Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 28° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO OCTOBER 12, 2014 / 12 DE OCTUBRE, 2014 A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC PAR ISH INFOR M ATION AND CALENDAR / CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL OCTOBER 12-19, 2014 Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/ calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre ventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. PARISH OFFICE 949-492-4101 CLERGY Fr. Jim Ries, Pastor jries@olfchurch.net / ext. 111 Fr. William Hubbard, Parochial Vicar whubbard @olfchurch.net / ext. 102 Deacon Chris Ciraulo cciraulo@olfchurch.net / ext. 118 STAFF Robin Margraf, M.A., M.S., Pastoral Associate rmargraf@olfchurch.net / ext. 113 Bridget Goodreau Jr High Youth Ministry bgoodreau@olfchurch.net / ext. 105 Lourdes Rojas Office Manager lrojas@olfchurch.net / ext. 101 Cate Girskis Confirmation - Youth cgirskis@olfchurch.net / ext. 117 Rosa Rama Faith Formation- Children & Adults rrama@olfchurch.net / ext. 104 Aida Lopez Maintenance, Spanish Music Coordinator ext. 101 Maria Juul Admininstrative Assistant, Faith Formation, Online Giving mjuul@olfchurch.net / ext. 119 PARISH SCHOOL Joanne Williams, MA Ed, Principal jwilliams@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 Cindy Clark, Administrative Assistant cclark@olfschool.net 949-492-7320 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: Reconciliation: 8:00am, 5:30pm 7, 9, 11am, 1 pm(Sp), 5:30pm M-F 8:30am, S 8:00am Saturday 4-5pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: M–F: Sat: 9-10am; noon-7pm 8:30am-noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS M-F Phone 2 9am-12pm; 1-6pm 949-492-4101 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish OLF is on Twitter @FATIMACHURCHSC STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 12/REFLEXIÓN DE LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD PARA LA SEMANA DEL 12 DE OCTUBRE If we received an invitation to a royal wedding feast, it is likely we might be flattered and make every effort to attend. Yet none of those invited by the King in today’s Parable of the Wedding Feast attend. In fact, they refuse twice and then actually mistreat those who bring the invitation. Jesus was very careful with what He said and communicated in His parables. What then is His real message here, and how does it apply to us? Each of us has been invited to the Feast, in fact to several feasts. Mass, the Eucharist, is indeed a Feast. Yet, as we know, many do not respond to the Lord’s invitation to join Him at the table. Even those who do respond may not always keep in mind both the importance and the love behind this Feast. God invites us in so many ways to become close to Him, to answer His invitation and to embrace stewardship as a way of life. This invitation comes to us constantly through Holy Scripture and through the Gospel. How many of us hear the Word, but then just go back to our lives as they were before? That is what is happening in this parable. Those invited ignore the invitation and continue with their lives. The key message from Jesus is that it does not matter if we respond to God’s invitation with anger or indifference; they are equally grave reactions. READ MORE AT WWW.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.COM Si recibimos una invitación a una fiesta de boda real, lo más probable es que podríamos sentirnos halagados y hacer todo lo posible para asistir. Sin embargo, ninguno de los invitados por el Rey en la Parábola de hoy de la Fiesta de Bodas asistió. De hecho, se niegan dos veces y luego en realidad maltratan a los que traen la invitación. Jesús fue muy cuidadoso con lo que dijo y como se comunicó en sus Parábolas. ¿Cuál es entonces su verdadero mensaje, y cómo se aplica a nosotros? Cada uno de nosotros ha sido invitado a la fiesta, de hecho a varias fiestas. Misa, la Eucaristía, es de hecho una fiesta. Sin embargo, como sabemos, muchos no responden a la invitación del Señor a unirse a él en la mesa. Incluso aquellos que no responden pueden no siempre tener en cuenta la importancia y el amor detrás de esta Fiesta. Dios nos invita en tantas maneras de volver a acercarse a Él, para responder a su invitación y abrazar la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida. Esta invitación nos llega constantemente a través de las Sagradas Escrituras y por medio del Evangelio. ¿Cuántos de nosotros escuchan la Palabra, pero luego volvemos de nuevo a nuestras vidas como era antes? Eso es lo que está sucediendo en esta parábola. Los que fueron invitados ignoraron la invitación y continuaron con sus vidas. El mensaje clave de Jesús es que no importa si respondemos a la invitación de Dios con enojo o indiferencia; son reacciones igualmente graves. LEA MÁS EN WWW.