O 26, 2014: W C

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all
things and comes together as a family to Love as Christ Loves and Serve as Christ Serves.
a welcoming spirit loving God with all of
celebrating the
and a culture of
our heart, our soul, our center of our faith
genuine inclusion strength and our mind to through creative,
into our diverse actively and passionately vibrant and diverse
parish family
build the Kingdom
Faith Formation
committing to life-long
learning through
Catholic education
from childhood
through adulthood
responding gratefully
with sacrificial
and supporting generosity for all God
strong families
has given us
in today’s world
Witnessing & Evangelizing
living the Gospel by
sharing & teaching our faith
through conversion of mind,
heart, & reconciliation
with God & one another
Daily: Monday through Friday: 7am, 8:30am Thurs.: 7pm (Español )
Weekends: Sat: 8am, Vigil: 5pm, 7pm (Español) , Sun: 8am, 10am (Interpreted for the Deaf) , 12Noon, 5:30pm
A DDRESS : 861 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ✥ W EBSITE : StMaryMagdalen.org
P HONE : 407.831.1212 ✥ F AX : 407.831.1560 ✥ E-M AIL : Office@StMaryMagdalen.org
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
I was at my doctor’s office the other day, and he
casually shared with me how his father has become a
survivalist out in the Midwest. He has dug a shelter,
made provision and is waiting for the end of days.
With the global news going the way it has been, it
would be relatively easy to begin to think
apocalyptically. But as unsettling as the news around
our good earth is these days, we are not to give in to
fearful reactions.
Estaba en el consultorio de mi médico el otro día, y
él casualmente compartió conmigo cómo su padre se
había convertido en un sobreviviente en el centrooeste de Estados Unidos. Ha cavado un refugio,
tiene provisiones y está esperando el final de los
días. Como están las noticias mundiales, sería
relativamente fácil empezar a pensar de forma
apocalíptica. Pero aunque las noticias a nuestro
alrededor sean inquietantes en estos días, no
debemos ceder a las reacciones de miedo.
Living within the socio-economic realities of today’s
world requires that we be cautious and wise, taking
precautions that our grandparents would never have
imagined. But to isolate ourselves out of fear is no
way to live.
Vivir dentro de las realidades socio-económicas del
mundo de hoy requiere que seamos prudentes y
sabios, tomando precauciones que nuestros abuelos
nunca habrían imaginado. Pero aislarnos por miedo
no es manera de vivir.
I am always so inspired by those extraordinary people
who, without putting their own well-being first, go to
those most desperate places in the world – where
Ebola rages or war and genocide rule the day – and
bring comfort to those who have no recourse, who
cannot escape, who have no hope. Ultimately I think
it will be that selfless spirit of these Servants of God
that will renew the face of the earth. I know it is
important to be strong with our defenses, and at times
aggressive in eliminating the forces of evil in our
world. But ISIS is not so much an army as it is an
idea, and as one author wrote in the Jesuit periodical,
America, “the perception of Western persecution
feeds this viral ideology”.
When confronted by the scholars of his day
concerning which is the greatest commandment of
God, Jesus in this week’s Gospel reading responded
by reciting the Shema, that ancient text that is the
very ground on which our Judeo-Christian tradition
rests: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all
your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment. The
second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as
The question with every age, including our own, is;
“And who is my neighbor”?
In Christ,
Siempre me han inspirado esas personas
extraordinarias que, sin pensar en su propio
bienestar, van a esos lugares más desesperados del
mundo - donde hace estragos el Ébola o donde la
guerra y el genocidio son la orden del día - y llevan
consuelo a los que no tienen ningún recurso, que no
pueden escapar, que no tienen esperanza. En última
instancia, creo que va a ser ese espíritu
desinteresado de estos Siervos de Dios que renovará
la faz de la tierra. Sé que es importante ser fuerte
con nuestras defensas, y en ocasiones agresivos en
la eliminación de las fuerzas del mal en nuestro
mundo. Pero ISIS no es tanto un ejército, sino una
idea, y como un autor escribió en la revista jesuita
América, l"a percepción de la persecución occidental
alimenta esta ideología viral".
