Tel: 514107
E.mail: frpaul@ourladyoflourdesparish.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Chipchase
thirtieth week of ordinary time (A)
26th October 2014
6.30 pm
Frances Donnelly (Murray)
8.00 am (GMT) Doreen Monaghan RIP (Bernadette & Peter)
10.00 am (GMT) People of the Parish
Today we welcome Noah McGuinn into the church
9.30 am
Giovanni Ciraudo & Maris Palmieri RIP
9.30 am
Margaret Tiernon (Collins)
SS Simon & Jude
9.30 am
Chrissie O’Connor (return to good health) (Barnes)
9.30 am
Bob Neville RIP (Shaffery)
6.15 pm
6.30 pm
Evening Prayer of the church
James Fleming RIP
9.30 am
Rita Woodman RIP
Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)
6.30 pm
Intentions of Paul & Pauline Rose.
8.00 am
People of the Parish
10.00 am
Patrick Kelly RIP
Coffee after Mass. All welcome.
Food Bank Collection after weekend Masses this weekend. See
News & Events.
C.T.U. 6—8.00 pm.
Coffee after Mass. All welcome.
Outreach meeting in the back room of the Parish Centre
7.30 pm.
Next Sunday:
Coffee after Mass. All welcome.
Norah Baumberger, John Tasney, Margaret Carless, Jonathan Shannan
Dorothy Griffiths, Nora Sanders, Alan Stanhope, Maureen Donoghue
Fr Jim Daly, Peggy Oulsam
This week:
Next week:
Sat. 6.30 pm.
J. & S. Rimmer
J. Wickerson
This week:
Next week:
8.00 am.
W. Dimech
P. Gallear
Mrs Fazekas, Mr Derry
Mr & Mrs Brayshaw
Offertory Sat. Mass:
This week:
Next week:
O’Connor family
Rimmer family
Offertory Sun. Mass:
This week:
Next week:
Sczomak family
Norman family
Cleaners: (15)
Coffee after Mass:
Lynn Corden, Eileen Sterling, Mary Kelly, Angela Palmer
This week:
Next week:
Knights of St Columba
Cundy family
10.00 am.
B. Drummond
P. Tivenan
Women on Wednesday are invited to Mickleover Methodist’s Women’s Fellowship Open Day on Tues.
28th Oct. at 2.30pm in their Church Centre,. The speaker will be Monica Sanders, President of Methodist
Women in Britain. All welcome.
Food Bank The next collection will be this weekend (25th/26th Oct.) All the usual donations are needed
please. Members of the CTU will be on hand to accept your kind donations at each of the Masses. Thank
November Dead List Purple forms for the Dead list are available from the Gathering Area. Please return
the forms along with your offering if you wish to the Presbytery as soon as possible. The names will be
displayed near the altar during the month of November. As we have a backlog of Mass requests still to be
celebrated within the Parish the November dead list Masses will celebrated elsewhere.
Outreach meeting -Thurs. Oct.30th at 7.30pm, everyone welcome. The allocation of the proceeds of the
Christmas Fair money will be discussed,. Please submit bids in time for the meeting.
faith in families if there are any box holders who require their box emptying please contact Ann Shaffery
- 523898..
Missio red boxes. Please bring your Missio red boxes to church over weekends 25th/26th Oct. to be
emptied. Sue Hinchliff will be in the Gathering Area after all masses to receive them and they will be
returned to church the following week. This is the final collection of the year, so all your offerings count!
Thank you for your generosity in supporting missions overseas.
Youth Worker Vacancy The Catholic parishes of the city of Derby are looking for a Youth Worker.
Closing date Mon. 3rd Nov. See notice board.
CTOG Alternative Christmas Market is being held in All Saints Church Centre on Sat. 8th Nov. from
10 - 12 noon. Gift lists and orders forms are available in the Gathering Area.
New Readers’ Rota Thank you very much to all those who read at Mass.A new Readers' Rota is being
prepared, which will begin on the First Sunday of Advent.We always welcome new readers to share in
this important ministry, so please do think about whether you could join us, or alternatively if you would
prefer to step down from the list, please contact Melanie Finch on 01283 701245, or
finchmelanie@yahoo.co.uk before 9th November please.
Mickleover Live at Home are holding a Christmas Fayre in the Methodist Church Centre, Station Road
on Sat. 15th November from 11.00am - 1.00pm. See poster.
Our Christmas Fair will be on Sunday 7th December. As usual we are requesting your generous
donations for the stalls please. Please bring items to the Presbytery or place them in the box which will be
in the in the Gathering Area soon.
Remembrance Sunday This year’s Remembrance Sunday Services are special, as we reach the
centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. We will be hosting both services after the cenotaph this
year, in church and in the Parish Centre, because All Saints church is being refurbished. .
Liturgy for deceased members of the Parish will be held on Sunday 9th Nov. at 6.00 pm. All our deceased
will be remembered but due to time constraints only those listed in our parish register of funerals during the
last 25 years will be read out.
faith in families There will be a collection for items which can be included in Christmas food and toy
Hampers which are distributed by faith in families to vulnerable families across the Nottingham Diocese. To
enable any donations to reach them so that the hampers can be packed and distributed in time for
Christmas the collection will be over w/end 15th/16th November. A list of the items being requested is on the
notice board and there will be a box for your kind donations.
First Holy Communion 2015 Children who will be 8 or over in the coming school year and have attended the
pre-communion year at Sunday School or attend Catholic schools are eligible for their First Holy Communion
on Sunday 14th June 2015. Parents who think that their children are ready for the sacrament and who are
willing to participate in the necessary preparation programme themselves are invited to write to Fr. Paul stating
their wishes and commitment by weekend (15th/16th November).
Operation Christmas Child the shoe box appeal is being co-ordinated by the Co-Workers. Please take a
leaflet from the Gathering Area. Enquiries to Mary-Anne Lillie (513754). Please return your boxes by Sun.
23rd Nov.
A Families and Faith Diocesan Day takes place on 22nd Nov. at Christ The King Voluntary Academy,
Arnold, Nottingham from 10.00am to 4.00pm with Guest Speaker Bishop John Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop
of Westminster) who will talk about issues raised at the Family Life Synod in Rome. The Cost of day is £12.00
to include lunch. Booking forms available from the notice board or formation@nrcdt.org.uk,
CTOG will again be providing carol singers for the ‘Our Mickleover’ Christmas Fair being held on Sun. 30th
Nov. If you would like to volunteer to come & sing please put your name on the list in the Gathering Area. If
anyone would like to be liaison for OLoL and the organisers please contact the Presbytery Mon. Wed. or Fri.
Confirmation 2015 will be celebrated here on Friday 23rd October 2015. All young people in Year 8 and
upwards on that date, who have been baptised are eligible to be confirmed. Please complete an application
form (pale blue) from the Gathering Area if you wish to be confirmed and return it to the Presbytery a.s.a.p.
CTOG are organising a Nativity week (from 25th to the 28th November). children will visit the other churches
with their local schools but we are hosting tea and videos on Sat. 29th the afternoon.
Madge Bourne would like to thank all those kind people whoto hear her talk at Women on Wednesday and
generously gave a total of £100. This money has been sent to the Derby and South Derbyshire Alzheimer’s