The Parish Family of SAINT JOSEPH 115 East Fort Lee Road, Bogota, New Jersey 07603 All Soul’s Day November 2nd, 2014 Rev. Timothy G. Graff, Pastor Rev. Marty B. Jacinto, Parochial Vicar Deacon Paul Importico The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am & 12 Noon Spanish Mass: Sunday 1:30pm Misa en español todos los domingos a las 1:30 pm Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays, 9am only Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two—Información de Sacramento en la página dos Rectory Office 201-342-6300 Fax: 201-883-9392 St. Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405 Faith Formation/REC 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 Parish website: Page 2 November 2nd, 2014 Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Parroquia de San José We, the people of Saint Joseph Parish, by the grace of God, born again in the waters of Baptism, seek to create a community where our mutual faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, encourages us to continue growing as disciples. We believe that discipleship is a way of life. We strive to show that we are committed disciples, eager to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and comfort the bereaved. Inspired by God’s word and nourished by the Eucharist, we pledge ourselves to active discipleship all for God’s greater glory and honor. Nosotros, parroquianos de San José, por la gracia de Dios, nacidos de nuevo en las aguas del bautismo, buscamos crear una comunidad donde nuestra fe en común en Jesús como Señor y Salvador, nos anime a seguir creciendo como discípulos. Creemos que el discipulado es una manera de vida. Nos esforzamos por demostrar que somos discípulos comprometidos, deseosos de dar la bienvenida al extranjero, alimentar al hambriento, abrigar al desprotegido y confortar al afligido. Inspirados en la palabra de Dios y alimentados por la Eucaristía, nos comprometemos a ser discípulos activos para mayor gloria y honra de Dios. New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses: Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register at the Rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parish and its activities. Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad parroquial! Por favor, inscribanse en la Rectoría y no duden en ponerse en contacto con alguien de nuestro personal con respecto a la parroquia y las actividades. CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Timothy G. Graff……...… Parochial Vicar Rev. Marty Jacinto……....… Deacon Paul Importico…… Principal, Saint Joseph Academy Mr. James R. Newman….… Administrative Assistant, School Mrs. Sandra Angeli……..… Pastoral Director, Faith Formation Mrs. Patricia Rodriguez… Program Coordinator, Faith Formation Mrs. Noemi Saybe…… Protecting God’s Children Mrs. Diane Maglione……… Director of Music Mr. Michael Chladil…… Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Conforti…… Administrative Assistants, Ms. Laura Croce……………… Sr. Elaine Sullivan, FSP……… Rectory Office Hours: Mon-Thurs…..9:00am-7:30pm Friday……….9:00am-7:00pm Saturday…….9:00am-4:00pm Closed Sundays SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Reconciliation Every Saturday evening, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Baptism Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements for Baptisms the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month during mass. Matrimony Arrangements should be made with a member of the clergy at least 12 months in advance. Anointing of the Sick If you or a family member is in the hospital and wish to be visited by a priest, please call the parish office . If you call after hours, please leave a message for Father Tim or Father Marty and they will get back to you as soon as possible Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA The invitation to follow Christ is unending. We invite...those who have never been baptized, but have the desire; those who are baptized, but have not yet received Eucharist/Confirmation; those who have thought of becoming Catholic, but have never acted upon it; those who have questions to find out more about the Catholic faith or to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and/or confirmation through the RCIA. For more information call the rectory or speak to Father Tim., 201-342-6300 Ext 212. Reconciliación Segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes a las 4:00 pm y los domingos a las 2:00 pm Bautismo Segundo domingo de cada mes durante la Misa de la 1:30 de la tarde. Por favor, llame a Rosa Sánchez (201-836-0861) para hacer los preparativos. Matrimonio Llama al Padre Timoteo para hacer los preparativos. Uncion de los Enfermos Por favor, llame a la rectoría para solicitor la visita del sacerdote. Si llama en la noche, dejele mensaje al padre Tim (Ext 212) Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos—RICA La invitacion para seguir a Cristo continua. Invitamos a aquellos que no han sido bautizados pero que tienen el deseo de hacerlo, y a aquellos que ya son bautizados pero que aun no han recibido la Eucaristia y/o Confirmacion; y a aquellos que estan pensando en convertirse al Catolicismo pero que nunca han actuado en la busqueda; y a aquellos que se cuestionan su fe … para que se inscriban en el programa RICA y asi poder participar de los sacramentos. Para informarse llame a la rectoria para hablar con el Padre Tim, 201-342-6300 Ext 212. November 2nd, 2014 Page 3 PARISH CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. MASSES FOR THE WEEK November Spanish Pre-Baptism Class 2nd ALL SOULS Caf 10:00am-11:30am Basketball Gym 1:00pm-5:00pm Wedding November Basketball GS Leader Mtg CH 3rd Gym GymHall CH 4th Gym 3M, 3S, CR 5th Gym 3M, 3S, CR, MC 3:30pm Spanish Prayer Group November Drama Club ESL Classes November Basketball ESL Classes Weekly Choir Rehearsal Baptism Prep Meeting Thursday November Gr. 7 GS Troop Basketball ESL Classes CH Caf 6th Caf Gym 3M, 3S, CR Friday 7th CH Caf Gym Caf 8th CH November SJA First Friday Mass Gr 3 GS Troop Basketball Daisy Troop Saturday November NJ Right to Life VOLVO Raffle Ticket Sale Soccer Sunday November HNS Meeting Lit. of the Word w/ Children Baptisms During Mass Spanish Baptisms in Mass Confirmation Kickoff Retreat 3:00pm-10:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 7:30pm-9:00pm 3:15pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 3:00pm-10:00pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm 3:00pm-5:00pm 3:00pm-10:00pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 8:00am 12:00pm-1:30pm 3:00pm-10:00pm 5:30pm-6:30pm All masses Gym 4:30pm-10:00pm 9th Caf 9:00pm-10:00pm CH 10:00am Mass CH 12:00pm Mass CH 1:30pm Mass Gym, 3:00pm-9:00pm Caf Confirmation Kick Off MASS CH 8:00pm Mass Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am 10:00am November Jeannette Chmielewski November Anthony Mondeiko Trevor Musk 1st Req 2nd Req Req Req Monday 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am Alice & William Ringwood November Gaetano Bavaro November John Cavanagh Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am November Thomas Genovese November Manbretti Family November Harry Smith 5th Req 6th Req 7th Req Saturday 8:00am November 8th Maria BarrettoReq Eric Ortega Gonzalez Thomas Genovese Req Mr.& Mrs. Gould November 9th The Living & Deceased Members of the HNS Nicholas M. Zampetti, Req Maria Zampetti Sr Isabel Keowan Req Florence Buckley 12:00pm 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 3rd Req 4th Req Cathy & Maryann Smith Family Tom & Anne O’Sullivan Alice & Florence Ringwood Mary M. Early Kevin & Monica Lynch Kathy Herron Ellie McGinnis Sandra & Paul Angeli Offering for Sunday, October 26th, 2014—$ 8,336.68 (Ofrenda del domingo anterior) Food— $ 248.00 Tuition Angel—$ 285.00 St. Vincent—$ 35.00 Maintenance—$ 505.00 All Souls—$ 382.00 As always, we are most grateful for all of your help. We can give generously to those in need because you give to us. God Bless You! ALL SOULS DAY LUMINARIES The Saint Joseph Holy Name Society will be sponsoring and selling luminaries for an Evening of Remembrance on All Soul’s Day, November 2nd. This is a perfect way to celebrate the life of a passed loved one through the lighting of a very special and personal candle. Sales will begin before and after Mass starting October 18th and continue the following weekends before All Souls Day. $5.00 per luminary. All Soul’s Day Evening of Remembrance is held on the side of the church by the statue of The Blessed Mother. Page 4 __ _ ___ ___ From the Office of Faith Formation (FF) FAITH SUNDAY _________ __ 201-343-4316 November 2nd, 2014 FORMATION CALENDAR TUESDAY THURSDAY November 4, 2014 NO Faith Formation due to Election Day November 9, 2014 10:00 am Mass— Liturgy of the Word with children 3:00p -9:00p Conf. KICKOFF Retreat November 11, 2014 3:50-5:00 pm Gr 1-5 Faith Formation 7:00-8:15 pm Gr 6-8 Faith Formation Attention: High School Students Do you need service hours? We are looking for students who can help out during our sessions. We need someone to help us on Sunday mornings from 7:30am—12:00 noon starting October 19th. If you are interested, please call Noemi at 201-343-4316. GOSPEL QUESTION of the Week of November 2, 2014 Gospel: John 6: 37-40 Remember to answer both questions. Please write clearly. Listen and Reflect: Living the Gospel: According to Jesus, what is the will of God the Father? How can you honor the lives of those who