Immaculate Heart of Mary - 513527
Linda Lopez & JP (Judi Putnam),
IHM Bulletin Editors - 760-789-0583
Fax/Modem # - 760-789-3875
Sunday’s Date - 9/19/10
Special Requests or Comments ________________________________________________________
September 19, 2010
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor / Párroco
Rev. André Ramos
Deacon/ Diacono
Deacon Andres Escobedo
Weekend Celebrants / Sacerdotes Suplentes
Rev. Msgr. Anthony Chylewski
Rev. Louis Salca
Rev. William Gold
Masses / Misas
Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English / Inglés)
Sunday / Domingo: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. (English / Inglés); & 11:30 a.m. (Spanish / Español)
Weekday Masses / Misas Diarias: 8:00 a.m.
(except Thursdays / excepto los Jueves: 6:30 p.m.)
Communion / Comunión: Thursday 8:00 a.m. / Jueves 8:00 a.m.
First Saturday / Primer Sábado: 8:00 a.m. (Comunion or Mass / Comunión o Misa)
Holy Days / Días de Precepto: 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (English / Inglés)
Reconciliation / Confesiones: Saturdays / Sábados 3:30 p.m.
Devotions /Devociones
Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística:
First Friday of each Month / Primer Viernes de cada mes
1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (hours subject to change / horarios pueden variar)
537 “E ” Street, Ramona, CA 92065
Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm; Fri. 8:00 a.m. - noon. Closed on Saturday.
Telephone:(760)789-0583; Fax Number:(760)789-3875;
Website:; Email:
Let us Pray — Oremos
Mass Intentions of this Week
Intenciones de las Misas de esta Semana
Sept. 20
8:00 AM
Communion Service
Tues. Sept. 21
8:00 AM
Communion Service
Sept. 22
8:00 AM
Communion Service
Thurs. Sept. 23
8:00 AM
Communion Service
6:30 PM
Ann Sember Nimmo †
Sept. 24
8:00 AM
Allen G. Browne †
Sept. 25
5:00 PM
Gerald Biegler †
Sept. 26
7:30 AM
People of the Parish
9:30 AM
Arthur Beck †
11:30 AM
Manuel Marin, Jr. †
Readings of the Week
Net Profit
Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18
Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13
Prv 30:5-9; Lk 9:1-6
Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9
Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22
Eccl 11:9 — 12:8; Lk 9:43b-45
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146; 1 Tm 6:11-16;
Lk 16:19-31
Pray for our Priests
Rev. Ricardo Castro, MC
Rev. Maurice Chase
Rev. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM
Rev. Msgr. Anthony Chylewski
Rev. Msgr. Dennis Clark
Rev. Robert Clark, SSC
Rev. Nicholas Clavin
Rummage Sale News
$ 2815.35
Way to go IHM!!!
Rosary Society of IHM
Do you pray the rosary? Our Bishop wants all parishes—and Catholics—in the diocese to observe the
weekend of October 10, 2010 Rosaries for Peace. More
information to follow.
Let Us Pray for the Deceased
Oremos por los fallecidos
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Dales el descanso eterno Señor, y permite que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que descansen en paz. Amen.
Away - But not Forgotten
Please continue your prayers for all who serve in the Military, especially for our parishioners and their families.
Por favor, sigan orando por los que sirven en el Ejercito,
especialmente por nuestros feligreses y sus familias.
Let us Pray for those in Need
Oremos por los Necesitados
Ann Jennings - Nel Donovan - Bess Campbell
Mayra Roman - Dolores Kelley
Sustain them with your power, Lord.
Señor, sostén los en tu poder.
Intercessions for Life
For babies diagnosed before birth with medical problems. That their parents will find the strength, love,
and support to help their children live and thrive. We
pray to the Lord.
Book Club
You are invited to attend the next Book Club meeting
on Monday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mother’s
Room. The September book is “Inmorality of Illegal
Immigration” by Father Patrick Bascio. For more information, please contact Joan Brouillette 760-788-8723.
October 25:
Book -Intro to the Devote Life
Author - Francis De Sales
Social Justice Emails
Sign up to receive confidential, informational, and action alert emails concerning Catholic
'Non-negotiable' issues
You may request to be removed from
the list at any time.
Youth Programs
Youth & Young
(Seton Ctr)
Oct. : 7, 21
Nov. : 4, 18
Dec.: 2, 16
Jan.6, 20
Adult Bible Study – Thurs. – 6 p.m.
Feb.: 3, 17
March: 3, 24
April: 7, 28
May: 5, 19
June: 2, 16
Parents Nite Out
Attention Parents! Have you been on a date night
lately? Worried about who will care for the kids? Well
worry no more, IHM youth will care for your kids at no
cost...simply a love offering.
