CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY & ST. PETER LEATHERHEAD Divine Office: Week 2 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Readings: Cycle A SACRED LITURGY Exposition of The Most Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 7.30—8 pm Saturdays 10.30—11.00 am THE SPIRIT OF CATHOLICISM: CONTEMPLATION & COMPASSION, COURTESY & COURAGE ‘Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God’. Micah 6:8 Vespers & Benediction Sundays 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 10.30 - 11.00 am Ever seeking a Grace-filled culture of love. Parish Priest: Address: 26TH OCTOBER 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2015 CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2015 NOVENA FOR THE HOLY SOULS The Novena for the Holy Souls will be observed The first session for the Candidates is Wednesday 5th November 2014 5pm Parish Meeting Room PREPARING FOR THE DIOCESAN SILVER JUBILEE There will be a meeting in the Parish Room this coming Monday 27th October at 10.15am (after morning Mass) 27th October—The Body of Christ 5 November—The Universal Call to Holiness 12 November—The Eschatological Dimension of the Church 19 November—Mary Model of the Church Christmas Cards are now on sale in the Repository From 2nd-10th November Our Catechetical programme for Confirmation will commence on Thursday 20th November 2014 Parish Meeting Room 7pm Prior to that there will be a meeting for Parents and Confirmation Candidates on Thursday 6th November 2014 in the Parish Meeting Room at 6.30pm Candidates should be rising Fourteens (Year 10). Please collect an application form from the children’s bookcase in the Church Vestibule and return to the Presbytery. ALL SOULS’ DAY Monday 3rd November 2014 Holy Mass 7am 12.30pm & 7pm Put CHRIST back into CHRISTmas by sending only Christian Christmas Cards and Advent Calendars! The collection on Sunday 19th October was £966.47. Mass attendance was 392. The Revd Fr. Michael K. Masterson OBE The Presbytery, Garlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7EZ Tel: 01372 372278 Fax: 01372 813384 Email: Website: Collections and Mass Attendance Please place your list of deceased relatives and friends, together with your Mass Offering, in the envelope enclosed with last week’s Newsletter and return to the Presbytery. Thank You. Day OCT SUN 26TH Saint/Feast THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TUES 28TH “CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EVENING” Thursday 13th November 2014 6.30pm-8.30pm Lots of fabulous gifts and grand raffle Stalls include The Book People, Clothes & Handbags, Christmas Cakes, Jewellery, Stocking Fillers and much more Entrance £2—Adults Refreshments available SUNDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2014 IS BLESSING OF THE GRAVES The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. at 2pm Randalls Park Cemetery The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Trust is a Registered Charity No.252878 There is a Parish Council Meeting this coming Tuesday 28th October at 7.30pm in the Presbytery. Intentions etc. 8.30 am Michael Mundy RIP 10.00 am Thelma Brown RIP 6.00 pm Mary Murtagh RIP MON 27TH 9.15 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Joseph Hoskins RIP—5th Anniversary STS SIMON & JUDE APOSTLES 9.15 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am David Cussen RIP (F) THUR 30TH NO MASS FRI 31ST NO MASS 9.45 am Morning Prayer 10.00 am In Thanksgiving Pat & Brian Harris, Family & Friends 10.30 am Exposition & Confessions NOV SAT 1ST SUN 2ND ALL SAINTS DAY 8.30 am Novena for the Holy Souls 10.00 am Novena for the Holy Souls 6.00 pm Novena for the Holy Souls MINISTRIES OF SERVICE — Sunday 2nd November 2014 8.30 am The retiring collection for World Mission Sunday was £338.07. Next Sunday there will be a retiring collection for The Retired Priests’ Fund. Parish Gift Envelopes may be used. From The Fathers …………... Heart, Mind & Soul NO MASS WED 29TH ST PETER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL are holding their Annual Time 10.00 am 6.00 pm Reader 1 Reader 2 Jim Lowther Margaret Waghorn Cathy Smith Michael Lockyer Katherine Montgomery Michael Holder-Williams Special Ministers Allister Piggott Veronica Evans Peter Dempsey James Ashdown Maura Quinn Tara Lohn Welcomers Alex & Paddy Lagarejos Anne Dwyer & Val Joanna & Robert Wojik Ellis Worthy is he, confirmed in all his gifts, who exults in the wisdom of God, having a heart full of the love of God, and a soul completely enlightened by the lamp of knowledge and a mind filled with the word of God. It follows then that all such gifts truly come from God. He would understand that all thee law and the prophets are in some way part of the wisdom and knowledge of God. He would understand that all the law and the prophets depend upon and adhere to the principle of the love of the Lord God and of neighbour an that the perfection of piety consists in love. St Origen of Alexandria (200-254) Please pray for those who are sick or housebound: Rodney Bligh & Edward Rooney Counters FLOWERS FOR SUNDAY CHILDREN’S LITURGY 2nd November Norah Doyle & Ann Healey 2nd November Jackie Williams 9thNovember Valerie Howard 9th November Julie McLarnon COFFEE CLEANING-Week Commencing 2nd November Ted Ball 3rd November Frank & Jean Prestwich 9th November Kathy Capus 10th November Norah Doyle & Ann Healy If you wish to add or remove any names on this list please contact Patricia in the Parish Office. Prayerfully Remembering our dead. Anniversaries at this time: Thomas Moylan, Patricia Greathurst, Donald Ward, Barbara Moylan, Anne Beestone, Robert Walsh, Elizabeth Worsfold, Grace Gibson
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