Church of St. Teresa May 31, 2015 50 - 20 45th Street, Woodside NY 11377-7398 Tel. 718 784-2123 Fax 706-6797 - THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez, In Residence Mr. Roberto S. Abundo, Deacon Mr. Martin Soraire, Deacon Mr. Norberto Saldaña, Pastoral Minister/Religious Education Coordinator, 718-937-4819 Mrs. Divina Lopez, Parish Secretary Mr. Michael Koerber, Director of Parish Plant Mr. Steven Petersen, Director of Music Ms. Jean Marie Barrett & Ms. Diane Mucha, Lay Trustees MISSION STATEMENT Gathered with Christ to give thanks and praise, we share God’s word and work. As the diverse Roman Catholic Community of Saint Teresa, we are the living Body of Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we proclaim the faith and reach out to those in need. Unidos con Cristo para dar gracias y alabar a Dios, compartimos su palabra y su trabajo. Es por ello que en la diversidad de la comunidad Católica Romana de la parroquia Santa Teresa, somos el cuerpo viviente de Cristo y por el poder del Espíritu Santo proclamamos la fe y ayudamos a aquellos en necesidad. St. Teresa is part of a Deanery of Parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn that includes St. Raphael, St. Sebastian, Queen of Angels, Corpus Christi and Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians. MASS SCHEDULE /HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado 5:00 p.m. Sunday / Domingo 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 pm English 10:30 a.m. en español Weekdays / Diás de semana 8:00 a.m. Los miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en español RECONCILIATION (Confessions) RECONCILIACION (Confesiones) Saturday / Sábado at 4:00 pm BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Please meet with a priest or deacon before making plans for baptisms. Entrevistas bautismales los domingos después de la misa de las 10:30 a.m. en la rectoría. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO Please make an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months before the wedding date. Haga una cita con el sacerdote o el diácono de la parroquia por lo menos unos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES: Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays at 8:30 am MINISTRY TO THE SICK / CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Contact the rectory to arrange for a sick, homebound or hospitalized person to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick Comuníquese con la rectoría para que una persona enferma u hospitalizada pueda recibir la comunión o unción de los enfermos. NEW PARISHIONERS NUEVOS FELIGRESES HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE INVALIDOS WELCOME! Help us to know you and to be of service to you. Please introduce yourself to any member of the Parish Staff. PLEASE BECOME A FULL MEMBER OF ST. TERESA BY REGISTERING AT THE RECTORY. ¡BIENVENIDOS! Ayúdenos a conocerlos y servirles mejor. Comuníquese con uno de los sacerdotes de la parroquia. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE STA. TERESA. INSCRÍBASE EN LA RECTORIA. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00am-12:30pm (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:30pm to 1:30 pm) 1:30pm - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00 pm— Sunday: Closed FOOD DRIVE The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul here in St. Teresa church is sponsoring a Food Drive to fill our Food Pantry and help those in need from our parish. On the last Sunday of each month, please bring to the church any of the following items: cereal, rice, oil, pastas, sugar, tomato sauce, juices, beans, tuna, soup, canned vegetables and peanut butter. Today Sunday, May 31st. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have its Brown Bag (Blue Bucket) collection this weekend of Saturday, May 30th and Sunday, May 31st. Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society will be at the doors of the Church to receive your monetary donations, which are used to help approximately 90 families in our parish. “BABY BOTTLES SAVE BABIES” On this weekend of May 30-31 there will be empty baby bottles at the exit doors. Please take one home, fill it with your donations, and return it in two weeks where you picked it up. PLEASE ONLY TAKE ONE BOTTLE IF YOU ARE SURE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO RETURN IT. The Bridge to Life is a local crisis pregnancy center that has helped thousands of women choose life. Bridge has also assisted in helping the mothers of the babies with material assistance, such as maternity clothes, baby and children’s clothing, essential supplies, diapers, cribs, strollers, car seats, etc. Thank you very much for your support. SAINT TERESA BEREAVEMENT GROUP After the funeral, the real process of mourning begins. Join us as we explore the stages of grief to aid in our own healing journeys. Meetings will take place in the St. Teresa Parish Center on Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:30, with our first meeting June 6th. All are welcome, registration is required. Please call the St. Teresa Rectory at 718-784-2123 for more information. NEW ALTAR SERVERS Next Sunday, June 7th,at the 12 pm noon Mass, 15 new altar servers will be installed. After months of training by Deacon Martin, they are ready to serve—God bless you all as you serve God and St. Teresa’s Parish. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Responding to the need for recovery and hope for those who suffer from the disease of alcoholism - we will begin an early before-work weekly meeting of AA, from 7 to 8 am on Wednesdays, beginning June 3, in the Parish Center. Meetings are strictly confidential and open to all alcoholics. Let go and let God. DECEASED IN OUR PARISH Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have recently died, especially James Heneghan that they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them: and may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Classes here in St. Teresa have ended for the 20142015 school year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 20 generous volunteer teachers, 24 volunteer aides and all the parents that gave their time and shared their faith and love with our children each Saturday. At this time we know we need 5 teachers, for grades 2, 3, 4, 6, and SACRAMENT. The children in these classes are 9 to 13 years old. If you are interested in teaching, please contact Norberto Saldana at the rectory office. We can work together during the summer to assure you are ready to share your faith when classes begin in September. OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Next Sunday, June 7th, at St. Raphael’s, Greenpoint Avenue at the L.I.E., from 9 am to 3 pm. Come and find bargains galore! FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL ENDS The final film in our year-long French Film Festival will be on Saturday, June 13 at 6:15 pm in the Parish Center: “Au Revoir, Les Enfantes,” 1987, PG - 101 minutes. Free popcorn. FIRST FRIDAYS Friday, June 5th, and every month on the first Friday of the month, we will pray a "Holy Hour" after the 8 am Mass (in English) and at 8 pm (in Spanish). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will be part of the Holy Hour. Join us to worship and adore the Lord! FELICITACIONES "BOTELLA DE BEBÉ DE SALVAR A LOS BEBÉS" El fin de semana 30-31 de mayo habrá biberones vacíos en las puertas de salida. Por favor tome una a casa, llenarlo con sus donaciones y volver en dos semanas donde lo recogió. Sólo tome una botella si está seguro de que usted será capaz de devolverlo. El puente a la vida es un centro de crisis local del embarazo que ha ayudado a miles de mujeres que eligen la vida. Puente también ha prestado asistencia para ayudar a las madres de los bebés con ayuda material, tales como ropa de maternidad, bebé y ropa de niños, suministros esenciales, pañales, cochecitos, cunas, asientos, etc. Muchas gracias por su apoyo. COLECTA DE COMIDA La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de Santa Teresa, auspicia la recolección de alimentos enlatados para la dispensa y ayuda a los mas necesitados de nuestra parroquia. Por favor traiga cada ultimo fin de semana de cada mes cualquiera de los siguientes alimentos: cereales, arroz, aceite, pastas, azúcar, salsa de tomate, jugos, frijoles, atún, sopa, vegetales enlatados y mantequilla de maní. Domingo, 31 de mayo. Muchas gracias por su generosidad! SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL La sociedad de San Vicente de Paul tendrá su colección Brown Bag (cubo azul) este fin de semana, 30 y 31 de mayo. Miembros de la sociedad de San Vicente de Paul estarán en las puertas de la iglesia para recibir sus donaciones monetarias, que se utilizan para ayudar aproximadamente 90 familias de nuestra parroquia. EL GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICO “JESUS, FUENTE DE AGUA VIVA” TE INVITA AL RETIRO “SOLO PARA HOMBRES” SABADO 27 DE JUNIO EN EL AUDITORIO DE LA IGLESIA SANTA TERESA 50-20 45th Woodside, NY De 9am - 4 pm Donacion $10.00 (Incluye Desayuno y Almuerzo) Mas informacion Llamar al: (646) 234-1634 o al (917) 335-4225 La Escuela de Evangelización / Instituto Pastoral anuncia la comisión de Ricardo Heres Gerardo H. Lozano Como Lideres Pastorales Laicos Para la Parroquia de St. Teresa El 21 de mayo de 2015, 61 personas fueron comisionadas para servicio voluntario a las parroquias en Brooklyn y Queens. Todos han completado los tres años del Programa de Ministerio Laico patrocinado por el Escuela de Evangelización / Instituto Pastoral. Las personas recién comisionadas han sido preparadas para coordinar un ministerio o proyecto especifico en sus parroquias. La Escuela de Evangelización / Instituto Pastoral esta agradecido a la parroquia de St. Teresa por la dirección, apoyo, y aliento dado a estos miembros de la comunidad. MISA EN HONOR AL DIVINO NINO La Iglesia de Santa Teresa los invita cordialmente a la Misa en honor al Divino Niño el Domingo 14 de Junio a las 10:30 am. Acompáñenos en este día especial. En muestras de nuestro agradecimiento al Divino Niño, los exhortamos a que traigan una lata de comida para las familias necesitadas de nuestra comunidad. ULTREYA DE CAMPO NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FÁTIMA 670 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD ASBURY, NEW JERSEY 40214 SABADO, 20 DE JUNIO SALIDA A LAS 6:30 AM VALOR DEL BOLETO $30.00 Nos acompañara en la Celebración Eucarística el Obispo Auxiliar Paul R. Sánchez DD. Para mas información comunicarse con algún miembro del Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad de la Diócesis de Brooklyn o de su parroquia, o con: Fayez Salloum 917-304-2402 Pasaremos un día lleno de paz alegría y muchas Bendiciones. Acompáñenos ST. ANTHONY’S RELIC VISITS QUEENS JUNE 8-9 The Franciscan Friars invite you to join them in welcoming Saint Anthony of Padua on the occasion of his Feast Day, June 13th. St. Anthony will be visiting us in the form of a precious relic from his Basilica in Padua, Italy. The relic will be accompanied by a friar from the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua. ST. ADALBERT PARISH 52-29 83rd St. (off Grand Avenue) Elmhurst, Queens 718-639-0212 For more information please contact ANTHONIAN ASSOCIATION 347-738-4306 FATHER'S DAY NOVENA Beginning Sunday, June 21st, Father's Day, we honor all our fathers, living and deceased, with nine Masses. To include your father in these Masses, please use the specially marked envelopes, and return by June 15th. Beautiful greeting cards for living fathers are available in the church sacristy and the rectory office. DIA DE LOS PADRES Partir del domingo 21 de junio, Día del Padre, honramos a nuestros padres, vivos y difuntos, con nueve misas. Para incluir a su padre en estas Misas, por favor use los sobres marcados especialmente, y regresar antes del 15 de junio. Tarjetas de felicitación hermosas para padres vivos están disponibles en la sacristía de la iglesia y de la oficina de la rectoría. PRIMEROS VIERNES Viernes, 5 de junio, y cada primer viernes del mes, tendremos una "Hora Santa" después de la misa de las 8 de la mañana (en inglés) y a las 8 pm (en español). Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento y bendición será parte de la hora Santa. Únase a nosotros en oración para adorar al Señor! GRADUATION BLESSING Whether you're graduating from kindergarten, elementary or high school, college or graduate school, you are invited to receive a special blessing at all the Masses the weekend of June 14th. We are all proud of your accomplishments! BENDICIÓN DE GRADUACIÓN Ya sea que te graduaste del programa pre-escolar, de la escuela, elementar, secundaria, superior, colegio o de universidad, estas invitado a una bendición especial en todas las misas el fin de semana del 14 de junio. Estamos muy orgullosos de sus logras (metas). EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Las clases de la Educación Religiosa aquí en Santa Teresa han terminado para el año escolar 2014-2015. Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a los 20 generosos profesores voluntarios, 24 ayudantes de los profesores y a todos los padres que compartieron su fe y amor con nuestros niños cada sábado. Es este momento estamos necesitando 5 profesores voluntarios para los grados 2, 3, 4, 6, y Sacramentos. Los niños de estas clases son de 9 a 13 años de edad. Si esta’ interesado en la enseñanza, póngase en contacto con Norberto Saldaña. Para poder trabajar juntos durante el verano y así asegurarse que están dispuestos a compartir su fe cuando las clases comiencen en septiembre. THERE IS NOTHING EASY ABOUT FUNDRAISING Actually, now there is. How it works TD Bank will make an annual contribution to St. Teresa’s Church based on the activity of all participating members’ TD Bank accounts. Eligible accounts include: Checking - Business & Consumer Savings Money Market Certificate of Deposit Retirement Fundraising Potential Checking Accounts $50 for every new checking account $10 for every existing checking account Savings Accounts or CDs 1/10 of 1% contribution based upon your participants’ annual average balances If you are already a TD Bank Customer, visit any one of our locations and ask to have your balances included as part of St. Teresa’s “Affinity Membership Program”. Just mention St. Teresa’s Code No. AG046. Flyers are available on tables in Church. Open your account today! Contact our Sunnyside Branch (Queens Blvd. at 41st St.) at 718-361-0143 to become a member of the program. Get $25 When you open a new non-interest bearing checking account INTENTIONS EVENTS OF THE WEEK Saturday - May 30th 5:00 p.m. Niela Corniel & Matilde Liriano Sunday Cursillo -Auditorium K - 11:30 am Sunday – May 31st - Most Holy Trinity 9:00 a.m. People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Jose A. Hernandez 12:00 p.m. Msgr. Steven Ferrari 35th Anniversary Ordination Tuesday Food Pantry - Parish Center 6 pm Adult Choir Practice - Church - 7:00 pm Monday – June 1st 8:00 a.m. Maria Bernard Vargas Thursday Toddlers - Auditorium 10 am Grupo Carismatico - Auditorium - 7:30 pm Tuesday – June 2nd 8:00 a.m. Rafael DeLeon Wednesday – June 3rd 8:00 a.m. Maria Bernard Vargas 7:30 p.m. Ubides Marzola & Mamerto Galricio Gregorio Perez Maria Mercedes Sucuzhanay Thursday - June 4th 8:00 a.m. Margaret Daly Friday – June 5th 8:00 a.m. Michele Koerber Saturday – June 6th 5:00 p.m. Purgatorial Society Sunday – June 7th - Corpus Christi 9:00 a.m. People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Lidia Salloum & Victor Salloum 12:00 p.m. Jennifer Maria Rutschmann-DeJesus BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine has been donated in memory of Harry Hill from Patrick and Kelly Stock for the week of May 31st. PRAYER LIST Let us pray for the sick of our community. Please remember the parishioners and friends of St. Teresa Church in your prayers. May they be touched by the healing hand of the Lord and restored soon to the full and active life of our community and their families. Peggy Gernon, Vincent Casa, Mia Isabella Aguirre, Michael Lanzi, Cristina Lemos, Bill Reynolds, Christine Alzate, Kathleen Sweeney, Eileen O’Keefe, Tom O’Rourke, Isidora Dodschner, Rosalia Manzanares. N.B. - names remain on our “prayer list” for four weeks. Please call the rectory if more time is required. NUEVO SITIO DE LA RED DE INTERNET El grupo Carismático Jesús Fuente de Agua Viva ya tiene por primera vez su sitio en las redes de la internet (web page). Para entrar necesita poner la clave en google: Wednesday AA – Parish Center 7 am Friday Children’s Choir Practice - Church 3:30 pm Cub Scouts - Auditorium 6 pm Boy Scouts - Auditorium 7 pm Youth Group - Auditorium 7 pm Saturday Bereavement Group - Parish Center 3 pm Weekly Parish Support May 24, 2015 $5,201.00 May 25, 2014 $4,699.00 Thank you for your generosity to St. Teresa GRIEF AND LOSS We invite anyone who is struggling with grief over the death of a loved one, to join us for an afternoon gathering with spiritual talks in English and Spanish, along with fellowship, Bereavement information and a bilingual prayer service. Seating Limited! Register Early. When: Saturday, June 13th, 1-3 pm Where: Douglaston Immaculate Conception Center 7200 Douglaston Parkway//Parking Available-shuttle from the nearest bus stop-Union/Winchester Presenters: Msgr. Joseph Calise (English) //Sr. Marined Fabre, OP (Spanish) Registration Fee:$10. bereavement or contact: April Boone, Catholic Charities Bereavement Coordinator: 718-772-6214 for more info on “A Gathering of Grief” CHURCH BULLETIN BOARD “God Himself doesn’t propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?”
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