Mississippi`s Nurse of the Future.

State Implementation Program
Innovations in Nursing
Education and Practice:
Mississippi’s Nurse of the
Phases 1 & 3
Project Plans:
Areas of Focus:
The project will target BSN enrollment by an average of
50 students a year, leading to an overall increase in BSN
graduates of 7% per year. This will be primarily
accomplished through marketing RN to BSN programs to
employers in Mississippi. The program will also target
nursing schools statewide to work with practice partners
and integrate Nurse of the Future Competencies within
their curricula.
• Education
• Diversity
Wanda Jones
Project Director
Mississippi Office of Nursing Workforce
Rita Wray
Project Co-Director
Wray Enterprises, Inc.
The project will also target 10 rural hospitals as sites to
implement a Dedicated Education Unit/Clinical
Leadership Institute Project, preparing and enabling
nurses to lead change to advance health.
The project will strive to increase diversity of the nursing
student, faculty, and workforce, targeting a total
approximate increase of 6% in diversity. This objective
will be attained by recruiting diverse mentors, and
working with a consultant to revise the Action Coalition’s
Diversity Plan.