Rev. Khoi Pham, Pastor Msgr. Bonifacio Baldonado, Parochial Vicar Rev. Chris Varghese, HGN, Parochial Vicar Deacon Jim Johnson Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-12:00 PM and 1:00 PM-7:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: Saturday Evening – English - 5:00 PM Sunday – English - 8:00 and 10:00 AM Spanish - 12:00 Noon Vietnamese - 3:30 PM English - 6:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday - Parish Office:……………………….524-7421 Fax:……………..…………….524-7713 Parish website:…….… Diocesan website… 8:00 AM English Holy Days of ObligaƟon: Vietnamese (Vigil)-7:30 PM English – 8:00 AM English – 9:00 AM English – 12:15 PM English – 6:00 PM Spanish – 7:30 PM Sacrament of Penance (Confession): Saturdays – 3:00 to 4:00 PM BapƟsms: (From birth through six years old.) A pre-bap smal class is required for parents. Please call the Parish Center for an appointment. Bap sms are held Sundays at 1:30 PM. Bap sms in Spanish are on the first Sunday. Bap sms in English are on the fourth Sunday. Marriage: Contact the Parish Center six months prior to the wedding date. RCIA Inquiry: RCIA is the process by which adults (seven years and older) may become Catholic or complete their Sacraments of Ini a on. Adults who would like to know more about their faith are welcome to come to our inquiry sessions. For more informa on, please call 491-3468. Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM School Office:…….…………………...524-4170 Email: Website:.… Religious Educa on:...………… ….491-3462 RCIA:……………….………..……….……491-3468 Music Ministry:…….……..………….491-3466 Youth Ministry:……………..………..491-3465 How to Contact the Clergy: Call the recep onist at the Parish Center Monday-Friday at 5247421. The recep onist can help you make an appointment with a priest. If your need is extremely urgent, please make that clear, so that the priest on call can be contacted. Also, tell the recep onist if you need a Spanish or Vietnamese speaking priest. The priest on call should only be contacted for the dying or those in deep grief. Contact is made through the answering CHURCH ETIQUETTE 1. Please turn off or silence all cell phones and pagers. 2. Please keep respectful quiet in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist before and after Mass. 3. Please remember appropriate clothing especially during the summer. Gentlemen, please remove hats and caps upon entering the church building. 4. Please no cups of coffee or other drinks. 5. Please remember, except in the case of true need, bottles of water are not needed. 6. Please, chewing gum by anyone (any age) is not acceptable ever, anytime in church. 7. Please refrain from reading the bulletin, emails, or TXT messages before and during Mass. 8. Please no MP3 devices, iPods-nano or otherwise. 9. Please do not arrive late, leave after communion or before the Mass has ended. 10. Please participate in the Mass: body, mind, and spirit through singing, responding, praying, and attending with heart and mind. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) November 2, 2014 If we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him. — Romans 6:8 TODAY’S READINGS The readings listed here are chosen from the broad selection available for this Sunday. First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:3-9. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). November 1 ~ November 9, 2014 Saturday: Sunday: 9:00 AM Parishioners 5:00 PM Parishioners 8:00 AM Parishioners 10:00 AM Legion of Mary† 12:00 PM 3:30 PM READINGS FOR THE WEEK Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:1214 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Last week Offertory…......$10,738.00 Same week in 2009 …...