St. Edward Mission Statement

St. Edward Catholic Church
La Iglesia Católica de San Eduardo
801 Sherman St.
Little Rock, AR 72202
Telephone 374 - 5767 Fax 374 - 5839
Parish Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
St. Edward Mission Statement
St. Edward Church is a Catholic community of believers, rich in tradiƟon and growing in diversity. Recognizing the equality of all
persons in the eyes of God, we provide an atmosphere in which parishioners of all ages and cultures share faith through sacramental and Liturgical celebraƟons, ongoing faith-formaƟon, support of our school and other social and spiritual events which enable us to connect our faith with the world in which we live and lead our members to eternal salvaƟon.
Parish Directory
Fr. Jason M. Tyler -
Rev. Msgr. Richard Oswald -
Dc. Dan Hennessey -
Dc. Danny Hartnedy -
Dc. Marcelino Luna -
Dc. Efrain Vargas -
Parish Manager, Scott Sparks
Parish Secretary, Teresa Mendez
Rel. Ed Coord., Lilia Hernandez
Director of Music, Phillip Quick
Parish Council
Chair - Beth Collier
Vice Chair - Phillip Gallaher
Members - Edward Dodge, Claire Miller, Cissy Johnson,
Al Schneider, Russ Matson and Robert McDonald
Other Contacts
Director Coro Hispano, Cissy Johnson
Director Coro Hispano, Manuela Negrete
RCIA Director, Dc. Dan & Beth Hennessey
Liturgy Assistant Training, Dave Kern
Wedding Coordinator, Elaine Lienhart
Eucharist Adoration, RoseAnne Smith
Eucharist Adoration, Martha Roberts
Christian Mothers Sodality, Annette Rogers-Gary
Coordinadora de Bodas, Maria Ruvalcaba
Marriage Encounter, Elaine & Steve Lienhart
Men’s Club - Phillip Isgrig
Social Concerns - Al Schneider
Cub Scout Leader - Jeff Neal
Boy Scout Leader - Deann Lehigh
Coordinador de EPJ - Leobardo Martínez
Coordinador de Jovenes - Martin Sanchez
901 652-4527
Sr. Hermana Annual Fund Gift - Scott Sparks
Bingo Coordinator - Tina Pilkington
Confession Schedule
5 PM to 5:45 PM
5:30 PM to 6 PM
3 PM to 3:45 PM
12 PM to 12:30 PM
St. Edward Catholic Church Registration Form
__New Registration - Nuevo miembro
__Moving Out of Parish - Moviendose de la parroquia
__Change of Address - Nueva dirección
__Want Envelopes - Quiero recibir sobres de la Iglesia
Name - Nombre_________________________________________
Address-Dirección________________________________________ City - Ciudad___________________
Zip - Codigo Postal_________ Phone# - Número de Telefono__________________
Please drop this form into the offertory basket or email to the parish office
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas, Readings for the Week/Lecturas de la Semana
December 27, 2014
4:00 PM Orval Allen Childs †
December 28, 2014
9:00 AM Birnbach & Ballard Families
By Mary Ballard
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
2:30 PM
December 30, 2014
6:00 PM Randall Hart †
By Bill Wrape
5:30 PM Birnbach & Ballard Families
By Mary Ballard
7:300 PM
January 1, 2014
6:30 PM Bilingual Mass
Spec. Int. Fr. Matt Garrison By Toni Snow
January 2, 2015
Saturday/Sábado January 3, 2015
4:00 PM Christian Mother Sodality
For Living and Deceased Members
Fred Hart Jr.
