LASER-COM COVER SHEET Immaculate Heart of Mary - 513527 Linda Lopez & JP (Judi Putnam), IHM Bulletin Editors - 760-789-0583 Fax/Modem # - 760-789-3875 Sunday’s Date - 1/30/11 Special Requests or Comments - ________________________________________________________ January 30, 2011 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor / Párroco Rev. André Ramos Deacon/ Diacono Deacon Andres Escobedo Weekend Celebrants / Sacerdotes Suplentes Rev. Msgr. Anthony Chylewski Rev. Louis Salca Rev. William Gold Masses Misas Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM (Spanish) Weekday Masses: 8:00 AM (except Thursdays: 6:30 PM ) Communion: Thursday 8:00 AM Sábado: 5:00 PM Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM (Español) Misas Diarias: 8:00 AM (excepto los Jueves: 6:30 PM ) Comunión: Jueves 8:00 AM First Saturday: 8:00 AM (Communion or Mass) Primer Sábado: 8:00 AM (Comunión o Misa) Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM Días de Precepto: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM Confesiones: Sábado 3:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of each Month 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM (hours subject to change) Adoración Eucarística: Primer Viernes de cada mes 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM (horarios pueden variar) 537 “E ” Street, Ramona, CA 92065 Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 AM - 5:00 pm; Fri. 8:00 AM - noon. Closed on Saturday. Telephone:(760)789-0583 Website: Fax Number:(760)789-3875 Email: Let us Pray — Oremos Mass Intentions of this Week Intenciones de las Misas de esta Semana Mon. Jan. 31 8:00 AM Rose Ann Zeller Tues. Feb. 1 8:00 AM Vincent Bordelon † Wed. Feb. 2 8:00 AM Helen Bordelon † Thurs Feb. 3 8:00 AM Communion Service 6:30 PM Jean McAvoy † 8:00 AM Special Intentions— Skelton’s 58th Anniversary Fri. Feb. 4 Sat. Feb. 5 5:00 PM Barbara Jean Hannasch † Sun. Feb. 6 7:30 AM Bess Jordan † 9:30 AM People of Parish 11:30 AM Jose Garcia † Readings of the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 11:32-40; Mk 5:1-20 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Is 58:7-10; Ps 112; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 Infant Baptism Preparation Are you expecting a baby? Have you been asked to be a Godparent? There are diocesan requirements that must be met. For more information please contact the parish office to make an appointment with our Baptism Coordinator, Theresa Ellis. Next Baptism Class dates: Thursday, February 24 - 7:00 PM Thursday, March 31 - 7:00 PM Thursday, May 12 - 7:00 PM Thursday, June 16 - 7:00 PM Please note you must RSVP and meet requirements before attending the class. Classes are held in the Let Us Pray for the Deceased Oremos por los fallecidos Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Dales el descanso eterno Señor, y permite que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que descansen en paz. Amen. Away - But not Forgotten Please continue your prayers for all who serve in the Military, especially for our parishioners and their families. Por favor, sigan orando por los que sirven en el Ejercito, especialmente por nuestros feligreses y sus familias. Let us Pray for those in Need Oremos por los Necesitados Marty Folger— Felix Jose Reyes Jack and Lane - John Alvarez Garrett Cheryl Silvaggio Sustain them with your power, Lord. Señor, sostén los en tu poder. Intercessions for Life For those suffering from disease, depression, addiction, and despair, and for those who love and suffer with them. May they be comforted by God’s love and promise of deliverance. We pray to the Lord. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Pray for our Priests Rev. Doan Van Lai Rev. Khuyen Lai Pope Benedict XVI Bishop Robert Brom Bishop Gilbert Chavez Rev. Peter Vu Lam Rev. Justin Langille Living Stewardship Now Bring hope and help to the poor. Close to home: Volunteer with a literacy organization, a job seekers’ network, a food bank, or the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Far away: Support the work of Catholic Relief Services, Kiva Microfunds or Heifer International. Prayers and Squares If you know a fellow parishioner who is seriously ill or has a serious problem, ask them if they would like to receive prayers and a quilt from our parish community. If so, fill out a request form available at the church office. For more information, please call Judy Byrne at 789-9036 or Mary Alice Staggs at 789-0749. Next meetings date: Tuesday - February 22, 2011 5:30 PM– 8:30 PM Book Club You are invited to attend the next Book Club meeting on Monday, February 28th at 7:00 PM in the Mother’s Room. The February book The Truth about the Shroud of Turin by Robert K. Wilcox. For more information, please contact Joan Brouillette 760-788-8723. IHM Finances