Embajada de los Estados Unidos en México BIBLIOTECA BENJAMÍN FRANKLIN Noviembre 2014 Electing justiceCultural : fixingethe Supreme Servicio Informativo Courtsobre nomination process al Departamento de Circulación: Para información estos títulos, comuníquese Tel. 5080 2235 Richard Davis 5592 3483escriba a: outreachbbf@state.gov Si desea recibir este boletín por correo electrónico, Oxford, NY : Oxford University Press, 2005. Consulte nuestras bibliografías en: www.usembassy-mexico.gov/bbf/bfbibliografias.htm 347.73 DAV ARTE POPULAR AFROAMERICANOS The author reveals how from the late 1960' s on,Kings the role: of Graffiti New York City Mass Marian A and general interestAnderson groups, news:media public, grew in Transit Art of The 1970's Song of Dignity and intensity to the point that the nomination process would be unrecognizable to its original devisers,Jack the Framers of the Grace Stewart (2009) Constitution. RBC Ministries (2010) DVD 920 AND 808.882 STE This is the book on subway graffiti, the spontaneous art movement that exploded throughout New York City in the early 1970's. In this historic, firsthand account, Jack Stewart recounts how pioneering writers put their lives on the line to grab fame from a faceless urban landscape. TEL. 5080 – 2185 Join us as we take a look at the life of Marian Anderson and examine how she was able to overcome the racial barriers of her time. Hear the music that move audiences everywhere, and be inspired by interviews with family members and friends who discuss the impact of her remarkable life of artistry and faith. 1 Storytimes for everyone! : developing young children's language and literacy BIBLIOTECOLOGIA Developing and managing electronic collections : the essentials Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting (2013) 027.6251 GHO Storytimes are for everyone: babies, toddlers, and preschoolers and their parents and care providers. Sharing language through books, songs, fingerplays, flannelboards, puppets, and other materials, combined with research-backed tidbits of information adults can use to help children develop a strong foundation for later readings success. Peggy Johnson (2013) 025.284 JOH For the purpose of this book, electronic collections are the electronic content selected by librarians from a variety of sources for a library, managed by the library, and made available for users. This content may be purchased, leased or available as free resources. It may be selected title by title or in bundled packages. The emphasis in this book is on developing and managing this type of collection, particularly content accessed via the Internet. CIENCIAS SOCIALES The extreme searcher's Internet handbook : a guide for the serious searcher The Mobile Wave : How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything Randolph Hock (2013) Michael Saylor (2012) 025.042 HOC 303.4833 SAY Author Ran Hock covers strategies and toolsincluding search engines, directories, portals, and social networks-for all major areas of Internet content. Readers with little to moderate searching experience will appreciate Hock’s easy-to-follow advice, while experienced searchers will discover a wealth of new ideas, techniques, and resources. Argues that the changes brought by mobile computing are so big and widespread that it's impossible for us to see it all, even though we are all immersed in it. Saylor explains that the current generation of mobile smartphones and tablet computers has set the stage to become the universal computing platform for the world. In the hands of billions of people and accessible anywhere and anytime, mobile computers are poised to become an appendage of the human being and an essential tool for modern life. 2 DIARIOS Y ALMANAQUES Reducing Gun Violence in America : Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis The Accidental Diarist : A History of the Daily Planner in America Edited by Daniel W. Webster and Jon S. Vernick (2013) Molly McCarthy (2013) 363.33 RED 808.06 MCC More than 20 leading experts on gun violence and policy summarize relevant research and recommend policies that are both constitutional and have broad public support. In this era of tweets and blogs, it is easy to assume that the selfobsessive recording of daily minutiae is a recent phenomenon. But the daily planners first emerged in colonial times as a means of telling time, tracking finances, locating the nearest inn, and even planning for the coming winter. Daily planners were carried by everyone from George Washington to the soldiers who fought the Civil War. The author explores just how vital these unassuming and easily overlooked stationery staples are to those who use them. Spam : a shadow history of the Internet Finn Brunton (2013) 384.34 BRU This is a book about what spam is, how it works, and what it means. Brunton