CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD No. 164 26th October 2014

No. 164
26th October 2014
3 Thackerays Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4HT
tel. 926 8288
Canon Philip Ziomek BA. BD. VF.
Fr Biju Joseph
Deacon John Wakeling
Schools: Good Shepherd Primary 926 2983:
St Margaret Clitherow Primary 915 0296:
Christ the King 955 6262:
Confessions: Saturday, 10.30 to 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 to 6.15 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday, 12:30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.; Saturday, 5.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
Mass at the Prison Thursday 6.00 p.m. (Chaplain)
Parish Twitter account: @GSChurchNotts
Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
FEASTS: Tuesday; SS Simon & Jude
Saturday 25th/Sunday 26th 2014
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Hugh Healy (anniv)
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; Robert Myers RIP
John Bateson
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; John Garvin RIP
Walter D’Aguiar
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; For the People of the Parish
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; Pat Barton:
Infants; Maggie Tempest:
Pre-School; H Cassidy-De=Falco
Team C: Madame’s Blazewicz-Bell & Byrne & Messrs’ Byrne, Cuming & Steeples
Second Collection today is for Educaid
9.15 a.m. Annie Allen RIP
9.15 a.m.
9.15 a.m. Non this week
9.15 a.m. Monica Guthrie RIP
12.00 p.m. Tony Gallagher RIP
10.00 a.m. Kenneth Lewis RIP (anniv)
6.00 p.m. Non this week.
6.00 p.m. Non this week.
7.30 p.m. Johnnie Warren RIP.
6.00 p.m. Non this week
7.30 p.m. Holy Souls (Peiris)
Next Weekend
Saturday 1st/Sunday 2nd November 2014
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Kevin Bickerstaff RIP
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; Bernard Manley RIP
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; For the People of the parish
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; Barbara Marshall RIP
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; Peter Bruccoleri/Hannah Icke: Infants; Clare Brunton
Team D: Madame’s Coleman & Pacey & Messrs’ Martin & Pacey
Second Collection Next Week; No second collection
Collection last week: £1,759.75
Bill Clarke
Kathleen Bradley
Timothy Dawson
Pre-School; Isabelle Caesar:
Standing Orders: £599.00 Building Fund: £721.37
Thank you
Public Transport: Bus Nos. 25, 56, 57, 58, 59 serve Thackeray’s Lane or Mansfield Road (Vale Hotel) as well as the
“Pronto”; The Calverton Connection. All can be used either way to the City & reverse for the Good Shepherd Church.
“Educaid” We were all of us riveted by the eloquence last
week of the appeal for “Educaid” especially as it touched so
reverently upon the crisis of Ebola in Sierra Leone. We now
have an opportunity this week of personal response. After
being able to think during the week, of the suffering caused
by Ebola and the lack of good education to dispel any myth
surrounding it, we have the opportunity of tangible
support. We shall pass the hat around a second time this
weekend and add it to the £177.00 already received before
sending of the total as a parish gift to offer relief. Thank you
for your continuous generous support.
Wednesday Prayer Group meets next Wednesday 29th
October from 2.00 – 3.00 pm in the Lady Chapel. We
believe prayer changes things and invite you to join us as
we pray for our families, parish, schools and those in need
and to enjoy a time of peace and reflection in God’s
presence. For further information ring Ann on (0115) 960
8513 or Jane on (0115) 926 8645.
Hospital visiting: It would be good to have visitors to the City
Hospital every day of the week. This is Sr. Aine’s ideal. Can you
help? You will be offered training and always have the Hospital
Chaplaincy as ’back up’ and support. Please Contact Sr. Aine direct
on: Mobile 07784 822 946 or landline 0115 975 0197.
Justice and Peace Module of the Catholic Certificate in Religious
Studies Patricia Stoat will be tutoring this. It is open to anybody
who is interested. An outline of the session: The relationship
between the Church and the modern world, basic Church teaching
on; the world of work, the development of peoples, evangelisation
in the modern world. If you would like to join this module, cost
£25, please contact Diane Williams at to
book a place. It will be on Sat. 15th November beginning at
9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m and continues on Mon. 24th November
from 7 p.m. until 9.30 p.m. at the Diocesan Centre.
“A Case 4 Restoration”. Thank you to all who support “off sales”
from the “POP UP” stall, flowers, & the C4R. This week a further
£160.00 was banked to add to the Building Fund.
Congratulations: To all (Governors, Teaching & Support staff,
scholars and all in Christ the King Academy) for the tremendous
achievement of the “on the spot” Ofsted Inspection. A summary
of the report is available in the narthex and the full report now
published. The School had no time to prepare for this inspection
and was found to be a “Good School with some outstanding
qualities”. Check out the detail of teaching and learning,
spirituality and citizenship formation, leadership and
management etc… in the report. Well done to everybody!
First Sacraments: A total of 49 children were enrolled in our
program of First Confession and First Holy Communion at
10 a.m. last Sunday. Slightly down on last year’s 56, but there
may still be one or two not enrolled who attend schools around
the parish. Parents are encouraged to seek out the enrolment
cards in the narthex and return them as soon as possible. Our
next Parents Meeting to prepare for the next celebration is on
Monday, 10th November at 7.00 pm in the Marian Hall and the
children’s celebration with us is the following Sunday’s 10.00 am
Holy Mass. We ask all parishioners to be a support to the First
Sacrament families as we integrated the “little people” into
parish life. A gentle reminder that all Catholic people have an
obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays in thanksgiving to
the Lord unless prevented by travelling, age or infirmity. Let’s all
do our best to show the Lord how much we love Him. A note of
congratulation to Faith Robinson of our parish and of St.
