Image copyright Tourism PEI and Photographer Alan Deveau CGNA 2015 18 th NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING RODD CHARLOTTETOWN Prince Edward Island May 27 – May 30, 2015 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Messages General Information Committee Listing Program at a Glance Program - Concurrent and Poster Sessions Sponsors and Exhibitors The 18th Biennial Conference is a joint conference hosted with the Prince Edward Island Gerontological Nursing Association (PEIGNA) The Biennial conference is comprised of keynote addresses, oral presentations, poster sessions, networking sessions, and an industry exhibition. The purpose of the CGNA Biennial Conference is to provide gerontological nursing professionals with a forum that: Promotes information sharing in the various aspects of gerontological nursing Fosters the development and maintenance of skill levels in gerontological nursing Encourages cross-disciplinary participation in Society activities (e.g. membership, publications, educational programs, conferences, etc.) Supports peer interaction and networking in the setting of a quality educational program Promotes best practice and policy for care for older adults Advocates quality care for older adults Further develops Gerontological Nursing as a professional, dynamic and challenging career choice. 2 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing 3 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing 4 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Greetings From Premier MacLauchlan On behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island, it gives me great pleasure to welcome all the delegates attending The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association’s 18th Biennial Conference being hosted in Charlottetown from May 27-30, 2015. I understand that CGNA’s mission is to address the health concerns of older Canadians and the nurses who participate with them in health care. This will be an excellent opportunity to share knowledge with peers from across the country and stay up-to-date on the latest research and innovations. To those visiting from out-of-province, I e x tend a war m Island welcome; and I hope that you are able to find time to enjoy the many experiences the Island has to offer. Best wishes for a productive conference! Wade MacLauchlan Premier of Prince Edward Island 5 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Warm Greetings From The Mayor of Charlottetown It is my pleasure to extend warm greetings to all delegates attending the 2015 Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association Conference in Charlottetown, the Capital City. Charlottetown is the perfect backdrop for hosting conferences and events such as the CGNA Conference. In 2015 we are celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Samuel Holland's survey of Prince Edward Island and naming Charlottetown as the Capital City. As a City steeped in history and culture we received the Prince of Wales Prize in 2005 and were recognized as a Cultural Capital of Canada in 2011 and we are proud of this cultural designation by Canadian Heritage. As Mayor of Charlottetown, and on behalf of City Council we look forward to hosting you in our City and please take the time to enjoy what our City has to offer its visitors and hopefully you will return to your home community with a remembrance of a special time in your life here in Charlottetown. Welcome to Charlottetown, the "Birthplace of Confederation". Sincerely, Clifford J. Lee MAYOR 6 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing WELCOME FROM CGNA PRESIDENT I am pleased to welcome you to the 18th Biennial Gerontological Nursing Conference in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Our conferences provide opportunities for learning from and with the presenters and other attendees; meeting new colleagues, catching up with old friends, and having fun exploring another part of Canada. The theme of this year’s conference “Crossing bridges: fostering potential in gerontological nursing” aligns perfectly with the vision of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association to “promote excellence in Gerontological Nursing through leadership, knowledge and scholarship.” We are proud of our conferences and the wonderful way the conferences realize this vision. If you’re not yet a member or associate of CGNA, please take the time while you’re here to learn about the benefits of joining CGNA and joining with us on our mission to address the health concerns of older Canadians and the nurses who participate with them in health care. It is only through the willingness of our provincial partners stepping up and volunteering to host these biennial conferences that we have been able to consistently provide these great conferences. On behalf of the CGNA Executive, I wish to extend a sincere thank you, to the Prince Edward Island Gerontological Nurses Association, for all of their efforts in planning and executing the 2015 conference. Lynn McCleary RN PhD President, Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association