Supplyof Coalfor LakvijayaPowerPlant(900MW) furnishedat the Pre Bid Meetingheld on 18thMarch,2015 Responses Bidders. soughtby Prospective for the Clarifications No. sought Clarification t. Bidder soughtby a Prospective 1't Setof Clarifications t.t Instruction to Bidders:PageITB3, PaymentTerms,Clause1.2.2 for supplyof coalshallbemadeby meansof an Allpayments as letterof credit.Canthisbechanged irrevocable unconfirmed, LC? & irrevocable or Confirmable Confirmed Response LCcanbeopened Confirmed provided thatthe chargesare confirmation bornebythe Seller. L.2 to We referto Instruction PageITBL2,Clause Bidders: Document in Bidding is requiring minimum35%of thegivenexperience of Feb2015. Thecompany JointVenturepartnerhaving shouldbetherewith eachindividual partnerof theJointVenture. let us Please 50 %withthe leading in All requirements specified with the a consortium knowwhetherif a companyestablish Document as the Bidding miner/ miningcompanyfor supportof supplyof coalin terms relatedto Qualification of will be met by of qualityandquantity;andfinancialconditions (lndividual Joint Bidders / the othermemberof the consortiumis eligibleto takepartin Ventures)will remain t h i st e n d e r . unchanged. 1.3 of Bidders Instruction to Bidders:PageITB10,Qualification (lndividual Clause / JointVentures), Instructionto Bidders: PageITB10, Qualificationof Bidders (lndividual/JointVentures), & (c) is the detailsasfollowing lnformuswhethersubmitting acceptable. Bidderwill provideLCC theirdetailsasperForm1 i) for their Form 2 separately thesamedetails and and (JointVenture). Partner Consotium asperForm3 for ii) Bidderwill provideallthedetails (JointVenture). Partner theirConsortium Eachpartnerof a Joint iii) Biddershallsubmitthe details of theirConsortium Venturewill haveto fill allthe Partner asperForm4. forms. iv) Form5 shallbefilledby BidderandtheirConsortium Partner. v) Form6 will befilledbythe Bidder. vi) Form7 will befilledbythe Bidder. vii) Form8 will befilledbythe Bidder. viii) Form9 will bejointlyfilledby Bidderandtheir Partner. Consortium Form10 Details ix) of BidderaswellastheirConsortium Partner will begiven. Page1 of 8 No. Clarification sought Response t.4 pageITB10, Instruction to Bidders: BidOpeningandEvaluation, We referto PageITB11 in (tndividual of Bidders Qualification Clause / loint Ventures), Bidding Document datedFeb (a)& (b). s. 20L5. Eachpartnerof a Joint Informus,submitting detailsasfollowsmeetstheabove V e n t u rw e i l lh a v et o f i l l a l l t h e mentioned criteria. forms. a) Annualturnoverwill be provided bythe bidderandthey All partners including the Lead will be providing allfinancial statements asdesired. Partner in a JointVenture will b) Theexperience detailswill be providedby bidder,s beconsidered asthe Bidder. Consortium Partner andtheymeetthe details asdesired. 1.5 We wouldalsorequestyouto let usknowwhetherBidSecurity valueandPerformance Security valuescanbe reduced. 2. 2ndSet of Clarificationssought by a prospectiveBidder 2.1, Bid Validity, PageITB 2 All requirements specified in the BiddingDocumentas relatedto BidSecurityand Performance Securitywill remainunchanged. All requirements specifiedin 90 daysfromthe dateof bidsubmission. the BiddingDocumentas Request to reducethe sameto 30 days,asit is difficultfor anyproducer / vesselowners relatedto BidValiditywill remainunchanged. to providesucha longvalidity giventhe marketdynamics. 2.2 Placeof Origin, Clause3 of tTB, page4O l4t a ) Trustthereis no restriction on the numberof coalmines / placeof originto bedeclared. b ) ls blended (asnotstatedotherwise coalacceptable pleaseref.pointd page11of tTB) c) Woulda letterof minesupport (frommine)be needed 2.3 Draft CSA,Quantity, (draft CSApage 5) Reduction quantityasperclause 5.1of thedraftCSAis unworkable in the present format.Toensureclarity, quantityto besupplied peryearto beadvised by buyer's at the beginning of eachcontract yearfor mutualacceptance. 