APRIL 19, 2015
19 de ABRIL 2015
Third Sunday of Easter
As you read this, I am
concluding a pilgrimage in the
Holy Land. On Saturday
morning we prayed the stations
of the cross early in the
morning ending on Calvary—
and we celebrated holy Mass at
the tomb of the Lord Jesus at
7 a.m. Today (Sunday) we are
celebrating Mass in
Gethsamane, the Garden of
Olives. Be assured of our
prayers as we have offered
holy Mass throughout the Holy
Land this past week. I will be back in the parish on
Wednesday. This is a picture of the city of Jerusalem
standing on the Mount of Olives. In the foreground you can
see the cemetery where many Jews are buried. To the far
right is the Golden Gate. It is believed that when Jesus
returns, He will enter the city from this Gate. Many years
ago, the gate was sealed—supposedly to keep Jesus from
entering. But you and I know that if Jesus wants to enter
Jerusalem through this gate… a few bricks are not going to
stop Him!
We will be hosting several “town hall” meetings in the
coming weeks. These meetings are to offer you the
opportunity to give in depth feed back regarding what you
believe is important for the future of our parish. We will
gather in prayer, hand out and explain the surveys, answer
any questions you may have, and offer a closing prayer.
You may stay and fill out the survey there or bring it home
with you to return later. The survey will also be available
on line next week. The dates for the meetings include:
Thursday, April 23 Large Hall - 7:30 p.m. (English)
Friday, April 24
Large Hall - 10 a.m. (English)
Saturday, April 25 Large Hall - 10 a.m. (English)
Rooms PAC 201-205 (Spanish)
Saturday, April 25 Large Hall (POT LUCK Dinner
following the 5:30 Vigil Mass)
Tuesday, April 28 Large Hall - 7 p.m. (Spanish)
We are asking as many people as possible to fill out
these surveys from 10 years of age and up. We want
everyone’s ideas. These surveys will be used to start
the work on the Master Plan for Christ the Good
Shepherd and mapping out our future needs. Please,
please be a part of this exciting process.
Christ the Good Shepherd come to our aid.
Fr. James Burkart
Tercer domingo de Pascua
Mientras usted lee esto, yo
e s ta ré co ncl uy en do
peregrinaje en Tierra Santa. El
sábado por la mañana, rezamos
el vía crucis temprano en la
mañana, terminando en el
Calvario, y celebraremos
Santa Misa en la tumba del Señor
Jesús a las 7am de hoy
(domingo); celebrando la Misa en
Getsemaní, el huerto de los
olivos. Esté seguro de nuestras
oraciones y Misas que hemos
ofrecido en la semana a lo largo
del viaje en la Tierra Santa. Estaré en la parroquia el miércoles.
Esta es una foto de la ciudad de Jerusalén sobre el Monte de los
olivos. En el primer plano se puede ver el cementerio donde
están enterrados muchos judíos. A la derecha está la Puerta
Dorada. Se cree que cuando Jesús regrese, entrará a la ciudad
desde esta puerta. Hace muchos años, la puerta estaba sellada,
supuestamente para impedir que Jesús entrara Pero sabemos
que si Jesús quiere entrar a Jerusalén por esta puerta... unos
ladrillos no van a ¡detenerlo!
¡¡¡¡OYE… ESCUCHA!!!!
Vamos a organizar varias reuniones "de escucha " en las
próximas semanas. Estas reuniones son para ofrecerle la
oportunidad de dar sus opiniones más profundamente con
respecto a lo que usted cree es importante para el futuro de
nuestra parroquia. Nos reuniremos comenzando con oración,
entregar y explicar las encuestas, responder a cualquier pregunta
que pueda tener y concluir con una oración final. Usted puede
quedarse y llenar la encuesta allí o llevar a casa con usted para
volver más tarde. La encuesta también estará disponible en línea
la próxima semana. Las fechas de las reuniones son:
Jueves, 23 de abril
Viernes, 24 de abril
Sábado, 25 de abril
Sábado, 25 de abril
Martes, 28 de abril
Salón parroquial - 7:30 (Inglés)
Salón parroquial - 10 a.m. (Inglés)
Salón parroquial - 10 a.m. (Inglés)
Salones PAC 201-205 (Español)
Salón parroquial (cena de platillos
después de la Misa de Vigilia 5:30pm)
Salón parroquial - 7 p.m. (Español)
Estamos pidiendo a tantas personas como sea posible para llenar
estas encuestas a partir de los 10 años de edad en
adelante. Queremos las ideas de todos. Estas encuestas
serán utilizadas para iniciar el trabajo sobre el Plan
General de Christ the Good Shepherd y trazar nuestras
necesidades futuras. Por favor, por favor, sea parte de
este emocionante proceso.
