INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED BONGAIGAON REFINERY Tender No - CC14AD169 NIT NOTICE INVITINGTENDER (NIT) Tender No : CC14AD169 (E-Tendering) Date : 27.10.2014 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Bongaigaon Refinery (IOCL-BGR) invites electronic bids through its website under two bid system, (Part-I : Techno-Commercial Part & Part-II : Price Part) for the subject work, from experienced Contractors fulfilling the qualifying requirements stated hereunder: Brief Details of Tender: 1. Name of work ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES TO BGR TOWNSHIP 2. Tender No CC14AD169 3. 4. Type of tender Cost of tender document OPEN TWO BID NIL (document to be downloaded from website 5. Contract duration / Completion 3 (three) years period 6.1 Financial Criteria: Bid Qualification Criteria The annual financial turnover of the Bidder during any of the preceding three financial years shall be at least Rs. 50.35 Lac. 6. 6.2 Experience Criteria 6.2.1 Bidder should have experience in successful completion of similar job as under during any of the last five years ending on the last day of the month immediately previous to the month in which last date of bid submission falls of value as mentioned below: a) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 45.30 Lac OR b) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 60.40 Lac OR c) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 75.50 Lac. The similar nature of work is: “Electrical Works” 6.3 The vender must have valid “License to Electrical Contractor” & “Electrical Supervisor’s certificate of competency” of the person who will be deployed for supervising the jobs against this Tender. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Start date for downloading of Tender Document Date of pre-bid meeting Last date for downloading of Tender by bidder and uploading of bid by bidder Date & Time of opening of Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) Site Location NOTE: (a) Documentary evidence in the form of copy of Work order/Agreement and completion certificate containing executed value from the client should be submitted along with the name of the company, address, contact person with Telephone, Fax, e-mail address in support of experience criteria under Sl. No. 6.2.1. In case executed value is not mentioned in the completion certificate, copy of certified bill shall also be acceptable for determining the executed value provided completion certificate is also submitted. Bids without proper evidence are liable to be rejected. (b) Financial turnover shall be as per Balance Sheet including Profit & Loss Account of the bidder audited by a Chartered Accountant. (c) For Annual Rate Contracts (ARC) of repetitive nature, similar ARC job that has been successfully completed by bidder for the originally awarded period of such ARC, shall be considered as completed works even though such ARC is under execution on account of extension. However, the original contract must have been completed within the cut-off date of completion as mentioned under clause 6.2.1 above and documentary evidence thereon shall be provided by the bidder. 28.10.2014 Not applicable 19.11.2014 up to 14.00 Hrs IST 20.11.2014 at 15.00 Hrs IST BGR Township area, Dhaligaon, Assam-783385 INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED BONGAIGAON REFINERY Tender No - CC14AD169 12. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) NIT Rs. 2,52,000.00 (Rupees two lac fifty two thousand only). EMD mentioned above shall be paid by way of Demand Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Bongaigaon Refinery payable at Dhaligaon. In case value of EMD is not less than Rs 1.00 lakh, Bank Guarantee from a scheduled Bank as per prescribed format can also be submitted. Tenders without Earnest Money are liable to be rejected. However EMD shall be exempted for Small Scale Units registered with the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) & for Central/ State PSU and JV of IOCL. 13. 14 Tender inviting and receiving authority The physical EMD instrument should reach the Tender Inviting Authority within the closing date & time of Bid Submission. Late or Non submission of EMD will lead to rejection of bid. Manager (Contract Cell) IndianOil Corporation Ltd, Bongaigaon Refinery Administrative Building Block “A” P.O-Dhaligaon, Dist – Chirang Assam – 783385 Tel: 03664-253349, E-mail: Others a) Physical Bids will not be accepted. Tender Documents can be downloaded from the website and online bids are required to be submitted with Digital signatures on the system. All help files are available at website. b) Bidders are required to go through the NIT and tender document carefully and submit the required documents in favour of their credentials and other requirements along with their offer as per instruction given in the Tender. c) Bids from Consortium shall not be accepted. d) The bidders must ensure that their offers are submitted electronically in time. e) Consultants or their subsidiary company or companies under the management of consultant, are not eligible to quote for the execution of the same job for which they are working as consultant. f) Conditional offers are liable for rejection. Offer shall be evaluated with respect to bid qualification criteria to determine the techno-commercially qualified bidders. Offers of unqualified bidders is liable for rejection. g) IOCL-BGR reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or to split the work amongst various contractors or to award only part of the work or annul the total bid process without assigning any reason whatsoever. No compensation is paid for the efforts made by the contractor in case tendering process is abandoned by IOCLBGR. h) Prevailing Government guidelines regarding Purchase Preference shall be applicable. i) The bidder shall bear all costs associated with their bid including costs and expenses relating to the visits to the site etc. and IOCL-BGR will in no case be liable for these costs regardless of the outcome of the bidding process. j) The offers of bidder not having PF Code shall be rejected. k) Any dispute relating to this NIT is subject to jurisdiction at Bongaigaon, Assam. l) Any addendum/corrigendum/sale date extension in respect of above tender shall be issued on our website ‘’ only and no separate notification shall be issued in the press. Bidders are therefore, requested to regularly visit our website to keep themselves updated. Manager (Contract Cell) Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Bongaigaon Refinery)
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