Cuando fue confrontado por los eruditos de su
época, referente a cual es el mayor mandamiento de
Dios, Jesús, en el Evangelio de esta semana
respondió recitando el Shema, ese texto antiguo que
es la base sobre la cual nuestra tradición judeocristiana descansa: A
" marás al Señor, tu Dios, con
todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, y con toda tu
mente. Este es el mayor y el primer mandamiento. El
segundo es semejante a éste: Amarás a tu prójimo
como a ti mismo".
La pregunta en toda época, inclusive en la nuestra,
es; ¿" Y quién es mi prójimo?"
En Cristo,
In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of
us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute:
Patricia is a dedicated teen who prays for our
community through the Parish Life Prayer Ministry,
proclaims the Word of God as a Reader at the 5:30pm
Teen Mass, gives of her time and talent at
CommunityFest, and is involved in Girl Scouts and
our Youth Ministry program. In addition, she has
been involved in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word,
Children’s Choir, Religious Ed, Chili Cook-Off,
Vacation Bible School, and Kids-4-Jesus.
With deep gratitude, we thank you, Patricia!
In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God,
parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the
Lord of $28,071 on October 18 and 19 for the
mission and ministries of St. Mary Magdalen. Thank
you for helping us carry out Christ’s mission and
Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step!
✥-Ofrenda con Sacrificio: En gratitud por
los dones que hemos recibido de Dios, los feligreses y
visitantes hicimos retorno gozoso al Señor de
$28,071 el 18 y 19 de octubre para la misión y
ministerios de la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena.
Gracias por ayudarnos a seguir llevando a cabo la
misión y el ministerio de Cristo.
!Gracias por dar los primeros frutos y dar un paso!
Free Car Wash to ALL SOULs aged 65 and up,
with Coupon! Join us on Sunday, November 2 from
8:30AM to 2PM! This coupon is good for 1 carwash
for seniors age 65 and up and all veterans regardless
of age.
C o u p o n
f o r
SMM’s Youth Ministry
4th Annual Car Wash
Lavado de coches gratis a todas las almas de 65 años en
adelante, ¡con cupón! ¡Únase a nosotros el domingo
2vde noviembre, de 8:30AM a 2PM! Este
cupón es válido para 1 car wash para las
personas mayores de 65 años o más.
Además, tambien invitamos a todos los
veteranos sin importar la edad.
This week you will receive an important letter
from Fr. Charlie which will include a Sacrificial Giving
Planning Guide and Commitment Card. We ask you to
re-evaluate prayerfully your giving of time, talent, and
money, and why we give as Christians. You will be
specifically asked to decide the portion or percentage of
your income that you will give to the parish and to other
charities during this coming year.
“In generous spirit pay homage to the Lord, be not
sparing of freewill gifts. With each contribution show a
cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of
joy. Give to the Most High as God has given to you,
generously according to your means” (Sirach 35:7-9).
With our new Automated Giving Program, the
parish receives your weekly Sacrificial Giving donation
automatically! No more mad rush to find your offertory
envelopes or a pen to write a check. Planned and
proportionate financial stewardship is made easier with
this new option and it reduces expenses while totally
eliminating exposure to cash theft. For more
information, please contact Lois at the Parish Office at
407.265.2317 or e-mail her at:
LLocey@StMaryMagdalen.org. We also have the form
available on the parish website:
We are so blessed that you decided to join us! Won’t you
join our Catholic community by registering at St. Mary
Magdalen? Registration forms are available at the
Connection Central “Concierge” table in front of the
Church, by calling Lisa Oak at the Parish Office
407.265.2300, or by filling out the form below. Please drop
it in the mail, collection basket, or you can sign up online at
Name: ____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
City/Zip: __________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
861 Maitland Ave — Altamonte Springs — FL — 32701
St Mary Magdalen is hosting the Together in Holiness
Marriage & Family retreat on Saturday November 15
from 8AM to1PM in the Parish Life Center. Presented by
the John Paul II Foundation for Life and Family, spouses
will receive motivating insights and practical guidance
for embracing a vibrant spiritual life in their marriage
and family. Come and treat yourselves to this morning of
inspiring presentations, prayerful reflection and
conversation with the one you love. Meals included.
