CHRIST THE KING CHURCH TERRYTOWN, LOUISIANA Saturday, November 15 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Larry Hand, Miller-Hand Families, Eve & Geoffrey Landry, Paul Falletta, Leah Falletta, Anthony A. Panepinto, Sarah Legendre, John T. Brooks III, John & Lois McGarry, Stephen Hartman, Lorraine Stephens, Darren Harris Family, Suffering Souls in Purgatory, Bernard Kihnemann, Sr., Marilyn Mossy, Frank A. Fradella, Jr. 6:30 pm Spanish For the People of the Parish Sunday, November 16 8:00 am Edgar Daigle, Ralph Bertheaud, Kris Nielsen, Vera Gonzales 10:30 am Anthony DiGerolamo, Donnis DiFranco, Martha Nguyen, Beverly O’Rourke, Deceased Members of Ho-Vu Family, All Souls, Thanksgiving for Vu Family 2:00 pm Filipino Mass OPEN 5:30 pm Mass Rita Guillot, James Guillot III Tuesday, November 18, Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin 9:00 am Mass John T. Brooks, III, Tracie Eiserloh, Poor Souls Wednesday, November 19 6:30 pm Mass/Holy Hour Sacred Heart for Special Intention Thursday, November 20 9:00 am School Thanksgiving Mass Adriana Braganza, Joseph Braganza Friday, Nov. 21, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:00 pm Vietnamese Mass Sick of the Parish ___________________________________________________ In your prayers, remember those members of our parish who are in need of the Lord’s healing mercy, especially … Sherri Aguilar, Trudy Ali, Ruben Arevalo, Raymond Alleman, Manuel Barquero, Mary Bavido, Elliana Marie Belew, Diana Bertacci, Mae Bertheaud, Robert Beyer III, Pauline Billiot, Earnestine Bird, Stephanie Boudreaux, Brian Bouzigard, Renee Bouzigard, Noah Bracey, Max Braganza, Katie Brewer, Gail Burns, Mike Candies, Susan Casey, Milton & Gloria Chaison, Frank Connelly, Luke Cooney, Raymond & Margaret Cooney, Sr. Judith Coreil, MSC, Anna Mae Cosse, Margaret Coulon, Bonnie Daigle, Luis Davila, Ana deCastro, Sr. Aloysia Doleac, Evelyn Dyer, John Egan, Mary Lee Elston, Joey Falgout, Bobbie Fasic, Oliver Felix, Mickey Fitzgerald, Doris Flood, Mary Foley, Regina Fresneda, Gayle Gagliano, Elwood Gonzales, Alice Goodin, Joseph Griffin, Jo Hand, Charlotte Havens, Jerry Haynes, Dale Hebert, Pat Heinemann, Joyce Hernandez, Marie Herty, Scarlett Hoffman, Dale Hymel, Jo Johnston, Boylan Joia, Bill & Netsy Judson, Noreen Kipker, Patrice Lawson, Carroll & Carole LeBlanc, Loann Ledet, Pearl Ledet, Louis Liljeberg, Betty Lilly, Donna Litwinowicz, Maury Magill, Mike Mayor, Ada Meilleur, Dee Melancon, Joe Miller, Harold Logrande, Joan Molaison, Loretta Mooney, Alan Mossy, Ernest Mueller Sr., Ne Nguyen, Abdon North, Diane Norton, Linda Ochoa, David M. O’Keefe, Benny Owens, Mary Panepinto, Benny & Carol Peranio, Linda Perrone, Theresa Pham-Lan, Raymond Phillips, Douglas Poche, Edward Puyau, Pat & Harley Rabig, Jeanette Rashtie, Angie Rigney, Dennis Rule, Jeff Sampson, Amy St.Germain, Carol & Roland Schaubhut, Prissy Scoriels, Carla Schuelke, Lolita Schulze, Cynthia Schwehm, Betty Sellars, John Shaddinger, Clinton Sonier, Luis & Conchita Sosa, Socorro Sperier, June Stanley, Raylyn Stenger, Merline Tauzier, Anastasia Taylor, Lisa M. Taylor, Russell & Sheron Templet, Joseph Treuil, Cherry L. Undag, Jesse & Veronica Vedros, Patsy Vezina, Joy Wappler, Howard Williams, Jean & Henry Wirth, Jackie Wright, Kathy Yeoman May They Rest in Peace Remember in your prayers & masses Tracie Hebert Eiserloh and Frank A. Fradella, Jr., who recently entered into the kingdom of our Father. Ask God’s grace that their families and friends may find peace and comfort in their faith. November 16, 2014 Sunday, November 16 Women’s Club Money Tree Raffle tickets sold at all masses Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 am Mass Filipino Celebration 1:00 Rosary 2:00 Mass Social follows Monday, November 17 Cub Scout Pack Meeting 7:00 pm Parish Hall Timon 7:30 pm Large Conference Room Charismatic Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm, 724 Mystic Avenue Tuesday, November 18 Choir Practice 7:30 pm Church Youth Gathering 6:30 pm in Church- social follows Wednesday, November 19 Holy Hour following 6:30 pm Mass Thursday, November 20 Home & School Meeting 7:00 pm Parish Hall Knights of Columbus 7:15-Rosary 7:30-Meeting KC Home Friday, November 21 Spanish Rosary 8:00 pm Saturday, November 22 Parish School of Religion 9-10:30 am – Para-liturgy practice in church until 11:30 am Altar Servers Meeting 10:30 am Large Conf Room 3:30 pm Confessions 3:45 pm Divine Mercy 4:00 pm Rosary 4:30 pm Mass Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word 6:30 pm Mass Sunday, November 23, Feast of Christ the King Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 am Mass CTK Feast Outdoor Celebration 10:30-1:30 pm KC’s selling religious calendars after all Masses Campaign for Human Development collection at all Masses Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Goal $10,800.00 Offertory November 1-2 Debt Reduction