Nursing Program Prerequisite Policy

Nursing Department
1. A student may not repeat a program prerequisite course in which a grade of
“C” or higher was earned for the purpose of College of San Mateo Nursing
Program admissions eligibility.
2. No more than 2 attempts total are permitted for the Biology courses: Biology
240, 250, or 260 (or the equivalents).
3. No more than 1 withdrawal of Biology 240, 250, or 260 (or the equivalents)
is permitted.
4. If a student has withdrawn from or repeated Biology 240, 250, or 260 (or the
equivalents), 2 points are deducted from the application. (Reference: MeritBased Acceptance Criteria)
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Tel. 650-574-6218 • Fax: 650-574-6503 • Email: