Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church, Balsall Common In the Parish of St Francis of Assisi, Baddesley Clinton Sunday 5th May 2013 – Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C “The Holy Spirit will remind you of all I have said to you” Year of Faith Prayer: ‘This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.’ Pope’s Prayer Intention: ‘That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience.’ Collection for 28th April: Loose plate £40.40, Envelopes £74, Direct Debit £295 Total £409.40 Confession: Every Sunday at 9am. Bacon Breakfast: Thank you to all who supported the Bacon Breakfast last Sunday. We raised £141 towards Parish Funds. Special thank you to Terry Biles, Dominic Green and John McLellan for doing all the cooking. Moonwalk for Breast Cancer UK: Next Saturday, 11th May, Chris Mitchell will be doing the moonwalk around London in aid of Breast Cancer UK. This is a 26.2 mile walk around the City at night. If anyone would like to sponsor her she will be at the back of Church after Mass. London Marathon: Charles Keane would like to thank the parish for all the support given to his fundraising effort for running the London Marathon in aid of St Joseph'ʹs Hospice in London. Charles finished the marathon just under 5 hours. The total raised through sponsorship and the various social events was an amazing £2,700 ! Parish Dinner: Following on from our successful Parish dinner at Haigs last year we are organising another dinner on 17th May at 7.30pm at McKee’s Brasserie, Haigs Hotel. The Cost for a two course meal will be £10 per person (including a donation to Parish Funds). If you are interested in going please give your name to Ann Dodd or Margaret Collins after Mass where a menu choice will be available. Please note that all menu choices and money needs to be paid no later then Sunday 12th May. Finance Meeting: The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on Monday 20th May at 7.30 pm in Fathers house. Maintenance Meeting: The next Meeting of the Maintenance Committee will be held on Tuesday 14th May at 8.00 pm in the Parish Room. Healing Service: The next healing service will be Tuesday 28th May starting with Mass at 6pm. The Mass will be followed by a presentation by Deacon David Palmer of the Year of Faith Committee on how we can work together in our parishes to bring the Gospel message of Healing and New Life to those around us. All our welcome. H.C.P.T. The Pilgrimage Trust Group 83: The Annual Coffee Evening with A Big Raffle is to be held on Wednesday May 22nd beginning at 7.30p.m. Raffle Tickets are now available at only 20p a ticket and £1 a book. Parish Room: MUST be booked with Louise Perry – Tel (01676 533357). Contributions for the Bulletin: The newsletter is being compiled by David Green. Please send items to David at or call on 01564 775155 by 7.00pm on Wednesday. Your prayers are asked for those who are sick and their carers: Monica Pillow, Pauline McNamara, Lily May Carr, Ann Wright, Jacqueline O’Connor, Teresa Connolly, Mary Keane, Beryl Williams, Pascal, The O’Connell Family, Consuelo Ramon, Simon Ellis, Janina Shakespeare, Denise Hamilton, Sister Maria Goretti, Patrick Furey, Mary Lane, Joseph Lockington, Kerry O’Shea, Michael Bulger, Greg Watson, Carol Brookes, Anthony O'ʹReilly, Maggie Ellis, Elizabeth Gough, Brian Kenny, Guy Provost, Charlie Hilton, Michael Whelan, Mavis Austin, Canon Peter Taylor, Joan White, Kevin & Freda Lambert, John Aitken and all to whom we take Holy Communion. Anniversaries: Bridie Deeley Lately Dead: Liturgy and Rota arrangements for the coming week Date & Time: Day: Celebrant: Intention: 5th May 9.30am 6th Sunday of Easter Father Soji Sue Hall (Private intention) 12th May 9.30am Ascension of the Lord Father Soji Teresa Ward (RIP) Altar servers: Team A – Kathryn, Daniel and Matthew Team B – Hannah, Katie & Tom Godfrey Chesshire, Catherine Driffield & Ciaran McSorley Wardens: Readers: Eucharistic Ministers: Ian & Fran Lester David Green & Greg Hobbs Charles Keane, Sue McGovern & Joe Martin Bob Jones & Stefan Hunka TBC Counting Rota: John Perry and Nuala Fulham Charles Keane & Gerry Biggs Tea & Coffee: Charles & Claire Keane Chris Lyne &Mary Sharp Cleaning: Chris Mitchell & Eileen Selby Chris Mitchell & Eileen Selby Flowers: Chris Mitchell Bridget Harrison TBC TBC Ian & Ellie Clark Linda Chesshire Tuesday 7th May 7.30pm Audrey Butler (RIP) Tuesday 14th May 7.30pm The Parish Children’s Liturgy: Music: Weekday Masses and Intentions: Parish Priest: Revd Fr. John Sharp, The Presbytery, Rising Lane, Baddesley Clinton, B93 0DD Tel: 01564 782498 Priest in Charge: Revd Fr. Soji Olikkal, 4B Oxhayes Close, Balsall Common, CV7 7PS Tel: (01676) 532794 The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity No. 234216
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