WELCOME FROM PEIGNA PRESIDENT As President of the Prince Edward Island Gerontological Nursing Association, I would like to welcome all delegates to our beautiful province to attend the 18th Biennial CGNA Conference! The 2015 CGNA Conference Planning Committee has been working tirelessly to plan an event that will provide a wealth of knowledge that is relevant to many different work settings; something that each person can take a piece of and apply within their own practice. Many rounds of applause to all of the individuals who made this possible. On behalf of our association, I hope you all enjoy everything that the conference has to offer, in both the knowledge that you will receive and the social contacts and memories that will be created. I also encourage everyone to take home a little piece of the” Island” in their hearts and come back again to see us! Jennifer Pitre, RN, BBA, BScN President, PEIGNA 7 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing WELCOME FROM THE CO-CHAIRS On behalf of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) and the Prince Edward Island Gerontological Nursing Association (PEIGNA) we welcome you to the 18th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association. We selected the theme “Crossing Bridges: Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing” to highlight some of the incredible opportunities we have to provide excellence in older adult care when we make efforts to connect and collaborate. We know that this conference will provide you with gateways to meet and dialogue with nurses and other health care professionals working across the spectrum; frontline clinical nurses, nurse educators, managers, practitioners and researchers from across the nation and beyond. We share a passion for the CGNA mission which is to address the health concerns of older Canadians and those who participate with them in health care. As professionals responsible for the health care of the older person, we strive to continually improve our expertise in our challenging work environments and to develop as leaders. This conference brings together some of the best minds and state of the art works in nursing. The program was designed for all health care sectors – acute, community and residential as we are all partners that support care and caring for older adults during their life journey. Our purpose and hope for each of you is that this conference will provide you with revitalizing energy and knowledge to support your professional growth. This is a time to find, build, and renew your personal and professional networks amongst your colleagues. It is also a time to celebrate successes and ourselves for the care that we daily provide. Get inspired, make connections, cross those bridges and create possibilities. We encourage you to reflect on how you might foster potential in gerontological nursing. Enjoy your time at the conference and take advantage of what this wonderful region has to offer. Finally as Co-Chairs for this biennial CGNA conference, we want to thank all the incredible and passionate committee chairs and their volunteers and the amazing staff at The Quaich who have worked arduously for two years to make Crossing Bridges: Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing a memorable and enjoyable journey for you! “Oh The Places You’ll Go”………Dr. Seuss Elaine Campbell RN MN GNC(C) Anna Enman RN MN GCN(C) Mary MacSwain RN BN GNC(C) 8 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing GENERAL INFORMATION Meeting Location The 18th National Conference on Gerontological Nursing will take place at the Rodd Charlottetown, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island May 27-30, 2015. Please consult this program to determine the exact room or location of each event. Detailed program information and abstract listing can be found on the conference website Included in Your Registration Fee Full-conference registered attendees receive: Access to the Opening/Closing Ceremonies and Welcome Reception Access to all Keynote and Concurrent Sessions Access to Posters and Exhibits Conference Meals Access to Final Program and Abstract Booklet Delegate Bag Exhibit-only attendees receive: Access to the Exhibit Hall Conference Meals Served in the Exhibit Hall Name Badges Your name badge serves as evidence of registration and admission. Please wear it during all sessions and social events for the benefit of security and catering. Pre ordered tickets for the Ann Beckingham Breakfast and Gala Kitchen Party will be in your name badges. Conference volunteers are wearing designated name badges and scarves. Registration The Registration Desk is located in the foyer, 2nd floor-Registration hours are as follows: Wednesday, May 27 0800-2000 Thursday, May 28 0730-1700 Friday, May 29 0730-1600 Saturday, May 30 0800-1030 Speaker Services Center The Speaker Services Center contact is located in the Business Centre of the hotel lobby. To better serve you, your presentation should be uploaded at least 24 hours prior to your session. Email contact for speaker services is The Speaker Services Center hours are the same as the Registration Desk hours listed above. 