Pennsylvania Action Coalition State Implementation Program

State Implementation Program
Pennsylvania Action
Coalition State
Implementation Program
Phases 1 & 3
Project Plans:
Areas of Focus:
This project builds on SIP 1 to disseminate information on
best practices in academic progression and maintain
web-based resources related to academic progression
and track utilization. The applicant also proposes
messaging campaign for above, with 24 month objective
of an increase in BSN enrollees of at least 250 over
baseline. Specific diversity targets included within new
enrollees. The project also includes practice partnerships
with target of at least one major employer updating hiring
policies to reflect BSN preference.
• Leadership
• Education
• Data
Sarah Hexem
Project Director
National Nursing Centers Consortium
Diversity is addressed by obtaining and disseminating
information on nursing scholarships for minority students,
holding a diversity scholarship fundraise event, with
target of raising at least 75,000, and distributing an
existing diversity video. The project plans to use and
supplement existing data to create a nursing workforce
database inclusive of diversity metrics. Eligibility for
grant-funded programs in support of this goal will include
individuals who are members of any group that has been
historically underrepresented in the nursing workforce in
general or at the BSN level or higher, e.g. individual s
from ethnic, racial, or immigrant groups historically
underrepresented, as well as first generation college
students, residents of rural communities, and men.