Capital Building Campaign All Saints $ 8,070.93 $ 1,864.00 $ 70.00 $ 487.00 Prayer During Hurricane Season June 1 – November 30 Let us pray to the Lord that through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, our city and region may be spared from loss of life and property during this hurricane season. Prayer During Archdiocesan Synod April 15, 2014 – April 15, 2015 That during our Archdiocesan Synod, we may be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and come to know God’s vision and priorities for our local Church. Christ the King Fair Sponsorships are still available. Pick up a form from the back of church and ask your family, friends & businesses throughout the community to help with sponsorships and donations. RED ZONE Cards are available from school families or from the school and church offices. Each card costs $20 and provides the purchaser with over two dozen opportunities to save money at local businesses plus online savings. CTK School earns money for every card sold. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RCIA - RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Do you know any adult living in our parish area that is unbaptized or of another Christian Faith and is thinking about becoming a Catholic Christian? Are there any adults among us that have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation with Confirmation or Holy Communion and seeking spiritual growth? We may have some answers and a special place for you in our family of Christ the King. Call the parish office for more information or complete the form in the back of church. Christ the King Feast Day Celebration Sunday, November 23, 2014 Following 10:30 Mass until 1:30 pm. Weather permitting, the event will be outdoors. There will be lots of food and drinks and games for the kids. Come join in the fun! There is no charge – FREE for ALL! Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Report October 1, 2013 – October 1, 2014 Enroll Deceased Loved Ones In Book of Life Throughout the month of November, our Book of Life is located in the back of church. Please enter your deceased loved ones names (if you have not done so in previous years) to the book and they will be remembered in our monthly Mass for All Souls. _______________________________________ Saint Joseph Sunday Missal 2015 Prayerbooks are now on sale. They are $3.00 each and can be found on the book rack in the back of church or from the church office. __________________________________________ Women’s Club $100 Christmas Money Tree Raffle Ticket Sale Women’s Club members are selling raffle tickets after all masses this weekend for a chance on their beautiful Christmas Tree decorated with 100 $1 bills. Chances are $1 each or 6 for $5.00. The drawing will be held Sunday, December 14, 2014 (winner need not be present). Proceeds go toward helping them with their care of the church and refreshments for church events. __________________________________________ Next weekend’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the U.S. by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact on communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Greenwood Funeral Home is encouraging families to elect to have the funeral service of their loved ones in their own church. They feel it seems appropriate that the church where the deceased was baptized, worshiped and centered their Christian life is the appropriate setting for the final ritual of their Christian Life. As an incentive they are offering a $650 discount to families that elect to have the service at their parish church. Income Poor Box/Envelope collection Donations from our Members Fund Raising Proceeds Memorials Total Income $15,008 3,500 4,464 375 $23,347 Disbursements To the needy we serve To Ozanam Inn To SVDP Free Pharmacy Solidarity (Dues) Other (CTK, Ins, & Bank fees) $20 998 1,200 1,200 611 487 Total Disbursements Person-to-Person Visits Total People Helped Food Boxes Delivered Service Hours Membership $24,496 105 657 153 1,432 41 Non-cash “In Kind” Goods & Services (Value of food, clothing, furniture, etc) $6,960 The Society is deeply appreciative to all parishioners for their gifts of prayers, food and money throughout the year. We ask for your continued prayers and support. If any parishioner is interested in assisting the poor in our Mission of Charity, please contact the Parish Office especially if you’re retired and have some spare time during weekdays. ---Don’t Be Left Out … Join in the FUN Christ the King Parish CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, December 6, 2014 7:00-10:00 pm New Orleans Ladies Ballroom, 1771 Stumpf Blvd Tickets $43.00 per person Available from the Church Office or by calling Mack Ledet 367-3736. Buffet, Open Bar, Music, Singing, Dancing, Fun! Join us in this One Great Celebration!
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