9 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Posters Please note that posters must be mounted after 2000 hr on Wed. May 27 and dismounted between 1500-1600 hr Friday May 29. CGNA is not responsible for any lost posters. Any poster left after closing will be disposed of if not claimed. The poster presenter is expected to be present during the poster session (1000-1030 on Thursday May 28th and 1430-1500 on Friday May 29th). Poster viewing will occur Thurs at 10001030, 1200-1300, 1430-1500 and Friday at 1000-1030, 1200-1300, 1430-1500, but authors are only required to attend their poster during the poster session. Conference Evaluation and Verification of Continuing Education These will be placed in the delegate bags. Participants are asked to complete the evaluations and leave them in the designated collection box at the registration desk. Issues Session CGNA members are invited to join in a discussion of issues facing the association and gerontological nursing in Canada. The CGNA Issues session will be held in the Georgian Ballroom on Thursday May 28 at 1500 hr. Come out and learn more about your association and how you can get involved. We would love to hear from members about their ideas for future initiatives and activities to advance the mission and vision of CGNA. Social Events and Activities Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Opening Ceremony Keynote Address and Welcome Reception- Georgian Ballroom Artisan’s Marketplace 1830-2200 (hotel lobby) Photo Booth 2000-2200 (hotel lobby) Friday, May 29, 2015 Maritime Kitchen Party and Silent Auction 1830 The banquet and silent auction will take place at the Georgian Ball Room. Please note that pre-registration is required for this event ($85 per ticket). A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at registration desk prior to Thursday, May 28th at noon. Contact Information Should you have any questions during the conference, please visit the Registration Desk and speak with one of the conference volunteers onsite. There is a message board located beside the registration desk to share messages etc. 10 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing COMMITTEE LISTING CONFERENCE PLANNING Elaine Campbell, Co-Chair Anna Enman, Co-Chair Mary MacSwain Co-Chair Sarah MacDonald Shirley Bryce Dr. Carla Wells Shelly Woods Dr. Veronique Boscart (CGNA rep) Debye MacDonald Connolly SCIENTIFIC REVIEW Dr. Carla Wells, Chair Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch Dr. Veronique Boscart Dr. Diane Buchanan Dr. Sherry Dahlke Bonnie Hall, RN, MN Dr. Lorna Guse Dr. Sandi Hirst Dr. Lisa Keeping-Burke Poh Lin Lim, RN, MN Dr. Sue Ann Mandville-Antsey Dr. Lori Schindle Martin Dr. Sharon Moore Dr. Belinda Parke Dr. Dawn Prentice Judith T. Strickland, RN, MN FINANCE Mary MacSwain, Co-Chair Shelly Woods, Co-Chair CONFERENCE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT Dr. Carla Wells, Administrator The Quaich CGNA Office SOCIAL / VOLUNTEERS Debye MacDonald Connolly, Chair Shirley Bryce, Chair Silent Auction Ann MacEachern Heather Rix Marlene Robichaud Hui Jun Sun Judy Fraser Susan Clory Marie MacAulay Marcia Johnson Daphne Blanchette Pauline Hood Sarah MacDonald Valerie Abd-El-Aziz Linda Stewart Jennifer Penny Claudette Cramm Janet Ozon Phyllis Johnson Tina Warford Jenna Connolly Glenda Montigny Mary Beth Campbell Roach Alana Desroche SPONSORS & EXHIBITS Anna Enman, Co-Chair Sarah MacDonald, Co-Chair PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Elaine Campbell, Co-Chair Anna Enman, Co-Chair Dr. Carla Wells Laurie Campbell Amy Robinson PUBLIC RELATIONS The Quaich Dr. Carla Wells Anna Enman Elaine Campbell Mary MacSwain Dr. Diane Buchanan CGNA office REGISTRATION The Quaich Mary MacSwain Elaine Campbell Shelly Woods 11 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Program At-A-Glance Complete Program Information listed on the conference website WEDNESDAY, May 27 0800-2000 0900 -1130 1130-1300 1300 -1530 1900 -2000 2000 -2130 2000 -2200 Conference Registration (2nd floor foyer) Pre-Conference Workshop (Grafton Room) Lunch (on your own) Pre-Conference Workshop (Grafton Room) Opening Ceremony: Senator (Retired) Catherine Callbeck Opening Reception/Exhibits (Provinces Room) Local Artisans/ Marketplace/ Photo Booth THURSDAY, May 28 0730-1700 0845 -0900 0900 -1000 1000 -1030 1030 -1200 1200 -1300 1300 -1430 1430 -1500 1500 -1600 1600 -1700 1730 - 2100 Conference Registration (2nd floor foyer) Opening Remarks (Victorian Room) Keynote Speaker: Dr. Sharon Moore Nutrition Break / Posters / Exhibits (Provinces Room) Concurrent Sessions Lunch, Exhibits and Posters (Provinces Room) Concurrent Sessions Nutrition Break / Posters / Exhibits (Provinces Room) CGNA Issues Session (Georgian Room) CGNA Annual General Meeting and Elections- (Georgian Room) Tours/ Social Options (On Your Own) FRIDAY, May 29 0730 -1600 0730 - 0830 0845 - 0900 0900 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1430 1430 - 1500 1500 - 1630 1830 - 2230 Conference Registration (2nd floor foyer) Dr. Ann C. Beckingham Breakfast (Georgian Ballroom) Opening Remarks (Victorian