Sunday collection 1/24/2011 Plate $ 1,353.50 Envelopes $ 6,789.00 Total $ 8,142.50 Green Envelopes $ 105.00 Last year 1/25/2011 Plate Envelopes Total Green Envelopes $ 1,083.50 $ 6,157.00 $ 7,240.50 $ 190.00 Anticipating a cost-of-living 2% increase in expenses. To cover parish expenses and debt, the weekly collection should be at least $13,000. Blood Pressure Check The Parish Nurse Ministry will be available for our parish members to receive free blood pressure checks on the following Sundays after all Masses: Feb. 19th and 20th March 19th and 20th Youth & Young Adult Bible Study This bible study meets on the following Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Seton Center. Feb: 3, 17 March: 3, 24 April: 7, 28 May: 5, 19 June: 2, 16 Parents Nite Out Attention Parents! Have you been on a date night lately? Worried about who will care for the children? Well worry no more, IHM youth will care for your kids at no cost...simply a love offering. We have extended our hours. Fridays, 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Seton Center) January: 21 March: 25 May: 20 February: 18 April: 15 June: 17 From the Desk of the Pastor, Fr. André Ramos "Blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs". Often we seek security and happiness based on the fulfillment of our standards. We enforce them in our daily lives. We say this person or this family or this parish can only be good or satisfactorily acceptable to us if they put this in place, or work that way, please us or fulfill our demands. We think that others should conform with our opinions otherwise they are bad. And when they don't or if they refuse, we get angry and sometimes some of us become irrational and even run amok. We then want to close the doors behind us or become aggressive and get even. Or else we sever our ties, stop serving and finding it hard to love fully again? Might it be that our ego and self pride are leading us unduly to become bitter? It is at these moments of unhappiness or discontent when the Scriptures this weekend--and again in the future--remind us of the joy of the humble and the poor in spirit. It must amaze us that even in the midst of war, even in abject poverty, even in failures, even in being the last in the rat race, we can find persons who can be happier than the wealthy and the very smart. These are the poor in spirit and they will find happiness because they do not equate their joys on fleeting things. We do not have to become scavengers on a hill of trash, but we have seen smiles in the faces of children of the dumps. Trust that only the Lord can be the greatest source of our human longing for happiness. Not in our human agenda, not in our worldly victories, not in winning the debates all the time. If we cling on to these other sources of joy, instead of our total confidence in God, we need to watch out. Without adherence to fidelity to God, we run the risk of misery in the end. Let us remain vigilant with things and people and even ourselves lest they hinder us from the beatitude we all long for. BIDDY BASKETBALL Biddy Basketball is now sponsored by IHM. If your 1st or 2nd grader likes to shoot some hoops, get them signed up now for Biddy Basketball. Find flyer and applications in the Narthex. Contact Lynne Knowd: or (760) 789-8289 for any questions. 6TH ANNUAL SAN DIEGO MENS CONFERENCE (A Call to Holiness) – Feb 26th at Our Lady of Grace Church in El Cajon. This year’s speakers include Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT, Justin Fatica and Fr. Dave Leon. NO FOOTBALL, NO EXCUSE. For more info and to register visit www. SharingTheTreasures. com or call Kurt at 619-583-3810. 7th and 8th grade Youth Group Upcoming Events… IHM's Jr. High Youth Group meets regularly in the Seton Center. Any questions, contact Lynne Knowd 789-8289 or Jennifer Brown 440-9209. February 2011 Session # 7 Fridays: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Friday, February 4, 2011 • 8 Friday, March 4, 2011 • Heart 2 Heart Hope 4 Eternity Dinner Dance Auction Save the date! On Friday, February 11th our parish is celebrating its second Annual Heart to Heart Auction Dinner Dance. So having said that we are calling all stewards! What talent has God gifted you to share with your parish community? Here are a few areas where your talent can be shared to donate for our auction: Cooking, cleaning, sewing, crafting, childcare, landscaping service, art……. Please create a gift certificate offering your services and drop it by the parish office. For more information, please contact Mike Mulligan at (619) 733-3833 or via email • Friday 2/11, Heart 2 Heart Hope 4 Eternity Dinner Dance & Auction Saturday, 2/19 - Group Convalidations (Eng.) - 10:00 AM, Church Group Convalidations (Sp.) - 11:00 AM - Church Sunday, 2/27 - Spaghetti Dinner, 3:00 - 5:00 