$12,810.50 Give back to the Lord a sacrifice, a share of what the Lord has so generously given to you. Giuse (Joseph) Sang Nguyen † 6:00 PM George Blandino† Monday: 8:00 AM John & Lydia Flores† Tuesday: 8:00 AM Teresa Hong Pham† Wednesday: 8:00 AM Evelyn Beck† Thursday: 8:00 AM Jim & Margaret Bastholm† Friday: 8:00 AM Tammy Zoller† Saturday: 8:00 AM Maria Nguyen thi Phan† 5:00 PM Juan Moises Amezcuita† 8:00 AM Parishioners Sunday: THE STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE Francisco & Cristobal Anaya† The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Monday: Deceased Members of 10:00 AM Thanksgiving for Maricel Cacho 12:00 PM 3:30 PM TRUE VOCATION The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people. —Leo Tolstoy Carlos Nicio† Anna Sa† Our Lady of Fatima November 2, 2014 UPCOMING Bishop’s Dinner for the Seminarians Featuring honored guests, The Most Reverend Bishop Stephen E. Blaire & the Seminarians Our Lady of Fatima Gymnasium 505 West Granger Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 November 15, 2014 5:00 p.m. Silent Auction Review 5:30 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres and silent auction 7:00 p.m. Dinner 10:00 p.m. Dancing Tickets: $50 for Adults; $30 for Children (12 years old and under) For tickets and sponsorship, contact Miller B. Go at (209) 404-4204 Tickets are available at Great Smiles Dental office, 3219 McHenry Ave., Modesto, CA 95350, (209) 604-6024 & Our Lady of Fatima Parish Office Presented by Families for Vocation and Healing Ministry All proceeds will benefit the Vocation Ministry of the Diocese of Stockton FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITY CATHOLICISM Journey Around the World and Deep into the Faith— DVD series with Fr. Robert Barron produced by Word on Fire. Join us in the Parish Center either Saturday morning November 15, 9 am—10:30 or in the New Hall Monday evening, November 17, 7 pm—8:30 as we explore Lesson 8:”A Vast Company of Witnesses: the Communion of Saints” THESE SESSIONS ARE OPEN TO ALL. For parents of children in Sacramental Prep classes for Reconciliation or Eucharist, these will count as a Parent Formation meeting. Sorry, no childcare is available. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP UPCOMING EVENTS Sun., Nov 2: When the Saints Go Marching In! Sun., Nov. 9: Mary, mother of God. Sun., Nov. 16: “For Greater Glory”, pt. 1 (Rated ’R’) Sun., Nov. 23: “For Greater Glory”, pt. 2 (Rated ’R’) Gatherings are Sunday afternoons from 1:30—3:00 pm in the New Hall. All high school students are welcome! See you there! JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP Our next EDGE session will be November 9—from 10 am—11:30 am DON’T MISS IT! Page Four RETREAT REMINDER If you and your child are registered for the November 8 Reconciliation Retreat, it starts in the parish hall at 9:00 am. Remember to bring a snack. Our priests will be available to celebrate reconciliation with you and your child following the retreat. Do you have your tickets yet for the Matthew Kelly event “LIVING EVERY DAY WITH PASSION & PURPOSE” Saturday, December 6, 9:00 am—1:30 pm at St. Stanislaus? We have tickets available here. Call Cathy or Vicki 524-7421 in the Parish Office to get yours. Tickets are $39.00 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION For those of Mexican heritage, November 2 means celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos, or “the Day of the Dead.” One of the most important days of the year for many, they join All Saints and All Souls together, visiting the graves of babies and children on All Saints, since they are santitos (little saints) or angelitos (little angels). Flowers, their favorite toys, favorite music, and so on, are taken to them. The following day, people spend time—some of them all day—at the cemetery with their loved ones who have died. From the ancient customs of the Indians the families pray, talk with them, and take them their favorite food. It is a most solemn but joyful day. It is a day to celebrate Christ’s victory over death: “Death, where is your sting?” There is a mocking of death as people make skeletons, candy that represents death, and Pan de los Muertos (bread of the dead) and consume them in a kind of role reversal. One of the customs is to build an altarcito (little altar) where one places mementos and pictures of those who have died. There are also favorite foods, candles, statues or pictures of favorite saints, books, and Bibles. Some parishes have begun to build an altarcito where all parishioners can join in honoring the deceased. A remembrance book can be placed to write names in. The altarcito is traditionally left up for the month of November. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WANTED! Seniors (50+). Come join the OLF Seniors Club. Dues are just $10.00 a year. We meet in the parish hall every 3rd Thursday for lunch ($7.00). Our next meeting will be November 20th—Hope to see you there! Our Lady of Fatima November 2, 2014 Car Needed – Can You Help? We welcome Fr. Chris Varghese to our parish as a Parochial Vicar. Fr. Chris is a religious order priest and new to the United States. He needs a car to carry out his ministry in our parish. If you, or someone you know, has a car you would be willing to give Fr. Chris it would be a tremendous gift to him and his ministry. Fr. Chris is not a mechanic and does not have money for repairs, so a car would need to be in working order. If you have a car or an idea of how to help Fr. Chris, please call David at the Parish Office: 524-7421. Thank you. TAMALE SALES Saturday 11/8 after 5 pm Mass, Sunday 11/9 after 8 am, 10 am and 12 pm Masses. $13.00 per dozen—chicken, pork or cheese. MODESTO CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CLUB TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014 Speaker: Gary Nelson, a Modesto native, local attorney, and a convert to the Catholic Church is involved in a variety of ministries in his parish and is a board member of St. Luke’s Family Practice. Networking: 7 AM, Breakfast and Speaker: 7:15 AM at the Old Mill Café, 600 9th St. RSVP at , at h p:// or Cathy (209) 968-8086 A FLASH Life is the flash of a firefly in the night. —Crowfoot ADULT SINGLES MINISTRY Second Annual Adult Singles Day Retreat If you are a single or single-again adult whether by choice, chance or circumstance you are invited to our Second Annual Singles Day Retreat on Saturday, November 15th in Oakdale, Calif. Our main talk, "Healing from Modern Sexuality" features Catholic author, speaker and radio show host, Christine Watkins. For more information on our other topics and to reserve your complimentary seat today, please RSVP online at November 4th Remember, it is our duty as faithful citizens to vote! November 4th Page Five CAN YOU SPEND ONE HOUR WITH ME? Jesus asked His Apostles, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?” This is a beautiful way to spend quiet time in the presence of our Lord. Hours for exposition are: 12 noon to 5:00 pm, Thursdays. LIVING GOD’S WORD Throughout the month of November, as we move toward the end of the liturgical year, the scriptures continue to focus our attention on the final hope of all baptized disciples of Christ. Will we “abide with the Lord in love” and “live in newness of life”? Will we join our deceased loved ones and rest in peace? Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Married Couples: Take a fresh look at your Marriage. Consider making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and enrich your lives together. It is a unique approach aimed at revitalizing your Sacrament of Matrimony. The next Weekend date is Feb. 13-15, 2015 in Turlock. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John and Angelica Angarita at or call 209-691-0603. We have an ongoing need for pancake mix and syrup, oatmeal, Hamburger/ Tuna Helper, canned meals, canned vegetables and fruits, and boxed side dishes. Singers needed for inter-parish choir for Guadalupe Mass, Dec. 7th We still need Spanish speaking male singers who would like to join this choir for the Guadalupe Diocesan Eucharist at the Stockton Arena. We will have two more workshops/rehearsals. The director is Mauricio Centeno, accomplished musician, producer, arranger, composer and choral director. If you play the violin, your talent is needed as well. To register contact Digna Ramirez-Lopez as soon as possible at or call the Office of Hispanic Ministry (209) 466-0636, ext. 628. You Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are ‘Happily Married’. For everyone else, there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. For information, or to register for the Modesto Retrouvaille program beginning with a Weekend on Nov. 7-9, 2014, call 209-232-5315, visit the web site at, or email Our