Free childcare. $45/couples and $25/individuals. Register
today at TogetherinHoliness.org or
StMaryMagadalen.org. ✥- Retiro de Matrimonio
y Familia: Santa María Magdalena es el anfitrión del
"Together in Holiness"Marriage & Family retreat el
sábado 15 de noviembre de 8AM - 1PM en el. Parish Life
Center. Presentado por John Paul II Foundation for Life
and Family. Las parejas recibirán ideas motivadoras y
orientaciones prácticas para abarcar una vida espiritual
viva en su matrimonio y con su familia. Vengan y
participen en esta mañana de inspiración, oración
reflectiva, y de poder tener conversaciones con la
persona que amas. Comidas incluídas. Cuidado de niños
gratis. $45 /parejas y $25 individual. Regístrese hoy en
TogetherinHoliness.org o StMaryMagdalen.org.
We will be going gleaning once again, this time for
corn. Join us on Saturday, November 8 as we caravan
together from our parking lot to the Apopka/Mount
Dora area. The day will start at 7AM and we will return
around 1PM. Sign up after Mass next week if you are
interested in going. E-mail Stephanie Spies at
spies.stephanie@gmail.com for more information.
✥- ¡Vuelve el tiempo de cosecha! Nuevamente
vamos a cosechar, esta vez maíz, el sábado 8 de
noviembre. Saldremos en
caravana desde nuestro
estacionamiento de la iglesia al
área de Apopka/Mount Dora. El
trabajo comenzará a las 7AM y
volveremos aproximadamente a
la 1PM. Los que quieran
participar, por favor
inscríbanse después de cada
Misa este fin de semana, o
contacten a Stephanie Spies a
para más información.
"Could you not watch an hour with me?"(Matt. 26:40).
You are invited to spend time before the Blessed
Sacrament sharing your deepest thoughts with Jesus or
just be still with Him offering praise and thanksgiving
for all He has given us. Adoration will be provided in
the Chapel between October 27 and November 26,
Monday through Wednesday & Friday, 9AM to 7:00PM
and Thursday 9AM to 6:30PM. Become a "Guardian of
the Hour" by signing-up at the Concierge Table after
weekend Masses or in the room outside the Chapel
during the weekend.
✥- Adoración Eucarística: ¿"¿Así que no habéis
podido velar conmigo una hora? (Mateo 26:40.). Los
invitamos a compartir ante El Santísimo Sacramento.
Comparta con Jesús sus pensamientos más profundos,
o simplemente quédese tranquilo con El ofreciéndole
alabanzas y acción de gracias por todo lo que Él le ha
dado. Tendremos la Adoración en la Capilla desde el
27 de octubre al 26 de noviembre, de lunes a viernes
de 9AM a 7:00PM. Conviértase en un "Guardián de la
Hora". Vaya a la mesa del conserje para inscribirse
después de las Misas de fin de semana o en la salón
afuera de la capilla durante el fin de semana.
The Adopt-a-Family parish program is looking for
parishioners interested in adopting a family this
Advent season. Please consider sharing your blessings
with a family that could use a little extra help this
Christmas. If you are interested in sponsoring a local
family, please contact Sandy Matusz at
matuszs@yahoo.com or 407.325.4390 for more
information. “In the same way, let your light shine
before others, so that they may see your good works
and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16.
✥- Adopte una Familia: El programa Adopt-aFamily parroquial está buscando feligreses
interesados en la adopción de una familia durante la
época navideña. Por favor, considere compartir sus
bendiciones con una familia a quien le vendría bien un
poco de ayuda en esta Navidad. Si está interesado en
patrocinar a una familia local, póngase en contacto
con Sandy Matusz al matuszs@yahoo.com o
407.325.4390 para más información. "De la misma
manera deja que tu luz brille ante los hombres, para
que vean vuestras buenas obras y glorifiquen a vuestro
Padre que está en los cielos."Mateo 5:16
Join us Sunday, November 2 at 2PM, in the Church for a prayer
service to celebrate and remember all those who have died this
year and been buried from St. Mary Magdalen. Following the
call of the names, the congregation will be invited to come
forward and light a candle for a family member who has passed
this year in another location. Please come and pray for those
who have joined the Kingdom of God and the families that
mourn their passing.
