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Tel : 0755-2526500,2526552. Fax : 0755-2526503 Tender Notice No.F.4-3/11-Purchase Dated: 30.04.2015 Notice Inviting Tenders Sealed tenders are hereby invited from reputed Registered Suppliers for the supply of the following: S.N. Nature of Stores 1. Supply of Store material as detailed Section-VII Quantity Approximate Total amount As per the specification Provided under section VII Rs.1,00,000/of the document EMD 5% of total value of supply order Date of issue of tenders: 30.04.2015 to 21.05.2015 on all working days. Sealed Tenders will be received up to 16:00 hrs of 21.05.2015 Time and date of opening of tender are 16:30 Hrs of 21.05.2015 Venue of opening of tender is: Officer in charge (Administration Section), IGRMS, Bhopal. Earnest Money Deposit to be incorporated with the Tender – Rs.5,000/Cost of tender for Rs.500/- Administrative officer Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya BHOPAL Dated ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Form No…………….has been issued to M/S…………………………...………………… …………………………………………………………/The cost of the Tender form has been received vide MR No…………………….dated…………………………………….. Accounts Officer Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya BHOPAL The tender detail is also available at Website www.igrms.com INDIRA GANDHI RASHTRIYA MANAV SANGRAHALAYA (An autonomous organization of India Deptt. of Culture, Ministry of Culture) Shamla Hills, Bhopal 462013 (M.P.) Tel : 0755-2661319,2661789. Fax : 0755-2661458 Tender documents (Contents) Tender Notice No. F.4-3/11-Purchase Section Dated: 30.04.2015 Subject I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Notice inviting tender General instructions to tenderer Credentials & Income tax certificate Validity period Earnest Money Deposit Penalty Specifications Payment Declaration Price (Rate) schedule SECTION-II General Instruction to Tenderer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Tender should be submitted only in to the prescribed form marked “price schedule” (Sec. X), which has been enclosed with tender documents. No amendment in the rate quoted in the price schedule (Sec. X) will be permitted after opening of tender. Rates should be quoted in rupees (both in figures and words). Basic unit price, excise duty, sale tax etc. should be shown separately. Each page of the documents should be signed by the tenderer with stamp and all documents should be submitted. “Sealed tender” can be either be dropped in the “Sealed Tender Box” kept in the Room No.19 of office of IGRMS or sent by post. Tenders received in “sealed Cover only” sent by post will be accepted up to 16:00 Hrs. of the date of opening of the tender. (21-5-2015) Tenderer may contact (Store Section), for any clarification, if necessary. The tender documents are not transferable. Tenderers are invited to present themselves or through their representative. Submission of tender will bind the tenderer to the acceptance ot all conditions of all conditions specified in the tender documents. Tenderer shall not impose any conditions of his own. The small-scale industries registered with National Small Scale Industries Corporation (NSIC) under single point registration scheme and desirous of claiming concessions available to such units should submit documents in respect of their monetary limit and financial capacity duly certified by NSIC. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The purchaser reserves the right to black list a tenderer for a suitable period in case, he/she fails to honour his/her tender without sufficient ground. The purchaser reserves the rights to counter offer the price against the price quoted by the tenderer and negotiate the rates if the price quoted is unreasonable higher than the market rate. The Contractor shall warrant that the stores to be supplied shall be new and free from defects and faults in material, workmanship and manufacture and shall be of highest grade and in sealed and packed conditions. Replacement at site under warranty clause shall be made by the contactor free of all charges at site including fright and other incidental charges.. Canvassing in any form will be a sufficient ground for rejection of tender. The rate of items under this contract will not be changed during the period of one year unless the condition/reasons are satisfying to the Director IGRMS. SECTION-III Credential and Income Tax certificate 1. 2. 1. 2. Tenderer’s credentials regarding experience in successful execution of a commercial order issued by Government departments (central or state) PSUs or Autonomous bodies are preferred. Latest Income Tax Certification may have to be produced by the successful tenderer before the issue of purchase order. SECTION-IV Validity period The validity period of the tender shall be normally One year from the date of issue of acceptance order (Advance Purchase order). The validity period may be extended beyond one year if so agreed upon mutually without any hike in the rates quoted. SECTION-V Security Deposit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The successful tenderer shall be liable to pay requisition Security Deposit either in advance or by deductions from the bill for the due fulfillment of the contact. The Rate of Security Deposit will be 5% of the tendered amount. The Security Deposit will be refunded after three months from the date of completion of the contract period. The Security Deposit will not carry any interest. Security Deposit will be forfeited if the tenderer fails to complete obligations under the contract. SECTION-VI Penalty In case the contractor fails to complete the delivery of Stores by the date fixed in the supply Order, penalty @ 0.5% of the value of the delayed supply for each week of delay or part there of shall be charged and recovered from any future payment to the Contractor. SECTION-VII Specifications The tendered items should conform to the following specifications Store Materials S.No Item Description 1 ‡¡òxÉÉ<±É (5 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) Make Quantity 300 Ltr 2 ‡¡òxÉÉ<±É MÉÉä±ÉÒ (100 OÉɨÉ) 40 KG 3 ¤Éɱ]õÒ {±ÉÉκ]õEò (25 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 50 Nos. 4 {ÉäËºÉ±É ºÉä±É 500 No. 5 EòÉä±ÉÒxÉ (500 B¨É.B±É.) 500 Nos. 6 b÷º]õ®ú ]äõ¤É±É 500 Nos. 7 b÷º]õ®ú {ÉÉäUôÉ 1000 Nos. 8 b÷º]õ®ú {ÉÉäUôÉ ®úººÉÒ ´ÉɱÉÉ 200 Nos. 9 b÷º]õ®ú ¤ÉºiÉÉ (¡òÉ<±É ¤ÉÉÆvÉxÉä ½äiþ ÉÖ) 200 Nos. 10 b÷º]õ®ú ´ÉɪÉ{É®ú 50 Nos. 11 b÷º]õ‡¤ÉxÉ (¤Éc÷Ò) 100 Nos. 12 ¡äò´ÉÒEòÉ±É (250 OÉɨÉ) 100 Nos. 13 EòÉÆSÉ M±ÉÉºÉ ({ÉÒxÉä Eäò {ÉÉxÉÒ ½äiþ ÉÖ) 200 Nos. 14 iÉɱÉÉ ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ (MÉÉän®ù äúVÉ) 50 Nos. 15 ½þÉÌ{ÉEò (500 B¨É.B±É.) 300 Nos. 16 ZÉÉcÝ÷ ºÉÓEò (¤Éc÷Ò) 1000 Nos. 17 ZÉÉcÝ÷ ¡Úò±É 500 Nos. 18 VÉMÉ {ºÉÉα]õEò (2 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 200 Nos. 19 ¨ÉMMÉä {±ÉÉκ]õEò (1 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 100 Nos. 20 ¨ÉÉä¨É¤ÉkÉÒ 100 Pkt. 21 +ÉäbÉ÷ äxÉÒ±É (¤Éc÷Ò) 500 Nos. 22 ºÉɤÉÖxÉ (±ÉÉ<¡ò¤ÉÉªÉ UôÉä]õÉ) 500 Nos. 23 ºÉɤÉÖxÉ ‡±ÉÎC´Éb÷ (bä÷]õÉ±É 200 B¨É.B±É.) 100 Nos. 24 ‡´É¨É/ºÉÉ<ǤÉɤÉÉ 200 Nos. 25 ´ÉèCºÉ (ºÉÒ±É Eò®úxÉä ½äiþ ÉÖ) 100 Pkt. 26 ]õɪɱÉä]õ ¥É„É 100 Nos. SECTION-VIII Payment terms 1. Payment shall be made after the delivery of goods on production of the following documents: a. Bills in duplicate b. Delivery challan c. Consignee’s receipts on delivery challan. 