Lady of Fatima 2 de noviembre de 2014 Page Six LECTURAS DE HOY TODOS LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS 2 de noviembre de 2014 Si hemos muerto con Cristo, estamos seguros de que también viviremos con él. — Romanos 6:8 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Fil 2:1-4; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:12-14 Fil 2:5-11; Sal 22 (21):26b-32; Lc 14:15-24 Fil 2:12-18; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Lc 14:25-33 Fil 3:3-8a; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 15:110 Fil 3:17 — 4:1; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 16:1-8 Fil 4:10-19; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lc 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 56, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:1322 Coro interparroquial para la Misa el 7 de Diciembre Estamos necesitando voces masculinas que quisieran unirse al coro para la Misa Diocesana Guadalupana en la Arena de Stockton. Tendremos dos talleres/practicas más. El director es Mauricio Centeno, músico reconocido, productor, arreglista, compositor y director coral. Si usted toca el violín, su talent también lo necesitamos. Para inscribirse comuníquese con Digna Ramirez-Lopez lo más pronto posible a dramlo@stocktondiocese.orgg o llámela a la Oficina de Pastoral Hispana al (209) 4660636 extensión 628. Si usted y su niño están registrados a asistir al Retiro de Reconciliación el sábado 8 de novimbre del 2014, comienza a las 9:00 de la maña en el vistίbulo de parroquia. Recuerde de traer un bocado. Nuestros sacerdotes ewstarán disponibles para celebrar la reconciliación con usted y su niño siguiendo el retiro. VENTA DE TAMALES $13 por docena, carne de cerdo, pollo o queso Sabado, 8 de noviembre después de la Misa 5 pm , Domingo 9 de noviembre después de las Misaa 8 am, 10 am, y 12 pm Las lecturas mencionadas aquí han sido seleccionadas de entre las muchas que hay disponibles para este domingo. Primera Lectura — Las almas de los justos están en manos de Dios, donde no los alcanzará ningún tormento. (Sabiduría 3:1-9). Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (Salmo 23). Segunda Lectura — La prueba de que Dios nos ama está en que Cristo murió por nosotros (Romanos 6:39). Evangelio — La voluntad de mi Padre es que todo hombre que ve al Hijo y crea en él tenga la vida eterna. (Juan 6:37-40). GRAN CONGRESO ANNUAL Un sóla Señor, Una misma Fe, Un sóla Bautismo Sábado 15 de noviembre y Domingo 16 de noviembre, 2014, 8:00 am—6:00 pm Entrada gratis Auditorio Cίvico, 525 N Center St., Stockton Informes: Maria (209) 581-3191, Jesús (916)271-2248, Cecilia (209) 216-7179 LIDERAZGO DE JUVENTUD HISPANA. El Taller Annual de Liderazgo en la Pastoral Juvenil, “La Alegría del Evangelio”, se tendrá del 7 al 9 de Noviembre del 2014, en el Centro de Renovación Nuestra Señora de la Paz. Será del Viernes a las 7.00 pm hasta la tarde del Domingo. La cuota es de $70.00 dls. e incluye los materiales, alojamiento y alimentación. El tema es “La Alegría del Evangelio”. El Padre Alejandro López Cardindale, será el orador de turno. Él es presidente de La RED, Red Nacional Católica del Ministerio de Juventud y Jóvenes Adultos Hispanos, profesor de Sagrada Escritura en el Instituto Fe y Vida, Director de RENEW para América Latina, y Coordinador de los Programas en Español para RENEW Internacional. Contácte a José López al 209.466.0636 o por email a SESSIONES DE FORMACION DE FE Presentador: José Lopez-Higareda Ph.D. Estas pláticas calificaran como una de las reunions requeridas para los padres de familia que tienen hijos que asisten a las clases de preparación Sacramental para la Reconciliació, o Primera Comunión. Se require dos reunions cada año de preparación. Presentación solamente en Español. Cuidado de niños no estará disponible. ♦ Adviento y el Sacramento de Penitencia Viernes, 21 de noviembre del 2014, 7 PM en el salón 5 de la escuela de Fatima ♦ La Encarnación Viernes, 5 de diciembre del 2014, 7 PM en el salón 5 de la escuela de Fatima ♦ Eucaristίa Pan de Vida, 16 de enero del 2015, 7 PM en el salón 5 de la escuela de Fatima
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