provides a cultural history that stretches from pranks on early computer networks to the construction of a global criminal infrastructure. ECONOMIA Economía para todos : cómo hacer fácil lo difícil COMEDIANTES Robert Marcuse (2012) S 330 MAR I Love Lucy: seasons four to ninth El autor de este texto no es economista, pero esto, en lugar de ser una desventaja o restarle credibilidad, nos demuestra que sí puede ver los problemas económicos como los vivimos todos nosotros en la vida diaria. Los ejemplos escogidos son muy ilustrativos y sencillos, y nos dan a entender que este tema no es tan complicado como acostumbran pintarlo y que todos podemos entenderlo. Paramount Pictures (2007) DVD 791.45 ILO S4-9 Fall in love again and again with the timeless comedy that entertains generation after generation. Contains several hilarious episodes of these classic seasons of I Love Lucy. Savor every magical moment of the greatest sitcom of all time. 3 Going Google : powerful tools for 21st century learning EDUCACION Jared Covili (2012) Bilingual is Better : Two Latina Moms on How the Bilingual Parenting Revolution is Changing the face of America 371.33 COV This book for K-12 educators explores the wide array of Google tools and shows how to use them in the classroom to foster digital learning. The text is organized by the 21st century skills each tool promotes: communication, collaboration, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving. Roxana A. Soto and Ana L. Flores (2012) 372.651 SOT Debunks old stereotypes while shedding new light on hot topics like bilingual education, cultural heritage and what it really means to be Latino. A perfect blend of hilarious anecdotes and solid research, this book is a fun, engaging read which is sure to spark conversations and positive change. ESTADISTICA Estadística elemental Roberth Johnson and Patricia Kuby (2012) S 519.5 JOH Exposición clara y ejemplos relevantes, ejercicios y aplicaciones con énfasis en la interpretación de la información estadística. Incluye ejercicios y resúmenes, vocabulario y conceptos clave, así como un examen de práctica. Countless Connecting Threads : MIT's History Revealed Through its Most Evocative Objects Deborah G. Douglas, with the assistance of Ariel Weinberg (2013) ESTUDIOS DE GENERO REF 378.973 DOU Gender, Work, and Economy: Unpacking the Global Economy Inspired by an exhibition of 150 objects created by the MIT Museum to mark MIT's sesquicentennial, this lavishly illustrated volume is a unique collection of visual and written meditations about the making and meaning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Heidi Gottfried (2013) 331.41 GOT This engaging new text uses a feminist lens to crack open the often hidden worlds of gender and work, addressing enduring questions about how structural inequalities are produced and why they persist. Making visible the social relationships that drive the global economy, the book explores how economic transformations 4 not only change the way we work, but how we live our lives. HISPANOAMERICANOS FOTOGRAFIA Latino U.S.A. : a cartoon history [Graphics] Images of America : Missions of San Francisco Bay Ilan Stavans, illustrated Lalo Alcaraz (2012) by 305.8 STA Robert A. Bellezza (2014) Ilan Stavans, a literary scholar and cultural historian, teams up with Chicano artist Lalo Alcaraz to craft an endlessly entertaining but painstakingly researched history of Latinos--also called Latin Americans and Hispanics, and taking in peoples from all over the Spanish-speaking world--in the United States. Stavans's text covers the ground from avocados to zoot suits, touching on such matters as the Puerto Rican independence movement, the Mexican American War, the Marielito flotilla, and the ongoing struggle for civil rights throughout the hemisphere. 207.2 BEL Features six historic missions and presents previously unreleased photographs from the author's vintage collection of film and glass negatives, prints, and view postcards, combined with images from the Library of Congress, Santa Clara University Archives and Special Collections, and Sonoma County Historical Society. Martha Cooper Hip Hop Files : Photographs 19791984. Martha Cooper (2013) IDIOMA INGLES REF 779 COO Martha Cooper has the reputation of being the first and foremost photographer of emerging Hip Hop culture in New York City. This book makes a significant part of her extensive and unique archive accessible for the first time. It includes a thoughtful introduction by Zephyr, as well as essays by Charlie Ahearn, Patti Astor, and Popmaster Fabel, participants in the early Hip Hop scene. Inglés método integral - Básico : objetivo : aprender practicando. Ediciones Larousse (2004) S 428 ING El nuevo método integral Larousse está basado en una pedagogía original e innovadora. Ofrece la posibilidad de entender, escribir y hablar con fluidez un inglés actual y cotidiano. 