The next class for parents and Godparents will be held on
Sunday, November 2 at 3PM in the School Cafeteria. If you
have any questions, please call the Parish Office at
407.265.2301. ✥- Clase para Bautismo de los
Infantes: La próxima clase para los padres y padrinos se
llevará a cabo el domingo 2 de noviembre a las 3PM en la
cafetería de la escuela. Si Ud. tiene alguna pregunta, por favor
llame a la oficina de la parroquia al 407.265.2301.
St. Mary Magdalen Boy Scout Troop 38 will be selling
Christmas trees and wreaths this year. The trees and wreaths
will be sold on a pre-order basis. Tress will be available for
pickup on Saturday, December 6 from 8AM until 12NOON. All
orders must be turned in to either SMM School Office or the
Parish Office no later than Friday, November 19. Please see the
flier in today’s bulletin or contact Joe Snider at
wj_snider@yahoo.com or 407.416.4675 for more information.
✥- Venta de Árboles de Navidad: St. Mary Magdalen
Boy Scout Troop 38 venderá árboles y coronas de Navidad.
Las ventas serán por adelantado. Haga su orden al colegio de
SMM o a la oficina de la parroquia, a más tardar el viernes, 19
de noviembre. Los árboles estarán listos para recoger el
sábado, 6 de diciembre desde las 8AM hasta las 12PM. Por
favor lean el anuncio dentro del boletín de hoy. Para más
información contacte a Joe Snider al email
wj_snider@yahoo.com o llamen al 407.416.4675.
We’d like to express a huge THANK YOU to
everyone who helped to make
CommunityFest 2014 the wonderful
weekend experience that it was! YOU make
CommunityFest a great experience for our
visitors and Parish family! THANK YOU!!!
Join us Sunday, November 16 at 1:30PM in the
Parish Life Center, and don’t miss this one-day
retreat that provides foundational information on
the Living Y our Strengths concept that will begin
you on the journey of being the best version of
yourself for the Kingdom of God. Focusing on
what you naturally do well, because that is where
God has gifted you! There is no fee for the retreat
itself! For more information, contact Melissa
Findley at MelissaF@StMaryMagdalen.org or
Join us for a Veterans Day Ceremony on
Sunday, November 9 after the 12NOON Mass on
the Track. The Boy Scouts (with assistance
from the Knights of Columbus) will be
sponsoring our ceremony and we hope to see
you there!
✠-Ceremonia del Día del Veterano:
Acompáñenos a la Ceremonia del Día Del
Veterano el domingo 9 de noviembre después
de la misa de las12noon en la pista. Los niños
escuchas (boy scouts) serán los anfitriones de
nuestra ceremonia. No falten!!!
We cordially invite you to our upcoming Open House
on Sunday, November 9 from 12:30 to 3PM. Discover
all that Bishop Moore Catholic High School has to
offer. This event is an excellent opportunity to meet
and talk with our faculty, administrators, guidance
counselors, athletic coaches, and campus ministers.
You will also meet many of our current students who
participate in campus ministries, athletics, clubs,
honor societies, and service organizations. The entire
campus including classrooms will be open for
touring. In addition, hot dogs, chips, and soda will be
Congratulations to the following
individuals who won one of our amazing
Raffles at CommunityFest last weekend!
✥—1st Prize - $15,000 Cash or Scholarship to
SMM School—✥
✥—2nd Prize - $1,000—✥
✥—3rd Prize - $500—✥
Thank you for praying for me. I am one month old now. I have
a heart pumping my blood and a backbone. I am very, very tiny
and appreciate your prayers. ✥- Oraciones por los No
Nacidos, en su Primer Mes: “¡Gracias por orar por mi!
