion certificate along with above table in physical submission Page No| 25 DETAILS OF WORK CARRIED OUT BY THE TENDERER in last seven years. Sr No Contract Client No and date Details of Work Order Value in Rs Compilation Actual date Nature of period as Of Formation per Compilation Contract Bidders has to attached hard copy of the work order & work completion certificate along with above table in physical submission of the tender Details of Machinery deployed for the works executed by the bidder : Make & size Number Location Drilling Mechanics Pump Accessories Particulars of skilled manpower deployed on Geologist Surveyor Engineer Drill Operators Bidders has to provide documentary evidence for manpower & machinery (With catalog) in physical submission of the tender Page No| 26 DECLARATION (On letter head of the Bidder) FROM: DATE: To, Director (Tech) Gujarat Mineral Research & Development Society (Industries & Mines Department, Govt. of Gujarat: U.T.) Block 1/7 Udyogbhavan, Gandhinagar -380 017 Dear Sir, I/we here by solemnly declare that any of our Directors or Partners, jointly or severally and/or individually or our firm/company have not been black listed by the Central Govt. or the State Govt. or its undertakings. I/we here by further declare that, if the declaration is found untrue, the GMRDS shall be entitled to take any action against us severally and/or individually or our firm/company in this regard in any manner that may be deemed fit by GMRDS. Yours faithfully, _________________________ Signature and Stamp of the contractor Page No| 27 E-tender no: GMRDS/Exp/2014-15/01 E- TENDER FOR EXPLORATION OF LIMESTONE, BAUXITE, CLAYS & OTHER ASSOCIATED MINERALS WITH HYDRAULIC CORE DRILLING RIGS IN GUJARAT (Price- Bid) GUJARAT MINERAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (Industries & Mines Department, Govt. of Gujarat: U.T. ) Block 1/7 Udyogbhavan, Gandhinagar -380 017 Ph. No. 079 2325777, 78 Fax: 07923257873 Email: infogmrds@gmail.com Page No| 28 (To be submitted on line only (through n-procure) no physical submission of price bid) PRICE BID Bidding for: 1,50,000 meters of core-drilling for GMRDS in different part of Gujarat. Name of Bidder: Sr No Nature of Work 1 TENDER FOR DRILLING OF LIMESTONE,BAUXITE , CLAY & OTHER ASSOCIATED MINERALS WITH DIAMOND/TC CORE DRILLING RIGS IN GUJARAT For all Formation : Drilling depth : Quoted rates in INR includes all taxes except service tax per meter 00 to 150 meters Note: quoted rate includes all taxes except service tax. SERVICE TAX: Service Tax, if applicable and payable by the successful bidder, shall be reimbursed by GMDC at actual subject to submission of documentary proof of having remitted / adjusted the Service Tax and to the extent directly related to the services rendered by the successful bidder under the contract. This shall be subject to submission of documentary proof clearly mentioning the name of work and respective RA Bill No. Signature of bidder with seal Dated: ______________ Page No| 29
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