Invitation for Bids

11 May 2015
Loan/Grant No. and Title
3169/3170-BAN : SASEC Railway Connectivity: Akhaura-Laksam Double Track
Contract No.
Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and Conversion of existing Rail
Line into Dual Gauge between Akhaura and Laksam
Deadline for Submission of
Date: 6 July 2015
Time: 11 :00 AM (Local Time)
1. The People 's Republic of Bangladesh ("the Borrower") has received financing from the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) towards the
cost of "South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Railway Connectivity:
Akhaura-Laksam Double Track Project" . Part of this financing will be used for payments
under the contract named above . Bidding is open to qualified Bidders from eligible
countries of the ADB and EIB .
2. Bangladesh Railway ("the Employer") invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the
construction and completion 0 f Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and Conversion of existing
Rail Line into Dual Gauge between Akhaura and Laksam ("the Works ") which includes, but
is not limited to the following:
• Railway embankment;
• Track;
• Bridges and Culverts;
• Stations and Buildings;
• Signalling and Telecommunications; " Ancillary Works; and • Environmental Safeguards Time for completion of tile Works from tl1e Commencement Date will be 40 1110nt115. 3. International Competitive Bidding (ICB) will be conducted in accordance with ADB's
Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure.
4. Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this
bidding :
• A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.3;
• If the Bidder has pending litigation, its pending litigation shall in total not represent
more than fifty percent of the Bidder's net worth ;
• Have a minimum average annual construction turnover of US$ 260 million
calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or
completed, within the last five (5) years ;
• Have audited financial statements or, if not required by the law of the Bidder's
country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last 5 (five)
years to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder's financial position . As a
minimum , the Bidder's net worth for the last year calculated as the difference
between total assets and total liabilities should be positive;
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• Must be able to demonstrate access to, or availability of, liquid assets, lines of
credit, or other financial resources (other than any contractual advance payments)
to meet the Bidder's financial resources requirement:
US$ 35 million for the Subject Works and Current Commitments. • Has participation as contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor:
In at least 1 contract within the last 10 years , where the value of the Bidder's
participation exceeds USD 350 million that have been successfully or are
substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed works;
• For the above or other contracts executed within the last 10 years, a minimum
construction experience in the following key activities in 1 (one) year in a single
a. Construction of mechanically compacted Road/Railway earthen embankment
including Sub Base of 500,000 cum ;
b. Construction of New Railway Track with Prestressed Concrete Sleepers with
CWR/LWR complete with all ballasting, fittings and accessories using mechanized
methods for track laying of 30 km ;
c. Rehabilitation/Upgrade of Railway Track with Prestressed Concrete Sleepers with
CWR/LWR complete with all ballasting, fittings and accessories using mechanized
methods for track laying of 30 km ;
d. Construction of 3,500 metres of 1200 mm dia. or larger cast-in-situ bored piles;
e. Construction of steel girder railway/road bridges with minimum total length of 200
metres on deep foundation (cast-in-situ bored piles) including at least one bridge of
minimum 40 metres span ;
f. For Signalling and Telecommunication works the minimum experience in execution
of the following key activities in 1 (one) year:
Installation of computerized based interlocking (CBI) signalling system with
tokenless block working at 5 (five) stations;
ii. Installation of level crossing protection signals at 4 (four) level crossings ;
iii. Inotallation of optioal fibre tranomiooion and interfaoing equipmont ot 5 (five)
stations; and
iv. Installation of CTC system (completed or in progress).
i. • The Contractor's Project Manager must have at least 20 years total work experience
of which 10 years is in similar works. Details pertaining to the minimum total work
experience and required experience in similar work for other staff is given in Section
6: Employer's Requirements of the Biddinf1 Document;
• Must have key equipment which meets the requirements of the Works , either of Its
own or rented as listed in Section 6: Employer's Requirements of the Bidding
Document; and
• Must meet all eligibility and qualification criteria in the Bidding Document.
5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following office and
inspect the Bidding document during normal office hours (from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm local
time) on all working days :
Attention : Mr. S. K. Chakraborty , General Manager/Project Director
Akhaura -Laksam Dual Gauge Double Line Project
Street Address : 16, Abdul Gani Road
Floor/Room number: yth /817
City: Dhaka
ZIP Code: 1000
Country: Bangladesh
Telephone: 880 2 9568296
Facsimile number: 880 2 9581433
Electronic mail address:
6. To purchase the Bidding Document in English, eligible Bidders should:
write to address above requesting the Bidding Document for "Construction of Dual Gauge
Double Rail Line and Conversion of existing Rail Line into Dual Gauge between Akhaura
and Laksam".
pay a non-refundable fee of BDT 35,000 or USD 450. The mode of payment will be cash
or a Pay Order, in favor of Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer (Project),
Bangladesh Railway, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
7. Deliver your Bid: to the address above on or before the deadline: Date: 6 July 2015, Time: 11 :00 AM (Local Time) together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document. Technical Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for Bid submission in the
presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend.
8. The Invitation for Bids (IFB) is available in the Bangladesh Railway (BR), Central
Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Official
Journal of the European Union (OJEU) websites at,, and http://ted respectively.
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General Manager/Project Director
Akhaura-Laksam Dual Gauge Double Line Project
Street Address: 16, Abdul Gani Road
Floor/Room number: yth /817
City: Dhaka
ZIP Code: 1000
Country: Bangladesh
Telephone: 88029568296
Facsimile number: 880 2 9581433
Electronic mail address:
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