PM—Social Center Liturgical Ministry Convocation If you are in a parish ministry, set aside Saturday, March 5th from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM for a mandatory meeting. Lunch will be provided. Stewardship Corner If you are reading these words right now, please consider joining others in your faith community at the Heartto-Heart dinner, auction and dance on February 11th. Through this column our community expresses our gratitude to Regina Chisholm and Mary Carrano for having served our parish in so many ways. And we hope more IHM members will step forward who will minister selflessly like them. Little Dresses for Africa Military Serving Abroad Looking for names of our military men and women— information on how we can contact them (email— facebook, etc.). As we celebrate love in February, we would like to pray and acknowledge those individuals who serve our country and are away from their loved ones. Parish Website In an effort to enhance communication outside our Masses and Sunday bulletins, we ask that you check the parish website regularly for parish happenings. If there is something you would like to see on the website, please contact the parish office and we will do our best to post the information - all information is subject to Pastor’s approval. Mary Smith is collecting pillow cases to make dresses for a “little girls” project. You can drop them off at 1212 H Street Sp. #6, the church office, or she will pick them up. Please contact Mary at (760) 789-1789. Advertisers Patronize our bulletin advertisers first! They support our church and community. Treasure Box Our Treasure Box volunteers will be available to take food orders on: Wednesday, February 9th - 9:00 AM - 12 noon at IHM Sunday, February 13th following all Masses. For more information, please contact Martha Johnston at (760) 789-4105. IHM RECYCLES! Bring your clean and empty cans and plastics (CRV) to the parish office. With all these Christmas parties, please remember to recycle. Retrovaille For information you can go to the website at The local San Diego Retrouvaille contacts are Sam & Marg Guerra 951-259-9474. There is also a Spanish program available. Eventos Parroquiales… Upcoming Events… Febrero 2011 • • • viernes 2/11, Cena, Baile y Subasta de Heart 2 Heart Hope 4 Eternity sábado, 2/19 - Convalidaciones en Grupo (Inglés) - 10:00 AM, Group Convalidaciones (Español) - 11:00 AM domingo, 2/27 - Cena de Espagueti, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Ministerio “Prayers and Squares” Si usted conoce a algún feligrés que tenga una enfermedad seria o problema, pregúntele si quiere recibir oraciones y una colcha de parte de la comunidad de la iglesia ICM. Rellene una petición disponible en la oficina parroquial. Las próxima reunión será el 22 de febrero de 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM. Para cualquier pregunta pónganse en contacto con la oficina parroquial. Programa de Reciclaje Gracias a todos que participan en nuestro programa de reciclaje. Recuerdan lo siguiente; Traiga sus botes de aluminio y plásticos (CRV) a la oficina parroquial durante horas de oficina. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordi nario Semana de las Escuelas Catolicas Lunes: San Juan Bosco Miercoles: La Presentacion del Senor Dia de la Marmota Jueves: San Blas; San Oscar Bendicion de las gargantas; Ano Nuevo Chino 4709 Viernes: Primer viernes Sabado: Santa Agueda; Primer sabado Del Escritorio Del Parroco Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu; el Reino de los cielos es suyo". A menudo buscamos la seguridad y la felicidad, basado en el cumplimiento de nuestras normas. Aplicarlas en nuestra vida diaria. Decimos que esta persona o esta familia o a esta parroquia sólo pueden buena o satisfactoriamente aceptable para nosotros si ponen en práctica, o funciona de esa manera, no nos complacen o cumplir con nuestras exigencias. Pensamos que otros conformidad con nuestras opiniones lo contrario son malas. Y cuando no lo hacen, o si se niegan, se enfadan y a veces algunos de nosotros nos ponemos irritables e incluso causamos escándalo. O nos ponemos a cerrar las puertas detrás de nosotros o nos ponemos agresivos y obtener incluso. ¿O de lo contrario nos servidor nuestros lazos, dejar de servir y resulta difícil amar plenamente otra vez? ¿Será que nuestro egoísmo y el orgullo de nosotros mismos que están conduciendo a indebidamente hacernos ser amargados? Es en estos momentos de infelicidad o descontento que en las escrituras este fin de semana--y una vez más en el futuro, nos recuerda la alegría de los humildes, los pobres de espíritu. Debe sorprendernos que incluso en medio de guerra, incluso en la pobreza extrema, incluso en fallas, incluso en ser el último en la carrera de vida, podemos encontrar personas que pueden ser que