AIR INDIA LIMITED Dy. General Manager (MMD), Materials Management Department Jet Engine Overhaul Complex, IGI Airport, Terminal-II, New Delhi-110037(INDIA) Email:,, Phone; 0091 11 25653654, 25653019 Fax: 0091 11 25653063 Tender No. DSD / JEOC/ V-136 Date: 15th Oct, 2014 Last date of submission of quotation: 14:00 hrs of 30th Oct „2014. Date of opening of quotation: 14:00 hrs of 30th Oct „2014.. A) Sr # 1 2 Techno-Commercial Bids are invited from ASA/FAA/EASA approved vendors for the following: P/N DESCRIPTION QTY CONDITION MODULE ENGINE TYPE 2A5591 VANE T1 80 Overhauled HPT IAE's V2500 A1 6A5470 HPC FRONT CASE 02 Overhauled HPC IAE‟s V2500 A1 Delivery Schedule One set required immediately within 30 days of POand second within 60 days of PO One required immediately within 30 days of PO and second within 60 days of PO Note: No alternate P/N other than above mentioned part numbers would be acceptable. DER/OTC repaired parts or PMA parts will not be acceptable. B) Bidders Response: The response from the bidder complete in all respects must be provided in the table at annexure “A” of this tender document and should be signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of bidder. Contd…P/2 (2) C) Details of requirement: Procurement would be done for overhauled parts only depending on the availability and offers made by the vendors, duly supported with the complete documentation & paperwork accompanying the bid. Overhauled Parts offered should be with complete traceability documents including FAA 8130-3, Part Material Certificate, Back to Birth History and No Incident/Accident Certificate. Note: Mere submission of the above requested document does not deem acceptance of the bidders offer unless the same is scrutinized and approved by Air India QC. D) Documents to be submitted with Quotation/bidders response. a. FAA 8130-3 certificate b. Traceability document (Invoice, Release/Material Certificate, Back to birth history & No Incident/Accident Certificates etc.) c. Copy of ASA/FAA/EASA approvals as applicable. d. Lead time of delivery: To be mentioned correctly in the bidders response at annexure “A”. e. Payment terms of 60 days net against successful acceptance of spares at JEOC, Delhi:: To agree and accept in the bidders response at annexure “A”. f. Supplier on whom PO is issued must supply parts with ATA-106/ Part Material Certificate. General Terms and Conditions: 1. Bidders offer must be valid for 120 days from due date of opening of Tender. 2. Biddersresponse clearly mentioning the quantity offered - ex-stock and/or otherwise with lead time as specified on clause A at page no1, should be submitted in the tender box in a Sealed Envelope superscribed with the remarks “Tender Enquiry No. DSD/JEOC/V-136” due on 30thOctober2014 & addressed to Mr.D.C.Joshi, Dy.General Manager(MMD), should reach us on or before 1400 hrs. on30thOctober 2014. Offer submitted by e-mail or in open condition will be at the risk of bidder. Bidder should be FAA-AC-00-56 accredited vendor. 3. The Sealed Quotation may be sent through Courier Services or alternatively be dropped in person into the Tender Box kept at the office of the undersigned. 4. Quotes will be opened at 1400 hrs. on30thOctober 2014. in the office ofThe Dy. General Manager (Materials Management Department), Air India Limited (AIL) formerly Indian Airlines Limited, Jet Engine Overhaul Complex (JEOC) IGI Airport, Terminal-II, New Delhi-110037 (INDIA). 5. Bidders may respond with “NO BID” in case on non-availability of the „parts as per the lead time specified herein under. Regret can be sent by email/ fax. Contd…….P/3 (3) 6. Price Bid should accompany complete traceability documents; acceptance of parts is subject to acceptability of documents by our Quality Control Department. 7. All Quotations must be preferably in US Dollars. Payment will be on 60 days credit basis ONLY against successful acceptance of spares at JEOC, Delhi. No advance payment request will be accepted under any circumstances and the PO would not materialize on the vendor in such case and Air India would treat such bid as disqualified.No other proposal for payment terms other than 60 days net is acceptable by Air India. 8. Lowest bidders will be identified for overhauled parts based on the quantities and rates offered. In case no single vendor is able to meet the full requirement, AIL will have the option to split the order on multiple vendors. 