Margaret Clitherow School who received First Holy Communion
at School Mass celebrated by Fr. Philip last Thursday morning.
Baptismal Preparation: All parents seeking baptism in the next
couple of months might avail of Maggie Tempest’s seminar in
the Parish Centre on Sunday afternoon, 16th November at
3.00 p.m. to make arrangements.
Marriage at the Good Shepherd. Already couples are seeking
arrangements for marriage through to 2016. This is very
laudable. Please do remember the Diocese does normally
expect at least six months notice of marriage to be celebrated
Sacramentally in the Church.
Adoration: Our Lord is available for personal prayer each week
on Fridays from 12.30 pm approx.—Divine Mercy at 3.00 pm
and again on Saturdays from 5.30 pm—6.13 pm when
Benediction takes place. Please do enter the Church
immediately if you see Exposition is taking place—especially on
Saturday evenings—to obtain the Solemn Blessing of our Divine
Saviour. Our personal devotion to the Lord should make us
hasten in rather than waiting in the porch/narthex.
The Heat is on! Did you know that heating the Church during
the winter months varies from £300/£400 per week? Please
help by closing doors (not propped back) and unnecessary lights
turned off! Thank you. We hope to change to Gas next year.
Eucharistic Ministers: We welcome five new ministers who have
attended and shared the preparation weekends for this ministry
at “The Briars” over the last few weekends. The commissioning
of new Eucharistic Ministers by the diocese will take place at the
Cathedral on 15th November. All are welcome to share this Holy
Mass of Commissioning and welcome of the Ministers into the
parish Community. We hope that all of our Eucharistic Ministers
will be able to share the special Vespers & Benediction on
Monday, 1st December at 7.00 p.m. followed by collation and
meeting in the parish centre to welcome new ministers to the
Parish Pastoral Team and support all of our ministers with
response to any difficulties.
Thank you to our Vergers: Yes without them we wouldn’t have
a welcome at the door, assistance to find comfort zones, hymn
books and leaflets, the welcome of the stranger, assurance of
Offertory Processions, the Finance Ministry would suffer as they
ensure collection arrangements etc.. So it is vital. Could you be a
“welcomer”. Please do think about it.
Appreciation: At the recent clergy meeting of Arnold Churches
Together, appreciation was expressed through Fr. Philip of the
tremendous generosity of the People of the Good Shepherd in
support of the Food Bank. We readily pass on this appreciation
to you the good people.
November: A month of Solemn Commemoration of the Holy
Souls. Please ensure your November Remembrance envelopes
are return for inclusion in the daily prayers and Masses of the
Community during this month. The 2nd November is our visit
day to Red Hill Cemetery at 2.45 p.m. and commemoration
continues with support for the bereaved as we share
“Commemoration Sunday” on the 16th at 2.45 p.m. The
ceremony of Commemoration and Bereavement Support is
followed by afternoon tea refreshment.
Bereavement Support: Our next meeting is on Monday, 3rd
November at 2.30 p.m. in the Gilbert Room. Can we support you
by presence, listening and sharing in the pain of bereavement?
Be assured of confidentiality without intrusion and be
welcomed to join us.
The Good Shepherd Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy The
Governors are seeking to appoint a KS 2 Class Teacher. A
temporary appointment of two terms until July 2015. For
further details please contact the school office. Email:
Lectors (Readers): Can we encourage more to take up this Tel: 0115 9262983 The
ministry. Proclaiming the Word to make it “alive and active” is
closing date for applications Is NOON on Friday 31st October.
indeed laudable. We hope to arrange training sessions to assist
both existing and new lectors to greater confidence. This will Year of Consecrated Life: The call to celibacy, although in
support the tremendous dignity owned to the Sacred Scriptures Western Europe not often heard these days, is as valid today as
by the full use of Sound Systems in the projection of the voice, ever. As a reminder of its value in witnessing to the Kingdom of
while all Lectors should ensure that they have checked the Heaven, the Church invites a “Year of Consecrated Life” to be
readings before Holy Mass and that the appropriate lectionary celebrated beginning on the First Sunday of Advent. Another
is opened on the correct page. Lectors should also familiarise avenue for us to value our Religious and priests surely!
themselves with the Bidding Prayers before Holy Mass begins. Good Shepherd Swimming Gala. Support for the “Swimathon”
To support this a copy will be available on the notice board at gathers pace and anyone can join in either by swimming or
the back of the Church each week. Our dialogue in the Word of supporting sponsorship. See the desk in the narthex. Indication
God is supported by the homily in its lived experience when we has been given that a lady would love to join in but is not
leave the Church. Please note; We are already preparing next available on the 16th November to be at Carlton Forum baths.
year’s Readers List. We cannot make changes during the course Simple: seek sponsorship (forms available at the back of the
of the year so we need to know in the next few weeks of any Church), find a personal commodore to verify your swim and
new readers or definite information about people who have left commit to a number of lengths. Fulfil your promise around the
the parish or who fail to turn up on their day.
day and time and you will be joining in. Well done everybody!