5 JUVENTUD EN MEXICO MERCADOTECNIA Marketing to Millennials : reach the largest and most influential generation of consumers ever La cultura política de los universitarios en el Distrito Federal : un análisis comparativo entre las instituciones de educación superior pública y privada Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton (2013) 658.834 FRO Rosalba Fabián Isidro (2014) Based on groundbreaking proprietary research and one-on-one interviews with top brand executives and Millennials, this book identifies specific behaviors and attitudes common to this revolutionary group of consumers. S 324.3 FAB En la presente investigación se analiza la cultura de los universitarios para comprender la relación de intercausalidad entre la acción de los ciudadanos y el sistema político. A lo largo de la investigación se buscan elementos socioeconómicos, políticos, culturales y simbólicos para saber en qué grado el entorno educativo influye en la orientación política de los universitarios. MUSICA Beyond sound : the college and career guide in music technology Scott L. Phillips (2013) 780.23 PHI A must-read for anyone who loves music technology and wants to build a career in this competitive, fast-paced world. This book offers an in-depth consideration of music technology education, including looks at specific programs and a clear explanation of different types of degrees. MEDIO AMBIENTE La estadística ambiental en México NOVELAS Edited by Alfonso Mercado García and Carlos Roberto Lopez Perez (2014) Possessed by Shadows : a Nove Donigan Merritt (2005) S 333.70972 EST F MER POS El conjunto de 23 capítulos que conforman este libro, estudia los avances, así como los vacíos, brechas y deficiencias en la calidad de dicha estadística, a la vez que plantea propuestas de mejora, considerando los marcos conceptuales y metodológicos de organismos internacionales, la infraestructura y capacidad técnica nacional y las experiencias de otros países. The novel tells the story of two climbers who spend a year traveling from the rugged desert of Joshua Tree National Park to the Alps, the Himalayas, and the High Tatra mountains of Czechoslovakia. This book is a tribute to selfless 6 love and the bonds of friendship forged in the extremes of high mountains. hija de 6 años, Julia. Después de dormir cerca de 3 horas, Kyle se da cuenta de que Julia ha desaparecido, así que inicia una búsqueda por el avión (con capacidad para 426 pasajeros), pero la tripulación asegura que Julia nunca subió al avión y ninguno de los pasajeros la vio. PELICULAS 500 días con ella Elizabethtown Fox Searchlight Pictures presents; directed by Marc We (2014) Paramount Pictures presents; directed by Cameron Crowe (2005) S DVD 791.437 QUI DVD 791.4 ELI En esta singular comedia acerca del amor y su destino, un joven escritor de tarjetas de felicitación busca desesperado y sin esperanza alguna a la chica de sus sueños y su nueva compañera Summer, podría ser la indicada. A hot-shot designer whose life becomes completely unraveled when he loses his father and his job on one fateful day. En route to Elizabethtown to visit his family, he meets Claire, who guides Drew on his journey back home and teaches him what it means to live and love along the way. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet En busca de la felicidad Twentieth Century Fox presents; directed by Baz Luhrmann (2010) Columbia Pictures presents; directed by Gabriele Muccino (2012) S BD 791.43 ROM S DVD 791.4372 ENB Historia de amor marcada por la tragedia y las convenciones sociales de la época. Historia inspirada en la vida real de Chris Gardner, un vendedor de San Francisco que lucha por construir un futuro para él y su hijo de 5 años. Con confianza en él mismo y el amoroso apoyo de su niño, Chris Gardner se sobrepone a sus obstáculos para convertirse en una leyenda de Wall Street. POLITICA EXTERIOR México y el mundo : historia de sus relaciones exteriores Plan de vuelo Touchstone Pictures and Imagine Entertainment presents; directed by Robert Schwentke (2005) El Colegio de Mexico S 327.72 MEX Con esta serie integrada de nueve tomos, el lector dispone del panorama más complete de la historia de las relaciones de México con el mundo externo. Se trata de la crónica y el análisis de la política internacional de nuestro S DVD 791.43 PLA La historia comienza cuando Kyle Pratt (Jodie Foster) aborda un avión de Aalto Airlines para un viaje de Berlín a Nueva York con su pequeña 7 país desde su constitución como nación independiente hasta nuestros días. reduce poverty, racial discrimination and material hardships. The Public Diplomacy Reader The Upcycle : Beyond Sustainability - Designing for Abundance Edited by J. Michael Waller (2007) William McDonough and Michael Braungart (2013) 327.20973 PUB Comprehensive collection of the most important documents, speeches and writings on public diplomacy including communication, diplomacy, political science, history, military arts and psychology. 628.4458 MCD An evocative new call to reimagine human society a practical-minded and provocative plan to think beyond sustainability to a world in which every human act becomes one of beneficence and abundance. The United States and Mexico: more than neighbors RADIO Y TELEVISION Andrew Selee, Christopher Wilson, and Katie Putnam (2010) Saturday night live FAQ : everything left to know about television's longest-running comedy 327.73 SEL This publication is an attempt to provide basic background on Mexico and U.S.-Mexico relations for a U.S. based audience, although some of the facts and figures may interest people on both sides of the border. Stephen Tropiano (2013) 791.4572 TRO POLITICAS PUBLICAS Offers the show's generations of fans everything they ever wanted to know or may have forgotten. Beginning with SNL’s creation by Lorne Michaels and the Not Ready for Prime Time Players, this book takes an in-depth look at all thirty[eight seasons through May 2013. The author examines the show's influence on America culture and includes profiles of over 100 cast members, along with a comprehensive guide detailing every episode. Legacies of the War on Poverty Edited by Martha J. Bailey and Sheldon Danzinger (2013) 362.556 LEG Drawing from fifty years of empirical evidence, offers a balanced assessment of the War on Poverty that highlights some remarkable policy successes and promises to shift the national conversation on poverty in America. The book demonstrates that well designed government programs can 8 RECURSOS HUMANOS SERVICIO DIPLOMATICO 10 things employers want you to learn in college, revised : the skills you need to succeed Through a screen darkly : popular culture, public diplomacy, and America's image abroad Bill Coplin (2003) Maryha Bayles (2014) 370.113 COP 303.48 BAY You'll learn a lot of things in college, but there's one thing the textbooks won't teach you: how to acquire marketable job skills before you graduate. College professor and student adviser Bill Coplin has been developing skill-based liberal arts curricula for more than 30 years, and has helped thousands of students get great jobs. Here, he lays down the essential skills you need to survive and succeed in today's job market, based on his extensive interviews with employers, recruiters, human resource specialists, and employed college grads. This book focuses on the present and the recent past, but its perspective is deeply rooted in American history, culture, religion, and political thought. At its hearth is an affirmation of a certain ethos, of hope for human freedom tempered with prudence about human nature that is truly the aspect of America most admired by others. TEATRO El Zoo de cristal Tennessee Williams (1993) S 812.08 WIL SALUD PUBLICA Tennessee Williams lleva a la escena la atmósfera social del Sur y una aristocracia herida y decadente, en una obra que ha unido el sueño y la realidad en un clima de pesadilla y erotismo. Rise of the U.S. environmental health movement Kate Davies (2013) TURISMO 613.1 DAV Top 10 New York City Eleanor Berman (2002) First book to offer a comprehensive examination of the environmental health movement, which, unlike many parts of the environment movement, focuses on ways toxic chemicals and other hazardous agents in the environment affect human health and well-being. 917.471 BER Whether you are traveling first class or on a limited budget, this Eyewitness will lead you straight to the very best New York City has to offer. 9 Creek. Con sus nuevos amigos Chip, Takumi y Alaska, se lanza de lleno a la vida. Sin embargo, una inesperada enseñanza le mostrará la cara negra de la vida, haciéndole pensar: ¿cómo voy a salir de este laberinto? How to be the world's smartest traveler (and save time, money, and hassle) Christopher Elliot (2014) Divergent 910.202 ELL Veronica Roth (2011) Drawing on more than 20 years of experience in the field, leading travel expert and USA Today columnist Christopher Elliott gives you the inside scoop on how to be a smarter traveler J F ROT DIV In a future Chicago, sixteenyear-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions to define her identity for the rest of her life, a decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomaly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in, is not perfect after all. MATERIALES PARA NIÑOS Y JOVENES Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe BIOGRAFIA J.K. Rowling (2013) I am Rosa Parks S J F ROW HAR Brad Meltzer; illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos (2014) Con dieciséis años cumplidos, Harry inicia el sexto curso en la escuela. Los entrenamientos, los exámenes y las chicas lo mantienen ocupado; pero como su vida no puede transitar sin sobresaltos, sucede que los alumnos empiezan a ser atacados y se acerca la hora en que Harry deberá enfrentar a Voldemort. Sucede también que encuentra un viejo libro de pociones perteneciente a un misterioso príncipe que se hace llamar Príncipe Mestizo. J 920 PAR Rosa Parks always stood up for herself, even as a child. Rosa knew that everyone deserved the same respect and rights, and so she dared to stay seated on a bus one day when the driver told her to get up for a white rider. LITERATURA JUVENIL Maze Runner : correr o morir James Dashner (2010) Buscando A Alaska S J F DAS COR John Green (2014) Thomas se descubre viviendo en un lugar denominado "El Área", un espacio abierto cercado por muros gigantescos que cada mañana se abren y por la noche se cierran. No sabe qué está haciendo S J F GRE BUS Miles, aburrido de su monótona existencia, inicia su propia búsqueda y se muda a Alabama para terminar la preparatoria en el internado Culver 10 ahí ni cómo llegó, pero en lo profundo de su mente sabe que debe correr para sobrevivir. PARA LOS MAS PEQUEÑOS Paper Towns The very hungry caterpillar John Green (2008) J F GRE PAP Eric Carle (1969) One month before graduation from his Central Florida high school, Quentin "Q" Jacobsen basks in the predictable boringness of his life until the beautiful Margo Roth Spiegelman, Q's neighbor and classmate, takes him on a midnight adventure and then mysteriously disappears. J F CAR VER A caterpillar that is always hungry eats and eats until he gets very fat and becomes a beautiful butterfly. Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse B & W PARA TI QUE YA LEES BIEN Floyd Gottfredson,edited by David Gerstein and Gary Groth (2011) Cajas de cartón : relatos de la vida peregrina de un niño campesino J F GOT WAT Mickey Mouse is among the world's most recognizable icons. But do you know the wild, unforgettable personality behind the icon? Start reading this trend-setting serial that led where other adventure comics would follow, with a new round of thrills, chills, and epic quests. Francisco Jiménez (2000) S J F JIM CAJ El autor narra sus experiencias de la niñez desde el punto de vista de un niño, para documentar parte de la historia de su familia, pero también para expresar la experiencia de un sector que ha sido frecuentemente ignorado: trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y sus familias. MONOGRAFIAS Game Design Luis & Jennifer en : César Chávez & la máquina del tiempo [Graphics] Greg Austic (2013) J 794.8 AUS Juan Carlos Quezadas, illustrated by BEF (2014) What are games? This book tells you what the game's elements are, how to get inspiration to create an exciting game, kinds of games available, how to be a great game designer, and helps you step by step to create your first game. S J F QUE CES Acompaña a Luis y Jennifer en una aventura llena de peligros, suspenso y un poquito de romance. Conoce a dos perros súper inteligentes y sé testigo de la lucha de un hombre que cambió la historia. 11 La osa menor ; una historia del ferrocarril subterráneo Recursos Adicionales F.N. Monjo (1997) - Ediciones anteriores de este boletín www.usembassy-mexico.gov/bbf/bfproductos.htm S J F MON OSA Las estrellas que forman la Osa Menor guían a una familia de esclavos fugitivos a casa del diácono Fuller, una de las estaciones del ferrocarril subterráneo. ¿Conseguirá Tommy Fuller eludir a los buscadores de esclavos o serán descubiertos, acabando así con sus esperanzas de ser libres? - Audio libros www.usembassymexico.gov/bbf/audiolibros.htm - Catálogo de DVDs www.usembassymexico.gov/bbf/DVDcoleccion.htm Rumbo oeste y otros cuentos - Libros electrónicos de libre acceso http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/bbf/libros.htm Jack London (2009) S J F LON RUM - Busca en nuestro acervo a través del catálogo público en línea http://www.usembassymexico.gov/bbf/bfcatalogo.htm Esta antología reúne tres historias cortas consideradas entre las mejores que escribió Jack London: Rumbo Oeste, que se ambienta en el mar, La historia de Keesh nos pone en contacto con las costumbres de los esquimales en el Polo Norte, y Amor a la Vida, que se desarrolla también en las yermas tierras del Ártico y muestra el deseo y el instinto de vivir propios del hombre, aún en las condiciones más adversas. O desde tu dispositivo móvil PELICULAS INFANTILES American Legends - Calendario de eventos www.usembassymexico.gov/bbf/eventos.htm Disney Enterprises , [200_?] DVD 791.4334 AME Disney celebrates the legends that inspired our country with classic stories of great American heroes in this all-new, full length animated collection. La BBF en www.usembassy-mexico.gov/bbf/bffacebook.htm 12
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