Parish of the Sacred Heart and St Oswald Fr Thomas J Walton: Parish Priest The Presbytery (01733 322750) Frances Swanson: Pastoral Assistant (01733 263534) Angela Clark: Secretary (01733 322750) FOR A PRIEST IN AN EMERGENCY if no reply from the Presbytery please ring 01733 562528 / 01733 370877 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)-Education Day 1800 Mass (Gladys Mortimer RIP) 1000 Mass (Annibale Vecere & Maria Gulan RIP) 1200 Mass (School) (People of the parish) Tuesday 3 No Mass Wednesday 4 No Mass Thursday 5 1130 Mass (City Hospital) Friday 6 No Mass Saturday 7 1100 Holy Hour with confessions 1145 Benediction 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 1700 Confessions until 1730 Saturday 7 1740 Evening Prayer 1800 Mass (Ruth Potter RIP-1st anniv.) Sunday 8 1000 Mass (People of the parish) 1200 Mass (School) (Hopkins, Newbanks & Collins RIP) Saturday 31 Sunday 1 Coffee & Tea are served after 1200 Mass at Sacred Heart School on 3rd Sunday of the month PLEASE PRAY FOR those who anniversaries occur at this time: Mavis Gilbert, Daniel Rankin, Dennis O’Brien, Noel Kearns, Victor Bossano, Kathleen Hobbs, Rose Weirich, Maureen Jones, Rosemary Knighton. May they rest in peace. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Teresa Ambroziak, Shelagh Bradley, John Breen, Susan Butler, Patricia Cairus, Bellina Casagrande, June Clay, Linda Cleary, Patricia Clifton, Mary Clynch, Matthew Coen, John Cox, Cora Crawford, Brian Dutton, Monica Dutton, Michael Fitzgerald, Margaret Garford, Richard Grant, John Hadleigh, Gordon Higginbotham, Emma Holmes, Christopher Joyce, Ritt Ketland, Stephen Lawson, James Lipscombe, Florence Lowden, Margaret Martin, Peter Murphy, Sylvia Norbury, Eileen O’Sullivan, Susan Riseley, David Ritchie, Hanna Spragg, Veronica Sutherland, Peter Tomkin, Philip Tomkin, Paul Townsend, Beth Walker, Peter Walker, Maureen Waller, Victoria Watts, Sylvia Zaluska. DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER—This week we pray for all School & University Chaplaincies within our Diocese. PLEASE PRAY FOR those who have recently died: Jack Dancy RIP. May he rest in peace. THANK YOU for last week’s contribution: Gift Aid Envelopes; Loose Plate & Envelopes; Standing Orders: Total: £326.90 £500.64 £552.00 £1379.54 HCPT (The Children’s Pilgrimage Trust-Registered Charity no. 281074) Peterborough Group 209 is making an appeal next weekend to help them take children to Lourdes at Easter. WINNERS—50/50 Sat. 24 Jan. No. 86 Betty Lawson £50.00. Bonus Ball Wednesday 28 Jan. No 36 Bill Collin £24.50. THE GREAT ADVENTURE-MATTHEW BIBLE STUDY continues this Monday 2 February. EDUCATION SUNDAY is this weekend and there will be a second collection for the Catholic Education Service. This service is the chief negotiating and advisory body of all matters regarding Catholic education in England and Wales. We are also asked to pray for all those involved in education; students, teachers, teaching assistants, school & university chaplains. As Fr Tom is away, at all the Masses next Sunday, all those involved in education including teachers, teaching assistants and school governors will have the opportunity to re-dedicate themselves to their ministry. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015—The preparation programme continues on Saturday 7 February at 0930 in St Oswald’s church. It is essential that children attend all sessions and parents attend as indicated on the programme. CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2015 commences on Sunday 8th February 3pm in Sacred Heart School. Candidates and parents to attend. PARISH PILGRIMAGE 2015—Our pilgrimage this year is to Fatima. Flying from Manchester to Lisbon 4th May 2015 with 7 nights in Fatima, returning 11th May 2015. Cost is £665 per person sharing (single room supplement £150), which includes travel ins. and a day excursion to Lisbon. Anyone interested please see Fr Tom for a booking form. Booking forms plus £150 deposit per person need to be received as soon as possible to secure your place. FAMILY FUN QUIZ—In aid of our Parish Development Fund, in Sacred Heart School on Friday 27th February Teams of 6. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a team we can make them up on the night. Tickets now on sale £3.00 per adult, children free. Light refreshments provided, bring your own alcohol. Prizes for 1st 2nd & 3rd place and best team name. There will also be a raffle. For more details contact Tracy on 07763834193 PARISH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT—As work has begun on the Hall donations would be most welcome and also ideas for Fund Raising. Ideas are good in themselves but we need people to follow them through if they are to be successful. We would be in a better position if we could raise £30 to £50k by the summer. If you are considering bequeathing to the church in the future why not now and see the benefits of your contribution? CONGRATULATIONS to Morag Sweeney who was recently presented with the Laurel Award in recognition of outstanding services to Guiding. Morag was involved with the Brownies Unit in Sacred Heart Parish for over 30 years from 1979 to 2011. Though no longer involved with the Bretton Unit Morag still holds the role of Bretton District Treasurer. She continues to be involved with the Helpston Unit as Brownie Leader. Morag is also the Anglia Region Outdoor Activities Advisor. We thank God, Morag, for your long and very dedicated service to Guiding. Thought for the week If you suppress a moment of anger, You can prevent a day of sorrow 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, Peterborough, PE4 6AE —parish——Registered charity no. 278742 Sacred Heart School Hall, Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XD (1200 Mass on Sundays) 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)—Education Day 1st February 2015 – 6.00pm ENTRANCE 466 All people that on earth do dwell COMMUNION 938 Soul of my Saviour OFFERTORY 610 Take our bread RECESSIONAL 768 How lovely on the mountains REGIONAL YOUTH MASS—This Sunday 1st February the 6pm Mass at All Souls will be a Regional Youth Mass for the Peterborough Parishes with Bishop Alan presiding. It will be followed by a Pizza Party in the Parish Centre and then a Q&A session with the Bishop. Music will be provided by St John Fisher School. All young people are invited. INVITATION—Bishop Alan Hopes invites you to join him in celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes at a Mass for the sick (including the Sacrament of Anointing) next Saturday 7 February 2015 at 12 Noon in St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. HCPT GROUP 209’S ANNUAL CEILIDH NIGHT will be on Friday 13th February at the PSL, Lincoln Road, Peterborough. Join us for a night of live music, dancing, fun and laughter! Doors open at 7pm. Adults £7, Children £3.50 and Under 12's free. All money raised will go towards taking local disabled and disadvantaged children to Lourdes this Easter. Thank you for your continued support. For tickets and more information call Sarah: 07814476356. PHILIPPINO COMMUNITY CONCERT—The Philippino Community will be giving a St Valentines Concert at 5pm on Sunday 15th February at All Souls. The Peterborough Philippino Community will serve refreshments for the Choir, ‘One Voice Choir of the Philippino Community of Ilford Essex’ at 3pm. Following the Concert, the Choir will provide the music at the 6pm Mass. ‘PASSION CHANGES EVERYTHING’—An enriching Day of Prayer, Teaching and Renewal on Saturday 28 February 10am4.30pm at Bowthorpe Church Centre, Norwich NR5 9AA. Led by Jenny Baker, of CaFE DVD’s, an engaging and insightful speaker. Drinks provided, packed lunch needed, childcare available. More details tel. Philip on 07910157584 or see PRO-LIFE ANNUAL YOUTH CONFERENCE (AGES 16-35) takes place 6-8th March at Ramada Plaza Hotel, Southport, Merseyside, see poster for details. Sponsorship is available please contact Peterborough Branch tel. 07967 263759 A TIME OF PRAISE & REFLECTION takes place on Sunday 8th March 12.30-6.30pm at St Luke’s Church, Orton, Peterborough. This includes Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with prayer for healing, guest speaker & celebrant will be Fr Joseph Edart. THE DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE wishes to appoint three people to join the new Diocesan Mission Team. These are full-time residential positions, sharing the Gospel Message in schools and parishes, in a way young people can relate to including using music, drama and tech. For more information please see and click on the 'Ignite Team' link. Parish of The Sacred Heart and St Oswald Copyright licences Calamus No 0310, CCL No 1404714
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