Room) Keynote Speaker: Dr. Veronique Boscart Nutrition Break / Posters / Exhibits (Provinces Room) Concurrent Sessions Lunch, / Posters / Exhibits (Provinces Room) Concurrent Sessions Nutrition Break/Exhibits (last chance to view posters) (Provinces Room) Concurrent Sessions Gala Kitchen Party and Silent Auction (Georgian Ballroom) SATURDAY, May 30 0830 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1115 1115 - 1145 1230 Conference Registration (2nd floor foyer) Nutrition Break (Provinces Room) Keynote Speaker: Patrick Ledwell (Georgian Ballroom) Closing Remarks and Passing of Torch Post Conference Tours (On Your Own) 12 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS MAY 27TH 2015 0900 - 1130 Understanding Wound Healing Angela McGinn, RN, ET Angela McGinn graduated from the Salvation Army Grace General Hospital in 1972 and in 1999 completed an Enterostomal Therapy Nurse program from the Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapists . Angela believes strongly that understanding wound healing and the basic functions of wound care products position practitioners to make best practice decisions in wound care. Her workshop on "Understanding Wound Healing" will prepare nurses and other health professionals in practice at all levels to provide evidence informed care to their clients. In this workshop, Angela will begin by describing how wounds heal. Understanding this process and the principles of wound care will position the practitioner to understand what phase of wound healing is happening and thereby determine what needs to be done to promote continued healing. The presenter will then provide a description of generic product categorization. By understanding how products work, the practitioner can make the best choices for optimal wound healing. This teaching will be enhanced with the liberal use of case studies. The CGNA Program Planning Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of ConvaTec Canada in sponsoring this workshop. 1300 - 1530 pm Under the Umbrella: Understanding Dementia Dr. Timothy Stultz, MD, COE Dr Tim Stultz has been a geriatrician with the Provincial Geriatric Program in PEI since 2004. He received his diploma in care of the elderly from Dalhousie University in 2005 and is an enthusiastic advocate for older adults and their caregivers. A popular and sought after speaker, Dr. Stultz has provided education and insight into topics pertaining to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and related dementias, and associated care concerns. In addressing the foremost issues surrounding dementia while providing avenues for discussion this workshop will impart knowledge to help improve quality of life across the trajectory of dementia for people with the condition and those who care for them. This discussion will help participants understand what is and what isn't normal memory loss, the causes of cognitive decline, and how to identify the different types of dementia. The behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia will be reviewed and participants will gain knowledge of best practices for dementia medication and non-medication interventions. 13 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Senator (Retired) Catherine Callbeck Wednesday, May 27 Opening Keynote Address 1900 Catherine Callbeck was the second woman ever elected to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island in 1974. Until 1978, she served as the first woman Minister of Health & Social Services, Minister Responsible for the Disabled, and Minister Responsible for Non-Status Indians. Ms. Callbeck was the first woman elected as the Member of Parliament for Malpeque in 1988, making her the second woman ever to be elected to the House of Commons from Prince Edward Island. She served as the official opposition critic for a number of portfolios, and was also vice-chair for the Caucus Committee on Sustainable Development. Ms. Callbeck was elected Leader of the Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island on January 23, 1993 and was sworn in as Premier and President of the Executive Council on January 25, 1993. She was elected Premier in the general election of March 29, 1993, making her the first woman in Canada elected to lead a government. On September 23, 1997, Ms. Callbeck was called to the Senate of Canada. She has served as a Member of various committees. In November 2002, she was appointed by the Prime Minister as Vice-chair of the Task Force on Women Entrepreneurs. On June 28, 2005, Ms. Callbeck was elected as Vice-chair of the National Liberal Caucus for a term which ended in October 2007. 