Fridays, 5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (Seton Ctr)
October: 15
April: 15
November: 19 February: 18
May: 20
December: 17 March:25
June: 17
Car Wash
The youth have a car wash planned for
Monday, Sept 27th from 4-8 pm in the
parking lot. More information to follow.
hank you to the parishioners who have returned their Parish Registration Forms. With
your help our database will be more up to date.
Attention 7th and 8th grade students
IHM's Junior High Youth Group begins on Friday, September 24th in the Seton Center. Please bring your
friends along to have some fun with other Junior High
Students. We will have games, music, food, bible time
and fellowship time. Join us for the entire school year
for the dates below. Any questions, contact Lynne
Knowd 789-8289 or Jennifer Brown 440-9209.
Session #
Fridays: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Friday, September 24 2010
Friday, October 8 2010
Friday, October 22 2010
Friday, November 5 2010
Friday, December 10 2010
Friday, January 14 2011
Friday, February 4 2011
Friday, March 4 2011
Friday, March 18 2011
Friday, April 8 2011
Friday, May 6 2011
From the Desk of the
Pastor, Fr. André Ramos
Prepare a full account of your stewardship, Jesus tells a rich man in our
gospel this Sunday. We don’t have to
be as wealthy as Bill Gates or Donald
Trumph, but we have been blessed with time, treasure
and talent. Our Lord nevertheless is saying (asking),
are we trustworthy enough with whatever gifts ultimately he has given us?
We say “Thank you very much” to all those who in a
way exemplified good stewardship by coming to the
parish grounds at the Work Party last weekend. They
came to spruce up plants and hose down grounds and
many other deeds. They were about twenty of them.
More IHM parishioners hopefully will join this good
cause the next time it is scheduled. If you want to share
your energy and time this way, please let us know.
We’re also looking for persons or groups to organize
and coordinate the Annual Turkey Dinner and the New
Year’s Eve Parish Party. If you can help in this regard
too, please call the parish office.
Finally, please allow your pastor to administer the sacraments to whoever needs any of them. The aged and
sick in homes may need reconciliation, anointing and
the Eucharist. Those who are married civilly may have
their union blessed with the Sacrament of Matrimony for
them to return to full communion in the Church. (Just a
reminder: there will be a mass Validation of civilian or
common law marriages in February next year!) If you or
someone close to you needs any of these fonts of
grace, please let me know. I am here to serve you.
May God bless our parish with more
faithful stewards! May it include you as
you read this column?
Monthly Youth Mass
Every 3rd Saturday of the month will be a youth Mass.
If you are interested in becoming active in ministry,
please call the parish office.
Attention All IHM Youth
We always need more voices for our Youth Choir. Practice is only twice a month as we prepare for singing on
the fourth Sunday of each month. Each child/family
participating will receive a CD with which to practice the
songs. Please contact Lynne Knowd (
or 760 789-8289 for more information.
Also, recordable CD's are needed to help the children
prepare for mass. Any donations of recordable CD's is
much appreciated!
Revised Mass Texts
Beginning the 1st Sunday of Advent NEXT YEAR,
there will be changes made to some of our
prayers. If you are interested in a booklet describing the Why’s and How’s of these changes, please
contact for Understanding the
Revised Mass Texts.
IHM Women’s Club News
This fall 2010 meetings are: Wednesdays, October 13 &
November 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ministry Center. All
women of the parish are invited to attend/join. For information call Jeanne Honsowetz at 760-788-0189.
Parish Potluck
You are invited to a Parish Potluck for some food and
fellowship. We especially invite all new members to the
parish or those who recently registered. This potluck is
on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Center at 6th & E Street to welcome new parishioners. Please bring a dish to share according to your
last name:
A-G ~ Salad
H-O ~ Main Dish
P-Z ~Dessert
Questions? Call Theresa Ellis at 760-788-2623.
Ministry Fair
Annual Catholic Appeal
Diocesan Assessment:
$ 26,000.00
Diocesan Payments received from IHM: $ 24,046.00
$ 1,954.00
Please keep current on your pledges. If you have not
made a contribution, please do so to help support the
Church’s Mission.
Potato Bash
What is it? We furnish the ‘Spuds’ and you bring the
toppings, salad, or dessert. We need to know if you
are planning to join us on Saturday, September 25th in
the Social Center at 6:00 p.m. following 5:00 p.m.
Mass . Please RSVP after Saturday, September 11th with
Nola Burger at (760) 789-7996 or email:
Life Chain 2010
Life Chain is a public witness to end abortion. Please
join us on Sunday, October 3rd, 2:00 to 3:30 PM at either of two locations - Balboa and Genessee - pick up
signs at the intersection; or Navajo Rd. between Medford & HWY 125 - pick up signs at Our Lady of Grace
parking lot. See or call
Theresa Ellis at 788-2623.