have departed? Philadelphia is proud to welcome families for the 8th World Meeting of Families from around the world to be celebrated by Pope Francis on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit the official World Meeting of Families website: to learn more and to sign up for updates on how you can participate. Please check next week’s bulletin to find out how you can prepare for this event. La Oficina de Formación Religiosa recuerda a nuestras familias en los programas del Martes y del Domingo que aquellos alumnus que haran su Primera Comunion o la Confirmacion el proximo anio y cuyos hijos ya recibieron los textos para sus clases separadas de sacramentos, que, verifiquen sus horarios ya que sus hijos recibiran esas clases de preparacion en dias adicionales a sus dias de Formacion de Fe. Comuniquese con nosotros si cree que le podemos ayudar: 201-343-4316. November 2nd, 2014 Page 5 From Saint Joseph Academy 201-487-8641 IMMACULATE HEARY ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE Immaculate Heart Academy will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, Nov. 5 from 6:30-8 p.m. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the school, the curriculum, and IHA’s athletic, art and extracurricular programs. Members of our administration, faculty, and coaching staff will be on hand to answer questions. Online preregistration is requested at Call 201445-6800 for more information. IHA is located at 500 Van Emburgh Ave. Township of Washington, NJ 07676. QUEEN OF PEACE HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 191 Rutherford Place, North Arlington, NJ Experience an Open House…Come and see what we are all about…and discover for yourself the advantages of a Queen of Peace High School Catholic Education. Monday, November 3, 2014 – 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Contact the Admissions Office at 201 998-8227, ext. 232 PLEASE SUPPORT THE 8TH GRADE CLASS OF 2015 Cinderella Cheesecake Sale Sale began October 1st Cakes priced between $18 and $21 each. They are large, big enough to serve everyone on Thanksgiving! Each cake weighs about 4lbs, diameter 11 inches and height 1.5 inches. Each cake has a graham cracker crust, and is precut into 16 slices. FLAVORS • • • • • • • • • Plain Southern Pecan Pineapple Washington Cherry White Chocolate Peanut Butter Almond Amaretto Mango Pumpkin Sampler two of each flavor above • • Egg Nog No Sugar Added-All Natural Plain Gluten & Trans Fat Free Order forms have been placed around church for the past few weeks. Please visit the church or call the school if you do not have an order form yet. DUE DATE FOR ALL ORDERS: NOVEMBER 13TH CHEESECAKES DELIVERED ON NOVEMBER 20TH must be picked up that day!!! Please send your order to: Mikayla Schnepf, c/o 8th Grade If you have any questions, please call or text Melody Schnepf at 201-424-3217 On October 14th, Saint Joseph Academy held their annual Pumpkin Patch for all students. Older students assisted their ‘buddies’ in the younger grades pick out a pumpkin and fun was had by all. Pictured above are seventh grade students, Alex and Amadeo, with their Kindergarten buddy, Emilio. TUITION ANGEL FUND As we know, the downturn of the economy in recent years has had a tremendous impact on all of us. Many families who have students in Catholic schools feel the ever increasing pressures of meeting their family's needs along with the additional impact of tuition. We here at Saint Joseph Academy have established a "Tuition Angel Fund". The purpose of the fund is to help families who are struggling financially yet are committed to providing their child(ren) with a Catholic education. We look to our parishioners to help us keep this vital resource available to the young families of our parish. Please consider making regular donations to this fund knowing that you are helping spread the word of God through your generosity by supporting some very needy families and their children in Saint Joseph Academy. Donations may also be made in memory of a loved one or a friend with an acknowledgement being sent to their family. We even have children that look to share their blessings by asking their families to make donations to the "Tuition Angel" fund instead of receiving presents at birthdays, holidays, etc. Also, if your resources are such, please consider "adopting" a student, thus supporting a student(s) by paying all or part of the monthly tuition. We have many single parents and families who desperately would like their child to attend Saint Joseph Academy but do not have the resources to pay. Please feel free to add your check to the weekly collection basket in an envelope clearly marked "Tuition Angel" or contact the school office for more information