HARYANA RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HAREDA) ( Department of Renewable Energy, Govt. of Haryana) Akshay Urja Bhawan, Institutional Plot no.-1, Sector 17, Panchkula-134109 Tel.: 0172-2585733, 2585433, EPBX: 0172-2587233, 2587833 (Extn.-103) Fax: 0172-2564433 E-mail: drehareda@gmail.com Website: www.hareda.gov.in CORRIGENDUM FOR TENDER NO. HAREDA/ CFL BASED SOLAR HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS/ 2015-16 / 03 In continuation of HAREDA TENDER NO. HAREDA/ CFL BASED SOLAR HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS/ 2015-16/03, it is informed to all the bidders that they can now submit the test report of the system as required in the DNIT, before opening of the price bid (date for which shall be informed separately). However, the bidders shall have to submit the documentary evidence of submission of sample in any of the approved test laboratory in addition to other documents required in the DNIT while submitting the bid. It is also clarified to all the bidders that the technical bids will be accepted based on the test report of MNRE Model-2 of CFL based home lighting system (without fan) tested by any of the MNRE approved test centre. However, the bidder has to supply the systems with a DC fan in addition to the MNRE Model-2 as mentioned in the DNIT. The other terms and conditions of the DNIT will remain the same. Director, HAREDA
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