tl, Governrnentof !\/lahanash tra CollectorOffice-Buldhana Corrigendum Tender Reference:AK/Com p.sec/Desk5/30i201 5" Sr.No" RFP RFPTerms/Contents Changesapproved Remarks Reference { Section No., Page No.l 1 J.1L., Biddersshalisubmit,, EMDof No Exemption.Bidders N O page-12 INR 300000/- (RupeesThree shall submit.EMD of INR Exemption is Lakhwords Only),AlongWith 300000/- (RupeesThree already Tender fee (Non Refundable)Lakh words Only),Along Shownin eandBIDDocuments. With Tender fee (Non tendering Refundable) and BID portai.l-lasto Documents. be submitted onlinewith tenderfee rnentioned in section 2.3,Paee 5. z 5.19, Based t:n the technical Based on the technical Fage-L4 evaluation criteria will be evaluationcriteriawill be shortlisted for commercial shortlisted for commercial evaluation. evaluation. I The overallcommercial $ffi will District cornmittee will be determinedon basisof the Compare ltemisedCost lowest commercial cost (1L) with expected Project submltted by technically Cost, on that basisof the qualified bidders lowest commercial cost (L,L)will be determined, submittedby technically qualifiedbidders.Bidders are expected to quote rates. competitive X.3.1.,a) !i.Technology:True 0n-Llne ii"Technology:Sinewave Page-55 Double 'lonversion Type UFS True On-Line Architecture. Double Conversion Architecture xiii.Battery Type: Sealed xiii.BatteryType: Sealed Maintenance Maintenance Free(150AhFree(100Ah/110Ah) 200Ah) xiv .BatteryRuntirne:For 2 hr. xiv. BatteryRuntirne:For backupminirnurnVAH should 3 hr. backupVAi-lshould be 800. be 9600(min.72A0j. xxi.Safety:lEc50950 xxi. Safety For UPS and Batteries :As per IEC standards !z xxii.EMC:EN500912/equivalent 4 13.1.,b) Page-55 EN62040-2 xxii"EMC: xxiii.Warrantyfor 3 Years for UPS& bptteriesby xxiii.Warrantyfor 3 Yearsfor UPS& batteries OEM/Bidders ii.Technology:True On-Line ii.Technology: Sinewave Double ConversionType UPS True On-Line Architecture, Conversion Double Architecture. xiv. BatteryRuntime:For 3 hr. backupVAH should be 15600(min.12000). xxi. Safety For UPS and Batteries :As per Latest IECStandards. lent xxii.EMC:EN xxii"EMC:EN500912/equiva 620402/equivalent Warrantyfor 3 Yearsfor UPS xxiii,Warrantyfor 3 Years for UPS& batteriesby batteries OEM/Bidders xiv.BatteryRuntime:For 3 hr. backupminimumVAH should be 800. xxi.Safety: IEC60950 5 Page-59 of 3.1.Summaryof requirement 13.4"Summary (Approx.): requirement(Approx.): and installation 5..Supply and Installationof 5*.Supply for Electricalwiring for Electricalwiring. Poweroutletboards: copperwire *for phase & neutral respectively. copperwire )for earthing.
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