Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 We ponder the kingdom of heaven as a wedding feast. God has great things prepared for those who are invited into the kingdom. But not all those who are invited accept the invitation. And some who accept are not prepared to enter. God’s invitation is gracious and open to all, but we must respond. LITURGICAL MINISTER’S SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5pm Mass October 18th Ems: *Jean Baas, Megan Tullis, Kimberly Husley, Albert Necaise, LoisAnn Necaise Lector:AJ Lizana *Usher/Greeters: *Robert DeLaHunt/Frank Solis Sunday 8am Mass Ems: *Libby Cuevas, Brenda Cole, Rick Cole Lector: Bob Frengel *Usher/Greeters: *Guy Necaise/Shirley Lindsay Sunday 10:30 am Mass Ems: +Karl Koberger, *Joe Abshire, Cindy Simmons, Ron Peterson, Laura Moore Lector: Lex Tootle *Usher/Greeters: *Frank Taylor, Stephen D’Angelo Copies of the schedule for Liturgical Ministers for the month of October are available in the gathering space and on the parish website: Mass Intentions for the week … (To request a Mass – contact the parish office – Mass stipend is $10 and please remember, Fr. Murphy will pray for your intentions on any day …any time…just ask.) Daily Mass is at 8:00 a.m. Monday, October 13th Communion Service Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day Twenty-eighth week in Ordinary Time Tuesday St. Callistus I Mass Intention:+Myra Sumbillo Wednesday St. Teresa of Avila Mass Intention: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament follows mass each Wednesday until 9:30 a.m. Thursday St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; National Boss’ Day Mass Intention: Friday St. Ignatius of Antioch Mass Intention: Saturday St. Luke Mass Intention: +Adola Guidry Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, October 19th 8:00 am Mass Intention: +James Lindsay 10:30 am Mass Intention: 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time $ 9,525.75 Building $ 482.00 St. Vincent DePaul $ 1,486.00 Second Collections: Oct 19 Building Fund Marriage Moment “I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance.” (Ph 4:12) St. Paul gives us this lifestyle wisdom probably earned by receiving hospitality of many different kinds. Does one of you desire more creature comforts than the other? Be flexible. Parenting Pointer If your child has a problem and wants your input, but you are caught off guard, try saying “Tell me more about that.” Or “What do you think you should do?” Responses like this can buy you time and clarify the situation.Works with spouses too. By Susan Vogt I can do all things in him who strengthens me.— Philippians 4:13 Candles and Flowers Mary- Dean Natale Joseph-+Joanna Koberger Sanctuary Candle- +Jerry Williams _______ With Sympathy…..May they Rest in Peace +Marjorie Hollingsworth (grandmother of Matt & Jenny Hollingsworth) +Don Culpepper (brother of Joe Culpepper) +Sarah Corne (mother of Bertha North) +Elaine Cosby (sister of Grace Craig) You may begin to bring in your pictures of loved ones who have died to be placed on display through the month of November. Look for the marked basket. Please put your name and phone number on the back so that we can return them to you. Thanks! Ladies’ Guild Fall Fundraiser! Featuring Jambalaya luncheon and Country Store October 26th 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please join us! Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya, salad, rolls, & dessert – Eat-in or To-go- Advanced Tickets: Adult $8; Child $4 includes – Jambalaya or Macaroni & Cheese on sale after all Masses beginning October 11th Tickets at the Door: Adult $9; Child $5 Come visit the Country Store &, Craft Vendors and Bring home Baked Goods; Preserves; and Candy after all masses Oct 25th & 26th Raffle, Door Prizes Information: Call Barbara 228-697-8281; Wanda 228-831-2761; Chari 228-596-1884 The Guild welcomes and appreciates donations of craft items and baked treats which can be dropped off Saturday, Oct 25th from 8 to 10 a.m. Upcoming…Mark Your Calendar! YOGA every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in Depew Hall. You are welcome to join the group – Buck Lawrence is the instructor. No CYO or class tonight, Oct 12th, for 7-12th grades due to the Sunset retreat. Tuesday, October 14th 11:30 a.m. Monthly Seniors Gathering Rosary & Lunch (all parishioners over 55 are welcome) Flu shots offered by SAAD Healthcare— bring your Medicare card and picture I.D. RCIA and Bible Study 7p.m. DePew Hall th Wednesday, October 15 7 p.m. Parish Council & CHOIR 6:30 p.m. St. Joseph Hall Thursday, October 16th 7 p.m. KC 4th Degree Tuesday, Oct. 21 RCIA & Bible Study DePew Hall Wednesday, Oct. 22 Choir 6:30 p.m. Thursday, October 23rd 7 p.m. Finance Council Meets Saturday, October 25th & 26th Ladies’ Guild Fall Fundraiser (see elsewhere in the bulletin) Sunday, October 26th 5:00 p.m. join the teens of our Parish in a YOUTH LED MASS in recognition of World Youth Day. This will “count” as your weekend mass. 7 p.m. High school seniors meet with Melissa Harwell for 5 sessions on topics geared to life after high school. Other dates November 2, 9 &16 and December 7. All of our high school seniors are encouraged to come. New Parishioners! Weldon and Holly Banks St. Vincent De Paul St Paul gives us a remarkable insight into the daily working out of his personal life. He says "I know how to live without stuff and I know how to live in abundance." There's a secret, he says, in order to live at peace in every circumstance, and that secret is joining oneself to the will of Christ Jesus, who strengthens us in good times and in bad. Without Christ, as Paul mentioned last week, we tend to become quite anxious about the ups and downs of our life. But in Jesus, "all things work together for good." In spite of all the faithfilled insight, however, Paul does insist that "It was kind of you to share in my distress." And that's what we need to remember as we bring food and finances for the poor. We share in the distress of the human family, we alleviate the anxiety, at least for a day, for a week. Please remember to keep our St Joseph Conference food pantry on your grocery list. Plan ahead for the coming holidays to share your abundance with those who have little. Then Christ will be your peace. Food pantry is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. The Knights of Columbus invite you and your family to Trunk ‘n Treat after the 5 p.m. mass Saturday, October 25th. Come with your trunks decorated and ready to hand out treats. Children and their families are invited to come in costume to trick or treat trunk to trunk. Contact Hugh Frazier 228 617-2240 for more information. “A Family That Prays…” A Retreat for Married Couples and their Children (7yrs -18yrs) A Family Thatfood Prays is aispowerful weekend Our parish pantry open Mondays and designed to enrich marriages, family. Spouses Thursdays 9 to 11&a.m. will grow closer in their sacrament while their children will explore a deeper understanding & encounter with God. The retreat culminates on Sunday when families are brought back together for a memorable family experience led by Archbishop Hughes. The retreat is held at the St. Joseph Abbey in Covington and it begins Saturday, November 1st at 8am and ends after lunch on Sunday. If you would like to register or more information, call Jason Angelette at (504) 830-3716 or visit THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW… for the weekends of October, the ushers will take a count of all those in attendance at mass, in response to Bishop Morin’s annual request.
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