at 201-487-8641. May God bless your generosity. Your donations can truly make a difference in a young child's life. Page 6 November 2nd, 2014 LOOKING TO THE LAST DAY Today the Church remembers all who have walked the way of Christ and passed from this life. The readings all look to the last day, when we shall all rise from the dead and be reunited. The prophet Daniel announces words of warning and welfare. He cautions us against the judgment to come, but he also comforts us and assures us that all who live a life of virtue and justice will find life eternal. The reading from Romans reminds us that, because of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection and our entrance into that paschal mystery through baptism, we now share in the new life won by Christ. This recognition has repercussions: we need to live righteously now, that we might rise to life forever with Christ on the last day. In the Gospel Jesus pledges that all the Father has given him will not be lost. All the faithful will be raised to joy and live forever in the presence of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS The readings listed here are chosen from the broad selection available for this Sunday. First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:3-9. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day); Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: 31st Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres Tuesday: St. Charles Borromeo; Election Day Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday: MIRANDO HACIA EL ÚLTIMO DIA Hoy la Iglesia recuerda a todos los que han caminado el camino de Cristo y han pasado a la otra vida. Las lecturas todas miran al último día, cuando todos resucitaremos de entre los muertos y nos encontraremos de nuevo. El profeta Daniel anuncia palabras de prevención y bienestar. Nos previene sobre el juicio que ha de venir, pero también nos consuela y nos asegura que todo el que vive una vida de virtud y de justicia alcanzará la vida eterna. La lectura de romanos nos recuerda que, por la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo y por nuestra participación en ese misterio pascual mediante el Bautismo, nosotros ahora compartimos esa nueva vida que Cristo nos ganó. Este reconocimiento tiene repercusiones: necesitamos vivir justamente ahora, para poder alcanzar la vida eterna con Cristo en el último día. En el Evangelio Jesús promete que ninguno de aquellos que el Padre le ha confiado se perderá. Todos los justos serán resucitados para gozar y vivir eternamente en la presencia de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Las lecturas mencionadas aquí han sido seleccionadas de entre las muchas que hay disponibles para este domingo. Primera Lectura — Las almas de los justos están en manos de Dios, donde no los alcanzará ningún tormento(Sabiduría 3:1-9) Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (Salmo 23). Segunda Lectura — La prueba de que Dios nos ama está en que Cristo murió por nosotros (Romanos 6:3-9). Evangelio — La voluntad de mi Padre es que todo hombre que ve al Hijo y crea en él tenga la vida eterna. (Juan 6:37-40). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Fil 2:1-4; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:12-14 Fil 2:5-11; Sal 22 (21):26b-32; Lc 14:15-24 Fil 2:12-18; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Lc 14:25-33 Fil 3:3-8a; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 15:1-10 Fil 3:17 — 4:1; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 16:1-8 Fil 4:10-19; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Todos los Fieles Difuntos; Retrase el reloj una hora; Semana para Promover la Vocaciones Lunes: Trigésima Primera Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Martín de Porres Martes: San Carlos Borromeo; Día de elecciones Viernes: Primer viernes Sábado: Santa María Virgen November 2nd, 2014 Page 7 PASTOR’S DESK—ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR Last week we heard the first of our presentations on Stewardship. Many thanks to Myrna Bruno, Joan LaSala, Kathleen Roche, Lorraine Kolinkowski and Miguel and Rosa Jimenez who shared about the Stewardship of Time. Their very personal sharings showed each of us how best we can use our time for growth in a life of intimacy with the Lord and service to others. This weekend we will hear about the Stewardship of Talent. How best do we use our talents that God has given to us. In a few weeks all will be asked to consider becoming more involved in the life of our parish and various ministries. Above all this is meant to be a time of prayer and reflection for each of us as we look at our relationship with God and our life of service. May this be a time of