Ohio Action Coalition Education and Data Advancement

State Implementation Program
Ohio Action Coalition
Education and Data
Phase 2
Project Plans:
Areas of Focus:
The project will address the Institute of Medicine Report the
Future of Nursing: Leading Change and Advancing Health,
including (1) increasing the proportion of nurses with a
baccalaureate degree in Ohio’s nursing workforce. The project
will accomplish this initiative by adopting a competency-based
nursing model to provide a framework for nursing education and
practice; hosting regional meetings to explain competencies and
begin developing education/practice partnerships to move the
strategy forward; hosting regional meetings to determining the
gap between education and practice; integrating competency
education models into seamless progression pathways for RNs
to achieve a BSN; increasing number of BSNs in workforce;
tracking and developing reports to show progress.
• Education
• Data
Jane Mahowald
Project Director
Ohio League for Nursing
In addition, the project will focus on (2) building an infrastructure
for the collection and analysis of interprofessional health care
workforce data. The project will accomplish this initiative by
performing data collection and analysis. This data will also be
used as part of Ohio’s primary health care database and OAC
Work Groups will use this data.