Judi Minicozzie, Ronnie Stone,
Nita Danaher (choir)
Altar Servers:
Doug Virden, Joe Melio, John Murphree,
Maurus Jones
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday/Miércoles, December 31, 2014
Saturday, January 3, 2015
January 4, 2015
Liz & Cliff Yeary
Carol Wrape,
Janie Krone (choir)
Altar Servers:
Connor Wrape, Leah Philpott,
Jacob Candelaria
Joe & LeAnn Wellinghoff, Phillip Gallaher
Domingo 4 de Enero 2015
Cipriano Tixta, Esthela Narvaez
Martin Sanche, Josefina Marañon
Ruben Venura, Isabel Pelayo,
Maynor Martínez, Carina Álvarez
Leobardo Martinez, Yovani Vanegas,
Miguel Moreno
José & Rafael Vargas, Juan Ventura
Jimena Guizar,
Julian & Angel Álvarez
Saturday January 3, 2015
9 PM English - Church
10 AM Spanish - Church
Sunday January 4, 2014
Monday January5, 2014
Asamblea de Oración
7 PM – 9 PM
Tuesday January 6, 2015
Readings for the Week
December 28 through January 4, 2015
Sunday/ Domingo Sir-Siracides 3:2-6, 12-14 PsSalmo 128:1-2,3,4-5 Col– Colosenses 3:12-21
Lk-Lucas 2: 22-40
Monday/ Lunes: 1Jn-1Juan 2:3-11
Ps-Salmo 96:1-2A, 2B, -3,5B,6 Lk-Lucas 2:22-35
Tuesday/ Martes: 1Jn-1Juan 2:12-17
Ps-Salmo 96: 7-8a,8B 9-10 Lk-Lucas 2:22-35
Wednesday/ Miércoles 1Jn-1Juan 2:18-21
Ps-Salmo 96: 1-2,11,12,13 Jn-Juan 1:1-18
Thursday-Jueves Nm-Numeros 6:22-27 PsSalmo 67: 2-3,5-6,8 Gal-Galatas 4:4-7
Lk-Lucas 2:16-21
Friday/ Viernes: 1Jn-1Juan 2:22-28
Ps-Salmo 98 :1-2,3AB, 3CD,4 Jn-Juan 1:19-28
Saturday/ Sabado: 1Jn-1Juan 2:29– 3:6
Ps– Salmo 98: 1,3CD,4-5,6 Jn-Juan 1:29-34
Sunday/ Domingo Is-Isaias 60: 1-6 Ps-Salmo
72: 1-2, 7-8,10-11, 12-13 Eph-Efesios 3: 2-3A 5-6
Mt-Mateo 2:1-12
Mass 6 PM Church
Holy Family
Jesus, our most loving redeemer,
You came to enlighten the world
The Church Office Will be
with your teaching and example.
You willed to spend the greater part Closed from January 1-2
The office will be open
of Your life in humble obedience to
on December 31st
Mary and Joseph in the poor home
from 8-12 PM
of Nazareth. In this way, You sanctified that family, which was to be an
example for all Christian families.
Happy New Year!
Graciously accept our family,
May the Lord Bless
which we dedicate and consecrate
You and Your
to You this day. Be pleased to protect, guard, and keep it in holy fear,
Family !!!
in peace, and in the harmony of
Christian charity. By conforming
ourselves to the Divine model of
Your family, may we attain to eternal happiness.
Please have respect for our Church. Please dispose
of your bubble gum in the waste receptacles at the
entrance of church rather than on the steps.
Thank you.
Tengamos un poco de respeto a la casa de Dios. Por
favor ponga sus chicles en los botes de basura que
están aun lado de la entrada de la Iglesia, en lugar de
tirarlos en los escalones o en la Iglesia. Gracias
Mass Count
Mass Count for December 13/14, 2014
4 PM
9 AM
11 AM
12:30 PM
2:30 PM
5 PM
Si todos cuidamos tendremos una mejor parroquia.
Prayer ministry
Please pray for all who are discerning God's
call, especially our parish's seminarians, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres and Isidro
Por favor, rueguen por todos los que estan aceptando el
llamado de Dios. En especial los seminaristas de nuestra Parroquia, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres y Isidro Negrete.
Heavenly Father, You have created each of us to love You and
Your people. You have chosen some to serve by responding to
the particular call to diocesan priesthood and religious life.