Cristo el buen pastor, ven en nuestra ayuda
Padre James Burkart
Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings
APRIL 19, 2015
19 de ABRIL 2015
Intenciones de la misa & Lecturas de la Escritura
*visiting Priest
Mon/Lun, April 20
* Fr. Jones
12 Noon
+ Tom Stolle
Acts 6:8-15 | Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 | Jn 6:22-29
Tues/Mar, April 21
* Fr. Jones
7:00 am
+ Thomas Gore
Acts 7:51-8:1 | Ps 31:3-4, 6,7,8,17,21 | Jn 6:30-35
Wed/Mie, April 22
9:00 am
Thur/Jue, April 23
7:00 pm
+ Deya Cadena
Acts 8:26-40 | Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 | Jn 6:44-51
Fri/Vie, April 24
9:00 am
+ Juan Bucio
Acts 9:1-20 | Ps 117:1,2 | Jn 6:52-59
Sat/Sab, April 25
8:30 am
5:30 pm
Nick Patetta
+ Nicholas Sanfelippo
1 Pt 5:5-14 | Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17 | Mk 16:15-20
+ Gilbert & Helen Shannon
+ Tom Abate
+ Bernadette Young
People of the Parish
+ EuFemia Cotto Prieto
Acts 4:8-12 | Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29 | Jn 3:1-2 |
Jn 10:11-18
Sun/Dom, April 26
En Español
*Fr. Eamonn
*Fr. Eamonn
*Fr. Eamonn
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Posadas Family
For the weekend of / Para el fin de semana April 11 & 12
Weekly Contribution / Contribución seminal
$ 47,189.
Weekly Budgeted / Presupuesto semanal
$ 37,087.
Over (Under) / Sobre (Bajo)
$ 10,102.
FaithDirect—Parish eGiving / eGiving de la parroquia
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Sign up today for Regular Enrollment!
¡Inscribase en línea hoy! CGS code is TX665
Diocesan Services Fund / Fondos de Servicios Diocesanos
2015 Parish Goal / 2015 Meta Parroquia
Pledged to date / Comprometidos hasta fecha
Total Amount Paid / Cantidad Total Pagada
Amount still owed / Cantidad total que se debe
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad!
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take
place next week. One way this appeal works
to strengthen home mission dioceses in the
United States is by funding seminarian
formation in poor dioceses. Your support is
needed for these young men so that they
might go back and serve their parishes.
Please strengthen the Church at home by
making a generous gift
to next week’s appeal.
La próxima semana realizaremos el Llamado
para las Misiones Católicas. Una manera en
que este llamado funciona para fortalecer a
las diócesis misioneras en Estados Unidos es
otorgando fondos para la formación de
seminaristas en las diócesis pobres. Por
favor, fortalezca la Iglesia en casadando una
generosa donación al llamado de la próxima
Acts 8:1-8 | Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7 | Jn 6:35-40
Together, let us pray for the needs of our
brothers and sisters, for those in the military,
and those we hold in our hearts.
Juntos, oremos por las necesidades de
nuestros hermanos y hermanas, para los
militares y los que guardamos en nuestro
Kennedy I. Law, Jim Golick, Sue Frey, David Wagner, Natalie
Pate, Jay Ballard, Joe Johnson, Lucille Isam, Elvis Ray Isam,
Rita Doyle, Peggy Sullivan, Martha Corbett, Clarence Bronger,
Marie Calhoun, Kim Warwick, Michael J. Soroka, Peter
Mulholland, Patty White, Bob & Kathie Binkle,
Fr. John Upton.
 Cesar Leonardo Cadena
3rd Sunday of Easter
“Jesus himself stood among them and said to
them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were startled
and frightened.” -Luke 24:36-37
Throughout the day we have many
opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in
others and provide some “peace” in their lives. Just
because the person is a stranger, maybe looks different
than us or is someone we don’t particularly care for
doesn’t let us off the hook.
3er Domingo de Pascua
¨ Jesús mismo se puso en medio de ellos y les dijo: Paz a
vosotros. Entonces espantados y atemorizados, creyeron que
veían un espíritu." - LUCAS 24:36-37
A lo largo del día tenemos muchas oportunidades de "ver el
rostro de Jesús" en los demás y traer un poco de "paz" a sus
vidas. El hecho de que una persona sea un extraño, alguien que
se ve diferente a nosotros o alguien que no nos importa mucho,
no quita la responsabilidad que tenemos para con ellos.
Enjoy a delicious Pancake Breakfast TODAY after the
7:30, 9, and 10:45 am masses Your contributions for this
event will go to the Magnificat House of Houston. This
organization offers hope and refuge to the destitute.
Newcomers to
Christ the Good Shepherd:
Please pick up a registration form in the
Narthex or brochure rack at the Front Desk,
fill it out and receive your Welcome Packet
from the receptionist.
Recién llegados a Christ the Good Shepherd: Por favor
recoja un formulario de inscripción en el Narthex o estante
del folleto en la Recepción, llénelo y reciba su Paquete
Bienvenida del recepcionista.
Registration is open for the 2015-2016 school year!
Early Childhood Program
An early education program for children 12 months to 4
years of age (must be appropriate age on or before
September 1, 2015); meets twice a week, Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 9:30am to 2:30pm.
Adventures in Literature
A literature enrichment program open to children 4 years of
age (must be appropriate age on or before Sept. 1, 2015);
meets once a week on Wednesdays, 9:30am-1:30pm.
For more information and registration materials, please call
Sandy at 281-376-6831 ext. 326.
 Must love to work with children
 Previous experience with references
 Bilingual (English/Spanish) a plus
Contact Sandy Krzes at
or call 281-376-6831 ext. 326
Disfrute de un delicioso desayuno de panqueques
después de las misas de 7:30am, 9am, y 10:45am. Sus
contribuciones de este evento son a beneficio de Magnificat
House en Houston. Esta organización ofrece esperanza y
refugio a los desamparados.
2015 Diocesan Services Fund
Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos 2015
“Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share”
“Sean Ricos en Buenas Obras...Listos Para Compartir”
If you have not yet responded, we encourage you to consider
offering your commitment during this time as each gift helps.
Si tú aun no has respondido, te animamos a considerarlo,
ofreciendo tu compromiso ahora, cada donación es ayuda.
Junior High
Classes have ended for the 2014-2015
Faith Formation year. We were happy
to see so many of our families last
Sunday on our Church Tour. See you all
again in the Fall!
Junior High Youth Group
It’s time to play outside this Thursday, April
23rd so put on your sneakers and get ready
to play Kick Ball. Bring your friends,
Every0ne is welcome!
Catholic Young Adult Ministry New Member BBQ
Sunday, April 26th, 3-7 PM.
Rob Fleming Park, 6055 Creekside Forest Dr,
The Woodlands, TX 77389
We will provide the meat, please bring a side, dessert or
drinks to share.
JP2CYAM (John Paul the 2nd Catholic Young Adult
Ministry) is a Young Adult Ministry by and for the North
Houston young adults (18-39 years old - single or married)
You are welcome no matter what Parish you belong too!
We meet 2-3 times a week for faith, service projects,
sports, and fellowship. Come learn more about JP2CYAM! Dagny: 832-338-0123
Rock Solid Marriage: Living the Covenant Conference May 9. 2015
A conference for couples of all ages. Una converencia para parejas de todas las edades.
at Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community Please RSVP space is limited!
Por favor llame, envíe un correo electronic, o visite nuestro sitio web para hacer su reservación
All Are Welcome / Todo son Bienvenidos
You are invited to attend one of the upcoming town hall meetings.
These meetings are to offer you the opportunity to give in depth
feedback regarding what you believe is important for the future of
our parish. We will gather in prayer, hand out and explain the
surveys, answer any questions you may have, and offer a closing
prayer. You may stay and fill out the survey there or bring it home
with you to return later. The survey will also be available on line next
week. We are asking as many people as possible to fill out these
surveys from 10 years of age and up. We want everyone’s ideas.
These surveys will be used to start the work on the Master Plan for
Christ the Good Shepherd and mapping out our future needs.
Please, please be a part of this exciting process. You may download
the survey from the parish website ( beginning
the week of April 26. You may also get a copy of the survey after
April 26 at the reception desk.
7:30 pm Large Hall
10 am Large Hall
10 am Large Hall
PAC 201-205 (Spanish)
Pot Luck Large Hall following
5:30 Mass
7 pm Large Hall (Spanish)
Se le invita a asistir a una de las próximas reuniones. Estas
reuniones se le ofrecer la oportunidad de dar sus opiniones en
profundidad sobre lo que cree que es importante para el futuro de
nuestra parroquia. Nos vamos a reunir en oración, y explicar las
encuestas, responder a cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener y
concluir con una oración. Usted se puede quedar llenar la encuesta,
o llevarla a casa con usted y devolverla más tarde. La encuesta
también estará disponible en línea la próxima semana. Estamos
pidiendo a tantas personas como sea posible para completar estos
estudios a partir de los 10 años de edad y más. Queremos que
todos participen con sus ideas. Estos estudios se utilizan para
iniciar la labor sobre el Plan General de Christ the Good
Shepherd y de nuestras futuras necesidades. Le pedimos que por
favor sea parte de este emocionante proceso. Puede descargar la
encuesta en la página web de la parroquia (
comenzando la semana del 26 de abril. También puede obtener
una copia del estudio después del 26 de abril en el mostrador de
23 de abril
24 de abril
25 de abril
25 de abril
28 de abril
7:30 p.m. Salón parroquial (Inglés)
10 a.m. Salón parroquial (Inglés)
10 a.m. Salón parroquial (Inglés) y
Salones PAC 201-205 (Español).
Sala parroquial con cena después de
la misa del sábado 5:30pm
7 p.m. Salón parroquial (Español)
APRIL 19, 2015
19 de ABRIL 2015
CGS parish is offering an excellent opportunity to those persons
wishing to serve the church as a couple. We are forming a team of
5-6 couples who are willing to share the joys and realities of
marriage with those wishing to enter into the sacrament of Holy
Fully Engaged is the up and coming marriage preparation
program that is being offered in parishes throughout the
archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The forward in the leaders
guide states, “At a time when marriage is increasingly challenged
by surrounding culture, the Catholic Church affirms the goodness
and dignity of marriage, through which God ‘establish[es] an
intimate community of life and love’ (Gaudium et Spes 48:1).
When couples seek to marry in the Catholic Church, we serve
them most lovingly by offering them sacramental preparation that
incorporates the wisdom of Christian teaching and the reality of
God’s grace.”
Fully Engaged marriage preparation takes place in a group setting
which emphasizes the importance of the faith community in the
new couples’ lives. Married Couples interested in this ministry are
asked to call Gloria Scoyola @281-376-6831 ext 320 or email
Nuestra parroquia esta ofreciendo una excelente oportunidad
para parejas que desean servir al pueblo de Dios. Estamos
formando un equipo de 5-6 parejas que estén dispuestos a
compartir las alegrías y las realidades de la vida conyugal con
personas que desean celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio.
Fully Engaged es un programa para la preparación matrimonial
que está celebrando con gran éxito en la arquidiócesis de
Galveston-Houston. La introducción del manual dice lo siguiente:
“En un tiempo en que el matrimonio se encuentra amenazado
cada vez más por la cultura que nos rodea, la Iglesia Católica
asevera la bondad y dignidad del matrimonio, mediante el cual
Dios ‘establece una comunidad intima de vida y amor’ (Gaudium
et Spes 48:1). Cuando las parejas desean casarse por la Iglesia
Católica, deseamos ofrecerles una preparación sacramental que
incorpora la sabiduría de la enseñanza cristiana y la realidad de la
gracia de Dios.”
Esta preparación se llevará a cabo en grupos pequeños que
pondrá énfasis a la importancia que tiene la comunidad de fe en
la vida de las nuevas parejas. Parejas interesadas en servir en
este ministerio favor de llamar a Gloria Scoyola @281-376-6831
ext 320 o escribir a su correo electrónico
Religious orders are not
formed for the purpose of
gathering together perfect
people but those who have the courage to aim at perfection.
-Saint Francis De Sales
Las órdenes religiosas no se forman con la intención de
reunir a personas perfectas, pero para aquellos que tienen el
coraje y propósito a la perfección.