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.COM o c to b e r 12, 2014 f r o m o u r pa sto r , fr. James C. Ries Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,/ Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, God wants the best for us. He desires greatly for us to feel blessed. One way we think we are blessed is through material or societal things. You may have seen the bumper sticker, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Or we think that being famous or popular will bring us happiness. If this is the happiness we seek then we will never be satisfied and always be chasing. St. Paul today says he’s experienced both sides in his life, but it did not matter now because Jesus is with him. The joy, the peace, we receive from Jesus is inside. It can never be taken away. True happiness, eternal joy, can only come from God. On another note, we had neglected to introduce Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. Fr. Sebastian is a Norbertine Father. He lives at St. Michael’s Abbey in Silverado, CA on El Toro Rd. Fr. Francis Gloudeman, the son of OLF parishioners Joe (now deceased) and Jan Gloudeman, is also a Norbertine Father. The Norbertine Fathers main charism is in education, so they operate several schools in the area. They are also free on Sunday mornings to help celebrate Masses at local parishes that need a little help. This is why Fr. Sebastian has been joining us each Sunday morning. Fr. Sebastian will also be leading a monthly open forum on questions about Church teachings that is open to all. God bless you all! Fr. Jim Dios quiere lo mejor para nosotros. El desea mucho que nos sientamos bendecidos. Una manera en que pensamos que somos bendecidos es a través de las cosas materiales o sociales. Es posible que hayan visto la calcomanía: “El que muere con más juguetes gana.” O piensan que ser famoso o popular nos traerá la felicidad. Si esta es la felicidad que buscamos entonces nunca estaremos satisfechos y siempre seguiremos buscando aún más. San Pablo nos dice hoy que ha experimentado ambos lados en su vida, pero eso no importaba ahora porque Jesús está con él. La alegría, la paz que recibimos de Jesús está en el interior. Nunca puede ser quitado. La verdadera felicidad, la alegría eterna, sólo puede venir de Dios. Dios los Bendiga a todos! Padre Jim MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES READINGS/LECTURAS SUNDAY 10/12 DAILY READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.USCCB. ORG/BIBLE/INDEX.CFM 7am 9am 11am 1pm 5:30pm Roy Hurlbut Misa Pro Popolo Milt Tenno + Guadalupe Flores Marc Russell + MONDAY 10/13 8:30am Our Lady of Fatima TUESDAY 10/14 8:30am Rosemary Everly + WEDNESDAY 10/15 8:30am Colton J. Foster + THURSDAY 10/16 8:30am Thomas Mear + FRIDAY 10/17 8:30am Rodolfo Roldan + SATURDAY 10/18 8am 5:30pm Nympha Leano + Mark J. Mikulics SUNDAY 10/19 7am Rosemary Everly + 9am Ruby June Stack + 11am Misa Pro Popolo 1pm Natividad Jimenez + 5:30pm Joseph Dinapoli + SUNDAY 10/12 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:1214, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] MONDAY 10/13 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 TUESDAY 10/14 Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 THURSDAY 10/16 Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 FRIDAY 10/17 Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 SATURDAY 10/18 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 SUNDAY 10/19 Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 WEDNESDAY 10/15 Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 28th sunday in ordinary time / 28° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY/ GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD OCTOBER 5/ 5 DE OCTUBRE Offertory $27,318.00 Maintenance Fund $4,295.00 God has given us all we have, let us rejoice and be glad. Please use envelopes or consider giving online. You can call the Parish Office to request envelopes or to learn more about online giving. Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocemonos y alegremonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea. Usted puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea. PARISH NEWS, EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES Sacrament of Reconciliation at the Beach!/ Sacramento de la Reconciliación en la Playa! OCTOBER 22 & 29, 7-8PM/8, 22 Y 29 DE OCTUBRE, 7-8 PM Fr. Jim will hear confessions down by the pier just off Avenida del Mar. Look for him seated at one of the benches near the parking lot. El Padre Jim escuchará confesiones por el muelle junto la Avenida del Mar. Busque lo sentó en una de las bancas cerca de la playa y del estacionamiento. Work of Our Hands Ministry OCTOBER 16, 9-10AM / MCGOWAN HALL – E If you knit or crochet you are welcome. The ministry makes prayer shawls. An easy pattern is available. For information please contact Annice Douglas at 492-2685 or aewrdoug@cox.net. Free Health Counseling/ Consejería de Salud Gratis October 15, 5 - 6:30pm / McGowan Hall - E 15 de octubre de 5 - 6:30 pm / Salon McGowan - E Talk with a Mission Hospital Nurse in a private setting regarding your health questions and concerns including nutritional counseling, coping with life changes, blood pressure counseling, and resources for you and your family. There is no charge for this service and no appointment is necessary. For more information contact Maria Ayala, Mission Hospital nurse at 489-7742 X 106 or at maria.ayala@ stjoe.org Hable con una enfermera del Hospital Mission en privado con respecto a sus preguntas de salud y preocupaciones que incluyen asesoría nutricional, para hacer frente a los cambios de vida, consejería de la presión arterial, y recursos para usted y su familia. No hay ningún costo por este servicio y no es necesario hacer cita. Para obtener más información comuníquese con Maria Ayala, enfermera del Hospital Mission al 489-7742 X 106 o por correo electronico al maria.ayala@stjoe.org 4 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish OLF to Celebrate “Priesthood Sunday”/ Fatima Celebra el “Domingo del Sacerdocio” OCTOBER 26/26 DE OCTUBRE The Diocese of Orange is honoring our priests on Sunday, October 26th. Show your appreciation by writing a note or a card to our parish priests! There will be a basket on the counter in the Church Office from October 17 through October 24 to collect your notes and cards. Cards may also be slipped through the mail slot after hours. The basket will be presented to Fr. Jim and Fr. William after the 9am Mass during our coffee and donuts fellowship. Las Diócesis de Orange honrará a nuestros sacerdotes el domingo, 26 de octubre. Muestre su aprecio al escribir una nota o una tarjeta para nuestros sacerdotes! Habrá una canasta en el mostrador de la oficina parroquial a partir del 17 de octubre hasta el 24 de octubre para colectar sus notas y tarjetas. Las tarjetas también se puede deslizar por la rendija del correo después de las horas de oficina. La canasta se presentará al Padre Jim y al Padre William después de la Misa de 9 a.m. durante la convivencia de café y donas. Liturgy of the Word for Children This program takes place during the 9am Mass. Children in grades K through 4 are sent from the main assembly to a nearby space where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified, yet equivalent format. Children return to the church at the offertory. The parish would like to expand this ministry to include the 11am Sunday Mass beginning the first Sunday of Advent, vember 30. Adult leaders and teen assistants are needed. Leaders should have a love of the Liturgy and be able to communicate effectively with young children. Volunteers serve on a rotating basis every 4-6 weeks. Complete training is provided. Please contact Rosa Rama at 492-4101 or rrama@ olfchurch.net for more information. OLF to Provide Income Tax Preparation Assistance – Volunteers Needed VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) offers free tax preparation assistance to low-to-moderate income households. Our parish is once again partnering with VITA to provide this important service January through April 2015 in McGowan Hall. Similar to the program