Send Your Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those You have designed to follow this path of spiritual leadership. We pray this
petition, faithful and most gracious God, in the name of Your
Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will
remain on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four
weeks, please call the church office. 501 374-5767
Para que podamos tener nuestra lista al día, los nombres de
los enfernos estaran en la lista por solo cuatro semanas. Si
quiere que la persona continue en la lista favor de llamar a la
oficina al 501 374-5767
Lily Moore, Lindsey Crowder, Jamie McCullough, Zoe Crofford,
Jim Goodhart, Ashley Gibbs, Arthur Kerns, Aminta Berry,
Stephanie Starnes, Frank Bryant, James Davidson, Janelle
Tarine, James Daugherty, Rick Johnson, Judge Donald Corbin,
Joey Lutz, Maxine Durst, Patricia Stuart , Mae McNally, Alma
Martinez, Walter Gould, Earnestine Barnes, Jane New, Helen K
Hunte, Delores Gunderman, Ray Natcher, Kim Weber, Tony
Hughes, Claire Miller, Familia Vargas, Garry Callahan, , Mary
Ann Stiefuater, Maritza Rodriguez, Adrian Burke, Jessica Stedman, Pam Winslow, Maria Lopez, Stacy Walker, Diego Arias,
Santiago, Tomas Faro, Ana Arias, Henry Cordova, Ben Edmondson, Tony Swartz, Cassiel Aldia, Luz Arias, Victoria Mendoza, Gladys Rose, Libba Rose, Evangelina Anaya, Greg Kitterman, Vivian Nolen, Don Fitz, Maria Mapili, Tercero Treviño,
Sacramento Alvarez, Al Schneider, Alice Isgrig, Joe Wellinghoff,
Frida Harness, Nancy H. Smith, Caridad Martínez, Julia Bunten,
Remy Spinger, Josephine Tomboli, Carolyn Kelly, Caroline Miller, Martha Miller, James Mathews,
Ana Maria Cervantes
December– Diciembre 13 & 14, 2014
Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $5,300
Budget Shortfall as of November 30, 2014 (-$5,640)
Por debajo del presupuesto Noviembre 30, 2014 (-$5,640)
December-Diciembre 13 & 14, 2014
Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $1,850
Budget Shortfall as of November 30, 2014 (-$1,505)
Noviembre 30, 2014 (-$1,505)
Por debajo del presupuesto
Diocesan Loan Balance
Balance del Prestamo de la Diócesis
$ 996,460
Sunday Sales $400
Pido a todos los que han sido fieles contribuidores a la
colecta dominical en el pasado que consideren en oración
aumentar su donación este año. Y a todos aquellos que no
han contribuido a la colecta anteriormente, que por favor
consideren hacerlo este año. Es una donación que no solamente ayudará a nuestra parroquia a alcanzar su meta
pero que beneficiará a todos nuestros hermanos de nuestra parroquia .Si solo diéramos el 5% de lo que Dios nos
da cada semana , y cuanto es el 5%.?
What I
earn each
My (5%)
would be
Lo que
gano por
Mi ofrenda $7.50
$200 $300 $400 500
$200 $300 $400 500
Parish News and Events/Noticias y Eventos Parroquiales/School News/Noticias de la Escuela
Christmas will be here soon! We will
have the following Mass schedule: On
Christmas Eve, Children's Mass at 4
p.m. (English); Mass at 8 p.m. (English);
Pastorela 11:30 p.m
Mass at 12 midnight (Spanish).
On the morning of December 25th, we will
celebrate Mass at 10:30 a.m. (bilingual).
¡La Navidad llegara pronto!Este es el horario de las Misas que tendremos. El día 24
de Diciembre Misa para los niños a las 4
p.m en Ingles 8 p.m. Pastorela 11:30 p.m.
Misa de Gallo 12 a.m. el 25 de Diciembre
Misa bilingue a las 10:30 a.m.
January 1st is the Solemnity of
Mary, the Mother of God. It is a
holy day of obligation. We will
celebrate Mass on the evening
of December 31st at 5:30
p.m. in English and 7:30 p.m. in
Spanish. On January 1st, a bilingual Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m.
