How to write your First Draft By Christy Solines Review topics of your booklet What´s step 1 of the writing process? “Choose the appropriate topic” We are usually temped to choose “general topics” that could need many pages to develop. That´s not convenient. Select 2 topics that are OK for writing an essay. Support your answer. a.- Global Warming b.- Online relationships c.- Hi5 a source of online dating for Ecuadorian teens from 12 to 16 years old. d.- Ways to control obesity in Ecuadorian children. e.- Sun energy on Earth f.- Plagiarism detection. Characteristics: • • • • Specific Not ambiguos Clear for your audience Not broad. Write your essay topic. If it is specific, you win the point Next step: R _ _ _ _ R_ _ RESEARCH Name at least 3 primary or secondary sources you can get your information from Sources should be: • Clear • Reliable • Varied (at least 3) What´s step 3 of the writing process? THE OUTLINE What´s the purpose/objective of an outline? Your outline includes: • Term definition in the first paragraph. • Topics you will cover in your essay will be organized in paragraphs. • Paragraphs are represented by letters. This is how an outline looks like Topic: _________________________________ I. Introduction (initial paragraph) A.- Define terms (paragraph 1 of the body) a) Professional opinion 1 b) Professional opinion 2 B.- Topic 2 (paragraph 2) a) Supportive details or examples b) Supportive details or examples C.- Topic 3 (paragraph 3) a) Supportive details or examples b) Supportive details or examples D.- Survey (paragraph 4) a) Conditions (number of people, questions) b) Results E.- Topic (Paragraph 5) a) Supportive details or examples b) Supportive details or examples II. Conclusion Repeat main points you analyzed and conclude based on those. You already have your outline. Focus on the first part of it INTRODUCTION What´s the purpose of an introduction? What should it include ? Two MAGICAL ways to write the INTRODUCTION The Orderly way… The Quotation way…. In the following lines, we will deal with……First, we will explain ………….. Then, we will refer to….. Later, we will exemplify…… After that, we will stress… Finally, we will give/state….. Example: Topic: Hitler´s treatment of the Jews during World War II In the following lines, we will deal with Hitler‟s treatment of the Jews during World War II. First, we will explain some historical facts related to this topic. Then, we will refer to Hitler´s attitudes toward the Jews. Later, we will exemplify Hitler´s actions against them. After that, we will stress some consequences of these actions. Finally, we will state our opinion about this issue. “ “( ). In the following lines you will read about…… First, we will explain….. Then, we will deal with…. Later, we exemplify.. After, we will stress why…. Finally, we will conclude with….. Example: “Those who do not remember their story are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana). In the following lines you will read about Walter Spilzman‟s life. First, we will explain about his personal life: age, nationality, job, etc. Then, we will deal with some historical facts about the time he was leaving. Later, we will exemplify some of his experiences during the war. After, we will stress why he survived. Finally, we will conclude with our personal opinion . about the topic What is the difference? The quotation. “INTERNET” “Copy and paste” PLAGIARISM What do you exercise? Don‟t miss your chance! Your Brain. How are you FEEDING it? Homework.. Research.. Writing Critical Thinking… Going BEYOND… What´s plagiarism? WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? According to Mirow, plagiarism can be defined as the use of another‟s words, works, thoughts, or ideas without giving proper attribution to the original author Taken from: Accessed in May /2006. . How can we prevent that? I used your ideas in my paper. I will cite your name, do not worry. Citing is giving credit to the sources you used to write your paper. It means that you give the name of the author you used. The sources can be: a book, a magazine, a newspaper article, the Internet, an interview, etc. Example: 1. As Stevenson said: “The Munich Massacre left us all with a negative feeling after the Olimpics”(1972). 2. “The Palestinians did not know the effect this was going to have in the entire world” (Cartwright;1973). What do I do then? You have to : • READ • RESEARCH • UNDERSTAND • SUMMARIZE • WRITE AND CITE Homework • En los Juegos Olímpicos de Munich 1972, el mundo vio estupefacto cómo once atletas israelíes fueron asesinados, tanto en la villa olímpica como en el aeropuerto de esa ciudad. Fui parte de ese acontecimiento. Lo viví en carne propia e incluso conocí a uno de los inmolados. Actualmente, en nuestros cines, se proyecta una nueva versión de los hechos dirigida por el talentoso director judío Steven Spielberg, que con gran valentía artística traslada a la pantalla grande uno de los episodios más funestos de la contienda que mantiene desde 1948 el pueblo israelita con el palestino. Cuando terminaron los Juegos de Munich retorné a mis quehaceres universitarios de estudiante en Illinois deportista con mal sabor en mi boca por lo sucedido. Pasaron aproximadamente tres años cuando un día, en el campus universitario, llamó mi atención un anuncio en una de las carteleras de información. Anunciaban la proyección de un largometraje sobre la „masacre de Munich‟ en el Centro de estudiantes, donde convergía la mayoría de los 25.000 alumnos de la alma máter. El día del estreno me dirigí presuroso a la sala asignada. Como las luces aún estaban encendidas a vista de pájaro pude