Youth Celebration Mass
If you would like more information, please call the parish office.
Tired of the lies the world is feeding us, adults and children, about how to obtain true love? Come to the St.
Maria Goretti Celebration! Be fed spiritually through the
Mass at 6:30 p.m. Then delve into the life of St. Maria
Goretti, an inspiring girl who chose love and purity at all
cost! Discover the Goretti Group and what it has to offer people of all ages. October 15th. 6:30 p.m. At Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel, 13541 Stoney Creek Rd, 92129.
Refreshments provided.
Explorer Day
Today you have the opportunity to see most of the
ministries of our parish and learn how these ministries
serve others. Please visit the tables outside. And don’t
forget to pray - “Lord, what do you want me to do for
our parish?”
Have you ever wondered if God might be calling you to
the priesthood? Explorer Day is a six-hour discernment
for men interested in learning more about priestly ministry and how Jesus Christ calls one to this life of service. The next Explorer Day is Saturday, October 2nd,
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Please contact your pastor for
more information and to register.
Flu Shot Clinic
Mark your calendar for Sunday Oct. 3, 2010. The
cost this year has changed: $15.00 for those over
65 years, $20.00 for those under 65. For those
who have Medicare part B, the cost will be billed
to Medicare.
Join us Friday, October 8th at 6:30 p.m. to play Bunco
with your parish family. Please reserve
your spot so we can plan accordingly.
The cost is $20. The event will be held
in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Center.
If you want to RSVP, please contact
Regina Chisholm (760) 788-0620.
Mass Intentions
We have dates available for your intentions for Mass.
These can be for the deceased or the living, for anniversaries, birthdays, or in thanksgiving to God.
Del Escritorio
del Párroco
Acompáñenos el viernes, 8 de octubre
a las 6:30 p.m. a jugar Bunco.
Costo: $20
Lugar: Centro Seton
Si desea jugar apunte la fecha en su
calendario y reservar su lugar
llamando a la coordinadora de este evento, Regina
Chisholm (760) 788-0620.
Rosario de Paz
¿Rezas el Rosario? Nuestro Obispo quiere que todos los
parroquianos y todos los católicos en la Diocese de San
Diego observen el Domingo de paz en el fin de semana
de 10 de Octubre. Mas información estará en el
próximo boletín. Si usted quiere participar, favor de
llamar a la oficina parroquial.
Feria de Ministerio
Apuntase hoy en la Feria de
Ministerio para dar de su tiempo, talento y tesoro hoy después de Misa para compartir
con otros de su don que Dios le
ha dado.
Suplica Anual
Impuestos Diocesanos:
Pagos de la Parroquia:
$ 26,000.00
$ 24,046.00
$ 1,954.00
Comida de Enchiladas
Domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010
12 mediodía - 4:00 p.m.
Salón Social
Niños (12 y menor): $4.50
Costo Familiar:
2 Adultos y 3 niños) $27
Silla de Rueda
Estamos buscando tres sillas de rueda para enviarle a
un hospital pobre fuera del país. Estaremos trabajando
junto con Catholic Relief Services para hacer estos
Preparen una contabilidad de su
administración de los dones de Dios,
Jesús le dice a un hombre rico en
nuestro Evangelio de este domingo. No tenemos que
ser tan ricos como Carlos Slim o Donald Trump, pero
hemos sido bendecidos con el tiempo, el tesoro y el
talento. ¿Sin embargo, nuestro Señor está diciendo
(pidiéndonos), somos suficiente dignos de su confianza
con cualquier don que nos ha dado?
Decimos "Muchas gracias" a todos aquellos que
manifestaron buena administración llegando a la
parroquia para ayudar con el mantenimiento de los
jardines. Ellos vinieron regar las plantas, arrancar las
malas yerbas, recoger basura, etc. Había como veinte
personas. Espero que en el futuro cuando se programe
un evento de este tipo más Feligreses de IHM se unan
a esta buena causa. Si desea compartir su energía y
tiempo de esta manera, por favor, háganoslo saber.
También estamos buscando personas o grupos para
organizar y coordinar la Cena de Pavo Anual y la Cena
y Fiesta del Año Nuevo. Si usted puede ayudar también
a este respecto, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial.
Por último, por favor permite a su pastor administrar los
sacramentos a quien necesita cualquiera de ellos. Los
hogares de ancianos y enfermos en que necesite la
reconciliación, la unción y la Eucaristía. Aquellos que
están casados civilmente pueden tener su unión
bendecida con el sacramento del matrimonio para ellos
para volver a la plena comunión en la Iglesia. (¡Sólo un
recordatorio: habrá una convalidación comunitaria de
los matrimonios civiles en febrero del próximo año!) Si
usted o alguien cercano a usted necesitan cualquiera de
estas fuentes de gracia, por favor déjeme saberlo.