El Primero de Enero celebramos la Solemnidad de la Virgen Maria y es un dia de Precepto. Tendremos Misa el 31 de diciembre a las
5:30 en Ingles Y a las 7:30 en Español y el
primero del año Misa bilingue a las 6 p.m.
of Central Arkansas offers a 3-part series of
Natural Family Planning classes every month in
the central Little Rock area. Visit for locations, times, cost &
registration process. Scan this image
with a smart phone and it will take
you to an NFP website. If you have
any questions,
Call Edward & Dana Dodge
Spelling Bee Champion
Congratulations to Savannah Peters in 3rd grade for
winning the school-wide Spelling Bee after 14
rounds! Other finalists were: Josie Wrape (1), Caroline Cash (2), Willow Wagner (3), Christian Garcia
(3), Alyssa Preston (4), Rosa Rivera (5), Elle Hill (5),
Tyler Preston (6), Leah Philpott (6), Anna Palmer
(7), Peyton Benezue (7), Maggie Williams (8), John
Wingfield (8). Savannah will advance to the Pulaski
County Spelling Bee, January 24 at Northwood Middle School. We are very proud of our scholars and
we wish Savannah the best of luck! Special thanks
to Father Tyler for being the Pronouncer, Mrs. Patty
James and Mrs. Melanie Warg for being the Judges,
and the teachers and parents for preparing the
Catholic Schools Week 2015
National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It
starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week,
which in 2015 is January 25 - 31. In observance of
this week, we have planned activities such as, Open
House and other activities for students, families,
parishioners and community members. The school
Book Fair will be on display all week! Through these
events, we will focus on the unique tradition of our
school, the value Catholic education provides to
young people and its contributions to our church,
our communities and our nation. (Retrieved from ) A complete list of activities and
special events will be available after Christmas
Our Christmas Wish: May the peace and
blessings of Christmas be yours, and may the
coming year be filled with happiness. Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year!
St. Edward Catholic School
Follow us on Facebook!
Simply log into Facebook and search for “Saint
Edward's Parish and School" (without the
Del 16 –23 de Dicimebre a las 7 p.m.
en la cafeteria de
Laiglesia de San
BAPTISM CLASSES 2015 will be offered in English on the second Saturday
of alternate months in the parish office
building. Each class begins at 9am.The
dates for 2015 are as follows: January
10, March 14, May 9, July 11, September 12, November 14. Please
call ahead to register for the class at 501 374-5767
With Lilia Hernandez
Miercoles 17- Pre Confirmación y
23 de Enero 2015
7 p.m. Cafetería
Enero 3 y 17 a las
10 a.m.
Jueves18–Ministros de Eucaristia
27 de Febrero 2015
7 p.m. Cafetería
Febrero 7 a las
10 a.m.
Martes 16– Coros
Viernes 19– Cataquistas
Sabado 20– Lectores
Domingo 21– Catecismo
Lunes 22– Asamblea de Oración
Martes 23– Grupo de Jovenes & EPJ
The Christmas Ornaments are here!
Quantities are very limited. If you would like to purchase some, please contact:
Tina Pilkington at
"Una nueva clase de inglés básico está programado
para comenzar en la oficina de la parroquia Las
clases de la tarde se llevará a cabo de 1:30 -3:00
p.m. Los lunes y jueves. El espacio es limitado para
esta clase gratuita así que, por favor, registrarse con
anticipación llamando al 501 374-5767”
10:30 AM
Wednesday –Miércoles 6:45 PM
Grupo de oración Todos los Lunes en
la Cafeteria a las
7 p.m. todos son bienvenidos
Aquí compartimos la palabra de Dios y oramos unos por otros, por nuestras familias y
sus necesidades. Jesús espera por cada
uno de nosotros y cada día nos pregunta ¿ni una Hora
pueden orar conmigo? Te invitamos a orar juntos.
El grupo de jóvenes de San Eduardo está invitando a todos los
jóvenes mayores de 18 años, a tener una nueva experiencia, habrá dinámicas, momentos fuertes de oración,
conocerás más de tú Fe católica y lo más importante de todo
conocerás mas de Dios…Te esperamos!!! Todos los Sábados
a las 7 p.m. en el edificio del Kínder Para más información
communicate con Martin Sánchez al 901 652-4527
¡Sólo Dios puede crear, pero tú puedes
valorar lo que él ha creado.!