son más felices que los ricos y los muy inteligente. Estos son los pobres de espíritu y van a encontrar la felicidad porque ellos no equipan sus alegrías en cosas pasajeras. No tenemos que ser muertos de hambre en carroñeros en una colina de basura, pero hemos visto sonrisas en las caras de los niños de los depósitos. Confié que sólo el Señor puede ser la mayor fuente de nuestro anhelo humano de felicidad. No en nuestro programa humano, no en nuestras victorias mundanas, no en ganar los debates todo el tiempo. Si nos se aferran a estas otras fuentes de la alegría, en lugar de nuestra total confianza en Dios, tenemos que tener cuidado. Sin cumplimiento de fidelidad a Dios, corremos el riesgo de la miseria al final. Debemos permanecer alerta con las cosas y personas y incluso nosotros mismos para que no nos impida la felicidad que todos anhelan. Oración por la vida Convocation de Ministros Liturgicos Si estás en el Ministerio de la parroquia aparta el sábado 12 de marzo de 9: 00 AM – 1: 00 PM para una junta obligatoria. La parroquia proveerá el almuerzo. Por los que sufren de la enfermedad, la depresión, la adicción y la desesperación, y por aquellos que aman y sufren con ellos para que sean consolados por el amor de Dios y la promesa de la liberación. Roguemos al Señor. Respetemos la Vida Sacraments Sacramentos Baptisms: Parents must contact the parish office at least 4 months prior. Bautizos: Los padres deben hablar con Andres Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano, con 4 meses de anticipación. Marriages : Couples must contact the Marriage Preparation Coordinators personally, at least 9 months prior. Bodas: La pareja debe hablar con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano con 9 meses de anticipación. Quinceañeras Quinceañeras: Deben comunicarse con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano 1 año antes de la ceremonia para hablar de los requisitos. Directory of Ministries Altar Servers: Dana Hart-Carter, 1 (760) 789-2112(scheduling) Roark Galloway,1(760) 440-9808 (training) Art & Environment: Regina Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620 Bereavement: Darlene MacDonell, 1(760) 315-1119 Book Club: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723 Boy Scout Religious Emblems: Bob Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620 BSA Cub Scout Religious Emblems: Roark Galloway,1(760) 440-9808 Centering Prayer: Joan Gansert, 1(760) 787-1560 Children’s Choir: Lynne Knowd, 1(760) 789-8289 Custodial: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954 EcoPhone Recycling Program: Sheila Jolly, 1(760) 788-0113 Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy: Dolores Kelley, 1(760) 789-8723 or Connie Barber, 1(760) 788-8998 Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Nola Burger, 1(760) 789-7996 Faith Formation: Deacon Lou Rocha ,1(760) 789-6151 x105 Feed the Hungry & Treasure Box: Martha Johnston, 1(760) 789-4105 Finance Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583 Giving Tree: Sheila Berg, 1(760) 788-9859 or Connie Poland, 1(760) 788-5820 Hearing Impaired: Karen Boyle, 1 (760) 789-8412 Homebound : Hal Gansert, 1(760) 789-1696 Hospitality: Rosemarie Heldenbrand, 1(760) 789-2238 IHM Care: Gayle Sojourner, 1(760) 789-6923 IHM Women’s Club: Jeanne Honsowetz, 1(760) 788-0189 Infant Baptism: Theresa Ellis, 1(760) 789-0583 Knights of Columbus #9133: Scott Lorenzen, 1(760) 788-0785 Lector (Word): Eric Olafson, 1(760) 789-3255 Little Rock Bible Study: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723 Liturgy: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 788-7683 Marriage Preparation: Judy & Pat Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036 Music Coordinator: Mona Hauslik, 1(760) 789-0583 Music Director: Steven Holc, 1(858) 521-0271 Parish Nurse: Mary Alice Staggs, 1(760) 789-0749 Pastoral Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583 Prayers & Squares: Judy Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036 Pro-Life: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954 RCIA: Deacon Lou Rocha, 1(760) 789-6151 Recycling Program: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 789-0583 or Ron Feederle, 1(760) 789-0593 Rosary for Peace: Nancy Garbo, 1(760) 787-9313 SCRIP Program: Hilde Townsend, 1(760) 789-6151 Social Justice: Theresa Ellis, 1(760) 788-2623 Summer Vacation Bible School: Jennifer Brown, 1(760) 440-9209 Youth Program: Steve Johnson, 1(760) 789-6151x. 106 Directorio de Ministerios Ministerio Hispano: Dcn. Andrés Escobedo, 1(760) 789-0583 Grupo de Oración: Conchita Olivas, 1(760) 788-1811 Bulletin Bulletin Editor: Linda Lopez,1 (760) 789-0583 If you would like to add something to the bulletin, please send your information to the following e-mails: and
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