9. Tenderers may please note that the requirement projected above is very urgent and accordingly, offers should be made for the quantities either on hand or expected to be in hand with them for delivery as stipulated in the tender.In the event of winning the tender and not supplying the material as per delivery terms given at Clause A at page 1, liquidated damages of ½% per week of delay thereof may be levied. 10. Tenders received late, delivered at an address other than as specified in the tender, or delayed in transit will not be accepted irrespective of whether the delay has arisen on account of the delivery system, i.e. postal, courier, etc. 11. Tenders that are incomplete are liable to be rejected. 12. Tenders should be duly signed and stamped on every page by an authorized signatory of the tenderer. 13. The price quoted should be clearly typed / written in figures and words, free from corrections or overwriting. Corrections, if any, must be authenticated by the full signature of the person who has signed the quotation. 14. AILreserves the right to reject in whole or part any bid without assigning any reason whatsoever. 15. AIL reserves the right to award the order(s) to one or more successful tenderers. 16. In the event of default, AIL reserves the right to cancel the Order and to claim damages from the successful tenderer. AIL also reserves the right to award the order to any other party at the cost and risk of the successful tenderer. 17. Material should be properly packed for air transportation as per international standards. Material receipt shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by AIL QC Inspection Team. Any material rejected during incoming inspection due to poor workmanship or documents shall be returned to bidders, at their cost and risk. It shall be the bidders‟ responsibility to replenish the rejected parts at their cost and risk. Contd…….P/4 (4) 18. Arbitration: Any dispute arising between the supplier parties in respect of the construction, interpretation, application, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this document, or the validity or breach thereof, shall first be settled by mutual consultation. If the dispute remains unresolved after a period of 90 days from the date when the mutual consultation has started, the matter shall be referred for settlement to the 'SCOPE FORUM OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION', Govt. of India, and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties. 19. Jurisdiction: Any dispute whatsoever shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Delhi only. 20. Quotation shall be opened in the presence of vendors, on the due date of opening i.e. 1400 hrs. on30th Oct,, 2014. You may send your personnel on above mentioned time and date, with authority letter to attend the quotation opening process, if desired. ForAir India Limited Dy.GeneralManager(MMD) Materials Management Department Jet Engine Overhaul Complex IGI Airport, Terminal-II, New Delhi – 110037 I N D I A Commercial Bid FormatBidders response Table “A” (TO BE FILLED UP BY THE DULY AUTHORISED SIGNATORY OF THE BIDDER) Tender No. DSD / JEOC/ V-136 Sr # P/N DESCRIPTION 1 2A5591 VANE, T1 2 6A5470 HPC FRONT CASE Tender Qty 80ea ( Two Sets) 2ea AILs desired Lead time Date: on15th October2014 QTY offered CONDITION Availability/Delivery Unit price (USD) Documents details One set required immediately within 30 days of PO and second within 60 days of PO One required immediately within 30 days of PO and second within 60 days of PO Note: No alternate P/N other than above mentioned part numbers would be acceptable. DER/OTC repaired parts or PMA parts will not be acceptable. We agree to all the terms & conditions of the tender herewith, including payment terms of 60 days credit basis ONLY against successful acceptance of spares at JEOC, Delhi and the levy of liquidated damage penalty in case of non-supply of material within lead time as given in table above. We also confirm that the documents for all the parts offered in response to this tender, as stated in the table herewith have been duly enclosed for verification and QC approval. Signature: _______________________ Name: ________________________ Company: _______________________ Designation: _____________________ Date: ____________________________
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