We need someone to help with our
Catholic Youth Ministry program for
Please contact Father Tyler at
From the Parish/ de la Parroquia & Around our Community
Christmas Flower Offering
In Memory
Maria del Carmen Sandoval Casillas
The deceased members of the White and
Glenn family
Joan Cychol, John Cychol, Faye Junking, Tom
Gay, Henry Weber family, Otto & Mary
Snyder, Mc Almont & Amelia Steele, Carl &
Martha Fougerousse, Frank & Hattie Kordsmeier. Henry &
Gertrude Vogler, Melio Family, Eaton Family, Collier Family,
Missy Jordan, Nancy Jackson, Shirley Hale, Anne Presley,
Bob Collier, Mason Family, Romano Family, Peggy Loyd,
Mary V. Roach, Charles Loyd, Wilma Loyd, Sean Quinlan,
Joseph & Joan Sadnavitch, Cita & Frank Blair, Alfredo Martínez, Ramon & Socorro Martínez, Nat alie Martínez,
Eduardo & Guadalupe Martínez, Agapito Méndez, Bryan
Isgrig, Gene Douglas, Leo Danaher, Ruth Anna Danaher,
Alvin Hasdorff, Ella Hasdorff, Baby Beard, Simon Family,
Callahan Family, Freyaldenhoven Family, Christina & Eddie
J. Rose SR, Eddie J. Rose JR, Christine Rose Cardenas,
Michael V. Rose, Darin Rose, Cyrus Butch Lecompte, Deceased Members of Olberts, Oswald and Wren Families,
Wellinghoff & Ritter Family, deceased members of The
Wrape & Cychol Family, Bill Essley, Katherine Clayton,
Lee Porter Clayton
Christmas Flower Offering
In Honor
Mary Ann Rose Libba Rose, Parker Family, Cook Family
St. Edward Church
Monthly BINGO
This is a family event in the cafeteria
Sunday December 28, 2014
Food 3:30 p.m.
Bingo 4 p.m.
Juego de BINGO en la Iglesia de San
Domingo Diciembre 28, 2014
Comida 3:30 p.m.
Bingo 4 p.m.
Este es un evento familiar los esperamos en
la cafeteria de la Iglesia
SHRIMP & OYSTER DINNER: All adults are invited to
the Annual Shrimp and Oyster Dinner on Saturday, Jan.
10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Holy Souls Catholic
Church Allen Center, Tyler & “I” Street, LR. Tickets are
$25 each and include boiled shrimp, fried oysters, french
fries and slaw. Beer, wine and tea are included. An
“Evening at Monaco” after party in the Allen Center will
last until 9 p.m. Raffle tickets for the chance to win prizes, including a flat screen television, may be purchased at
the door. Tickets may be purchased online
at For more information, call Pete
Stabnick at (501) 663-2032.
Unless noted specifically to stay in our Parish,
The collection at all masses on Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day will be for the Clergy Welfare
Fund. This fund provides retirement and health care
benefits to retired and infirm priests around our diocese. Our priests spend every day of their adult lives
as humble and devoted servants, doing God’s work and
serving us until age or infirmity calls them to retirement. Your contributions to the Clergy Welfare Fund
make our priests’ retirement possible. Please share
with them the generosity that they continue to share
with us.
La colección a todas de las misas en Nochebuena
y Navidad será para el Bienestar de fondo para el clero. Esto fondo provee retiro y cuidado de salud a los
sacerdotes retirados y enfermos alrededor nuestro diócesis. Nuestros sacerdotes pasan cada día de sus vidas
adultas como sirvientes humildes y dedicados, haciendo
el trabajo de Dios y nos sirven hasta edad avanzada o
enfermedad les llama a retirarse. Sus contribuciones
para el Bienestar del fondo para el clero hacen posible
el retiro de nuestros sacerdotes. Por favor sea generoso
al compartir y mostrar su agradecimiento con ellos,
que nos han servido, dirigido hacia el encuentro con
nuestro padre celestial.
The Arkansas guild of the Catholic Medical Association, the Sts. Cosmas and Damien Guild, will present a talk, Catholic Faith in Medicine,
on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. Diocesan bioethicist, Fr. Jason Tyler, will be the featured speaker. It will take place in the lower room
of the Flying Saucer restaurant, 323 President
Clinton Ave. in Little Rock at 7:00 pm.
All medical personnel are invited and encouraged
to attend.
Church name & address
St. Edward #202350
801 Sherman Street
Little Rock AR 72202
Contact information: Teresa Mendez @ 501-374-5767
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