14 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Ms. Callbeck has received many awards for her significant contributions to business and politics, including being named PEI Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year, one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the Women’s Executive Network, inaugural inductee into the Canadian Women in Politics Hall of Fame, Equal Voice Trailblazer and a Nation Builder by Famous 5 Ottawa. She was also inducted into the PEI Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame. In May 2015, Ms. Callbeck received an honorary doctor of law degree at the UPEI convocation. She has also had a long and active involvement with charitable and public service groups and organizations at all levels. Catherine Callbeck’s biography The Politics of Principle, published in 2012, details her early life and discusses the family and community influences which instilled the values she carried throughout her career from her first public involvement as a volunteer in her local community through to her retirement from the senate in July 2014. Sharon Moore, BA, RN, M.Ed., PhD Thursday, May 28 Keynote Speaker 0900 Dr. Sharon Moore is a Registered Nurse, Counselling Psychologist and full Professor in the Centre for Nursing and Health Studies at Athabasca University in Alberta. She has been an educator in nursing and psychology in the areas of research, mental health and gerontology for the past thirty four years. Sharon’s research has evolved from studying hopelessness and suicide to studying hope and the role that hope plays in helping older adults live meaningful lives. Sharon’s research and scholarly work is evidenced in 40 peer reviewed articles and book chapters. Sharon was a co-lead in developing the National Guidelines for the 15 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Assessment and Prevention of Suicide in Older Adults for the Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health. She is a member of the Steering Committee of the Canadian Coalition for Senior’s Mental Health and a board member for of the Creative Aging Calgary Society. She also currently works with a long-term care centre in Calgary co-facilitating a hope focused group with older women. She has served as a member of the Seniors Advisory Committee for the Mental Health Commission of Canada, a trainer for the Suicide and Older Adults Workshop for the Centre for Suicide Prevention, board member of the Hope Foundation of Alberta, and co-chair of the 2009 conference planning committee for the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association conference in Banff. Sharon serves as a reviewer for several health related academic journals and has presented at conferences and universities around the world as both a conference presenter and invited speaker (Japan, Africa, India, Canada, United States, Norway, Sweden and Denmark). She has been the recipient of numerous awards: Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, Award of Excellence in Mental Health Nursing, Award of Excellence in Gerontology, and most recently the Award of Excellence in Nursing Education from the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta in 2014. A Bridge Called HOPE Hope is something we all cherish. It is the thing that helps us keep on going in the midst of calm but also in the throes of adversity and difficult life circumstances. Gerontological nurses have the privilege of working with older persons, many of whom are facing some of the greatest challenges in their lives. In this presentation, I will suggest that hope is a bridge that helps us navigate between experiences such as joy and sadness, pain and comfort, and grief and compassion, and that it is an essential ingredient in Gerontological nursing practice. The audience will be invited to consider the importance of hope in their own work and to choose strategies they might use to foster hope in the lives of the individuals they serve. 16 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Dr. Veronique Boscart, RN, MScN, MEd, PhD Conestoga College CIHR/ Schlegel Industrial Research Chair in Seniors Care for Colleges, Enhanced Seniors Care, School of Health and Life Sciences and Community Services Friday, May 29 Keynote Speaker 0900 Dr. Boscart currently holds the CIHR/Schlegel Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Seniors Care at Conestoga College, Canada. She completed her doctoral work at the University of Toronto. She also holds an Assistant Clinical Professor position with the School of Nursing at McMaster University; an Adjunct Assistant Professor position at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo, and an adjunct scientist position at iDAPT (Intelligent Design for Adaptation, Participation and Technology) at Toronto Rehab, University Health Network. Dr. Boscart has extensive nursing experience includes working as a clinician, nurse educator, manager and researcher in an international setting. Her research interests range from the substantive area of evidence-based care in gerontology and best practices in research methods with older adults to the development gerontological education for health care professionals and care delivery models in long term care. She has published over 30 peer reviewed manuscripts and is the lead author on the first Canadian edition of Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging (2011). Building a Bridge to Excellence in Seniors' Care: Promising Practices This presentation is for those who care about changing the status quo in gerontological nursing care. True excellence in seniors' care starts with building