2.4 (a) No restrictions (b) Suppliedcoalneedto complywith the specifications laiddown in the Bidding Document. (c)Alldocumentsasspecified in the BiddingDocumentare needed. We refer to Draft CoalSupply Agreement:Page4, Quantity in BiddingDocumentdated Feb2015. Dueto operational requirements,nomination requirements asspecified would be requiredby the Buyer. Draft CSA,Determination of Quality, (draft CSApage g, Cl. 10) a ) ls Bureau Veritas(lnspectorate) acceptable at loadport for supplies fromIndonesia andallorigins. Page2 of 8 Acceptable No. Clarificationsought 2.5 Draft CSA,Clause9.4, page 8 2.6 DraftCSA,Clause10.3,page9 2.7 in the specified All requirements including excessive seems contaminants of organic Presence to asrelated Document Bidding abilityto terminatethe contract- To review/ revisethis will contaminants organic mutually the issues r e m a i nu n c h a n g e d . clause, statingbothbuyerandsellerdiscuss a settlement. arrive at arising out of thiseventwith a viewto (whetherinterlabtolerance) a) Definitionof discrepancy port and loadport unclearand essentially betweendischarge LCCwill havethe rightto callumpireon everyshipment. would suggestthe referencesample b) In caseof discrepancy, to be done by an independentSurveyormutually analysis agreedby buyerand sellerand not at buyer'soption. in the specified All requirements to asrelated Document Bidding will remain discrepancies unchanged. DraftCSA,Lawsand Arbitration,pageL6lt7 in the specified All requirements to Document asrelated Bidding Law and Arbitration Governing will remainunchanged. andplaceof Lawwouldgovernthe contract SriLankan of fairplayand In the interest Arbitration shallbeSriLanka justiceneedto havearbitration underthe LCIArules(London Lawshallbea & the Governing Courtof Intl.Arbitration) consider Wales. Could England and lawof substantiative asthe placeof arbitration. Singapore 2.8 DraftCSA,PricingBasis,page24 linkedto NewCastle callsfor pricing a)Thetenderdocument for having countrylinkedindexes Index wouldpropose AP14 for SouthAfrica. for example multipleorigins, 2.9 Response in the specified All requirements asrelated to Document Bidding will remain Coallndices unchanged. and PriceAdjustment,page25 DraftCSA,Specifications a) Therejectionof VolatileMatter(arb)above39.9% may quitea restrictbuyer's optionsasit woulddisqualify we request to therefore few coalsfrom lndonesia, increase the limit above42 %. on a/c HigherTM is not correct b) Pricepenaltyseparately specified in the Offeris madeon GCV(ARB) All requirements andneedsto bedeleted. related to Bidding Document as theTM. takesintoaccount basiswhichalready r e m a i n u n c h a n g ed. d ) w i l l a ) t o handling at andconsidering c) Beinga naturalresource, penaltybe not levied multiplelevels / points,thatsizing andbethereforedeleted.Therejectioncouldbe retained. above1300degreeC willdisqualify d) AFTIDTRejection otheroriginssuchasSouthAfrica/Australia.Therefore requestto revisethe rejectionaboveL500degreeC. 2.LO Draft CSA,Payment, page 10 WhetherLCCcanopena confirmedL/C,with a clear charges to seller's understanding thatthe confirmation account. Page3 of 8 LCcanbeopened Confirmed providedthat the confirmation charges arebornebytheSeller. No. Clarificationsought 3. 3'dSet of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 3.1 Instructionto Bidders: Clause5.1, PageITB9 "Thebid prices,lnterestratesand discountsreadout qt the openingof Envelop- 2 will be considered for evoluotion.No alternativeofferswill be occepted." Whatdoesthismeanin that if onewereto offera discount subject to negotiation. Willthisbeconsidered analternative offerandhencenot accepted or will it constitute a partof the original offerwhichshallthenbeconsidered. 3.2 Response Any discountsofferedby the Biddershallbe firm and shall not be subjectto negotiation. Instruction to Bidders: Clause5.4,PageITB15,Specimen Calculation for Moisture Thetable usedin evaluationprocedures Step1.1is ambiguous as a MoistureContentof EXACTLY an intiger(I2,13,14 or t5 %) canbe interpretedto fall into 2 bandsfor example73%can be viewed as either L2-13%or L3-I4%eachof which attractsa differentrateof penaltyand limitingvalue. The exampleshown in the tender documentassumesthat 13% Moisturefallsin the t3-I4% range,but it could EQUALLY be consideredto be in the rangeof 72-73%. Forthe sakeof consistency and goodorderthe tableshould readBelow12% L 2 % a n dl e s st h a n L 3 % 13% and fessthan t4% eIc etc 4. 