blessing for each of us and our parish family. Altar Bread for the first half month of November is in Memory of THE LOVED ONES OF THE ANGELI & LOMBARDI FAMILIES Requested by The Angeli Family Sanctuary Lamp for the month of November in Memory of THOMAS & BARBARA HEALY requested by Their Loving Family TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION For those of Mexican heritage, November 2 means celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos,or “the Day of the Dead.” One of the most important days of the year for many, they join All Saints and All Souls together, visiting the graves of babies and children on All Saints, since they are santitos (little saints) or angelitos (little angels). Flowers, their favorite toys, favorite music, and so on, are taken to them. The following day, people spend time—some of them all day—at the cemetery with their loved ones who have died. From the ancient customs of the Indians the families pray, talk with them, and take them their favorite food. It is a most solemn but joyful day. It is a day to celebrate Christ’s victory over death: “Death, where is your sting?” There is a mocking of death as people make skeletons, candy that represents death, and Pan de los Muertos (bread of the dead) and consume them in a kind of role reversal. One of the customs is to build an altarcito (little altar) where one places mementos and pictures of those who have died. There are also favorite foods, candles, statues or pictures of favorite saints, books, and Bibles. Some parishes have begun to build an altarcito where all parishioners can join in honoring the deceased. A remembrance book can be placed to write names in. The altarcito is traditionally left up for the month of November. -Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. La semana pasada nos enteramos de la primera de nuestras presentaciones sobre la Corresponsabilidad. Muchas gracias a Myrna Bruno, Joan LaSala, Kathleen Roche, Lorena Kolinkowski y Miguel y Rosa Jiménez, quienes compartieron sobre la mayordomía de tiempo. Sus puestas en común muy personales mostraron cada uno de nosotros la mejor manera que podemos utilizar nuestro tiempo para crecer en una vida de intimidad con el Señor y el servicio a los demás. Este fin de semana vamos a oír hablar de la Administración de Talento. ¿Cómo hacer mejor usamos nuestros talentos que Dios nos ha dado. En un par de semanas todo se les pedirá que considere la posibilidad de participar más en la vida de nuestra parroquia y varios ministerios. Por encima de todo esto está destinado a ser un tiempo de oración y reflexión para cada uno de nosotros si nos fijamos en nuestra relación con Dios y nuestra vida de servicio. Que este sea un tiempo de bendición para cada uno de nosotros y nuestra familia parroquial. Altar Wine for the first half month of November is in Memory of PETER TIMPANO requested by Loretta & Alfred D’Ambrosio Altar Wine for the second half month of November is in Memory of NANCY SPINELLI requested by Loretta & Alfred D’Ambrosio TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Cuando era niño tuve problemas con inaguantables dolores de cabeza. Después de casi tres meses batallando con esta enfermedad una señora me regaló una estampita de san Martín de Porres que contenía un pedacito de su hábito. Dormí con esta estampita debajo de mi almohada y al tercer día sané de mi dolor. Martín fue un religioso dominico de nacionalidad peruana que vivió de 1579 a 1639 y fue canonizado en 1962. Sin lugar a dudas, es uno de los santos más populares de América Latina. En él encontramos una persona con la cual nos podemos identificar ya que muchas veces a nosotros nos limitan las oportunidades debido a nuestro origen y el color de nuestra piel. Por su origen (era hijo de un español y de una africana) ilegítimo y su color mulato, Martín tuvo problemas para ingresar a la Orden de los Predicadores. Eventualmente la santidad de sus obras y la fama de sus milagros le abrieron camino para incorporarse plenamente a los dominicos. Normalmente es representado con una escoba y unos animalitos, recordando la humildad de su servicio pastoral. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 8 November 2nd, 2014 In memoriam of our beloved brothers and sisters whose funerals took place here at Saint Joseph Church, we remember and honor them and their families on the anniversary of their passing. Alfred L. Riccio Harry Collis Eleanor C. Lofstedt Georgia A. Strukhoff Marcel Miranda Carmella Lillie Lisa Anna C. Lupo Victoria Strang Bertha Majewski Helen Tarrant Lorraine Skowronski Thomas J. Clessey Bernice Wiemer Loretta Ullrich Sean P. Sharp Laszlo Tassy Charles H. Cordero Anna M. Palmieri En memoria de nuestros hermanos y hermanas cuyos funerales fueron en Saint Joseph Church, los recordamos y honramos a ellos y su familia en el aniversario de su muerte. November 5, 1996 November 6, 1996 November 6, 1997 November 7, 1997 October 31, 1998 November 6, 1999 November 7, 2001 November 7, 2001 November 6, 2004 November 6, 2005 November 6, 2006 November 7, 2008 November 7, 2009 November 7, 2010 November 5, 2011 November 7, 2011 October 31, 2012 November 7, 2013 Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. VÉÇà|Çâ|Çz à{x ]ÉâÜÇxç‹ “DEATH IS AS MUCH A PART OF LIFE AS BIRTH. It is a universal human experience, yet the grief that results from the death of a loved one-and how we process itis uniquely individual. There are many personal, cultural, and situational factors that determine the grief reaction” -Coping with the Death of Your Loved One Janet McCormack, Office of Family Life Ministries Over the next several weeks there will be more information about the grieving process which is called “bereavement”. If you or someone you know has experienced a loss and would like to speak with a bereavement counselor, please leave your name and phone number with the rectory office. ALL calls are confidential. In your charity please remember in prayer all our families and friends who are sick or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially for: Recuerden en sus oraciones a nuestros familiares y amigos que estan enfermos o en los hospitales o asilos de ancianos, en especial por: Marian Arbuckle Lily Beltran Catherine Bennett Brett Cullen Brian DeGroff Julia Healy Dorothy Lydecker Lorraine Olsen Joseph Policastro David Sansevere Jimmy Soder John. J. Walsh Gloria Wolstromer Fran Zicente If you, or someone in your family, would benefit from the prayers of the parishioners at Saint Joseph during times of sickness, please call the rectory at 201-342-6300 and speak to a staff member. Names will stay on either the announced or the printed bulletin list for one month. If you still need prayers, please call the rectory. Si a ti o a alguien de tu familia les gustaria benficiarse de las oraciones de los parroquianos de San Jose durante una enfermedad, llama a la rectoria (en ingles) al 20-342-6300 para hablar con alguien del personal. Los nombres se mantendran en la lista de anuncios y en el boletin po un mes. Si usted aun necesita oraciones, por favor llame a la rectoria o deje una nota en la mesa. Esta es la regal tambien si usted tiene que llamar para solicitor la visita de un sacerdote. Pray for the Women and Men in Service to Our Country Please remember all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Joseph Andrade Brian Mitchell Timothy Brown Lenny Nicolosi Christopher Brugger Edward Quinn Edel Castillo Yury Rodriguez Yelson Cortez Margo Sandoval Rafael Cruz Michael Sloginski, Jr Jonathan Cummings Jake Smith Kevin Cunanan Matt Smith Andrew Gilbert Max Smith Alan Hale Patrick Stein Aimee Kominiak Reynaldo A. Targuino Larry Kominiak Jeff Vanak John McCarthy Gavin White Please remember in your prayers, those affected by all cancers, as well as the victims of war torn areas and terrorism, of genocide, human trafficking, and of natural disasters. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS HOME BOUND? We have Eucharistic Ministers available to visit with them and bring our Lord to them. Visits are usually on a weekly basis and at a mutually agreeable time. Please call the rectory and we will arrange a visit. November 2nd, 2014 Page 9 ST. PADRE PIO PRAER GROUP, ST. ANASTASIA’S The St. Padre Pio Prayer Group meets Wednesday, November 19th, at 1:30 pm, at St. Anastasia Church 1095 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck, near Rt 4. There will be Rosary, Confessions, Mass and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Refreshments will be served. For more info please call John at 201-692-7931. SPECIAL NOON MASS A special mass and support group meeting for all who are affected by the disease of alcoholism will take place at Church of St. Mary, 20 Legion Place, Closter, NJ on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 12:00 noon. Mass is offered for the support, healing and recovery of not only the man/ woman directly infected with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but also for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or drug addict. For info please call 201-768-7565. FALL CRAFT SHOW at Paramus Catholic High School, 425 Paramus Road in Paramus on Sunday, November 9th from 10 am to 5 pm. A show consisting of 130 quality crafts and artisans from woodwork, florals, jewelry, photography, stained glass, apparel, children's items, folk art, holiday items and more! Admission: $3.00 per person - children 10 & under FREE. No