a bridge, one promising practice at a time. We will discuss innovative thoughts and best practices in gerontological care and culture; strategies to walk towards person-centered care and language, and a renewed sense of 17 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing appreciation for aging awareness, advocacy and sensitivity. It's time to build that bridge, and then we can cross it. Patrick Ledwell Saturday, May 30 Closing Keynote 1030 Raised on PEI, and then returned to it, Patrick Ledwell draws on his experiences growing up in an Island family and the funny trials of staying true to his roots. He successfully delayed entering the workplace with degrees in literature and technology. After six years of teaching college, he had built up enough casual days, and e-mail nights, to supply material for a comedy career. Patrick's smart, quick-witted comedy has brought him national recognition with multiple appearances on CBC Radio’s “The Debaters.” He has performed at the East Coast Music Awards, the Halifax and Moncton Comedy Festivals, and hosted the Music PEI Awards Gala (2014). His comic monologues have been a regular CBC Radio feature, all across the country. “I Am An Islander”, Patrick's first book of collected humour was published in 2012 by Acorn Press. It has sold nearly three thousand copies and is on its way to becoming a Canadian best-seller. 18 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Patrick co-created several original stage shows. He hosted and wrote all comedy material for the hit Charlottetown Festival show, “Come All Ye.” He also appeared with poet and musician Tanya Davis in two productions of “The New Potato-Time Review.” In 2013 and 2014, he co-starred with Mark Haines in the hit PEI variety show: “The Island Summer Review”. Patrick received his Masters in Information Design and Technology from Georgia Tech, where he co-produced the award-winning interactive film project, Griffith in Context. While in Atlanta, he taught in the Georgia Tech New Media Education Center, delivering hands-on technology training sessions for leading corporate clients such as UPS and Coca-Cola. Patrick lives in Milton, PEI, with his wife Tara. “Patrick is one of the funniest people in Canada, period.” -Steve Patterson, Host of CBC’s The Debaters The Lighter Side of Health & Aging on the East Coast PEI writer and comedian Patrick Ledwell will explore the lighter side of health and aging, from the perspective of Canada's smallest province. He will welcome Canadian delegates to the Island with East Coast storytelling style, complete with educational and eyecatching pictures. Delegates will get the insiders' view on our unique coastal attractions. They'll come to understand (and even attempt) our one-of-a-kind verbal expressions. The presentation will also explore how getting older-- and staying well-- is reflected in our popular press, often with unintentionally hilarious effects. Some say getting older means getting to say what you want. Even though only forty-two, Patrick will distill and share some of the most uncut East Coast aging wisdom there is to be found. 19 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 28, 2015 Richmond A1 Dupuis-Blanchard Thurs Aging at home: needs, challenges and successes 1030 – 1100 Thurs A2 Logan Kent May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing B1 Keefe C1 Bliss Grafton Georgian D1 Davignon & Lappen Provinces Terrace E1 Lawn Not on the Exam: Nurse Trainees Experiences of Assessment with Older Spousal Caregivers B2 Proudfoot Gentle Persuasive Approaches Program: Scholarly and Creative Curriculum Development C2 Schindel Martin The Implementation and Evaluation of a Natural Bowel Care Protocol in Long-Term Care D2 McKinley Redesigning Healthcare Services WITH Seniors NOT for them: A first for Canadian Seniors E2 Gibbens Gerontological Community of Practice: Innovation for Changing and Sustaining Nursing Practice with Hospitalized Older Adults E3 Martin 1100 – 1130 Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Evaluation in LTC: Understanding Vulnerability – PUP E LUV Delirium Watch Evaluation of the Gentle Persuasive Approaches Third Edition Curriculum Falls Prevention Education for Assisted Living Thurs A3 Coker B3 Voyer C3 Schindel Martin D3 Woytkiw 1130 - 1200 Abandoning the Checkmark toward Comprehensive Documentation of Oral Hygiene Care A4 Banez RADAR: A screening tool for signs of delirium and more Introducing an Online Format of Gentle Persuasive Approaches Health Care Decision Making and Influencing Values in rural Minority Older Adults B4 Schulz C4 Reid Which Way from Here? Navigation for the Care of Older Rural Adults with Terminal Illness D4 McCumber 1300 – 1330 Implementing the Roles and Responsibilities of the Wound Care Nurse Dementia and Staff Grief Non-pharmacological Interventions Embedded in Montessori Programming, Staff Education, and Environmental Modification Bridging Community Fall Risk Reduction Practices into the Ottawa Hospital Ambulatory Care Thurs A5 Krishnan B5 Schulz C5 Estabrooks & Keefe D5 Kenny The Development of a Delirium Management Program