e-Procurement Tender Notice (to be uploaded in TTD website) MARKETING DEPARTMENT, T.T.Devasthanams, Tirupati. Roc.No.M2/348/MRKT/2014. Short e-Tenders are invited for “procurement of 1,25,00,000 Nos., of Paper Plates for a period of 6(Six) months” by the Marketing Department, T.T.Devasthanams, Tirupati. The EMD of Rs.2,35,000/- (Rupees two lakhs thirty five thousands only) is to be remitted by way of D.D drawn in favour of the Exe.Officer, TTD, Tirupati payable at Tirupati and 100 Nos of plain paper plates of samples should be furnished along with the EMD to the General Manager(Procurement), TTD, Tirupati before the 3-00 PM on 19-11-2014. Date of start of Downloading - 04-11-2014 End date of downloading (Last date for submission) - 19-11-2014 Date of opening of tender Tech.Bid Fin. Bid Period of procurement 19-11-2014 at 3-30 PM - 19-11-2014 at 4-00 PM - 6 (Six) months Daily requirement (approximately) - 70,000 Nos to 80,000 Nos Tender documents can http://tender.eprocurement.gov.in. be downloaded from the website For further details contact phone numbers : 0877-2264079, 2264555. Sd/- P.Srinivasa Rao General Manager(P) Specifications S.No. 1 Name of the item Paper plates Description a) 21 cms full dia(± 0.5 cms) b) 14 cms inner dia c) 2.5 cms height with Bowl shape. d) Weight: Not less than 11 grams. e) Inside of the plate with Silver Foil. f) Bowl shape and bottom of the Plate should be strong. g) Marking as “TTD” on the bottom of the paper plate : List of attested Documents to be uploaded at the time of Tendering 1. EMD Demand Draft 2. Copy of CST/ VAT registration. 3. Copy of PAN card/ Income Tax returns. 4. Declaration to the extent that they have not been black listed in any of the organisaions. 5. Supply of the relevant commodity experience of one year in the last three years. 6. Self-Declaration letter. 7. Letter towards authorized signatory to sign and submit bid in the case of Dealers etc., 8. Annual turnover statement to be certified by Charted Accountant (i.e.,Rs.15 lakhs in any one year of the last 3 (three) financial years). 9. Experience for 20 lakh Nos of same product in any one year of last 3 financial years (Copies of invoices in support as proof should be up loaded)
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