4thSet of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 4.L fnstructionto Bidders: Clause5.,SubCl. (b), PagetTB11 Clause/ Provision: Haveexperience in supplyingat leastthree (03)millionmetric tons of coalin last36 monthsup to31stMarch2014(from 1't April2011to 3L't March2OL4l.Out of thisthree (03)million metrictons,minimumof one (01)millionmetricton of coal havingGrossCalorificValue(As ReceivedBasis)of 5900 kcal/ kg or highershouldhavebeensuppliedto one purchaser. Clarification: We are of the opinionthat the supplyperiod(from 1't April 2011to 31'tMarch2014)mentionedin the bid documentdoes not givethe currentsupplypositionof the bidder. Hencewe requestyou to considersupplydatafrom 1'tApril 2 0 L L - 3 1 sM t a r c h2 0 1 5 ,t h i sw i l l g i v ey o u t h e c u r r e n st u p p l y position/ ordersof the bidders. We ferventlyhopethat LCCshallconsiderour above clarification and incorporatethis conditionsas partof the Bid Document. Page4 of 8 Pleasereferto Addendum No.6 Pleaserefer to AddendumNo. No. sought Clarification 5. 5thSet of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 5.1 Clause1.02,PageNo. 29, Sub Clause(g) [ Draft CSA] Clarification Wewouldliketo clarifyon whatdo meanby "LineBoat"in perspective ? lighterage 5.2 Clause1.04,PageNo. 31 [ Draft CSA] ClarificationNORand TT clauseat disportis not mentioned,Pleaseadviseit will be office day / office hrs ORATDNshinc+ TT of 12 hrs EIU or USC. Response is ln the eventthatthe Contract on CIFterms,theSeller awarded such conveyance shouldarrange Lanka asa LineBoatto the Sri officersattending Government and to arrival departure formalities of the shipsetc.,at safe hiscostfor providing passage to/fromthe ship/sat at thedischarge the anchorage port. In the eventthe coalsupply is awarded on "ClF Contract master of vessel Jetty"terms, shalltenderNoticeof Readiness ( N O Ro r N / R ) t ot h eS e l l e r to be and/orthe stevedores bythe Seller to appointed and notto the ship, discharge the Buyer. Sellershallinformthe Buyerof the arrivalof theshipby forwardinga copyof the N/Rfor Buyer's information andfor the to Buyerto makearrangements discharge coalat theJettyof the Plant. the questionof Turn Therefore, Time(TT)shallnotapplyto the Buyer. Asarrangedby the Buyer,the Jettyof the Plantwill be ready coalfromthe to discharge are barges, whenthe barges safelyberthedat theJetty,any holiday timeday,night,Sunday, (ATDN including SHINC). 5.3 Clause1.09,PageNo.32,SubClause(b) [ DraftCSA] Clarification INSTEAD directrepaircost"it shouldbeamend of "reasonable as"ActualRepairCost" Page5 of 8 givenin the Bidding Statement Document will remain unchanged. No. 5.4 Clarificationsought Clause4.00, PageNo. 4, Sub Clause4.1 [ Draft CSA] ClarificationLCCmightget 8 vesselsin Jan-Mar(eachmonth 8 vessel)with in lessthan 50-55 440Kcargowhich cannotbe discharge practicaldaysor 44 theoreticaldaysagainst30 daysallowed whichwould leadto over lappingduringthe month & will have cascadingeffect on the next month vessels. 5.5 Response We also requestyou to incorporatethe below Clausein the biddingdocumentof vesselto be incorporated a. Clausefor overlapping will vessel(s) NORfor overlapping As stevedores, of earlier on actual completion be tendered deemedto / ongoingvessel.TTto applythereafterper terms ie 12 hrs. USC. b. Stevedoredamageclause(on mothervessel)is not mentioned.Lateron, if LCCwill haveclausesameas clauseat load port,then the clauseis one sided& does not have provisionof surveyorto be appointedto for damage.Same decidethe nature/ responsibility suitably. shouldbe incorporated c. Dischargerate of Mother vessel@10000mts pwwd shouldalsomentionbasismin 4x30mts cranesand 4x12cbm grabs. vesselis usedby supplierto bringthe d. In casea gearless cargohow is cargogoingto be dischargedwithout floatingcranesin placeor do we needto offer for floatingcranechargesalso? and We hopethat LCCshallconsiderout aboveclarification part of the BidDocument. theseconditionsas incorporate Page6 of 8 An operationalmatter,which to in the hasto be addressed operationalperiod. a . Pleasereferto the reply to the questionNo.5.2. b . The Buyershallnot be for responsible StevedoreDamagesat eitherthe loadport or the dischargeport. c. The Biddersare free to mentiontheir envisaged dischargeratestogether with the modeof ship's discharge cranesor by floating cranein the Form5 and the Annex44. d . lf any Bidderintendsto usefloatingcrane/s,he hasto makehisown for the arrangements deploymentand useof floatingcrane/s. No. Response Clarificationsought 6. 