for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) Surgical Program: Collaboration from Evidence to Practice and Beyond E5 Schamborzki 1330 – 1400 Patterns of End of Life Care: Place of Death and Terminal Hospitalization Among Long Term Care Residents Culture Change Toward Person-Centred Care in Long Term Care Homes Advice Seeking Networks in Residential Care Bridging Knowledge of Urinary Incontinence Between the Healthcare Team and the Hospitalized Older Adult Thurs 20 E4 Johnson The Benefits of Respite for Caregivers of Loved Ones diagnosed with Dementia CROSSING BRIDGES: Thurs Richmond A6 Dupuis-Blanchard Kent B6 Weeks 1400 – 1430 Collaborative for Health Aging and Care: Fostering Bridges for Excellence An Evidence Informed approach to Improve Support for Older Adults and Caregivers During Health Status Transitions May 29, 2015 A7 Krishnan May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Grafton C6 Gaudaur Georgian D6 Cole Provinces Terrace E6 Banez Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics – system Level support for Local Solutions Assessing the Impact of a Skin Health Initiative on the Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceptions and Practices of Health Care Professionals B7 Greenwood Fostering Gerontological Nursing Practice – A NurseLed Initiative of Implementing Montessori Strategies on Acute Care Unit C7 Sakamoto D7 Vachon E7 Prentice Raising the Bar in Nursing Home Care: Reducing Hospital Transfers Forget the Behaviour – What is He Trying to Tell Me? Perceptions of Personhood and the Early Onset Dementia Experience Fun with Publishing 101 1030 – 1100 Fri A8 Potter B8 Sutherland-Jotcham C8 Tallman The CNA Certification Program: Caring to be the Best in Gerontological Nursing D8 Sebastian 1100- 1130 Who will ask the questions The Feasibility of Nurses Assessing Frailty in the ER Waterworks Improvement: Bringing Incontinence into the Electronic Age Health of Older Immigrant Women in Canada: findings from a Scoping Review Fri A9 Gordon B9 Leung A Vital Perspective in Understanding and Responding to Relationship: Intersubjectivity between the Person with Dementia and those Most Intimately Involved with Them C9 Newman D9 Cable-Williams E9 Thornton 1130 – 1200 Walking Together: Creating Opportunities for Student Learning Engaging Our Future Leaders Autonomy in the Context of Unavoidable Dependence Moving Toward a Person Centred Culture: An Educational Approach Fri A10 Hurst B10 Mandville-Anstey Millennial Nurse Leadership and Dementia: A New Perspective on an Old Disease C10 Slaughter D10 Jones-Lim & Bandali E10 McCloskey 1300 – 1330 Frailty and the Gerontology Nurse What are the experiences of Aging Nurses who Live and Work with Cardiovascular Disease? Developing and Implementing a Novel Peer Reminder Intervention for Health Care Aides Evaluation of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Assessment, and management Program in a Geriatric Health Care Facility: A 3 year Post Implementation FollowUp Nurses: Activities in Longterm Care: role Enactment or Role Drift Fri 21 E8 Guruge CROSSING BRIDGES: Fri 1330 – 1400 May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Richmond A11 Truter Kent B11 & 12 Wilding Grafton C11 Johnson Georgian D11 Bookey-Bassett Provinces Terrace E11 MacQuarrie Prevention of Excess Disability for the Complex Frail Elderly by Direct Admission to Assess and Restore Program Joint Presentation Opening up a Personal Care Unit in a Tertiary Acute Care Facility in a Day: Not for the Faint of Heart Interprofessional Collaboration for Chronic Disease Management in Community-Living Older Adults: A Concept Analysis D12 Bookey-Bassett Care Model Transformation: Changing the Long Term Care Experience Development and Implementation of a Theory Informed Interprofessional Education Program for Home Care Providers Caring for Older Stroke survivors with Multiple Chronic Conditions Trained volunteers and vision screening in Long Term Care: who is the best to do this? Geriatric Medicine Ambulatory Care and Day Hospital Fri A12 McKinley C12 Lobchuk 1400 – 1430 Urinary Catheter Bag Management in Long-Term Care "You know it is definitely a life-changing experience because you have to change your whole lifestyle around it": Affected individual and caregiver perspectives on urinary incontinence" Fri A13 Fisher 1500 - 1530 Getting Oral Care Done: H.E.L.P. helps Fri A14 Librado 1530 - 1600 Fri 1600 - 1630 E12 Hawranik B13 Hassler Development of a Nurse Residency Program for Long Term Care New Nurses in NJ B14 Elliott C13 Lomholt-Mortensen Evaluation of Scope of Practice Workshop with BN and PN Students and its role in Resident Centered Care C14 Robbs E13 Ashley Partners in Veterans Care Phase II: Fostering Interprofessional Communication and collaboration for Partnering with Families A15 Nusdorfer Restorative Care Unit: A Focused Ethnography of Leadership Linen and Incontinence Product Use in an Acute Care Hospital: Are we causing harm to older adults? Why do nurses use constant observation for hospitalized older adults? B15 Gordon C15 Guse E15 Damberger Are families my 'patient' too? Supporting and partnering with families, the