strollers or pets please. For additional info & directions go to Paramus Catholic Parents Association thanks you for your support DECEMBER CRAFT SHOW Our Lady Queen of Peace, located at 400 Maywood Avenue, Maywood, will be hosting it's annual HOLIDAY MARKET on Sunday, December 7, 2014 in the auditorium from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. COME and browse, our guests will have an array of gifts to choose from such as crocheted items, greeting cards, stocking stuffers, jewelry, home accessories, purses, totes and much more. Lunch, a bake sale, and 50/50 Raffle will also be available. Bring a friend or two or three. Hope to see you all!!! ECUMENICAL BIBLE STUDY & DISCUSSION FALL 2014 Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church….Church St. & Longfellow Ave. Teaneck…..Six Wednesdays, Oct 1-November 5 9:30am-11:30am The Word in the World...and in Our Lives Nov 5 Jesus and the Kingdom...The Reverend Robert Shearer, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Teaneck Visitors are welcome at any session. Each session includes ample time for questions, discussion, and refreshments. Suggested donation for entire series: $5.00 For registration forms, please see the vestibule area of St. Joseph Church OR contact the Saint Joseph Church Rectory on Tuesday/ Thursday mornings and speak to Diane Zimmerman. BOGOTA/TEANECK KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Applebee’s Breakfast Fundraiser—Sunday, November 9 The members of the Chief Justice White Council are sponsoring a Breakfast Fundraiser at Applebee’s located at 450 Hackensack Avenue, Hackensack. Running from 8:00 to 10:00, Applebee’s will be serving Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage (coffee, tea, juice or soda). Tickets are $10.00 each, and the proceeds will be used to support programs at St. Joseph and St. Anastasia parish, and donated to a number of local charities. Applebee’s is located on Hackensack Avenue, north of Route 4 and just past the Riverside Mall. For information and tickets, contact Ronald Federico or Paul Angeli. Tickets will also be sold after masses on October 26 & Nov. 2nd. For information about the Knights of Columbus, check out our website at D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager “The Caring Alternative” N.J. Lic. No. 4593 789 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck (201) 836-0202 Advanced Funeral Planning SCHIFANO LANDSCAPING (201) 641-3199 State Licensed Free Estimates • Fully Insured W. Fort Lee Rd., Bogota 201-342-2093 For All Your Construction Projects Serving the Community Over 35 Years INTERIOR — EXTERIOR Pre-School • After School & Summer Programs 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM KEN O’DONNELL & SON, LLC Powerwashing • Gutters Cleaned Decks Stained • Carpentry Wallcovering Removed & Installed Plaster-Drywall Repair Painting & Decorating “Family Parishioner” NO JOB TOO SMALL 10% OFF WITH AD • 201.693.0033 NEW HORIZON FINANCIAL CORP. “All Your Investing Needs” 320 Palisade Ave., Bogota, NJ 07603 Tel: 201-489-1118/888-489-7788 Fax: 201-457-1082 Edward Sweeney aka “Coach Ed” INVESTMENT ADVISOR REPRESENTATIVE Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. Members FINRA and SIPC Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. PETRIK FUNERAL HOME (4 blocks south of St. Joseph’s) 140 Palisade Avenue, Bogota 201 487 3053 James Schmitt NJ Lic. No. 3661 Sr. Director - Parishioner PURICH, INC. Est. 1930 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Following Jesus Every Day: TUTORING SERVICES Exp. Certified Teacher GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Math, Spanish, ESL Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 1.888.712.8492 Credit Cards Accepted Call for Appts. Ayuda Académica 201-342-0111 Matemáticas, Español, Inglés 1.888.712.8492 800-566-6150 • 149 East Main St., Bogota, NJ 07603 SUNROOFS • LEATHER INTERIORS SEAT HEATERS • REMOTE START VIPER SMART PHONE START DONALD J. INGWERSEN, OWNER/MANAGER, N.J. LIC. NO. 4157 59 MAIN STREET, RIDGEFIELD PARK • 201-342-2350 CONVERTIBLE TOP SPECIALISTS ELECTRICIAN THOMAS J. McGURR N.J. Lic. 9690 343-0206 836-8050 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal sonal Companion r e P r through 2030 You Prayer Designed to be Michael J. Powers Attorney At Law Parishioner Real Estate - Municipal Court Civil Litigation - Estates - Wills Powers of Attorney - Living Wills Motor Vehicle Matters - Business Entity Formations Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 62 Summit Ave. Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 342-3232 911100 St Joseph Church PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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