Parish Bulletin – Catholic Community of Saint Veronica’s 1300 Carson Avenue, Dorval, QC, H9S 1M6 Tel: 514-631-6381 MASS SCHEDULE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 19TH, 2014 SATURDAY, OCT. 18TH, 2014 4:30 P.M. All Parishioners SUNDAY, OCT. 19TH, 2014-29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:00 A.M. Frank Gattuso The Family 11:00 A.M. Beatrice Wanta The Lapid-Doucette Family MONDAY, OCT. 20TH, 2014 TUESDAY, OCT. 21ST, 2014 7:00 P.M. Deacon Allan McAuliffe WEDNESDAY, OCT 22ND, 2014 9:15 A.M. Eleanor Lartigue Fr. Fred Leo & Barbara Conway THURSDAY, OCT 23RD, 2014 9:00 A.M. Fabiola Rooney The Kirouac Family 9:30 A.M. NOON EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FRIDAY, OCT 24TH, 2014 9:00 A.M. Lorraine Weddell SATURDAY, OCT 25TH, 2014 4:30 P.M. Keith McCowan The Family Noemi SUNDAY, OCT 26TH, 2014-30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:00 A.M. All Parishioners 11:00 A.M. Guy Trottier Marilyn Hawkins & Ian Worsnip _________________________ Two Sides of the Coin Today the Gospel deals with secular aspects and these lessons should not be lost. At the outset, we learn about two historic heads of state who were not in any way connected to Israel’s faith. One was the Emperor Caesar and the other, King Cyrus, a foreign sovereign, chosen by the Lord to liberate Israel after the exile. Paradoxically these two figures came to illustrate God’s sovereign freedom. There was a trick question about paying secular taxes. Jesus, however, was not taken aback by the Pharisees’ attempts to discredit him and he silenced them with his answers. The question of taxes paid to Caesar forced the various protagonists to state their positions. Those who favored Herod, the Governor of Galilee, were the Herodians, a group that collaborated with the Romans. Like the Sadducees, they voluntarily paid their taxes to the occupying governor. In contrast, the Pharisees objected. They saw these payments as recognition of an authority, other than God’s, over Israel. Surmising that Jesus would respond with some controversial comment, the Pharisees tried to trick him into making a statement concerning civil and religious legalities. Just as during the time of King Cyrus, Jesus had the situation well in hand and turned the question around so that the answer would reflect each person’s reality. Whose head is this, and whose title? Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s… However, Jesus’ response did not end with these famous words. He flipped the coin and continued: and to God the things that are God’s. With these few words, he opened his questioners’ minds to consider other possibilities. In fact, giving to God the things that are God’s, is for Christ as important as social duties. It is interesting to note that in St. Matthew’s Gospel, the question of taxes immediately follows the parable of the wedding banquet where some guests refused to conform and were excluded. Jesus used the discussion about taxes to help his listeners understand while many may fulfill their civil responsibilities, there are also those who forget God and refuse to welcome his envoy. When Jesus said: give to God the things that are God’s, he referred to the other side of the coin. We receive a double invitation today: one to be faithful and attentive to our duties as citizens within society and another to be faithful to God whose image we cherish since our Baptism. Father Jacques Houle, c.s.v. ____________________________ HE’S OUR MAN: WHY LEONARD COHEN IS SECRETLY ST. PAUL! Come and join us on Wednesday nd Evening, October 22 at 7:00 in our parish as Dr. Matthew Anderson tries to prove that St. Paul has indeed come back, just a little older and funkier!! Dr. Matthew Anderson teaches about St. Paul at Concordia University and the Montreal School of Theology. He has made two documentaries and published numerous works of short fiction, as well as non-fiction. His presentation is sure to be interesting and stimulating! For more information please call Beverley at the parish office. PARISH VITALITY CONFERENCE: Have you Considered registering for the Parish Vitality Conference, to be held at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral, Nov. 13, and Le Nouvel Hotel, Nov. 14-15. Headlining the conference are authors Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran, who, in their 2013 book Rebuilt, describe how their Baltimore parish was thoroughly transformed. In addition to delivering the keynote address, the co-authors will also give four of the 17 “How-To” workshops being offered. The conference schedule, list of workshops and registration information are available in the booknook and online at: If you have any questions you may contact Beverley Wiltsie at the parish or e-mail her at: st CWL GENERAL MEETING will take place on Tuesday, October 21 at St. Veronica’s after the 7:00pm mass. TH NOVEMBER 11 , 2014: In November we honor our veterans by displaying hats/caps on the altar representing their service to this country. If you have a hat/cap of your own or a loved one that you would like to donate, please call Cecile Condon at 514 631-1115. th CARD PARTY: The CWL is hosting a Card Party on Tuesday, October 28 at 12:30pm in the parish hall of th Resurrection of Our Lord parish in Lachine located at 34 - 34 avenue in Lachine. Tickets are $10.00 (lunch included). Tickets will be on sale this weekend after all masses. For tickets and / or information please contact Beate Cloëtta at 514-695-5752 or Rita Roth at 514-631-0589. RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD PARISH: Joint Bazaar Once again we will hold our joint bazaar with Misja Św. Wojciecha i Św. Maksymiliana Church community on Saturday, October 25 and Sunday, October 26 from 10 am – 3 pm (34-34th Ave., Lachine). Jewellery, baked goods, White Elephant table, raffles, and more. The lunch room will be open for snacks and meals throughout the day. All are welcome. Contact Gene at 514-637-2379. CHRISTMAS CARDS: Your family and friends will probably enjoy receiving a Christmas card from you. You may want to look at the catalogues of beautiful, religious, well-priced Christmas cards; and fill out the order form after Mass at the back of the church. The proceeds will be for the education of unprivileged children in Uganda. For info: please, contact Fr. David at 514-426-5593; or 514-213-5778 (cell). th THE AUXILIARY OF ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL will hold its annual fall fair on Thursday, November 6 from 9:30AM until 4PM in the hospital auditorium, (B-309), 3830 Lacombe Avenue. Be an early Christmas shopper! Jewellery, Country Kitchen, Odds & Ends, Handicrafts, Chance Table, Chinese Raffle and more. Lunch will be served. For more information please call Gift Shop at 514 345-3511 ext. 3247. THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND… will be for World Mission Sunday. Please give to the best of your ability. THE COLLECTION LAST WEEKEND … amounted to $2930.00 for the regular collection. Thank you for your generosity.
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