Ya tengo un mes. Mi corazón ha empezado a circular sangre y
mi columna vertebral ya está formada. Soy, muy, muy pequeño
– y aprecio mucho tus oraciones.”
Thank you to all participating in the fall campaign at Planned Parenthood in Kissimmee. It has been wonderful
to see the community come together in the name of Life, one of God’s most precious gifts given to all. Our vigil
continues for one more week, so let’s keep it going strong. Be encouraged, sometimes only God knows the
impact we have when we stand together in His name! Contact Melissa Weisman at 407.831.2662 or
mdweis2002@yahoo.com and visit 40daysforlife.com for more information. ✥- 40 Días por la Vida:
Gracias a todos los que participaron en la campaña de otoño de Planned Parenthood en Kissimmee. Ha sido
maravilloso ver como la comunidad se unió en nombre de la Vida, uno de los dones más preciosos que Dios nos
da a todos. Nuestra vigilia continúa durante una semana más, así que mantengamos una presencia constante.
Anímese, ¡a veces sólo Dios sabe el impacto que tenemos cuando estamos unidos en Su nombre! Para más
información llamen a Melissa Weisman al 407.831.2662, mdweis2002@yahoo.com, o visiten 40daysforlife.com
Children's Holy Hour
All children and their parents are invited to a Children's Holy Hour on Friday, November 14 at 3:30PM in the
Chapel. There will be prayer, songs, and adoration at a child's level. Contact Dulce at 407.538.7833 for more
information. ✥- Hora Santa de los niños: Los niños y sus padres están invitados a la Hora Santa de los
Niños el viernes 14 de noviembre a las 3:30PM en la Capilla. Habrá oración, canciones, y adoración apropiada
para la edad de los niños. Para más información por favor llamen a Dulce al 407.538.7833.
Thank you to our Disciple Volunteers
A big thank you to our young people who helped out at Community Fest. Our teens were everywhere, from pre
-Fest set up to Environmental Engineering. It was great to have so many of our teens engaged in the life of our
parish. Thank You all!!!!
Spiritual food,
physical food, &
fellowship: 5:30 to
8:30 Sundays
Middle School Night:
Wednesdays 7:00 to
I went to daily Mass.
I helped daddy clean the fence.
I cleaned my room.
I did tray duty at CommunityFest.
I sang in the choir.
I learned about St. Teresa of
✥ I helped my brother with his chores.
M U S TA N G M O M E N T :
✥-Early Learning Center: St. Mary Magdalen’s Early Learning Center
fall enrollment is open! Stop by to learn about our VPK and Pre-K through 3
enrollments. We are open Monday’s through Fridays from 7AM to 6PM. Call
407.831.3740 ext5381 for more information. ✥-S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n ’ s
E a r l y L e a r n i n g C e n t e r : ¡Inscriba a sus niños este otoño! Estamos
abiertos de lunes a viernes de 7AM a 6 PM. Los invitamos a que visiten el centro de VPK
y Pre-K. Habrá 3 oportunidades distintas para inscribir a sus niños. Llame al
407.831.3740 ext.5381 para más información..
✥-SMM School: Give your child the opportunity of a lifetime! Register for the 2014– 2015 school year at
St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School. It is our mission to teach gospel values, build a community of faith, and
provide a rigorous educational experience in a safe, supportive environment. SMM accepts Sister Parish Tuition
as well as Florida Step Up for Students Scholarships for those families who meet the criteria. Visit their website,
scholarshipfunding.org for more information. Contact the School Office or email Brenda.east@smmschool.org for
additional information or an appointment to take a tour of our school. ✥-E s c u e l a d e S M M : Ha
comenzado la inscripción para el año escolar 2014-2015. Las familias, el profesorado y la parroquia comparten
en el desarrollo del potencial espiritual, académico y social de cada estudiante como un único hijo de Dios. Para
obtener más información sobre nuestra escuela o programar un recorrido, póngase en contacto con Brenda East
al teléfono 321.280.5330.
We all need someone
to pray for us at
some point in our lives
and that’s just what
our Prayer Angels
want to do for you!