observar que posiblemente el 80% de los asistentes, por sus vestimentas tradicionales, eran estudiantes del Medio Oriente. A medida que la proyección transcurría me traía recuerdos encontrados. In the Munich Olimpic games in 1972, the world watched as 11 Israeli atletes were murdered in the Olimpic Ville and the airport of that city. I was part of that. Cuando la cinta llegó al clímax (cuando los rehenes israelitas vuelan en pedazos por la explosión de una granada) la mayoría de los asistentes se puso de pie para felicitarse. Me fue difícil asimilar el espectáculo y abandoné la sala, no pude soportar la escena. Mientras caminaba de regreso al dormitorio, me preguntaba cómo era posible que todavía haya pueblos que piensan que están separados cuando están vinculados por lazos regionales, porque uno es lo mismo que el otro, aunque algunos de ellos piensen que no es así. Todos sabemos que la religión jamás ha logrado evitar una guerra y difícilmente podrá hacerlo porque las religiones han sido una causa y el origen de la mayoría de ellas. La adoración por un Dios, cualquiera que este sea, que hace que fanáticos ignorantes sientan odio por el prójimo que no profesa sus mismas creencias. Solo con el tiempo uno se da cuenta de que quien humilla y desprecia a otro ser humano tarde o temprano sufrirá las consecuencias y estas se multiplicarán. Solo es cuestión de tiempo. This was Jorge‟s experience: In the Munich Olimpic Games in 1972 the world watched as 11… 80% of the students presented THIS SAME ARTICLE as homework CITE In the text - As Delgado said: “ “(1990) - Jorge stated that : “ “(2006) - ____ . (Jorge Delgado;1999). - Delgado also adds that: “ - Jorge discusses that “(1995). ______. When we want to cite somebody from an internet article we shouldn´t include the whole address in the paper. For example: Hellen keller said: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent( That is what all women need to think in order to be successful in life. There´s got to be another way! “In document citation” “According to Rose Ortega, SSCC students who are taking extra English courses on Saturdays are improving their grades.”1 1 Compare these texts • La fotosíntesis es un conjunto de reacciones que realizan todas las plantas verdes que poseen clorofila a través de las cuales se sintetizan glúcidos o hidratos de carbono por acción de la luz. • Según lo investigado, la fotosíntesis son reacciones realizadas por las plantas. Con esto, se sintetizan los hidratos de carbono. La luz también interviene. Bibliografía Hernandez, Jaime. “La ciencia ecológica”. Ingreso 10 mayo/09. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography • Goes at the________ • Includes all the_________ you have___________in your paper. • It has a determined order. Bibliography • Juan Pérez “The dog” • Pepita Jiménez “The bees” It has a format Bibliography AURELL, Martí, La dama en la corte medieval. Pamplona, Eunsa, 2001. CANTAVELLA, Rosanna, y PARRA, Lluïsa, Protagonistes femenines a la “Vita Christi”. Isabel de Villena. Barcelona: Edicions La Sal, 1987. CAVARERO, Adriana, "Decir el nacimiento”, en Diótima, Traer al mundo el mundo. Objeto y objetividad a la luz de la diferencia sexual. Barcelona, Icaria, 1996, 115-147. CHAVES RUBIO, Carmen, "Autoridad y mediación femenina como práctica de paz". Duoda, 23, 2002, 65-83. DIOTIMA, Il pensiero della differenza sessuale. Milano, La Taratuga, 1987; (Sexual Difference, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press [1990]). GIMÉNEZ SOLER, "Retrato histórico de la reina María", Boletín de la Academia de Buenas Letras I, 76. Book 1 author • Author´s last name, author´s first name. “Title of the book”. Publishing city: Publishing house. Year it was published. Example: Nigel Audrey . “The Time Traveler´s Wife”. Orlando:Harcourt. 2003. Book of 2 or 3 authors • Author´s last name, author´s first name. Second author‟s last name and first name. “Title of the book”. Publishing city: Publishing house. Year it was published. Example: • Searles, Baird and Martin Last. Poveda, Juan. “A Reader‟s Guide to Science Fiction”. New York: Facts on File, Inc.,1979. Internet resources Author. “Title article”. Accessed on:______ http://www._____ Example: Harper. “Why dogs fail”. Accessed on Sept. 2nd 2008. Class material Teacher´s last name, Teacher‟s first name. “Title” Class Subject. Date of class. Example: Rodríguez Leonor. “The Mayas”. Science class. Sept. 20th/2007. Magazines • Title of magazine: Title Article. Date published. Editorial. Country. Example: Novedades. “Cómo Combinar Bien los Colores”. Mayo 2009. Editorial Norton. Colombia. Interview to Jorge Delgado By Karla S. Vélez Espinoza Teacher: Miss Leonor Ronquillo(miss Kitty) Bibliography Delgado, Jorge. Personal Interview. Guayaquil-Ecuador. April 22nd / 2006 Test your knowledge • Editorial Norma “Casa de Muñecas” 1879. Henrik Ibsen. Colombia • 28th May 2008 . Esteban Rosales “Eat healthy” • Editorial Vistazo. Vistazo. April 2009. Ecuador. “Technology and its impact”. • Administration August 2nd 2009. Mario Chávez. Finantial trouble in your company . Bibliography Chavez, Mario. “Finantial Trouble in our Company”.Administration class. August 2nd 2009. Ibsen, Henrik. “Casa de Muñecas” Colombia:Editorial Norma. 1879. Rosales, Esteban. “Eat Healthy” Accessed on May 28th 2008. Vistazo. “Technology and its impact”. April 2009. Editorial Vistazo. Ecuador. • FIRST DRAFT • SECOND DRAFT Final draft! “The beautiful part of writing is that you don´t have to get it right the first time, unlike a brainsurgeon. You can always make it better” Robert Corrier
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