2. 3. 4. In case Security Deposit is not paid earlier, SD @ 5% of the bill will be deducted Income tax shall be deducted on the gross amount of the bill. Payment will be made by Account Payee cheques. SECTION-IX Declaration It is declared that I being the proprietor/manager of M/s……………………………… ..……………………………….…..……would abide by all the terms and conditions as laid down in the tender documents. I will submit quoted rate analysis if necessary and offer to supply and deliver the stores in conformity with the conditions of contract and specification for the sum shown in the schedule of price attached h/w. If our tender is accepted, we undertake to deliver the goods on placement of purchase order as per the actual delivery schedule given in the purchase order. We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the tender for a period from………………………….. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest bed and you reserve the right to annual the tender process and reject all tenders without assigning any reasons. 1. 2. 3. 4. Date : Signature of the Contractor/Supplier………………………. Name……………………………….. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT A sum of Rs.4,000/- (Rupees Four thousand only) is hereby forwarded in Demand Draft issued by Bank……………………………………………. Bearing No………… ………….……..………dated…………………...issued as Earnest Money. If I/We fail to commence the work specified, I/We agree that the said President of RMSS or his successor in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely other wise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards the Security Deposit to execute all the Supply referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered in accordance with the provision contained in contract conditions. Date: Signature of the Contractor/Supplier………………… Name……………………………….. SECTION-X Store Materials S.No Item Description 1 ‡¡òxÉÉ<±É (5 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) Make Quantity 300 Ltr 2 ‡¡òxÉÉ<±É MÉÉä±ÉÒ (100 OÉɨÉ) 40 KG 3 ¤Éɱ]õÒ {±ÉÉκ]õEò (25 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 50 Nos. 4 {ÉäËºÉ±É ºÉä±É 500 No. 5 EòÉä±ÉÒxÉ (500 B¨É.B±É.) 500 Nos. 6 b÷º]õ®ú ]äõ¤É±É 500 Nos. 7 b÷º]õ®ú {ÉÉäUôÉ 1000 Nos. 8 b÷º]õ®ú {ÉÉäUôÉ ®úººÉÒ ´ÉɱÉÉ 200 Nos. 9 b÷º]õ®ú ¤ÉºiÉÉ (¡òÉ<±É ¤ÉÉÆvÉxÉä ½äiþ ÉÖ) 200 Nos. 10 b÷º]õ®ú ´ÉɪÉ{É®ú 50 Nos. 11 b÷º]õ‡¤ÉxÉ (¤Éc÷Ò) 100 Nos. 12 ¡äò´ÉÒEòÉ±É (250 OÉɨÉ) 100 Nos. 13 EòÉÆSÉ M±ÉÉºÉ ({ÉÒxÉä Eäò {ÉÉxÉÒ ½äiþ ÉÖ) 200 Nos. 14 iÉɱÉÉ ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ (MÉÉän®ù äúVÉ) 50 Nos. 15 ½þÉÌ{ÉEò (500 B¨É.B±É.) 300 Nos. 16 ZÉÉcÝ÷ ºÉÓEò (¤Éc÷Ò) 1000 Nos. 17 ZÉÉcÝ÷ ¡Úò±É 500 Nos. 18 VÉMÉ {ºÉÉα]õEò (2 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 200 Nos. 19 ¨ÉMMÉä {±ÉÉκ]õEò (1 ±ÉÒ]õ®ú) 100 Nos. 20 ¨ÉÉä¨É¤ÉkÉÒ 100 Pkt. 21 +ÉäbÉ÷ äxÉÒ±É (¤Éc÷Ò) 500 Nos. 22 ºÉɤÉÖxÉ (±ÉÉ<¡ò¤ÉÉªÉ UôÉä]õÉ) 500 Nos. 23 ºÉɤÉÖxÉ ‡±ÉÎC´Éb÷ (bä÷]õÉ±É 200 B¨É.B±É.) 100 Nos. 24 ‡´É¨É/ºÉÉ<ǤÉɤÉÉ 200 Nos. 25 ´ÉèCºÉ (ºÉÒ±É Eò®úxÉä ½äiþ ÉÖ) 100 Pkt. 26 ]õɪɱÉä]õ ¥É„É 100 Nos. Signature of the Tenderer
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