Would you like to honor a loved one or a
Call our Prayer Line
at 407.830.9042.
special event by providing flowers for the
Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in the Church? You can also send e-mail
prayer requests at
If you are interested in donating, please
contact Jo Ann at the Parish Office at
Happy 85th Birthday
No prayer is
too big or small!
Gerry Gallagher
Pray for these parishioners who are
celebrating new life in Baptism,
Marriage, or Eternal Life.
Every good and
perfect gift is
from above…
James 1:17
Thomas Kuhn
Olga Lopez
Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30 AM -7 PM ; Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Sat 9 AM -12 PM Phone Number: 407.831.1212
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor
Sacramental Minister
Pastoral Associate
Ministry to Sick & Grieving
Time, Talent & Evangelization
Facilities Director
Assistant Facilities Director
Membership Admin. Assistant
Parish Accountant
Administrative Intern
Bulletin Editor
Steward for Faith Formation
Fr. Charlie Mitchell
Fr. Ed Thompson
Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P.
Fr. Patrick Patton
Lois Locey
Marshall Gibbs, Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly, Henry
Libersat, Greg Nelsen & Bill O’Brien
Rosemary Kazyk
Melissa Findley
Vince Edman
Leslie McCranie
Lisa Oak
Heidi Lewis
Julie Daligney
Jo Ann Kuhn/Wanda Padin x2309/x2320
Lisa Sojourner
Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P.
Steward for Adult Sacramental Preparation Deacon Marshall Gibbs
Steward for Children & Family
Larann Wilson
Steward for Youth Ministry
Darryl Dziedzic
Steward for Annulments
Sister Pat O’Malley
Project Coord . for Faith Formation
Lucy Berger
Steward for Music & Liturgy
Liturgy Assistant
Steward for Contemporary
Christian Choir
Fax: 407.831.1560
Mark Ayers
Debbie Karleskint
Andres Ocampo
x 2310
x 2310
Lorianne Rotz
Brenda East
Elisa Steiner (Director)
Cecile Bertot (Chair)
Joe Hillebrandt (Vice Chair)
Adult Center
x 5332
x 5330
407.831.3740 x5381
Morning Rosary
Adoration First Friday
Prayer Line
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Initiation,
Baptism and Matrimony
Sacrament of the Sick
Religious Bookstore
5PM, 7 PM (Español )
8AM, 10AM (Interpreted for the deaf),
12NOON, 5:30 PM
Mon-Fri: 7AM, 8:30AM, Saturdays 8AM,
Thurs 7PM (Español)
8 AM (Monday-Saturday)
9 AM - 5PM (In the Chapel)
407.830.9042 Prayer@StMaryMagdalen.org
Sat 3-4PM (English), Sat after 5PM Mass (Eng/Sp)
Deacon Marshall Gibbs
Rosemary Kazyk
Contact Jo Ann Kuhn
Respect Life Issues: End of Life Issues
These issues include euthanasia, assisted suicide, hospice, and care of
the elderly who are often with dementia and Alzheimer disease.
Assisted suicide is legal in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, New
Mexico, and Montana. The Church teaches that euthanasia and assisted
suicide are morally unacceptable. “In euthanasia, the ill or elderly are
killed out of a misplaced sense of compassion, but true compassion
cannot include doing something intrinsically evil to another
person” (St. John Paul II). Conversely, hospice and good pain
management respect the lives of dying persons. “It is necessary that all
who approach the critically ill and dying show by their own conduct
that they take the words of the Gospel seriously. Therefore care and
concern for people close to death is one of the most important signs of
ecclesial credibility.” (St. John Paul II). On suicide: “Everyone is
responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God
who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life
gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls.
We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is
not ours to dispose of.” (Catechism 2280)
Something for every
Catholic adult to
consider is the Catholic
Declaration of Life and
Death, a document that
combines a designation
of health care surrogate
and a living will. This
directive, which
conforms to both Florida
law and teaching of the
Church, provides
guidance for others who
must make decisions for
your end of life care
(find at flaccb.org). To
talk to someone, contact
the SMM Health &
Wellness ministry or
Mary Ann at
F AT H E R E D ’ S Q U E S T I O N B OX ©
The demons that were exorcised from people in the gospels, were they real? ✥ ¿Eran
reales los demonios que fueron exorcizados de la gente en los evangelios?
