ST. PETER CHURCH 26 October, 2014 You shall Love your Neighbor as Yourself. Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Angotti Deacon: Christopher Hawkins Pastoral Associate: Sandra Ransom Parish e-mail: Rectory phone: 219-362-6186 Parish Secretary: AvaLee Abraham Bldgs. & Grounds: Marcin Kulbacki Parish Office phone: 219-362-2509 Fax number: 219-324-9277 Holy Days: 8:30 AM & 6:00 PM Mass times: Sat Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 am Reconciliation: Sat 4:00 pm Web: Weekdays: See weekly bulletin MASS SCHEDULE MASS INTENTIONS OFFERTORY Monday Oct 27 8:30 Jack Rosenberg / Jane Rosenberg Tuesday Oct 28 8:30 Mark Essling / Sherry Parker-Banner & Bob & Dave Parker Family Wednesday Oct 29 8:30 Kit Sandy / John & Karen Yates Thursday Oct 30 8:30 Lawrence & Florence Coil / Nieces Friday Oct 31 8:30 Paul Ransom / Ransom Family Saturday Nov 1 No Morning Mass Maxine Avery / Bill Minich Sunday Nov 2 8:30 5:00 Family 8:00 All Holy Souls in Purgatory 10:30 Mark Lanski / Mom, Dad, Sister, & Brother MINISTRY SCHEDULE PLEASE remember that it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement when unable to serve as scheduled. LITURGY DATE & TIME 1-Nov-14 Saturday 5:00 PM ALL SAINTS DAY 2-Nov-14 Sunday 8:00 AM ALL SOULS DAY 2-Nov-14 Sunday 10:30 AM ALL SOULS DAY LECTOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTER Jhan Stafford Edward Andruskiewicz Lynn Johnson 1-Chris Moryl 2-Jan Boardman 3-Jackie Hennessy 4-Joan Hensell ALT-John Knoll 1-Donna Larson 2-Tim Larson 3-John B. Cannon 4-Janice Edquist ALT-F.X. Gartland 1-Maria Davila-Garcia 2-Cecilio Garcia 3-Georgette Mearns 4-John E. Mearns ALT-Andrew Ruminski ALTAR SERVER USHER GREETER Brian Bodo Maggie Boger Chris DeWolf Jim Duszynski Jeffery Hilb Carl Johnson Judy Johnson Christine Muller Megan Riley Bailey Severs Michael Hannon Scott Holloway Jim Howe Trent Kaercher Marian Fleming David Kolar Kalia Brown Marlon Brown Richard Barker Don Ferrell Jay Foldenauer Jim Kaminski Yvonne Gallagher Diane Nash SCRIPTURE READINGS THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK FIRST READING: Exodus 22:20-26 FIRST READING: Wisdom 3:1-9 SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 SECOND READING: Romans 5:5-11 GOSPEL: Matthew 22:34-40 GOSPEL: John 6:37-40 ~STEWARDSHIP ~ OUR TREASURE TO GOD & PARISH: $3,817.00 Mission Sunday collection: $1,161.00 THE TRI-PARISH YOUTH GROUP will meet on Wednesday, October 29, from 7:00-8:30 If you have any questions, please call Jackie at 362-9140 or Joan at 393-3909. THE TRI-PARISH TEEN FOR CHRIST MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY ~ will meet on Thursday, October 30, from 6:30 - 8:30 CDT at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Anyone wishing to share their faith with our middle school students, please call Tom at 369-1695. CHALLENGE GIRLS CLUB OF LAPORTE ~ will meet Tuesday, October 28, 6-8 pm at St. Joseph Church! Contact Nicki Knowlton for more information at : 219-393-8928 or email at You may also visit: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED~~ for the Funeral Committee. Sign up to donate a casserole, salad, veggie or dessert for funeral dinners. You will only be asked 4-5 times a year. Very rewarding and much appreciated by families. Call Joan at 393-3909 to volunteer. OUR OCTOBERFEST was a smash hit! We had 35 FUN TIMERS at Moser's Austrian Café to join in the festivities! Please mark your calendars for our next event, Sunday, December 7th. Join us for our "Christmas Luncheon and the Theatre". Watch the bulletin for details. RCIA ~ If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, contact Fr. Joe at 362-6186. NEXT WEEK ~~ Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour next Saturday night. ST. PETER CHURCH PANCAKE BREAKFAST ~~ will be here soon!! Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 16 for the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Pancake Breakfast!!! 