offered to seniors, VITA is available to those in need regardless of age. Site coordinators and volunteer preparers are needed now. Full training provided. If you want to make a difference, become a volunteer, contact Anna Cabrera (OLF parishioner) at 714-347-9262 or Anna.M.Cabrera@irs.gov Dyslexia Educational Evening for Parents & Educators OCTOBER 23, 7PM / MCGOWAN HALL Does your bright child struggle to keep up with his/her peers in school? Does he/she have a hard time memorizing sight words or multiplication tables? Have difficulty tying shoes, rhyming words or learning the sounds of letters? Still reversing letters past the first grade? Dyslexia affects 1 in 5 people and it is not seeing or reading things backwards. Please join us for an educational evening including what dyslexia i,s and what it is not, resources and next steps. o c to b e r 12, 2014 Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima/Rezo del Santo Rosario a Nuestra Señora de Fátima October 13 is the feast day of the Miracle of the Sun and the final apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the three shepherd children in 1937. We have many things to ask of Our Lady at this time in our lives and all are invited to come to Mass at 8:30am this day and pray the Rosary. We will conclude with light refreshments in the patio of McGowan Hall. Please do not miss this opportunity to pray and ask Our Lady to intercede for us. For additional information please call Purita Ferrer at 492-6476. El 13 de octubre es el día de la fiesta del Milagro del Sol y de la última aparición de la Virgen de Fátima a los tres niños pastores en 1937. Tenemos muchas cosas para pedir de Nuestra Señora en este momento de nuestras vidas y todos están invitados a venir a Misa de las 8:30 am este día y rezar el Rosario. Concluiremos con refrescos en el patio del salon parroquial McGowan. Por favor, no te pierdas esta oportunidad de orar y pedirle a la Virgen que interceda por nosotros. Para obtener información adicional, por favor llame a Purita Ferrer al 492-6476. World Mission Sunday / Domingo Mundial de las Misiones OCTOBER 19/19 DE OCTUBRE Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. El próximo fin de semana nuestra parroquia celebra el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Este año se nos invita a extender nuestras manos y ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia católica más joven del mundo, como también a iglesias locales en las zonas más remotas de nuestro planeta. Mediante el trabajo de estas iglesias y su testimonio de Cristo, los pobres reciben ayuda práctica y experimentan el amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Por favor, rece diariamente por las Misiones y venga preparado el próximo fin de semana para dar generosamente en la colecta para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe. Para obtener más información visite www.IAmAMissionary.org. on October 17. OLF students and staff will participate in the FAM Hunger Walk on October 19 and in the San Clemente Red Ribbon Parade on October 20. The parade will mark our kick-off of Red Ribbon Week with student participation in special activities associated with the theme “The Sky’s the Limit, Be Yourself, Be Drug Free.” And our traditional costume parade and Trunk-o-Treat will be celebrated on October 31! Enrollment is Open! OLF School offers transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade. If you are considering enrolling your child or children please contact Kris Windeskwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320 to learn more. The school will continue to accept new students. Thank You OLF Parishioners! The administration and staff wishes to thank all parishioners for your support of our school and our mission; “to nurture individuals to discover their God-given gifts, to encourage them to use these gifts in the service of others and to empower them to be models of integrity and peacemakers who work for justice. We – the parents, school staff and parish community – collaborate in striving for excellence in the education of our children.” OLF Parish School Celebrates 50 years in 2015! If you are, or happen to know, an alum of OLF Parish School we would love to hear from you as we plan our BIG celebration. Please contact Kris Windes at kwindes@olfschool.net or 492-7320. AROUND THE DIOCESE Orange Catholic Foundation Wills & Trusts Week Presentation OCTOBER 23, 10AM - NOON / ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR CHURCH, DANA POINT Take steps to protect those you love with a new or updated estate plan. during the presentation, local Catholic estate planning attorneys will answer questions regarding estate taxes, probate expenses, trusts, how to create or update your will or trust, and much more. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.To make reservations or for information please call 714-2824208 or email plannedgiving@orangecatholicfoundation.org. IN OUR COMMUNITY OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS Family Assistance Ministries (FAM) Hunger Walk October is a Busy Month for OLF Students! OCTOBER 19, 2PM Our iPad/iPod 1:1 integrated learning is now in full swing for students in grades K-8th. The junior high students will be visited by student representatives and admission directors from three local Catholic High Schools – Jserra, Santa Margarita and Mater Dei on various days during the month. The student body will join the parish for the special Our Lady of Fatima Final Apparition Mass on October 13 followed by the reciting of the rosary. Our 7th graders will leave for Channel Islands Field Studies experience on October 15 and return Please help our local food bank raise money by joining the hunger walk. Stop by the FAM table after Mass and pick up your sponsor sheet and information sheet. It’s a great way for families to feel connected in making a real difference in helping to feed families in our community. Can’t make it to the walk? You can still help by sponsoring Fr. William - his sponsor sheet is available at the table! All proceeds go directly to the FAM food bank that supports our local community. 28th sunday in ordinary time / 28° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 San Clemente Military Family Outreach 7th Annual Variety Show OCTOBER 25, 7PM (DOORS OPEN AT 6:15PM) / SAN CLEMENTE COMMUNITY CENTER Tickets $25 open seating, $40 reserved table seats. Purchase online at www.militaryfamilyoutreach.com for will call pickup at event. Tickets also available M/W/TH 9am-2pm at St. Andrew’s church office, 2001 Calle Frontera or by contacting Daisy Nueva at 4925427. Performers include America’s #1 Beatles cover band, Paperback Writer, Hollywood’s #1 audience warm up comedian, Robert G. Lee, “Singing TV Guy”, Mike Chamberlin ,“Stars of Tomorrow” standouts from OC high schools vocal competition, and guest of honor, George Key. All proceeds will go towards providing Thanksgiving turkeys for 1,000 military families stationed at San Onofre/ North Camp Pendleton. San Clemente Military Family Outreach is an all-volunteer nonprofit, tax ID #95-2402620. Pregnancy Resource Center Walk for Life NOVEMBER 1, 9AM / DANA POINT HARBOR ISLAND Your participation in and sponsorship of this two mile walk around beautiful Dana Point Harbor will help provide hope and healing to women in crisis pregnancies and offer them alternatives to abortion. Friends, children, strollers, and dogs are all welcome! You can register online at ww.prcsanclemente.com or call PRC at 218-5777. For more information about the walk or sponsoring a walker, please call PRC. 8 w e lco m e to our lady of fatima parish WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Gary Lofgren Mark Mikulics Rosemary Kern Holden Zimmerle Guadalupe Flores Corrine Shahid Ann Marie Ramos Cynthia Chadwick Brian Babin Herb Raul Aida Perales Edith Benitez Patricia Schlutz Armando Lopez Mateo Nuñez Katherine Shultz Bob Adragna Adele Keough Angela Mastrangelo Zaragoza Garza Linda Greulich Rafael Garcia Jerry Becker Carla Graham Geoff Maddocks Josine Kummetz Ronny Robertson Linda Grey AND OUR BELOVED DEAD/Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS George Zeleski Richard Henriks Jeffrey Laughlin Neil Goodale Jesus Villalobos Arnulfo Ruiz Bishop Cirilo Flores Arturo Soto Daveen Nichols Sam Platamone Nick Kraus Lourdes Molina Marilyn Basse Samuel Acosta Jovita Santana Joseph Napolitano Daniel Fitzpatrick Trent Graham Orinda Dickey Mariano Molina Eddie Mergelmeyer Raymond Solis Luis Cardenas Margaret O’Neill Alicia Diaz Maria G. Cortes and all victims of war and violence. o c to b e r 12, 2014
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