While the use of popular imagery should be understood to lie behind many details of the New Testament concept
of demons, the Church has always taught the existence of personal evil spirits, insisting that they are malicious
through their own will and not through their creation. (“Dictionary of the Bible,” J.L. McKenzie, Bruce).
✥ Si bien entendemos que el uso de imágenes populares está detrás de muchos detalles del concepto de los
demonios en el Nuevo Testamento, la Iglesia siempre ha enseñado la existencia de espíritus malignos personales,
enfatizando que son maliciosos a través de su propia voluntad y no a través de su creación. (“Diccionario de la
Biblia, "JL McKenzie , Bruce)
EPH 4:32–5:8; PS 1; LK 13:10-17
 Don Gallagher
 Margaret Blanks
 Daria Dittmer Hardin
 Richard Regan
Michael Sydnor
 Betty Hutton
 Carol Hoben
EPH 2:19-22; PS 19; LK 6:12-16
 Dorothy Gulde
 Betty Hutton
 James Seminara
 Aloys Leuchtmann
The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30 PM
Life Teen – PLC – 6:30 PM
Men’s Bible Study – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00AM
Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM
Confirmation Class–PLC – 6:30PM
The Gospel of Matthew Series – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:15PM
Father Ed’s Bible Class – Parish Office 7:30AM
First Reconciliation Class – PLC – 6:30PM
Time and Talent Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM
American Sign Language Class – Parish Office – 6:30PM
The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 7:15PM
EPH 6:1-9; PS 145; LK 13:22-30
 Ann Maria Albanese
 Dan Elbin
 Jim Cathcart
 Deceased Members of the
De Stefano and De Caprio Families
 Lynne Citarella
The Gospel of Matthew Series – PLC – 9:45AM
 Theresa Graci
Women’s Theology Group – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 11:30PM
EPH 6:10-20; PS 144; LK 13:31-35
Wednesday Afternoon Seniors – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 1:00PM
 Senen Alfredo Mendoza
P.R.E.P. – Church – 4:00PM
 Regina Richards
Quick Journey through the Bible – St. Ignatius of Loyola Room – 6:30PM
 Russ Sciandra
EDGE – PLC – 7:00PM
 Leo Tylus
Our Lady’s Rosary Group – Chapel – 7:00PM
All the People of the Parish
PHIL 1:1-11; PS 111; LK 14:1-6
 Mary Parkhurst
 Doug Stapp
 Joe, Jerry and Chris Cina
 Chris Aurand
 Emma Sisco
RV 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 PS 24; 1 JN 3:1-3; MT 5:1-12
 Deceased Members of the
De Stefano and De Caprio Families
 Edward Scally
 Irene Campbell
 Somilia Bazile
 Frank Felicetti
 Juan Jose Gomez
Intentions of Catalina Malave & Christian
Grief Support Group –Parish Office– 10:00AM
The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM
Oración Centrante – Parish Office – 10:00AM
Renovacion Carismática – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM
P.R.E.P. – Church – 9:15AM
All Souls Service – Church – 2:00PM
Baptism Class – School Cafeteria – 3:00PM
The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM
Life Teen – PLC – 6:30PM
WIS 3:1-9; PS 27; ROM 5:5-11; JN 6:37-40
 Frank McDonald
 Joseph Glovacki
 Bella Glovacki
 Deceased Members of the SMM Men’s Club
Safe Return of our U.S. Deployed Military
 Doug and Howard Stapp
 Bud Provancha
 Chris Kern
 John Carta, Jr.
 Larry Benhardt
Need to Check out our Calendar During the Week?
 Robert Stephen Davidson and Family
Follow our Scan Code or go to the Following Link for
 Joan Hopper
our Online Calendar: StMaryMagdalen.org/ParishInfo/SMM_Calendar.htm
 Kathleen Coyne
D ay l i g h t s av i n g s e n d s
at 2am o n Nov ember 2!