7:30-12:30 pm. Prices haven’t changed. Adults $6, Seniors $5, Children $2, Five and under are free!! Come and eat breakfast with your Church family and bring the family. PYX: COME HOME!! If you are in possession of pyx which belong to the parish that you are no longer using, we would appreciate your returning them to the Sacristy. (Pyxes are used for taking the Eucharist to the homebound.) Thank you!! THE MEMORIAL BEREAVEMENT MASS~ will be hosted by Sacred Heart Church this year. Please mark your calendars for Monday, November 3, at 7:00 pm. Plan on attending this upcoming service for the dearly departed of the Tri-Parish Community. NET RETREAT: Saint Joseph Parish will be hosting a NET retreat on December 7th from 9 am until 4 pm for Confirmation Candidates from Saint Joseph, Sacred Heart, and Saint Peter. NET will send a team of young adults whose mission is to travel the U.S. bringing witness to Jesus’ work in their lives and extending that invitation to create a stronger relationship with Christ to our area Catholic teens in a very, personal and interactive way. To make this a success, we will need some area host families willing to take 2-3 team members into their homes on the eve of December 6th. The responsibilities of a host family include providing the team members dinner that evening, a place to sleep, and a shower. If you are willing to help in this way, please contact Meghan Chargualaf (219) 362-6472 or by email WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR PARISH? The Pastoral Council Discernment process has begun. Please nominate individuals you feel best personify the qualities listed on the ballots located in the pews. The ballots will be in the pews through Nov. 3. You may either hand your completed ballot to an usher or drop it in the collection basket. WATCH ~~ We Are The Church is coming to Sacred Heart Church on November 1416, 2014. It is a unique and exciting parish spiritual renewal weekend. The retreat will help us focus on our relationship to God, others and ourselves in an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. The retreat runs from 7:00 pm Friday to 2:30 pm Sunday. Meals are provided and participants go home at the end of the day. Brochures will be available soon. For more information contact Deacon Frank at or 219.575.1090. Unique Chance IT’S ALMOST HERE!! Excitement is in the air!! ~~ Thursday, November 6, is the date for the soon-to-be-famous UNIQUE CHANCE event. Doors open at 6:30 and the $3 admission includes dessert and beverage. Donated items are being gratefully accepted in the Parish Center Office. CAPS FOR KIDS!!! St. Peter Parish is once again participating in the diocesan Caps for Kids program. This is their 17th annual Caps for Kids Campaign. From now through December 19, your contributions of new or handmade hats, gloves, and scarves for children of all ages will be gratefully accepted. Boxes for this purpose may be found in the Parish Center and in the Gathering Space. Thank you! DO YOU CROCHET? KNIT? CAN YOU TIE A KNOT? Any or all of these talents may be utilized in our newest ministry outreach. Interest has been expressed in starting a Prayer Shawl Ministry at St. Peter Parish. If this is something you feel prayerfully called to pursue, please attend the first organizational meeting in the Hospitality Room on Thursday, November 6, at 1 PM. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm! If you cannot make this first meeting but would like to be involved, or if you would like more information, please call Judee at 363-6443. Thank you! “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Anonymous FOOD FOR THOUGHT? Three pastors from neighboring parishes were having lunch at a diner. The first said, “You know, since the summer started I’ve been having a lot of trouble with bats in the loft and attic of my church. I’ve tried everything—noise, spray, cats—nothing seems to scare them away.” The second pastor replied, “Me too. I’ve got hundreds of those things living in my bell tower and in the narthex attic. I had the whole place fumigated, but they still won’t go away.” The third said, “I had that problem a while ago. So I baptized all the bats and haven’t seen one back since!”
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