6thSet of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 6.1 (b),lPageITB111 ClauseITB5. (a)Thedefinitions givenSri rds Standa LankaAccounting referto LKAS 27 and28 (Please willapply. www.casrila in theTenderDocument wasamended Thefollowing clause published in the May 2AL4butwasnot present in November to havebeenspecifically TenderDocument andhenceappears witha viewto administration bythe previous changed (b)Thisisa NewProcurement. prejudicing winningTender All requirements our previously andonlvrestricting in specified BidSubmission. need Document to thisBidding "Anytronsoctionsof supplyingcoalbetweenthe partnersof o to befulfilledby a Bidder JointVentureformedto Bidfor thisTenderwill not be tokenfor Bidder. becomea responsive experience of the considerotion for thepurposesof assessing JointVenture." (c)& (d)Thismatterhasbeen "similarlyany transoctionsof supplyingcoalbetweenthe 2, Part to in Schedule addressed porentdnd/or subsidiaries of a Bidderor a andtor associotes B,of DraftCoalSupply pdrtner of a loint Venturewill not be tokenfor consideration Agreement. of the Bidderor Joint experience for thepurposesof ossessing Venture,os the cosemoy be." words"pa,lsrr! a) Whatisthe definitionof the highlighted We requesta ond " dssociates". ondlor subsidiaries suchthatisclearon howrelatedor specific definition Parties in particular, Associated shallbe interpreted. under b) We askthat sincewe werepreviouslv oualified Criteria andwerea winningBid all pre-Qualification whetherwe shouldagainhaveto qualifyfor the 1't time. Stageyet againfor the 3'dsuccessive for highergrade c) lt is usualpractice to offerbonuses Please whetherbonuses aswellas material. advise penalties doesnot shallbeofferedaspurepenalties grade material. of higher encourage the delivery d) Please alsoconfirmthat if GCVhigherthan5300is delivered thatanybasepriceshallreflectthe prorate in thefinalinvoice. increase valuedelivered to calorific 8. Bidder 8thset of Clarifications soughtby a Prospective 8.1 PriceProposal mustbe priceproposal i.e.FOBT bythe Canwe submittwo proposal; bythe Bidder proposal for supplyof coalanda separate byXXX submitted CoalSupplier A 5 in according to theAnnexure for Freight& Logistic services? the Bidding Document. 8.2 lsthe plantrunningat itsfullcapacity of 900MWat present? gearsufficient Doesthe unloading to discharge thetotal required withinthe 5 monthperiod? capacity 8.3 Yes Yes process Inthe logistic fromAnchorage to Terminals, doesLanka N o coalprovideanyequipment /or thatwe canhirefromLanka Coal? Page7 of 8 No. Response Clarification sought 8.4 Howmanybarges do youoperatecurrently? Fivearein operation 8.5 What are the capacities of the currentbarges? Avg. 2000 MT 8.6 What is the dailydischarge rate of the conveyorbelt? 'J.2,50O pwwd MT 8.7 HaveLanka Coalbegunbuilding upthesecondary conveyor belt Notyet already? lf not whendo theyexpectto do it ? 8.8 Howmanycranes mountedin thejetty?is it 4 or more? Four 8.9 Howlong(hours)doesistakefor a bargeto arriveat thejetty fromthe mothership? About45 minutes,weather permitting. 9. 9thSet of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 9.1 TheAFT(lDT,FT)rejectionlimitsarelowandnotto the benefit All requirements specifiedin the to the powerplant.In actuality mostlPPsprefera higherAFT BiddingDocumentas relatedto wherethe ashwouldeventually emergein theflueor wet ash AFTwill remainunchanged. ratherthanfoulingor slagging in the boiler. 9.2 matter,which Theamountof time required to discharge theentireamountof An operational has to be addressed to in the coalisshortandsomeestimation hasto bedonein preparation period. operational for thedischarging. lt wouldbeappreciated if we couldoneout moreaboutthe serviceproviders of barging, stevedores and At the discretion of the Bidder floatingcranesin the eventwe usecapevessels. 9.3 Theissueof sizingpenalties or limitsisonethatisalsorelated to the HGIof coal.A lowerHGInumberrefersto a hardercoal. TheIndonesian coalthatwe planto tenderwithisonewitha highHGInumberandhencesofter.Asa resultfineswillbe All requirements specified in the Bidding presentto someextent.Howeverhavinga highHGIresultsin Document asrelated to remain sizing will unchanged. easierhandling withoutdifficultgrinding costs. Therein in there penalties issomecontradiction in the high for sub 50mmand you over 2mmlimitsandhopethat maylookintothisto someextent. Page8 of 8
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