Estoy aquí para servirle.
¿Qué Dios bendiga nuestra parroquia con más fieles
Administradores de los Bienes de Dios! ¿Puedo incluirle
a usted en el futuro cuando lee esta columna?
Rachael’s Hope
Imperial Beach Seminario de Sanación Y Reconciliación
Después de un Aborto para Mujeres Católicas (también
esas mujeres que están cómodas con la espiritualidad
católica), Septiembre 24-26, 2010. Un retiro durante el
fin de semana. Se conduce en el Centro de Retiro de la
San Carlos, 990 Saturn Blvd. San Diego (a la frontera
Imperial Beach). Cuesta $115; becas completas o parciales obtenibles. La confianza esta mantenida. Para
información/registración favor de llamar a Rosario (760)
715-0460 o En Español.
Oración por la vida
Por los ancianos de nuestra comunidad que se
sienten solos y olvidados para que miembros
de nuestra parroquia saquen tiempo cada semana para visitarlos. Roguemos al Señor.
Grupo de Oración
Acompáñanos a orar y a dedicarle
una hora y media a Dios cada martes por la mañana de 8:30 a 10:00
a.m. en el Santísimo. Para más información llamen a Conchita Olivas
al 788-1811.
Baptisms: Parents must contact the parish office at least 4 months prior.
Bautizos: Los padres deben hablar con Andres Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano, con 4 meses de anticipación.
Marriages : Couples must contact the Marriage Preparation Coordinators personally, at least 9 months prior.
Bodas: La pareja debe hablar con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano con 9 meses de anticipación.
Quinceañeras: Deben comunicarse con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano 1 año antes de la ceremonia para hablar de los requisitos.
Directory of Ministries
Altar Servers:
Dana Hart-Carter, 1 (760) 789-2112(scheduling)
Scott Lorenzen, 1(760) 788-0785 (training)
Art & Environment: Regina Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620
Bereavement: Darlene MacDonell, 1(760) 315-1119
Book Club: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723
BSA Cub Scouts Religious Emblems:
Roark Galloway,1(760) 440-9808
Boy Scout Religious Emblems:
Bob Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620
Centering Prayer: Joan Gansert, 1(760) 787-1560
Children’s Choir: Lynne Knowd, 1(760) 789-8289
Custodial: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954
EcoPhone Recycling Program: Sheila Jolly, 1(760) 788-0113
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy:
Dolores Kelley, 1(760) 789-8723 or
Connie Barber, 1(760) 788-8998
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers:
Nola Burger, 1(760) 789-7996
Faith Formation: 1(760) 789-6151 x105
Feed the Hungry & Treasure Box:
Martha Johnston, 1(760) 789-4105
Finance Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583
Homebound : Hal Gansert, 1(760) 789-1696
Hospitality: Rosemarie Heldenbrand, 1(760) 789-2238
Giving Tree: Sheila Berg, 1(760) 788-9859 or
Connie Poland, 1(760) 788-5820
IHM Care: Gayle Sojourner, 1(760) 789-6923
IHM Women’s Club: Jeanne Honsowetz, 1(760) 788-0189
Infant Baptism: Linda Lopez, 1(760) 789-0583
Knights of Columbus #9133: Scott Lorenzen, 1(760) 788-0785
Lector (Word): Eric Olafson, 1(760) 789-3255
Little Rock Bible Study: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723
Liturgical Music: Mona Hauslik, 1(760) 789-0583
Liturgy: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 788-7683
Marriage Preparation: Judy & Pat Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036
Parish Nurse: Mary Alice Staggs, 1(760) 789-0749
Parish Retreat: Jerry Giusti, 1(760) 789-2618
Pastoral Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583
Prayers & Squares: Judy Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036
Pro-Life: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954
Rosary for Peace: Nancy Garbo, 1(760) 787-9313
RCIA: Deacon Lou Rocha, 1(760) 789-6151
Recycling Program: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 789-0583 or
Ron Feederle, 1(760) 789-0593
SCRIP Program: Hilde Townsend, 1(760) 789-6151
Social Justice: Theresa Ellis, 1(760) 788-2623
Hearing Impaired: Karen Boyle, 1 (760) 789-8412
Summer Vacation Bible School:
Jennifer Brown, 1(760) 440-9209
Youth Program: Steve Johnson, 1(760) 789-6151x. 106
Directorio de Ministerios
Ministerio Hispano: Dcn. Andrés Escobedo, 1(760) 789-0583
Grupo de Oración: Conchita Olivas, 1(760) 788-1811
Bulletin Editor: Linda Lopez,1 (760) 789-0583
If you would like to add something to the bulletin, please send
your information to the following e-mails: and