APN experience Stop, Look, and Listen: Lessons Learned Engaging in Collaborative Practice Student Nurses’ Experiences with Residents’ Reactive Behaviours during Clinical Practice Decreasing Risk to Residents Through Nurse Lead Education on the Assessment of Residents Decision Making Abilities 22 Recognize the Value of Registered Nurses and Their Role: Shifting the Paradigm E14 Moghabghab CROSSING BRIDGES: May 30, 2015 Sat 0830 – 0900 Sat 0900 – 0930 Sat 0930 – 1000 May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Richmond A16 Gordon Kent B16 Potter Grafton C16 Greenwood Celebrating Student Learning: Creating Potential in Gerontological Nursing A17 Coker Preparing our Future Nurses for End of Life Care B17 Hurst Early Recognition and Response to Concerns Not So Basic: Oral Hygiene Care Practices of Nurses with Hospitalized Older Adults in Post Acute Settings A18 Holmes Resources for Writing the CNA Gerontological Exam The Delirium Tip of the Week B18 Compton C18 Doucet Nursing Orientation eResource for Long-Term Care: A vehicle for crossing the bridge Listening Deeply: threads in the Fabric of Place Evaluation of an on-line Alzheimer Disease and other Dementias Care Course for Baccalaureate Nursing Students C17 Johnson 23 Georgian Provinces Terrace CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing POSTERS P1. D'Hondt, Allison; Brydges, Evelyn; Barnard, Michelle; & Coker, Esther. Promoting Best Practices in Diabetes Management: An Insulin Pen Conversion Project. Primary Contact: Allison D'Hondt, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Hamilton Health Sciences - St. Peter's site. Email P 2. Groe, Silvi; Wilson, Adassa; Tamburri, Marta; Nepomuceno, Gerry Ann. Establishing a "Patient Safety - Do Not Harm" Culture on a General Internal Medicine/Cargiology Unit. Primary Contact: Silvi Groe, Nurse Manager, Toronto Western Hospital. Email P 3. Ho, Karen, Implementation of an Evidence Based Approach to Falls Risk Management. Primary Contact: Karen Ho, Advance Practice Nurse, Baycrest. Email P 4. Newman, Kristine; Mihailidis, Alex; Chikhaoui, Belkacem. Development of Intelligent Assistive Technologies to Detect Agitation Symptoms of Dementia. Primary Contact: Dr. Kristine Newman. Assistant Professor, Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University. Email: P. 5. Newman, Kristine; Van Erd, Dwayne; DeForge, Ryan T.; Urquhart, Robin; Cornelissen, Evelyn; Dainty, Katie. What works, for whom, and in what circumstances? A mixed methods pilot study of knowledge brokering in the context of healthy aging in Canada. Primary Contact: Dr. Kristine Newman. Assistant Professor, Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University. Email: P 6. Pangman, Verna C.; Seguire, Marilyn. Keeping Sexuality Visible in Cognitively Impaired People. Primary Contact: Verna C. Pangman, College of Nursing, Helen Glass Centre, University of Manitoba. Email: P 7. Sinyi, Rebecca E., Tully, Sandra, Aideen, Carroll. Delirium: A Medical Emergency. Primary Contact: Rebecca E. Sinyi, Toronto Western Hospital MedSurg/Neuro ICU. Email: P 8. Spee, Ria. Resident health forums and community meetings: Enhancing resident involvement in decisions Primary Contact: Ria Spee, Advanced Practice Nurse, Sunnybrook Health Sciences. Email: P.9. Simpson, Cheryl J. Elder Abuse Policy Awareness and Knowledge Project: Development of an Elder Abuse Presentation and eLearning Module for Hospital Staff. Primary Contact: Cheryl Simpson, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga Hospital Email: 24 CROSSING BRIDGES: 25 May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing 26 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing Thank You for your generous support UPSE 4 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown Tel: (902) 892-5335 Toll Free: 1-800-897-8773 Email: Web: 27 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks... William Shakespeare 28 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing The Conference Organizing Committee would especially like to acknowledge our Gold Sponsor SCA for their generous support of this event. We would also like to thank the following contributors who have made the 18th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association possible by their sponsorship. EXHIBITORS SCA BRODA PHILLIPS LIFELINE CADTH CNA CAG CGNA RNAO NARA Hollister SPONSORS SCA Convatec NOVARTIS RIA Schlegel University of Waterloo research Institute for Aging UPSE PEINU PEIGNA St FX Mt. St Vincent Holland College Murphy’s Pharmacy/Andrews of PEI Tourism PEI DONATIONS/IN KIND SUPPORT Cooke Insurance Group Maritime Electric PEI Potato Board Honibe Brevis UPEI Honibe Meetings & Conventions PEI Health & Wellness PEI Health PEI The Quaich Inc. Rodd Charlottetown Hotel 29 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS We thank the following sponsors and exhibitors for their generous support of the conference! 30 CROSSING BRIDGES: May 27 – 30, 2015 Rodd Charlottetown, PEI Fostering Potential in Gerontological Nursing SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS 31
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