Lesotho Highlands Development Authority Contract No. LHDA 3017 Professional services for the Demarcation of Polihali Reservoir CLARIFICATION No. 3 RESPONSE TO BIDDERS’ QUESTIONS QUESTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Is there any regulations or restrictions as per your Procurement Policy the same company could be awarded as the designing contractor and the construction contractor for the same work or not? Take RFP 3014 for example, if we are awarded for the successful tenderer for the design and construction supervision of the Polihali North East Access Road (PNEAR), is it possible we can tender for the construction of the same work? Could you please recommend any hotels near the site? The bidder shall take their own PPE or LHDA will provide the same for the bidders? Camera is allowed or not during the site visit? RESPONSE Refer to RFP Page 2A-3, Clause 3.3 (a). Refer to the website http://visitlesotho.travel/travel/accommodation.aspx Bidders to provide their own PPE as appropriate. There are no restrictions.
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