-San Francis De Sales
RCIA Sessions
Elementary Faith Formation
Preparacion para Quinceaneras
Elementary Faith Formation
ACTS Core Team Meeting
Catechist Potluck
High School/College Musicians
Evening Prayer
SYL Meeting
Mon / Lun, April 20
ECP Teacher Meeting/Mass/Luncheon
El Pan de Vida
“Encuentro Matrmoniales” Pequeña Comunidad
Grupo de Sanacion
Monday Night Bible Study
Preparacion para la Confirmacion Adultos
Ensayo del Coro del Grupo de Oracion
Tues / Mar, April 21
Early Childhood Program
Quilt Group
Handbell Choir Practice
Adult Confirmation Preparation
Boy Scout Troop 1550 Court of Honor
Pilgrimage Book Study
Reunion de Servidores del Grupo de Oracion
Infant Baptism Reg/Orientation/English
Wed / Mie, April 22
Adventures in Literature
Sunday Readings Discussion
Regnum Christi
55 Plus Board Meeting
Elementary Faith Formation
High School Youth Night “Da Vine”
Serra Club International Program Meeting
Choir Practice
Thur/Jue, April 23
Early Childhood Program
Morning Book Study
Summer F. F. Team Meeting
Committed Marriage Support Group
Elementary Faith Formation
Adult Confirmation Class
Jr. High Youth Group “Be Light”
Nuestra Fe Catolica
TOV Jovenes
Town Hall Meeting/English
Grupo de Oración “El Rebaño”
Practica del Coro
Devocion a la Santisima Sangre de Nuestro
Señor Jesucristo
Fri / Vie, April 24
Discipulos en Accion
Town Hall Meeting
Encuentro Martimoniales “Pequena Comunidad”
8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m
12:00 p.m
12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m
9:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
11:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sat / Sab, April 25
Infant Baptism Celebration/English
10:00 a.m.
Town Hall Meeting/English
10:00 a.m.
Town Hall Meeting/Spanish
10:00 a.m.
First Eucharist Rehearsal
1:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Town Hall Pot Luck
5:00 p.m.
Infant Baptism Celebrations
5:30 p.m.
RCIA Sessions
8:00 a.m.
Elementary Faith Formation
9:15 a.m
Preparacion para Quinceaneras
12:00 p.m
Elementary Faith Formation
12:30 p.m.
High School/College Musicians
5:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 25th and Sunday, April 26th
Festivities kick off Saturday immediately after 5 pm mass and
continue to 11 pm . Sunday festivities begin immediately after
11 am mass and continue until 7 pm.
Entertainment and activities for all ages.
Located in Northwest Houston at 11507 Huffmeister Road ,
Houston , TX 77065 . For more information, visit or call 281-469-5533.
Easter Women’s Day of Reflection
April 30, 8:45am -2:30pm
$40/person includes breakfast and lunch
Register on line,
Car pool info,281-376-3748
The Spring Interfaith Dialogue Council is once again
sponsoring a series of dinner dialogues.
Tuesday May 5, 2015, 6:30 to 9:30 PM.
Hosts will provide a vegetarian meal for 8-10 guests of various faiths to
discuss faith and how it impacts our lives. The dinner dialogues are free
and open to anyone interested in interfaith dialogue.
Register online at:, or call 281-370-4200. Please
register by April 28 to help us coordinate homes & guests.
THE MOTHER-DAUGHTER PROGRAM will be held on Saturday,
May 9 from 2:00 - 4:30 pm at St. Bernadette Catholic Church
(Parish Life Center), 15500 El Camino Real, Houston. The program
is for girls ages 9-12 and their mothers or significant mother-figure.
The program fosters an atmosphere of love and understanding in
discussing God’s plan for the gift of human sexuality and the
challenges of living chastely.
There is a program fee of $35/family. To register, go to or for more information contact
Mark Ciesielski at 713-741-8792 or .
Christ the Good Shepherd has an open position for an Office Manager. This person must be very organized and work well
with others. Excellent computer skills with proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. along with an ability to learn new
software systems as needed. This position will be in charge of managing the overall running of the parish office systems,
supervise purchasing and inventories, maintain office equipment, input parishioner data into parish census program and
more. Bilingual skills (English and Spanish) are a plus. Submit all resumes to Mary Spinks at